I have dozens of friends and neighbors who work (or have worked) for NIH. I live nearby. Here is what I will say about the qualities of these friends, from what I have observed:

- they are all highly intelligent, most with multiple or advanced degrees. Some of them are retired after lifelong careers at NIH. Others have been there for 5-10 years.

- they are all very nice, fun-loving people (not weirdos, though they might be nerds)

- they like their colleagues (friends with each other outside of work) and have professional respect for each other.

- they are all very compartmentalized in what they do, without fully realizing (not seeing the big picture), and since they themselves are experts and trust their expert colleagues, they tend to trust all "vetted" experts.

- my NIH friends all have well-intentioned motivations and would be horrified to think that what they do for a living causes harm to others. Cancer researchers are trying to find cures, geneticists are trying to find ways to help through gene therapy, etc. Procurement officers are trying to make sure they have state of the art equipment to be able to help solve public health problems. Security guards are helping to protect the wonderful people who work there. Etc. These are kind-hearted people who want to do good.

- they make good money on a government salary and feel that their salaries are well-deserved, and besides, this is a high-cost area to live in, right?

- all of them took the jabs, wore the masks and encouraged me to do so. When I told them the truth: "it is contraindicated for me; I might die, so I am unable to get one" they were sympathetic and did not shun me.

- they are all of a compliant type of nature (respect experts and authority and don't go outside of their lane). They would all take these jabs and wear the masks to protect others.

- they are in the same self-reinforcing bubble with each other, in and outside of work. The support and validation by the group is very important to them (personally and career-wise).

- they are friends with me because I have met them through social channels and even though I'm not a scientist, I like to talk science with them.

- that last bit is sorta interesting to me: I will share scientific studies with them on such things as the efficacy of masking, the "mysterious" increase in myocarditis, ivermectin and so forth, and they will share narrative-reinforcing studies back at me in response.

- As far as I am aware, I do not know any whistleblowers among them.

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They are all the compliant type.

That right there is what makes them dangerous since they are working for the evil type.

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In my personal experience, most of these people are poorly grounded in philosophy and theology as well as in basic elements of logic which makes such people very dangerous as they cannot see the big picture (metaphysical truths/constructs). They are very easy to capture and be tucked away in their circumscribed area of expertise.

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The government agencies also have a very strong push for diversity, equity and inclusion goals. I am astounded at the number of HR trainings my friends receive, to assist them in their compliance with the transgender agenda, for example. This is a relentless push.

Since I do not receive similar trainings, the conversations between us get very interesting on these topics. They think I'm a bit uneducated or even (!!) "far right" in my thinking, when I merely express that I'd rather not have a biological male undressing in the locker room next to me. In order to preserve our friendship, we can only "agree to disagree" and I let them know that "well, obviously I have not BEEN TRAINED in your way of thinking about this....."

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Goodness me--'trained in your way of thinking'. Nice come back, although they no doubt miss the irony.

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hahaha I'm glad someone picked up on it!

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I just tell tptb that these little modules are against my religion (they are) and if they try and force me to do them I will sue. So far it's worked.

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Keep saying that as long as it works. When it doesn't, it is better to quit than be a part of it. Being forced to repeat lies as if they are true is Satanic and eternally damaging.

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If they're "forced" to repeat the lies, it is also internally damaging. It breaks you.

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DEI needs to DIE!!! ☠

It is propaganda designed to create Workforce Chaos and a weakened output from companies. This will cause DELAYED DEEP ECONOMIC Issues.

Oh, that's already underway.


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DEI is Destroying Science, J. Peterson - (8mins) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpP_SUGthv0

Sum: The Pursuit of TRUTH, is of the Highest Order. Be careful what you Submit too. Don't practice what you don't want to become. 💪

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I completely agree. The seeking of Truth must be supreme now in this unparalleled time of total societal chaos. Speak only the truth and live it unapologetically even to the death is the best advice that can be given.

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I'm now too old to experience this in a workplace. It would be completely demoralizing, and I empathize with those who still have to deal with it.

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It was, largely (as I think of it), what sent me out 'before my time',

2 1/2 years ago.

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6 years ago for me.

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Same as what I see in academia.

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🎯 1000%

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They are minions.

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From what I have learned about psychopaths, they prey on people who have these two characteristics: 1) they are good people (not sly wrongdoers but morally straight), and 2) they DO good (they put their well-meaningness into action to be helpful).

I would also add, from what you mention above: they are trusting (because they themselves are trustworthy) and that makes them compliant, usually.

So what I'm thinking is that it is exactly this type of person who, once they discover they have been bamboozled (especially if they have been used as a tool of evil, all the while thinking they are being helpful) -- they can become personally destroyed (overcome by all sorts of emotions: guilt, self-recrimination, shame, outrage, fury) -- and this is also the type of person (the one who is good, who likes to be helpful) who will become a whistleblower.

