Blame BOTH. Both are guilty of complicity in crimes against humanity.
Put yourself in the shoes of a man who has lost everything. His business, his savings, his home...all gone in the aftermath of the plandemic.
His wife and at least one child are already in their graves. Most of his family members, friends and neighbors are either dead or dying. He will never have grandchildren, because his remaining kids have been sterilized by the Deathvax™️...that is, if his multi-jabbed children survive at all.
He has nothing left to lose. Literally, not one thing. What WON’T this man do to exact retribution, when he inevitably learns who was complicit in these crimes?...or rather which CLASS OF PEOPLE were collaborators in destroying his world.
This man is one of millions of men and women who have been driven to the edge of despair. Their burning anger and thirst for revenge is what keeps them going. Can you blame them, after what was inflicted upon them by their fellow human beings?
Multiply this man by 100,000,000 men and women in similar circumstances. It stands to reason that these survivors will realize they are not alone in their grief and sorrow. They will network. Many will have ex-military backgrounds. They have skills.
If we fail to punish severely - in a very graphic and public fashion - every last depraved apparatchik who colluded in the extermination of over half of human kind, we are looking at at least a decade of violent vigilante justice the likes of which the United States has not seen since the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression...A decade is a CONSERVATIVE estimate.
There is no choice. Justice must be served. BOTH groups - the perpetrators AND the collaborators - must be SEEN TO SUFFER the most severe punishment possible under Rule of Law. In fact, it is likely new punitive laws will have to be passed to account for the unprecedented nature of these depraved Crimes Against Humanity.
The punishments MUST fit the crime...or peace will never return to our country.
Imagine you have a daughter that has been hypnotized on stage into thinking she is a chicken. Do you blame her for acting like a chicken? The hypnotist tells her to throw the stick into the audience of dogs. She grabs the stick and throws it to the dogs but the stick is actually a small bomb and the dogs are people including friends and family.
I agree. That's why it seems to me that it is a form of hypnosis, because so many highly intelligent and studious people are just not seeing what is right in front of their noses, staring them in the face.
It doesn't benefit them socially or financially to see what is right in front of their noses. They've chosen personal comfort and financial stability over what is the right thing to do. When life is "good" and rewarding, one can easily delude oneself and put blinders on. Without the moral standards of Christianity, it's exceedingly difficult to give up their cozy career at these highly paid government jobs -- to give all one's riches away to follow the right path, as the rich man found out in Mark, chapter 10.
I don't doubt what you've said. Is this person you describe yourself? If so, I am very sorry for your loss and entirely understand your outrage. It's natural to want to exact justice and blame anyone associated with this despicable crime against humanity. But we have to be careful where the blame lies.
I say it lies in "knowingly." Anyone who "knowingly" persists in perpetrating the lies is culpable and deserves the harshest punishment.
But anyone who unknowingly has participated (even though that may seem hard to believe that anyone could STILL be blind or brainwashed), and then that person learns the horrifying truth about what they've done, and then stops -- my spiritual belief says you forgive those people. They have to live the rest of their lives with the sick knowledge of what they have done, even out of ignorance. That is a terrible punishment for "good hearted" people who have been deceived by evil people using their goodness against them, manipulating them to be servants of evil.
Dani, this “person I describe” is not myself. My misfortunes during these past four horrific years are minor by comparison.
However, it does describe the parlous fate of tens of millions of your fellow Americans. At the close of this decade, I have little doubt it will describe the overwhelming majority of the citizens of this nation...because they will have been targeted repeatedly with bioweapons, weather manipulation, orchestrated food shortages and worse.
Spare a thought for how your fellow Americans’ carefully-ordered careers and personal lives have been systematically dismantled by democidal psychopaths with money, influence and power. The highly-skilled, hard-working middle class, who epitomize self-discipline and delayed gratification, are being intentionally impoverished.
Tens of millions of your fellow Americans have been deemed a cancer on the planet by depraved globalists. They have been targeted for extermination for merely existing. How many more millions have to die before you truly empathize with their plight...and point the finger of blame at those responsible at EVERY level of complicity???
The time for prioritizing politeness, sociability decorum is over. You don’t extent the benefit of the doubt to murderers who are hellbent on snuffing out your life and the lives of everyone you care about. Those are luxury concepts we can no longer afford. In point of fact, we can no longer afford to indulge these ideas, since the psychopaths in charge are deliberately destroying the currency and the economy of our once abundant and prosperous country.
