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In short, you are an enabler. If more and more good people around these willfully ignorant NIH or FDA or CDC or CIA "collaborators with evil" shame them and then shun them, calmly and explicitly explaining why, then perhaps they'll finally start asking themselves, "Am I the baddie here?" You are assisting them to stay in their comfortable little bubble. Shun the evil, and they are part of it -- the smiling, friendly side of evil. It's deceptive, and no one should be making excuses for them or continuing to enable them.

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I understand where you are coming from. I have been on the receiving end of shame and shunning and it never helped me. I can't do that to others. It's easy when it's someone you don't really know or care about. But I'm not going to shun my lifelong best friend. I'm not going to shun my family members. There are other ways to not enable people besides locking them into the shame/shun chamber.

Where I am in total agreement is being 100% truthful about the evil and "not going along to get along." But rather, "getting along and not agreeing with their delusion." And I don't care if they think I'm the brainwashed one (they do).

I don't agree that they are knowingly being the smiling, friendly face of evil. They are unwitting tools. That's what I tell them. That they are on the wrong team.

If I abandoned them (I wonder), would they then just be left to their own self-reinforcing bubble where they can continue to do harm and no one ever bothers to try to wake them up? How unloving is that?

I don't believe in enabling "divide and conquer." I'm going to maintain ties. The evildoers want us to divide ourselves. They want to destroy bonds between people.

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Many moons ago, I got shamed by the person I loved most on earth, and it caused me to reassess immediately. I had been negligent (careless) and wrong, and because I did NOT want to lose that person's respect, that shaming (which was quite humbling) whipped me into shape with a jolt. Back in those days, it was called "tough love". I am a better person for that.

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I am so proud of you, Dani, for being so strong in Love and Wisdom to be able to be a light for those whom have fallen! Bravo, lady! Keep going! I also have similar situations, and although I understand bvd's desire to be black and white clear, God is the only Judge in my life, so I get guidance spiritually to remain protected and codependent no more! There will come a day when all will see and hear their own justice, and receive their just rewards or wrath! Inspired by you and your stand!

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