This is why good people who are used as tools by evil are kept in their compartments and reinforcement bubbles. Many of these people are so in the dark and "good" that they would never even ever steal a pen from their employer. High moral code. Absolutely brainwashed and oblivious. (and absolutely this is dangerous).

The ones who are identified as easily compromised or willing to act in even minor, corrupt ways, are elevated to positions of power and authority.

The bad guys cannot afford to have good people wake up.

Too bad for them. It's happening.

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The fact that you admit to socializing with such people reflects very poorly on YOU. Take some time to reflect...and I suggest you choose a better circle of friends. You live in an amoral, narcissistic bubble that’s inevitably going to BURST.

None if these allegedly superior attributes or credentials matter anymore. No one cares how “nice” your friends appear to you. I’m sure Hitler had plenty of acolytes who were adept at social chitchat, too.

Your NIH acquaintances are ALL complicit in a campaign of WORLDWIDE DEMOCIDE...and will be SEVERELY PUNISHED as collaborators in the execution of planet-wide Crimes Against Humanity.

Four years into this organized depopulation exercise, the current death count EXCEEDS that of the Nazis. You do realize that, right?

The final number of exterminated victims will not be known for years, but we know it will number in the BILLIONS OF MURDERED HUMAN BEINGS.

These demons from hell will face consequences commensurate with the gravity of their crimes against the human race.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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Interesting thought. I grew up in this environment and these are my family members and many are lifelong friends. They don't just "appear" nice -- they ARE nice. They are, however, brainwashed and deluded, AS I WAS.

I suppose you could say my date of awakening was about 12 years ago. (I never worked in the government.) My first impulse and instinct was to try to help my loved ones wake up, too, so that's what I've been working on. It started with sharing information. Some are open to it, and most are not (yet). It's not over til it's over, but they ARE dear to me.

I do not see any reason to divide myself from these people. I think "divide and conquer" is what the bad guys want us to do.

I will always hold out hope, no matter how faint that hope is, that my friends and family will awaken. If it could happen to me, perhaps it could happen to them. If there's anything I can do to help, I will do it.

I love them.

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With 7 million plus corpses... and counting and counting and counting and counting - these lame excuses HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY.

At this point, literally there is NO EXCUSE.

I question the degree to which you are actually “awake”. You seem to believe your circle of acquaintances are immune to facing the consequences of complicity in DEMOCIDE. You can’t have it both ways. It’s not possible.

You are deluded if you think there will be some tidy, respectful, middle ground where those highly-credentialed apparatchiks who tacitly collaborated in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY can just shrug their shoulders and claim to have no knowledge of the decades-long planning for atrocities against all human kind.

I assure you that these excuses are NOT going to judged as acceptable by the surviving members of the human race. The retribution will be more harsh and long-lasting than you can possibly imagine.

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Blaming the brainwashed strikes me as not right. It's the son's of bitches perpetrators, the kingpins in this, who deserve no mercy, who need to be very publicly punished. Their names to go down in history as worst to have ever lived. The brainwashed have been brainwashed, basically hypnotized. I blame the hypnotizers. Damn them to hell and soon.

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Blame BOTH. Both are guilty of complicity in crimes against humanity.

Put yourself in the shoes of a man who has lost everything. His business, his savings, his home...all gone in the aftermath of the plandemic.

His wife and at least one child are already in their graves. Most of his family members, friends and neighbors are either dead or dying. He will never have grandchildren, because his remaining kids have been sterilized by the Deathvax™️...that is, if his multi-jabbed children survive at all.

He has nothing left to lose. Literally, not one thing. What WON’T this man do to exact retribution, when he inevitably learns who was complicit in these crimes?...or rather which CLASS OF PEOPLE were collaborators in destroying his world.

This man is one of millions of men and women who have been driven to the edge of despair. Their burning anger and thirst for revenge is what keeps them going. Can you blame them, after what was inflicted upon them by their fellow human beings?

Multiply this man by 100,000,000 men and women in similar circumstances. It stands to reason that these survivors will realize they are not alone in their grief and sorrow. They will network. Many will have ex-military backgrounds. They have skills.

If we fail to punish severely - in a very graphic and public fashion - every last depraved apparatchik who colluded in the extermination of over half of human kind, we are looking at at least a decade of violent vigilante justice the likes of which the United States has not seen since the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression...A decade is a CONSERVATIVE estimate.

There is no choice. Justice must be served. BOTH groups - the perpetrators AND the collaborators - must be SEEN TO SUFFER the most severe punishment possible under Rule of Law. In fact, it is likely new punitive laws will have to be passed to account for the unprecedented nature of these depraved Crimes Against Humanity.