The die has been cast, the paradigm has changed and there is no going back. It is a certainty, at this point, that billions of human beings will perish. To survive, everyone who refused the Deathvax™️ must adapt...starting with PERCEPTION.
If enough of us who are awakened to the evil in play SHAME these collaborators, perhaps their comfortable little worlds will experience some jarring moments. No one likes to be told in public, "Shame on you for the part you played regarding these Covid death jabs. You've stuck your heads in the sand far too long when the evidence of the intentional genocide can no longer be ignored. Shame!" Our society used to use shame to keep people from the kinds of behavior wholly damaging to society -- theft, rape, murder, etc. Now, we use excuses for them. Oh, they grew up poor. Oh, they were from a single-parent family. Oh, they were beaten as children. Oh, he's simply a minor-attracted person, not a pedophile. We need to bring back shaming to our communities.
Unfortunately, the personality disordered (narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths) have zero empathy. They are unable to feel shame.
The closest to shame they experience is embarrassment at being called out publicly. That embarrassment disappears once the situation has concluded. The personality disordered have no genuine capacity for remorse. They do not possess a conscience to be troubled.
Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are attracted to positions of status and power. They understand on an intellectual level that the pain they intend to inflict upon unsuspecting victims and the crimes they intend to commit are regarded by normal people as wrong.
For that reason, they are careful to surround themselves with similarly personality-disordered individuals. It’s no exaggeration to say that those who successfully climb the greasy pole in most organizations have demonstrated personality-disordered traits.
They’ve shown their superiors that they are willing to turn a blind eye to malfeasance and that they care nothing for the consequences suffered by those they set out to injure. Most will regard their victims as dim-witted inferiors who got what was coming to them.
Not only are such malevolent individuals promoted, they are sought out and cultivated by their personality-disordered superiors in the workplace.
Gradually, the personality-disordered have come to dominate decision-making positions, especially those managing funding in the hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$. As always, understanding their nefarious activities requires following the money. The personality-disordered are nothing if not greedy.
Imagine that every government agency, the entire “justice” system, every professional organization, every health care facility and every academic institution has been captured by the personality-disordered and their willing accomplices. To survive and thrive within those organizations, you must have no scruples whatsoever. No questions may be asked. In all situations, the ends justify the means.
Now do you understand how every organized group in this country was subverted to introduce policies conducive to mass murder? Under the guise of “health care”, no less??
This was done entirely by design and most likely, plotted out over several centuries. You don’t need to be a person of faith or of any faith at all to sense demonic involvement in these depraved machinations.
If you are a person who prays, pray incessantly for the guilty to suffer the wrath of the Creator and the slaughtered innocents to be avenged.
Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are often human predators).
I was referring to the NIH "nice people" that Dani was referencing -- the ones who are NOT psychopaths, but are willfully blind to their being the highly compartmentalized means by which the psychopaths in charge carry out their evil.
Even the allegedly “nice” people must be personality disordered to a degree. It’s a spectrum, at the end of the day. It’s not static, either, but rather influenced by environment and opportunity.
If they weren’t personality disordered, they wouldn’t stay in their jobs. They would switch careers and likely, surreptitiously spread the word about what they experienced in their former workplace. They wouldn’t be able to justify to themselves working for an organization they know from personal experience to be corrupt and nefarious. Not if they have a conscience - which narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths lack entirely.
Those who stay for decades to climb the greasy pole and do the bidding of the more extreme narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the furthest thing from “nice”. They are equally complicit and thus, culpable. Do not be deceived by superficial appearances.
Agreed. It was Dani who described them as "nice". The higher these willfully ignorant "nice" people go up the ladder, as you say, the more they have to deceive themselves that they are still benefitting society. At some point, they may simply decide that their lives are too financially rewarding, and so they huddle further behind their blinders and deceive themselves further. The road to evil is wide and slippery, but they weren't psychopaths to begin with (one is BORN a psychopath -- their brain scans show some very interesting differences from "normal" people).
If these things you assert become their sole animating motive, "their burning anger and thirst for revenge" will turn every victim into their enemies, as they become the killer of (mostly ignorant) killers. They will expedite the blood-thirsty end-times conflagration prophecies, and give the globalists exactly what they want: A very profitable HOT civil war that will yield the depopulation and social transformation they seek to help them meet their Agenda 2030 and Georgia Guidestone bench-marks. I doubt you are consciously attempting to make their jobs easier for them in your prognostications.
