Think torches, pitchforks and unquenchable rage. Add decades of experience handling firearms and the deadly tactical skills of former military expert in inflicting defeat by a thousand cuts.
The amalgamation of all these constituencies with common grievances and common cause equate to the largest standing army in the history of the world.
Now consider that the majority of this army - composed of men and women of every age, every race, color and creed - feels they have nothing left to lose.
They are an unbeatable force. Waking this sleeping giant is the mistake of the century. Americans are very “nice”...until we’re not.
Think torches, pitchforks and unquenchable rage. Add decades of experience handling firearms and the deadly tactical skills of former military expert in inflicting defeat by a thousand cuts.
The amalgamation of all these constituencies with common grievances and common cause equate to the largest standing army in the history of the world.
Now consider that the majority of this army - composed of men and women of every age, every race, color and creed - feels they have nothing left to lose.
They are an unbeatable force. Waking this sleeping giant is the mistake of the century. Americans are very “nice”...until we’re not.