The punishments MUST fit the crime...or peace will never return to our country.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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Imagine you have a daughter that has been hypnotized on stage into thinking she is a chicken. Do you blame her for acting like a chicken? The hypnotist tells her to throw the stick into the audience of dogs. She grabs the stick and throws it to the dogs but the stick is actually a small bomb and the dogs are people including friends and family.

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Sorry, but willful ignorance is vastly different from being hypnotized.

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I agree. That's why it seems to me that it is a form of hypnosis, because so many highly intelligent and studious people are just not seeing what is right in front of their noses, staring them in the face.

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It doesn't benefit them socially or financially to see what is right in front of their noses. They've chosen personal comfort and financial stability over what is the right thing to do. When life is "good" and rewarding, one can easily delude oneself and put blinders on. Without the moral standards of Christianity, it's exceedingly difficult to give up their cozy career at these highly paid government jobs -- to give all one's riches away to follow the right path, as the rich man found out in Mark, chapter 10.

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Yes to that in the cases where people go along for fear of impaired luxury.

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Plato's cave allegory comes to mind.

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I don't doubt what you've said. Is this person you describe yourself? If so, I am very sorry for your loss and entirely understand your outrage. It's natural to want to exact justice and blame anyone associated with this despicable crime against humanity. But we have to be careful where the blame lies.

I say it lies in "knowingly." Anyone who "knowingly" persists in perpetrating the lies is culpable and deserves the harshest punishment.

But anyone who unknowingly has participated (even though that may seem hard to believe that anyone could STILL be blind or brainwashed), and then that person learns the horrifying truth about what they've done, and then stops -- my spiritual belief says you forgive those people. They have to live the rest of their lives with the sick knowledge of what they have done, even out of ignorance. That is a terrible punishment for "good hearted" people who have been deceived by evil people using their goodness against them, manipulating them to be servants of evil.

I see a difference.

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Dani, this “person I describe” is not myself. My misfortunes during these past four horrific years are minor by comparison.

However, it does describe the parlous fate of tens of millions of your fellow Americans. At the close of this decade, I have little doubt it will describe the overwhelming majority of the citizens of this nation...because they will have been targeted repeatedly with bioweapons, weather manipulation, orchestrated food shortages and worse.

Spare a thought for how your fellow Americans’ carefully-ordered careers and personal lives have been systematically dismantled by democidal psychopaths with money, influence and power. The highly-skilled, hard-working middle class, who epitomize self-discipline and delayed gratification, are being intentionally impoverished.

Tens of millions of your fellow Americans have been deemed a cancer on the planet by depraved globalists. They have been targeted for extermination for merely existing. How many more millions have to die before you truly empathize with their plight...and point the finger of blame at those responsible at EVERY level of complicity???

The time for prioritizing politeness, sociability decorum is over. You don’t extent the benefit of the doubt to murderers who are hellbent on snuffing out your life and the lives of everyone you care about. Those are luxury concepts we can no longer afford. In point of fact, we can no longer afford to indulge these ideas, since the psychopaths in charge are deliberately destroying the currency and the economy of our once abundant and prosperous country.

The die has been cast, the paradigm has changed and there is no going back. It is a certainty, at this point, that billions of human beings will perish. To survive, everyone who refused the Deathvax™️ must adapt...starting with PERCEPTION.

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I understand where you are coming from.

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If enough of us who are awakened to the evil in play SHAME these collaborators, perhaps their comfortable little worlds will experience some jarring moments. No one likes to be told in public, "Shame on you for the part you played regarding these Covid death jabs. You've stuck your heads in the sand far too long when the evidence of the intentional genocide can no longer be ignored. Shame!" Our society used to use shame to keep people from the kinds of behavior wholly damaging to society -- theft, rape, murder, etc. Now, we use excuses for them. Oh, they grew up poor. Oh, they were from a single-parent family. Oh, they were beaten as children. Oh, he's simply a minor-attracted person, not a pedophile. We need to bring back shaming to our communities.

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Unfortunately, the personality disordered (narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths) have zero empathy. They are unable to feel shame.

The closest to shame they experience is embarrassment at being called out publicly. That embarrassment disappears once the situation has concluded. The personality disordered have no genuine capacity for remorse. They do not possess a conscience to be troubled.

Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are attracted to positions of status and power. They understand on an intellectual level that the pain they intend to inflict upon unsuspecting victims and the crimes they intend to commit are regarded by normal people as wrong.

For that reason, they are careful to surround themselves with similarly personality-disordered individuals. It’s no exaggeration to say that those who successfully climb the greasy pole in most organizations have demonstrated personality-disordered traits.