So long as the blue-pilled normies can't see that they are acting as the (structural) fascists, they will continue to see their enemy counter-parts, such as the alt-right, the conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, etc. as the (aesthetic) fascists, and we will have the perfect formula for total mutual annihilation, wherein nobody can hear their enemy, learn they are both victims, and see their common cause to defeat the actual enemy. The solution is a transformation of consciousness achieved through a breaking down of tribalism, not achieved by driving each partisan deeper into their convictions. The solution involves helping them to turn the TV off, learn that what it tells them about their enemy is untrue, and learn to see the colonization of their minds by corporate/military controlled Social Networking. Who they are now is not them. They can't even see that they are not remotely liberal any longer, though they continue to self-identify with that name and shovel Woke Supremacy in its name.
I assert that the same pitfall of tribalism goes for the awakened red-pilled crowd who veer Christian and insist that their enemies are the devils, the anti-christs, the satanists. These are very unhelpful projections that will lead us all to hell. (Satan is a deity from the Christian pantheon, and every Satanist is a Christian, and technically vice-versa, even if they differ on the valence of their deities.) Read Frederic Martel's "In the Closet of the Vatican" if you are satisfied with the syllogism that Christians are the Good Guys(tm). And if you say, "the real christians, not the Catholics," well you should be aware that in 2016 and 2017 All Souls addresses delivered at Lutheran churches, the Jesuit Pope announced that "The Reformation is Over," and "Ecumenism is No Longer Optional," effectively saying "You're all mine now." I'm sure his Public Private Partners in Stakeholder Capitalist circles agree and will help to affirm it in practice, by force if necessary.
"No Mercy, No Excuses, No Exceptions" are expressions symbolic of the "Fascism" that the Brainwashed expect to see in us. We must heal from our anger and our losses if we expect to survive this, especially if we wish to see anything resembling a broader healing of the world's increasing horrors.
The Golden Rule, friend, must animate us. I ask you to reflect on these things, and please appreciate that I completely understand the source and thrust of your feeling. In analysis you are correct; in strategy and tactic you defeat yourself and sacrifice your better angels on the altar of righteousness. (I'm a Lebowskian Dudeist, not an atheist, nor a Christian in the slightest, but I think you get my drift.)
Blame BOTH. Both are guilty of complicity in crimes against humanity.
Put yourself in the shoes of a man who has lost everything. His business, his savings, his home...all gone in the aftermath of the plandemic.
His wife and at least one child are already in their graves. Most of his family members, friends and neighbors are either dead or dying. He will never have grandchildren, because his remaining kids have been sterilized by the Deathvax™️...that is, if his multi-jabbed children survive at all.
He has nothing left to lose. Literally, not one thing. What WON’T this man do to exact retribution, when he inevitably learns who was complicit in these crimes?...or rather which CLASS OF PEOPLE were collaborators in destroying his world.
This man is one of millions of men and women who have been driven to the edge of despair. Their burning anger and thirst for revenge is what keeps them going. Can you blame them, after what was inflicted upon them by their fellow human beings?
Multiply this man by 100,000,000 men and women in similar circumstances. It stands to reason that these survivors will realize they are not alone in their grief and sorrow. They will network. Many will have ex-military backgrounds. They have skills.
If we fail to punish severely - in a very graphic and public fashion - every last depraved apparatchik who colluded in the extermination of over half of human kind, we are looking at at least a decade of violent vigilante justice the likes of which the United States has not seen since the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression...A decade is a CONSERVATIVE estimate.
There is no choice. Justice must be served. BOTH groups - the perpetrators AND the collaborators - must be SEEN TO SUFFER the most severe punishment possible under Rule of Law. In fact, it is likely new punitive laws will have to be passed to account for the unprecedented nature of these depraved Crimes Against Humanity.
The punishments MUST fit the crime...or peace will never return to our country.
No mercy.
No excuses.
No exceptions of any kind.
Imagine you have a daughter that has been hypnotized on stage into thinking she is a chicken. Do you blame her for acting like a chicken? The hypnotist tells her to throw the stick into the audience of dogs. She grabs the stick and throws it to the dogs but the stick is actually a small bomb and the dogs are people including friends and family.
Sorry, but willful ignorance is vastly different from being hypnotized.
I agree. That's why it seems to me that it is a form of hypnosis, because so many highly intelligent and studious people are just not seeing what is right in front of their noses, staring them in the face.
It doesn't benefit them socially or financially to see what is right in front of their noses. They've chosen personal comfort and financial stability over what is the right thing to do. When life is "good" and rewarding, one can easily delude oneself and put blinders on. Without the moral standards of Christianity, it's exceedingly difficult to give up their cozy career at these highly paid government jobs -- to give all one's riches away to follow the right path, as the rich man found out in Mark, chapter 10.
