As the old saying goes, the first casualty of war is truth.
The perfectly timed Ukrainian invasion happens to most conveniently serve as an effective catalyst for discharging the untenable debt supercycle, justify the coming global financial collapse that will make 2008 look like a Disneyland outing, exacerbate the global supply chain breakdown narratives, distract from the “vaccine” induced surging mortality, and so on and so forth. Also, this was and continues to be an excellent driver and cover for the monumental black ops money laundering.
The second casualty of war is dead human beings.
In today’s ongoing global depopulation program dead white Christian Ukrainians and Russians are not just a net positive check for the One World Government neo-Malthusian technocrats that orchestrate these bogus wars, but a hugely important mission objective. This kind of race specific Eastern European culling was always the plan, well before the CIA executed their 2014 Ukraine coup.
Living through the “trust the science” socially engineered post-truth world was just the setup for all of the other psyops currently in play; despite this, the facts may still be arranged into an accurate picture of reality. Circumnavigating the Mockingbird Media, “fact checkers,” and the various “experts” and going straight to the people with with vast experience and real world knowledge like Colonel Doug Macgregor allows us to see exactly what is being perpetrated.
According to Col Macgregor:
Putin has now amassed forces in the east that will be deployed at any moment, and will rapidly crush what is left of the Ukrainian forces
Putin has warned that all NATO cells comprised of operates that are not in military uniform will be targeted and eradicated
NATO nation states are in disagreement over this proxy war, and the institution is fracturing
The Biden regime is waging a proxy war without the necessary Congressional vote
The Biden regime travelled to Ukraine (not Ohio) for optics ahead of Putin’s speech — this gesture backfired
The Ukrainian army is daily suffering severe losses, with soldier morale imploding
Biden’s guarantee of hundreds of tanks, weapons and ammunition is a blatant lie
Putin has postponed the nuclear treaty, but is open to revisiting it when NATO aggression ceases.
The Ukrainians military, their stay behind NAZI networks like the Azov battalion and their gay actor CIA-installed puppet president are finished. But that is incidental to the sociopathic central planners, because to them the longer the war drags the greater the depopulation and the more the money (human life force [i.e. work productivity and wealth]) is laundered; therefore, the illegitimate Federal government that is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People will continue their partial proxy spectrum kinetic war against Ukrainians and Russians alike until the very bitter end.
And the Mockingbird media assets continue to shill hard:

Let’s not forget what Bidenenko & co. perpetrated against their NATO “allies” and Russia:
Reality is anything you can get away with.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
If the latest bizarre happenings haven’t convinced you that they are deliberately trying to kill us and our country, I don’t know what will. Think about it. Train derailment with a toxic chemical wherein the worst thing you could do is burn the resultant spill. What do they do….light the chemical on fire and contaminate thousands of miles with the resultant byproduct. They ignore result of the environmental catastrophe and fight tooth and nail so that they don’t have to send any money to help a small American town out. Yet they throw billions of dollars at a war that is half way around the world.
Agree with MacGregor all points. As a grad (24 years before MacGregor), I can see that some USMA grads sadly parrot the narrative , independent of reality or consequences, or find it convenient for retirement considerations, e.g., Joint Chairman Milley' and Secty of Defense Austin.
They don’t acknowledge our US role, e.g., insuring Ukraine war as part of our long term standing objective of breaking up the Russia Federation (previous USSR) from its 21 Republics in order to remove all the Republics’ Federation natural resources from Russian control, leaving Russia a non-player and allowing US access to the Republic’s rich natural resources. We planned and forced the Ukraine War, not Russia, as part of this strategy.