They’ve shown their superiors that they are willing to turn a blind eye to malfeasance and that they care nothing for the consequences suffered by those they set out to injure. Most will regard their victims as dim-witted inferiors who got what was coming to them.

Not only are such malevolent individuals promoted, they are sought out and cultivated by their personality-disordered superiors in the workplace.

Gradually, the personality-disordered have come to dominate decision-making positions, especially those managing funding in the hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$. As always, understanding their nefarious activities requires following the money. The personality-disordered are nothing if not greedy.

Imagine that every government agency, the entire “justice” system, every professional organization, every health care facility and every academic institution has been captured by the personality-disordered and their willing accomplices. To survive and thrive within those organizations, you must have no scruples whatsoever. No questions may be asked. In all situations, the ends justify the means.

Now do you understand how every organized group in this country was subverted to introduce policies conducive to mass murder? Under the guise of “health care”, no less??

This was done entirely by design and most likely, plotted out over several centuries. You don’t need to be a person of faith or of any faith at all to sense demonic involvement in these depraved machinations.

If you are a person who prays, pray incessantly for the guilty to suffer the wrath of the Creator and the slaughtered innocents to be avenged.

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Yes, I already know what psychopaths are and do, and how they tend to rise to the top of all of society's organizations. I've read _Political Ponerology_ in response to having had to deal with a psychopathic attorney decades ago, who was leaving much destruction of business partners, clients, and families in his wake (psychopaths are often human predators).

I was referring to the NIH "nice people" that Dani was referencing -- the ones who are NOT psychopaths, but are willfully blind to their being the highly compartmentalized means by which the psychopaths in charge carry out their evil.

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Even the allegedly “nice” people must be personality disordered to a degree. It’s a spectrum, at the end of the day. It’s not static, either, but rather influenced by environment and opportunity.

If they weren’t personality disordered, they wouldn’t stay in their jobs. They would switch careers and likely, surreptitiously spread the word about what they experienced in their former workplace. They wouldn’t be able to justify to themselves working for an organization they know from personal experience to be corrupt and nefarious. Not if they have a conscience - which narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths lack entirely.

Those who stay for decades to climb the greasy pole and do the bidding of the more extreme narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are the furthest thing from “nice”. They are equally complicit and thus, culpable. Do not be deceived by superficial appearances.

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If these things you assert become their sole animating motive, "their burning anger and thirst for revenge" will turn every victim into their enemies, as they become the killer of (mostly ignorant) killers. They will expedite the blood-thirsty end-times conflagration prophecies, and give the globalists exactly what they want: A very profitable HOT civil war that will yield the depopulation and social transformation they seek to help them meet their Agenda 2030 and Georgia Guidestone bench-marks. I doubt you are consciously attempting to make their jobs easier for them in your prognostications.

So long as the blue-pilled normies can't see that they are acting as the (structural) fascists, they will continue to see their enemy counter-parts, such as the alt-right, the conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, etc. as the (aesthetic) fascists, and we will have the perfect formula for total mutual annihilation, wherein nobody can hear their enemy, learn they are both victims, and see their common cause to defeat the actual enemy. The solution is a transformation of consciousness achieved through a breaking down of tribalism, not achieved by driving each partisan deeper into their convictions. The solution involves helping them to turn the TV off, learn that what it tells them about their enemy is untrue, and learn to see the colonization of their minds by corporate/military controlled Social Networking. Who they are now is not them. They can't even see that they are not remotely liberal any longer, though they continue to self-identify with that name and shovel Woke Supremacy in its name.

I assert that the same pitfall of tribalism goes for the awakened red-pilled crowd who veer Christian and insist that their enemies are the devils, the anti-christs, the satanists. These are very unhelpful projections that will lead us all to hell. (Satan is a deity from the Christian pantheon, and every Satanist is a Christian, and technically vice-versa, even if they differ on the valence of their deities.) Read Frederic Martel's "In the Closet of the Vatican" if you are satisfied with the syllogism that Christians are the Good Guys(tm). And if you say, "the real christians, not the Catholics," well you should be aware that in 2016 and 2017 All Souls addresses delivered at Lutheran churches, the Jesuit Pope announced that "The Reformation is Over," and "Ecumenism is No Longer Optional," effectively saying "You're all mine now." I'm sure his Public Private Partners in Stakeholder Capitalist circles agree and will help to affirm it in practice, by force if necessary.

"No Mercy, No Excuses, No Exceptions" are expressions symbolic of the "Fascism" that the Brainwashed expect to see in us. We must heal from our anger and our losses if we expect to survive this, especially if we wish to see anything resembling a broader healing of the world's increasing horrors.