Yes to that in the cases where people go along for fear of impaired luxury.
Plato's cave allegory comes to mind.
I don't doubt what you've said. Is this person you describe yourself? If so, I am very sorry for your loss and entirely understand your outrage. It's natural to want to exact justice and blame anyone associated with this despicable crime against humanity. But we have to be careful where the blame lies.
I say it lies in "knowingly." Anyone who "knowingly" persists in perpetrating the lies is culpable and deserves the harshest punishment.
But anyone who unknowingly has participated (even though that may seem hard to believe that anyone could STILL be blind or brainwashed), and then that person learns the horrifying truth about what they've done, and then stops -- my spiritual belief says you forgive those people. They have to live the rest of their lives with the sick knowledge of what they have done, even out of ignorance. That is a terrible punishment for "good hearted" people who have been deceived by evil people using their goodness against them, manipulating them to be servants of evil.
I see a difference.
Dani, this “person I describe” is not myself. My misfortunes during these past four horrific years are minor by comparison.
However, it does describe the parlous fate of tens of millions of your fellow Americans. At the close of this decade, I have little doubt it will describe the overwhelming majority of the citizens of this nation...because they will have been targeted repeatedly with bioweapons, weather manipulation, orchestrated food shortages and worse.
Spare a thought for how your fellow Americans’ carefully-ordered careers and personal lives have been systematically dismantled by democidal psychopaths with money, influence and power. The highly-skilled, hard-working middle class, who epitomize self-discipline and delayed gratification, are being intentionally impoverished.
Tens of millions of your fellow Americans have been deemed a cancer on the planet by depraved globalists. They have been targeted for extermination for merely existing. How many more millions have to die before you truly empathize with their plight...and point the finger of blame at those responsible at EVERY level of complicity???
The time for prioritizing politeness, sociability decorum is over. You don’t extent the benefit of the doubt to murderers who are hellbent on snuffing out your life and the lives of everyone you care about. Those are luxury concepts we can no longer afford. In point of fact, we can no longer afford to indulge these ideas, since the psychopaths in charge are deliberately destroying the currency and the economy of our once abundant and prosperous country.
The die has been cast, the paradigm has changed and there is no going back. It is a certainty, at this point, that billions of human beings will perish. To survive, everyone who refused the Deathvax™️ must adapt...starting with PERCEPTION.
I understand where you are coming from.
If enough of us who are awakened to the evil in play SHAME these collaborators, perhaps their comfortable little worlds will experience some jarring moments. No one likes to be told in public, "Shame on you for the part you played regarding these Covid death jabs. You've stuck your heads in the sand far too long when the evidence of the intentional genocide can no longer be ignored. Shame!" Our society used to use shame to keep people from the kinds of behavior wholly damaging to society -- theft, rape, murder, etc. Now, we use excuses for them. Oh, they grew up poor. Oh, they were from a single-parent family. Oh, they were beaten as children. Oh, he's simply a minor-attracted person, not a pedophile. We need to bring back shaming to our communities.
Unfortunately, the personality disordered (narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths) have zero empathy. They are unable to feel shame.
The closest to shame they experience is embarrassment at being called out publicly. That embarrassment disappears once the situation has concluded. The personality disordered have no genuine capacity for remorse. They do not possess a conscience to be troubled.
Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are attracted to positions of status and power. They understand on an intellectual level that the pain they intend to inflict upon unsuspecting victims and the crimes they intend to commit are regarded by normal people as wrong.
For that reason, they are careful to surround themselves with similarly personality-disordered individuals. It’s no exaggeration to say that those who successfully climb the greasy pole in most organizations have demonstrated personality-disordered traits.
They’ve shown their superiors that they are willing to turn a blind eye to malfeasance and that they care nothing for the consequences suffered by those they set out to injure. Most will regard their victims as dim-witted inferiors who got what was coming to them.
Not only are such malevolent individuals promoted, they are sought out and cultivated by their personality-disordered superiors in the workplace.
Gradually, the personality-disordered have come to dominate decision-making positions, especially those managing funding in the hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$. As always, understanding their nefarious activities requires following the money. The personality-disordered are nothing if not greedy.
Imagine that every government agency, the entire “justice” system, every professional organization, every health care facility and every academic institution has been captured by the personality-disordered and their willing accomplices. To survive and thrive within those organizations, you must have no scruples whatsoever. No questions may be asked. In all situations, the ends justify the means.
