You don't have to believe Michael Berry. All I know is that he personally talked to law enforcement in Uvalde and he knows people there. He could also have facts wrong. But he is not sensational or anti-cop, and the news is.
Well I'm not anti-Police either, but I am anti-Corrupt Leadership!
These Cops, all of them, have been put into impossible positions by CRT, Communist Race Theory, BLM, Burn Loot Murder, accusations of RACISM, and a Political Leadership that has sold them out each and every time for the purpose of 'terrorizing' the American citizenry with their 'Divide and Conquer' policies.
Good Cops lock perps up, bad Judges & Prosecutors let them back out, usually before the Cop has done the paperwork.
Pretty soon, No More Good Cops! I think they are over half way there!
Hell, it's hard to tell half of them from MS-13 except for the lack of face tats.
And they are going to end their "Qualified Immunity" but keep it in place for Judges?
UPDATE: there was a stand down order as murderer was in mid-execution of innocents. That is a very important breaking development.
Inexcusable when children may have been bleeding to death, were actively calling 911 meaning the Police KNEW they were not all dead.
Maybe. Just do not believe ANYTHING on the news.
But we should believe Michael Berry?
Sorry, that doesn't work for me.
You don't have to believe Michael Berry. All I know is that he personally talked to law enforcement in Uvalde and he knows people there. He could also have facts wrong. But he is not sensational or anti-cop, and the news is.
Well I'm not anti-Police either, but I am anti-Corrupt Leadership!
These Cops, all of them, have been put into impossible positions by CRT, Communist Race Theory, BLM, Burn Loot Murder, accusations of RACISM, and a Political Leadership that has sold them out each and every time for the purpose of 'terrorizing' the American citizenry with their 'Divide and Conquer' policies.
Good Cops lock perps up, bad Judges & Prosecutors let them back out, usually before the Cop has done the paperwork.
Pretty soon, No More Good Cops! I think they are over half way there!
Hell, it's hard to tell half of them from MS-13 except for the lack of face tats.
And they are going to end their "Qualified Immunity" but keep it in place for Judges?