The Golden Rule, friend, must animate us. I ask you to reflect on these things, and please appreciate that I completely understand the source and thrust of your feeling. In analysis you are correct; in strategy and tactic you defeat yourself and sacrifice your better angels on the altar of righteousness. (I'm a Lebowskian Dudeist, not an atheist, nor a Christian in the slightest, but I think you get my drift.)

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I've thought about what you said. A question:

what terrible thing will happen if I keep the door open to maintaining loving relationships with my loved ones (especially family; parents, siblings and adult children)? I speak truth to them about the evil I see in the world, even though they see things differently (as someone else wrote, "the good Germans.") What's the harm?

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For starters, your sanity. Your immortal soul.

There is nothing more corrosive to the human spirit than living a dirty, disgusting lie.

Pretending everything is normal is a lie.

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Loving is not dependent upon falsely "pretending everything is normal. Lies are not love. The world is insane, and we must all hang onto reality and sanity. Our very humanity is at stake. I think you may be possibly deliberately misunderstanding me. Your argument is not really with me or even "the likes of me." Your outrage over the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity is entirely understandable. Peace.

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In short, you are an enabler. If more and more good people around these willfully ignorant NIH or FDA or CDC or CIA "collaborators with evil" shame them and then shun them, calmly and explicitly explaining why, then perhaps they'll finally start asking themselves, "Am I the baddie here?" You are assisting them to stay in their comfortable little bubble. Shun the evil, and they are part of it -- the smiling, friendly side of evil. It's deceptive, and no one should be making excuses for them or continuing to enable them.

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I understand where you are coming from. I have been on the receiving end of shame and shunning and it never helped me. I can't do that to others. It's easy when it's someone you don't really know or care about. But I'm not going to shun my lifelong best friend. I'm not going to shun my family members. There are other ways to not enable people besides locking them into the shame/shun chamber.

Where I am in total agreement is being 100% truthful about the evil and "not going along to get along." But rather, "getting along and not agreeing with their delusion." And I don't care if they think I'm the brainwashed one (they do).

I don't agree that they are knowingly being the smiling, friendly face of evil. They are unwitting tools. That's what I tell them. That they are on the wrong team.

If I abandoned them (I wonder), would they then just be left to their own self-reinforcing bubble where they can continue to do harm and no one ever bothers to try to wake them up? How unloving is that?

I don't believe in enabling "divide and conquer." I'm going to maintain ties. The evildoers want us to divide ourselves. They want to destroy bonds between people.

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Many moons ago, I got shamed by the person I loved most on earth, and it caused me to reassess immediately. I had been negligent (careless) and wrong, and because I did NOT want to lose that person's respect, that shaming (which was quite humbling) whipped me into shape with a jolt. Back in those days, it was called "tough love". I am a better person for that.

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I am so proud of you, Dani, for being so strong in Love and Wisdom to be able to be a light for those whom have fallen! Bravo, lady! Keep going! I also have similar situations, and although I understand bvd's desire to be black and white clear, God is the only Judge in my life, so I get guidance spiritually to remain protected and codependent no more! There will come a day when all will see and hear their own justice, and receive their just rewards or wrath! Inspired by you and your stand!

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My argument is with making excuses for the inexcusable. For the unforgivable.

When it comes to the attempted DEMOCIDE of the entire human race, there’s no justification.

Everyone involved at every level of complicity is guilty of a terrible crime. There is no compromise. No middle road. Grey areas do not exist, in this regard.

There is never any ethical or moral justification for participating in DEMOCIDE...no matter how tangential.

Finally, a person is known by the company he or she keeps. Turning a blind eye to Crimes Against Humanity and associating with those responsible for such crimes is tantamount to tacit approval of mass murder.

In short, you’re either “Team Humanity” or you’re team “Go Along to Get Along”. You can’t be both.

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Aug 23, 2023
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I hope they choose well, too, Cindy. The choice IS theirs. It's the deeply asleep ones I feel most sad about. The conflicted ones are already wrestling with their own demons.

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Aug 23, 2023
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Just how he saw it.

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Dani is good peeps; but you have a VERY Strong Argument. Collaborators need to see the light/truth or ..... ?

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It's a huge problem, especially since lies are now the common currency and truth has been placed in the position that lies once were (complete Satanic moral inversion) Some of the people she describes may truly be invincibly ignorant and thus morally not culpable. Unfortunately, no one person can ever be certain if they are truly invincibly ignorant (in God's eyes) or simply posing as such for the sake of convenience/expedience. My rule of thumb is; if you find yourself trying to justify your moral stance on an issue by resorting to invincible ignorance, you are culpable. Many people will no doubt be shocked by what is held against them at the time of their individual judgement upon death. It is best to keep that constantly in mind.

