Excellent! (I still send articles to the human recourse at Moffitt cancer center in Tampa. My sister in law was declared leukemia free & died a month later. They forced her to take the jab. I hope my emails aren’t going in the spam folder)
Oh Rosalind❤ so sorry to hear about your sister in law🙏God Bless her soul .🙏 That must be hard to process. As you I think my emails might going through the spam folder...consumer feedback forms might be a better option
The Globalists want to destroy the free west, they are financed by China. Eugenics is a cult to kill in a way to create a healthier society, kill sick, kill old, kill mentally ill, kill those that are poor. In a pure ideological since this is not Eugenics.
What we see here is different. The Governments of the west are using a vaccine on everyone including themselves as the Globalists have demanded. This is a random kill of the societies by a governing body, a Democide.
Now the Globalists are not the Chinese per se. The Chinese are a vested part, China and Russia are the two large countries not complying with one world government. However, China is clearly using this moment to its fullest. A Chinese company makes most of the Pfizer shots in the US. It could be they are killing. That would mean we are being killed largely by race. The nano lipid particle, for example, does the OPPOSITE of what Pfizee told the FDA and is a patent owned by a Chinese company. The lipid particle was advertised to keep the shot contents in the muscle of the deltoid, but in fact the nano lipid particle allows the shot to travel across all barriers. The shot contents get into the brain, ovaries and testes and the is ONLY POSSIBLE DUE TO THE CHINESE NANO LIPID PARTICLE.
So, in my view we are likely at war, a long war. The game is to kill and maime, they do love that, but the long game is to destroy fertilty.
Last thing, a Military Medical doctor has come forward and said he knows of a Chinese diplomat that refused the Pfizer vaccine saying if she took it, she would be stopped in China at the airport and would be denied entry. That is deep shit right there.
At any rate, my bigger point is this is likely more than the WEF and Globalists speak of. I beleive that the Chinese have an inside game and we will be killed.
You can overlay the work by Jeff Nyquist now. I beleive that when the Chinese believe the US is weak enough....the vax, food shortages, energy shortages, they will take Taiwan.
There has been and is a huge influx of Chinese into Canada the past two years. Are they escaping the CCP, spies, or set up as a base for the possible takeover? Maybe all three, others with far more knowledge than I may have a better understanding of this. The older than 40 Chinese use cash for doing business and the younger ones are obsessed with devices for everything. My husband has heard comments from Chinese residents that have been here for many decades that they do not trust the newcomers. Even the longtime residents are still cautious to speak out loud.
If my subscribers would email the New York-Presbyterian Hospital these two articles that would be great.
nyphealthhome@nyp.org consider it done
Thanks ! Emailed them.
me too...from all 3 email accounts :)
Excellent! (I still send articles to the human recourse at Moffitt cancer center in Tampa. My sister in law was declared leukemia free & died a month later. They forced her to take the jab. I hope my emails aren’t going in the spam folder)
Oh Rosalind❤ so sorry to hear about your sister in law🙏God Bless her soul .🙏 That must be hard to process. As you I think my emails might going through the spam folder...consumer feedback forms might be a better option
New Nimby Variant discovered in Martha’s Vineyard
The Globalists want to destroy the free west, they are financed by China. Eugenics is a cult to kill in a way to create a healthier society, kill sick, kill old, kill mentally ill, kill those that are poor. In a pure ideological since this is not Eugenics.
What we see here is different. The Governments of the west are using a vaccine on everyone including themselves as the Globalists have demanded. This is a random kill of the societies by a governing body, a Democide.
Now the Globalists are not the Chinese per se. The Chinese are a vested part, China and Russia are the two large countries not complying with one world government. However, China is clearly using this moment to its fullest. A Chinese company makes most of the Pfizer shots in the US. It could be they are killing. That would mean we are being killed largely by race. The nano lipid particle, for example, does the OPPOSITE of what Pfizee told the FDA and is a patent owned by a Chinese company. The lipid particle was advertised to keep the shot contents in the muscle of the deltoid, but in fact the nano lipid particle allows the shot to travel across all barriers. The shot contents get into the brain, ovaries and testes and the is ONLY POSSIBLE DUE TO THE CHINESE NANO LIPID PARTICLE.
So, in my view we are likely at war, a long war. The game is to kill and maime, they do love that, but the long game is to destroy fertilty.
Last thing, a Military Medical doctor has come forward and said he knows of a Chinese diplomat that refused the Pfizer vaccine saying if she took it, she would be stopped in China at the airport and would be denied entry. That is deep shit right there.
I beleive he talks about that here:
At any rate, my bigger point is this is likely more than the WEF and Globalists speak of. I beleive that the Chinese have an inside game and we will be killed.
You can overlay the work by Jeff Nyquist now. I beleive that when the Chinese believe the US is weak enough....the vax, food shortages, energy shortages, they will take Taiwan.
There has been and is a huge influx of Chinese into Canada the past two years. Are they escaping the CCP, spies, or set up as a base for the possible takeover? Maybe all three, others with far more knowledge than I may have a better understanding of this. The older than 40 Chinese use cash for doing business and the younger ones are obsessed with devices for everything. My husband has heard comments from Chinese residents that have been here for many decades that they do not trust the newcomers. Even the longtime residents are still cautious to speak out loud.
I have heard that before. I dont know enough about Canada to comment other than obvious, Trudeau is 1000 WEF
I went to the video on YouTube - it said 83 likes and 1 dislike - ?? have they maybe changed it?
No, you should read the original article and install the extension as explained.
Sorry - thanks!!
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