Now do you understand how every organized group in this country was subverted to introduce policies conducive to mass murder? Under the guise of “health care”, no less??
This was done entirely by design and most likely, plotted out over several centuries. You don’t need to be a person of faith or of any faith at all to sense demonic involvement in these depraved machinations.
If you are a person who prays, pray incessantly for the guilty to suffer the wrath of the Creator and the slaughtered innocents to be avenged.
Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are often human predators).
I was referring to the NIH "nice people" that Dani was referencing -- the ones who are NOT psychopaths, but are willfully blind to their being the highly compartmentalized means by which the psychopaths in charge carry out their evil.
Even the allegedly “nice” people must be personality disordered to a degree. It’s a spectrum, at the end of the day. It’s not static, either, but rather influenced by environment and opportunity.
If they weren’t personality disordered, they wouldn’t stay in their jobs. They would switch careers and likely, surreptitiously spread the word about what they experienced in their former workplace. They wouldn’t be able to justify to themselves working for an organization they know from personal experience to be corrupt and nefarious. Not if they have a conscience - which narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths lack entirely.
Those who stay for decades to climb the greasy pole and do the bidding of the more extreme narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the furthest thing from “nice”. They are equally complicit and thus, culpable. Do not be deceived by superficial appearances.
Agreed. It was Dani who described them as "nice". The higher these willfully ignorant "nice" people go up the ladder, as you say, the more they have to deceive themselves that they are still benefitting society. At some point, they may simply decide that their lives are too financially rewarding, and so they huddle further behind their blinders and deceive themselves further. The road to evil is wide and slippery, but they weren't psychopaths to begin with (one is BORN a psychopath -- their brain scans show some very interesting differences from "normal" people).
If these things you assert become their sole animating motive, "their burning anger and thirst for revenge" will turn every victim into their enemies, as they become the killer of (mostly ignorant) killers. They will expedite the blood-thirsty end-times conflagration prophecies, and give the globalists exactly what they want: A very profitable HOT civil war that will yield the depopulation and social transformation they seek to help them meet their Agenda 2030 and Georgia Guidestone bench-marks. I doubt you are consciously attempting to make their jobs easier for them in your prognostications.
So long as the blue-pilled normies can't see that they are acting as the (structural) fascists, they will continue to see their enemy counter-parts, such as the alt-right, the conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, etc. as the (aesthetic) fascists, and we will have the perfect formula for total mutual annihilation, wherein nobody can hear their enemy, learn they are both victims, and see their common cause to defeat the actual enemy. The solution is a transformation of consciousness achieved through a breaking down of tribalism, not achieved by driving each partisan deeper into their convictions. The solution involves helping them to turn the TV off, learn that what it tells them about their enemy is untrue, and learn to see the colonization of their minds by corporate/military controlled Social Networking. Who they are now is not them. They can't even see that they are not remotely liberal any longer, though they continue to self-identify with that name and shovel Woke Supremacy in its name.
I assert that the same pitfall of tribalism goes for the awakened red-pilled crowd who veer Christian and insist that their enemies are the devils, the anti-christs, the satanists. These are very unhelpful projections that will lead us all to hell. (Satan is a deity from the Christian pantheon, and every Satanist is a Christian, and technically vice-versa, even if they differ on the valence of their deities.) Read Frederic Martel's "In the Closet of the Vatican" if you are satisfied with the syllogism that Christians are the Good Guys(tm). And if you say, "the real christians, not the Catholics," well you should be aware that in 2016 and 2017 All Souls addresses delivered at Lutheran churches, the Jesuit Pope announced that "The Reformation is Over," and "Ecumenism is No Longer Optional," effectively saying "You're all mine now." I'm sure his Public Private Partners in Stakeholder Capitalist circles agree and will help to affirm it in practice, by force if necessary.
"No Mercy, No Excuses, No Exceptions" are expressions symbolic of the "Fascism" that the Brainwashed expect to see in us. We must heal from our anger and our losses if we expect to survive this, especially if we wish to see anything resembling a broader healing of the world's increasing horrors.
The Golden Rule, friend, must animate us. I ask you to reflect on these things, and please appreciate that I completely understand the source and thrust of your feeling. In analysis you are correct; in strategy and tactic you defeat yourself and sacrifice your better angels on the altar of righteousness. (I'm a Lebowskian Dudeist, not an atheist, nor a Christian in the slightest, but I think you get my drift.)