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Aug 23, 2023
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Seven plus million human beings on this planet were not murdered by an IDEA.

They were murdered in a pre-meditated campaign of DEMOCIDE by PEOPLE...traitorous, duplicitous fellow human beings.

These collaborators deserve to be ferociously, vociferously attacked until they take their very last breath.

They are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, the scale of which this planet has never seen before.

There’s no Marquess of Queensberry Rules for this kind of unprecedented global crime. You need a hefty dose of realism...fast.

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turn it up to eleven. That might bring results. Especially with talk of reinstating mask and vaccine mandates this fall.

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Aug 23, 2023
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Think torches, pitchforks and unquenchable rage. Add decades of experience handling firearms and the deadly tactical skills of former military expert in inflicting defeat by a thousand cuts.

The amalgamation of all these constituencies with common grievances and common cause equate to the largest standing army in the history of the world.

Now consider that the majority of this army - composed of men and women of every age, every race, color and creed - feels they have nothing left to lose.

They are an unbeatable force. Waking this sleeping giant is the mistake of the century. Americans are very “nice”...until we’re not.

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They perform covert and overt cognitive tests to select early and hard for compliance on employees particularly in medical research - NIH, DARPA. That is why there are never/rarely any whistleblowers in government agencies. Industry/contract is more likely to see whistleblowers.

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Yesterday, I looked up on google and found out that the average IQ of my fellow countrymen was around 98. Now, I know that is not the mean, but I am seriously afraid now to go to the grocery store.

These people are driving cars, going here and there...and somehow, I have been blissfully ignorant of how many stupid people there are in the world......

And now they are bringing back the pandemic restrictions...masks, distancing, testing...OMG , at least 50 percent of the population ((and probably more) are going be falling into lockstep AGAIN.

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Most interesting.

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Your last sentence was the most important one.

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Although, I should think that whistle blowers would be extremely careful to keep their heads down 'among friends'

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truth from a real whistleblower KJ!

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Whenever l have a feeling that there is finally HOPE, after reading your post, l am in despair. To realize that even the brightest people among us can be led like sheep. They have absolutely no curiosity. It makes me so scared to imagine what is yet to come.

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I have an attorney brother that by all accounts is a smart, well-educated individual. However, we stopped talking about politics and our worldviews shortly after Oblahblah took office. To this day, he still buys into just about everything he gets from his MSM sources. He is proud to say he was 'double-jabbed and triple boosted'. His exact words not too long ago.

2 weeks ago he had a minor heart attack. In the last 2 years he has been diagnosed with diabetes and is now on medication.

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Let me guess. "Without the shots, it would have been worse."

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Oblahblah...can I use that? Its perfect!

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I am sorry to hear that.

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Right there beside you Barbara. I am terrified.

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The majority of them are arrogant with no common sense.

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Ask your NIH associates to explain the risk-benefit calculus for injecting anyone under the age of 18 with a COVID vax?

BENEFIT: Cite the IFR for that age group, either the CDC's (planning scenario 5: 0-17yrs = 0.002%; 18-49yrs=0.05%) or Dr. Ioannidis' study( 0-19yrs=0.0003%) - this would be the benefit portion of the discussion with the max benefit being a reduction in IFR probability. Of course they may want to cite lower hospitalization or illness severity, but those endpoints were never tested or determined. In fact there evidence to contrary with regard both - this is a misdirection. Also, the shot doesn't prevent infection nor transmission, so benefit is simply the avoidance of death.

RISK: Then cite the known Cardiac risks both documented at the beginning and now with even higher numbers. Don't forget the unknown risks that are blatantly being ignored (no investigations) and those that have yet to be determined - think 5, 10 or 15yrs down the line.

COVID Shot calculus: Extremely low benefit with both high and unknown risk. Conclusion - no way.

For context, you can also state the season flu IFR of about 0.02% (more than 10x worse than the most generous COVID IFR in the 0-18yr range). The safety profile of the annual flu shot is extremely safe.

Seasonal flu shot calculus: low benefit and low risk. Conclusion, take it or leave it.

Any one of them that says the COVID shot should be taken by any child under the age of 18 is severely limited in their thinking irrespective of their education and pedigree. Anything else that comes from their mind is suspect and questionable at best and probably morally corrupt lies and misdirection at worst. Those shots should have never been approved for anyone let alone children.

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Also note that the math works in support of rejecting the shot across all age groups. The child age group is the most egregious travesty of science, common sense, innocence, and justice. There is no punishment harsh enough for those that willingly hurt or endanger children.

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ACtually, this b the mic drop...


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Excellent points. Cog Dis is a BITCH

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Just a note. Flu shots Not Safe anymore. Flu + mrna (or nano-tech) likely in them.

