Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are oft…
Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are often human predators).
I was referring to the NIH "nice people" that Dani was referencing -- the ones who are NOT psychopaths, but are willfully blind to their being the highly compartmentalized means by which the psychopaths in charge carry out their evil.
Even the allegedly “nice” people must be personality disordered to a degree. It’s a spectrum, at the end of the day. It’s not static, either, but rather influenced by environment and opportunity.
If they weren’t personality disordered, they wouldn’t stay in their jobs. They would switch careers and likely, surreptitiously spread the word about what they experienced in their former workplace. They wouldn’t be able to justify to themselves working for an organization they know from personal experience to be corrupt and nefarious. Not if they have a conscience - which narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths lack entirely.
Those who stay for decades to climb the greasy pole and do the bidding of the more extreme narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the furthest thing from “nice”. They are equally complicit and thus, culpable. Do not be deceived by superficial appearances.
Agreed. It was Dani who described them as "nice". The higher these willfully ignorant "nice" people go up the ladder, as you say, the more they have to deceive themselves that they are still benefitting society. At some point, they may simply decide that their lives are too financially rewarding, and so they huddle further behind their blinders and deceive themselves further. The road to evil is wide and slippery, but they weren't psychopaths to begin with (one is BORN a psychopath -- their brain scans show some very interesting differences from "normal" people).
Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are often human predators).
I was referring to the NIH "nice people" that Dani was referencing -- the ones who are NOT psychopaths, but are willfully blind to their being the highly compartmentalized means by which the psychopaths in charge carry out their evil.
Even the allegedly “nice” people must be personality disordered to a degree. It’s a spectrum, at the end of the day. It’s not static, either, but rather influenced by environment and opportunity.
If they weren’t personality disordered, they wouldn’t stay in their jobs. They would switch careers and likely, surreptitiously spread the word about what they experienced in their former workplace. They wouldn’t be able to justify to themselves working for an organization they know from personal experience to be corrupt and nefarious. Not if they have a conscience - which narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths lack entirely.
Those who stay for decades to climb the greasy pole and do the bidding of the more extreme narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the furthest thing from “nice”. They are equally complicit and thus, culpable. Do not be deceived by superficial appearances.
Agreed. It was Dani who described them as "nice". The higher these willfully ignorant "nice" people go up the ladder, as you say, the more they have to deceive themselves that they are still benefitting society. At some point, they may simply decide that their lives are too financially rewarding, and so they huddle further behind their blinders and deceive themselves further. The road to evil is wide and slippery, but they weren't psychopaths to begin with (one is BORN a psychopath -- their brain scans show some very interesting differences from "normal" people).