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Those government employees are not aware of their role in crushing the breath of life out of each one of us by continuing this charade? The term for people who indirectly harm and kill others for a paycheck is some one being used to follow through on other's objectives. They need to get out from being an occupational and money slave.

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They sound like perfect living, breathing examples of the term "Government Worker."

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yes, and it sounds crazy but they are among my best friends, and I grew up with a parent with a full federal government career.

A lot of very, very nice, likeable, smart, highly-credentialed, good, kind, well-meaning, well-paid people in positions of power who truly believe that they are doing good for the people of this planet. They believe that their colleagues are all just as good people as they are (and our government is not trying to kill us!).

And that makes them very dangerous.

I am really the odd man out. They see me as stubborn and easily misled by propaganda. Plus, I don't have an advanced degree......

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No one said Satan was an idiot. He is nefarious and has planned this out well by indoctrinating everyone in higher learning (also in the K-12 government school system) to believe that what they are doing is for the good of all.

I'm willing to bet most, if not all of your friends an NIH, are non-Christians. If that is the case, then the government has become their god. This was really an 'AHA!' moment for me not too many years ago trying to understand how so many could be compliant with an out of control state or federal government.

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When I was younger, "church" seemed to be more of a part of people's lives -- normal, even. Everyone I knew had a place they went to worship (or gather). But these days it seems more normal for people to randomly declare (in almost any context): "I'm not religious." or "Christians don't believe in Science (said with a derisive sneer)" or even "I'm an atheist."

Never would anyone have ever admitted to that scandalous non-belief, back in the day.

I've concluded that these non-Christians (who could be atheists or worship something else, probably without realizing) have decided that if you are a scientist, you cannot believe in God. And vice versa.

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Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, etc., are all part of God's toolkit.

I never got the people that tried to separate God from science. He created it all!

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Really open-minded folks--which is what science demands (being open-minded, able to change one's mind when data do not support hypothesis).

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They are the "good Germans" of this age.

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And thank God you do not.

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Thanks for sharing. Having all the puzzle pieces separated, indeed keeps many from seeing the big picture. Add in that most ppl are good and kind and don’t even consider those at the helm may not be.

I wrote a piece that I think speaks to the limenal space we find ourselves in on either side of the great divide.

This seems a good place to share it.

“A Word”

Oh I miss the days of ‘yore

When we took it all in stride

Like gentle waves lapping the shore

The simple changing of the tides

There is a different change in the seasons

Not the four, but in man’s reason

Like a nightmare to which we awake

As everything civil starts to break

What’s this leaving of the senses?

Or blaming another’s lament?

Rather than those in towers of power

Reigning o’er all with contempt

Their pyramid schemes are built on our backs

As our health, wealth, and freedoms are under attack

Through endless debt-slavery of taxation

They fund war, corruption, death and destruction

What is the goal but subjugation

For it’s not just a war on God and Creation

But on the sovereignty of every man and nation

Put on the armor of salvation

Do not fall into the great divide

Where souls are lost before pride

And when it seems there’s no place to run or hide

Be still and listen deep inside

Bow not, nor bend to fear’s machinations

But trust in the author of our salvation

By this world be not conformed

But by the renewing of your mind be transformed

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They had a good paycheck when they were working. And now a great Fed pension, from our tax $$. Don't expect them to say anything that's possibly outside the brainwashing. If they took away the $$, they would change their tunes very fast!!

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"they are all highly intelligent"

Anyone who thinks a paper mask works for anything beyong stopping drool is not smart. (Sorry mom)

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Probably afraid to lose the good job and excellent bennies. I told my husband today I should have, a: gotten into insurance brokerage,

b: banking, or c: a government job.

Silly me.

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but you have saved your soul instead

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Great conversation. I couldn't agree more: they are often lovely people and we must do our best to instill common sense. Which you have because you are the one without the PhD.

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I don't doubt what you say as that has been my experience with so-called health professionals of the multiple advanced degree types who inhabit academic medicine. See my comment below.

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Aug 23, 2023
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not an excuse at all, but I will point out that you are older (as am I) and we received better educations (even though we were indoctrinated). Younger people, including people at the prime of their dangerous public health careers, really got a very strong dose of brainwashing. The younger ones (20s and 30s) even more so. It's frightening. Not an excuse.

Maybe instead of "well-educated" we should say "well-indoctrinated" with advanced degrees of indoctrination.

Also.... the internet has really clamped down and what used to be fairly accessible and easy to research even 8 years ago is much, much harder. To be able to just "stumble upon" truthful information -- not so very likely anymore. You have to know it's there, and you have to be a relentless digger for truth.

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Aug 24, 2023
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After so many years of trying in various ways to improve things by the usual means of activism or advocacy or leadership roles without seeing it bear fruit, we could give up or we can find another way. If that is "kill or be killed," then so be it. I really do sense that we are at that inflection point, Tony. Things are not the same as they were, and we are on the edge. It feels a bit tricky to navigate (especially in a compassionate, humane way), but the only path is forward. It's not what I expected. But it's where we are. I hope to make it through, make a few decisive moves of my own and see a better future. No way I'm giving up.

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Way to be direct and to the point! Epic. I hope you get a response.

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I'm betting on brave whistleblower :-) Here's a video of my poem to spur his or her courage:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower-video-tribute)

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No, a brave whistleblower would use a "burner" email address or proton mail.

I suspect this is an intimidation tactic.

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It's never too late to discover one's conscience. Daniel Ellsberg learned that and nearly singlehandedly ended the Vietnam War:

• “Ode to a Whistleblower” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/ode-to-a-whistleblower)

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After the last 3.5 years, I am pretty cynical.

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Understandably so. I dare this person to prove you wrong :-)

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I would love to be wrong.

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Aug 23, 2023
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I would graciously accept the honor 🏆

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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Your optimism is inspiring madam, though hard to feel personally during such turbulent times. This is a beautiful tribute indeed!

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Thank you, Dissentious Skwrl! Aside from psycho/sociopaths and other Cluster B personality types, every human being has an inner kernel of courage that can be kindled under the right circumstances.

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The white-pilled side of my peanut brain could not agree more! Without the light of hope we have nothing but the darkness of gloom and despair. Thanks for keeping that little lantern fueled!

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From the Battle of Maldon:

"Our hearts must grow resolute, our courage more valiant,

our spirits must be greater, though our strength grows less."

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Ha, fantastic jargon, I'll be remembering this one!

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Wonderful green shoots of regeneration, most days I think this is stoppable.

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I really would not be surprised this person subscribed in their official capacity as an employee of the NIH to monitor our comments. It is the Commie/Fascist way afterall.

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They have been "monitoring" our comments for a long time.

I imagine they have quite a dossier on 2SG as well as myself.

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Pennsylvania cheated 2020.

(Waiting for FBI jack-booted thugs showing up at 6:00 am.)

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I saw that F-graph in Australia in real time. It wasn't 3am where I live when the counting stopped. They never account for time zones.

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Well let's get that person's email address, and we can all send them an email with our opinions. Since they're brave enough to use their work email,, we can 'officially' let them know what we think...

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Regarding subscribing in order to "monitor our comments": One can do that, without becoming a subscriber...

Just saying.

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So maybe it was done to intimidate, like 2SG says in the article.

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The NIH has 666 hidden in their logo

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Hence my TRIPLE inversion of article image.

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Anyone using their .gov email is NOT your friend. Federal employees are prohibited from using their work emails for personal reasons. I'd be tempted to cut him/her off. Force the feds to work a little bit harder for their pound of flesh!!!!

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Thank you, this is the key point: prohibition on using work email for personal reasons. So somehow it's within the scope of this person's work duties to monitor substacks.

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Oooh buddy, let's get the popcorn! Here's hoping this is a person of conscious and not a scumbag with intimidation on their mind 🤔

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I wanna see what the lil gov bitch has to say. 😁😁😋🤣

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I'm followed by heaps of Australian law enforcement so I wrote an article about them, and dedicated my article about cognitive warfare to ASIO.

I SEE YOU SCUMBAGS: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/micro-donations-to-excessdeathsau

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I'm voting for it is a scumbag.

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The black-pilled side of my peanut brain finds it difficult to disagree with you.

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Me too

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I must admit I can't see a good honest reason why any government agency that routinely pushes a pack of made-up lies should want to subscribe to anyone that exposes their lies. Looks like you are on Ze list. ......... https://youtu.be/kYz2nPE0BCk

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I would also like to know. I would like to know how ANYONE can continue to work for NIH without being evil to the core besides intending to blow the proverbial whistle.

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I hope your stack breaks their programming!

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Hey NIH guy....kiss my ass.

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I just received a free sub from the individual that you mentioned. I guess we must be over the target. The Illegal Three Letter agencies seem to think that they may intimidate us. All I'm doing is banning him. Removing him from the list.

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To say I'm jealous is an understatement.

All NIH.gov emails invited to my Substack. Thank you.

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Hopefully more and more fed.gov employees are realizing that the long-term consequences of their continued compliance are much more detrimental to themselves and their families than the short-term pain of reprisals, unemployment, and dislocation that come from whistleblowing.

Though I do support any monkey-wrenching that are able to do while in their jobs.

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Hmmm. Do you know what has happened to Christie Laura Grace? She seems to have disappeared of the internet/Substack

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Eventually, we all will.

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