He was shooting his rifle off outside the school 10-12 mins before. Yet zero police stopped him!

Why were the doors unlocked at the school?! 1/6 anyone?

Someone heard him shooting his rifle, why wasn’t the school on immediate lockdown.

Classrooms locked.

He posted he was going to shoot up a middle school.

How many are in that small town?

The gunman did way too many cry’s for “Help” all ignored.

Too many bizarre actions that are too much of a globalist psyop for bringing in NATO

Like the Vegas shooting, too bizarre.

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And how many rounds can be fired in 10-12mins? More than 400?

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Just found this tidbit, Feral LE (US Marshall) on the scene preventing parents from entering, handcuffed one mother. A local cop frees her from the cuffs, she goes over a fence and gets her two children out of the school.

When the Ferals are involved it's usually, mostly, always a set up, staged, or psy-op event.https://www.theblaze.com/news/uvalde-mother-allegedly-detained-rushed-into-school?utm_source=theblaze-7DayTrendingTest&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Afternoon%20Auto%20Trending%207%20Day%20Engaged%202022-05-27&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%207%20Day%20Engagement#toggle-gdpr

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When children are being slaughtered LE needs to act immediately. But who cares about children these days. Our government is now needlessly injecting them with a poison so it is obvious their health and safety isn’t a priority.

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Exactly. Active war on our children through many avenues.

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More children die each day from abortions…. Government funded murder

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I read about a mom being handcuffed. WTHF

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The earliest I recollection I have on the Feral LE being Gestapo is the Ruby Ridge/ Waco time period under the Clintoon Regime. Feral LE seems to act out under democRat regimes and somewhat less under Repubs, but they are an Entity unto themselves, Deep State or whatever label.

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Just crashing his truck should have brought immediate police presence. Schools have more than one entrance and if’s the killer was covering one the police should have been able to enter from the other side. I am beyond disgusted with law enforcement’s non- response. Arm the teachers and you won’t have this!

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On another post. A wife posted her husband was in law enforcement.

Was told from higher up to stand down till back up arrives.

Back up could be 50 miles away.

Her husband’s response, it will all be over before back up arrives.

That right there says. Arm every citizen and teacher.

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Right. We need to be smart when we are armed and that means to conceal your weapon. The first person a bad guy will shoot is the one he sees carrying a gun. If you have to use it conceal it immediately once the threat is over because the police will likely shoot someone with a gun gun in his hand if they are responding to an active shooter situation.

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Spot on.

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Yep, the FLIR footage of special forces responding to shooters at the runway 100 meters from the Vegas hotel at the same time as the crowd was being sprayed with fire is proof it was nothing like the official story.

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Something stinks in all these shootings.

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I think the middle school shooting threat was a few years ago, not sure if it was by same guy.

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Ok. Maybe. My understanding was he sent random messages to a stranger and posted on Facebook his intentions.

I could be wrong.

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Total Fkn MKULTRA puppet psychopath

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He had two rifles including a Daniel Defense with an EO Tech? Follow the money . . . .

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As en EO Tech owner I can attest that these ain't cheap optics. And amateurs typically do not use these.

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plus approx 800 rounds of ammo. I just saw an online $pecial for 1000 5.56 and 10 mags for approx $600.+ and Police said killer had 30+mags? Who paid for All of this???

They will Never Answer that Question.

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I'm curious how the "Feds" got there so quick.

This whole episode seems so 'manufactured' again.

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Up to 80 Fed Border Patrol agents were in charge, WHY?

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I thought it was the Sheriff's county?

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Jewish Sheriff LOL

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The school is near a military base where they do realistic battlefield wound simulations for Army medic training.

I also believe they used animal blood for the crime scene photos here:


Again, no bodies shown. Same in Sandy Hook where the only two people who calimed to have seen the bodies are dead

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If anyone discards what 2SG has been alluding to in several recent posts just think of the insanity of the past 2 years and reconsider.

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I keep wondering the same as the 4chan poster above. Where are the so-called gun lunatics, or just garden variety lunatics, seeking solutions with lead poisoning? It doesn't add up to kill young innocents, what does this accomplish? Yet somehow, the drugged teen crazies are still rational enough to find gun-free zones? Hmm.

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More like a massive psyop through trauma based acts -- over and over and more heinous and increased frequency. As if these ghouls are on a schedule for their anti human agenda.

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Obama's Fast and Furious comes to mind. Was the kid given money by a government agency to buy the guns?

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These two mass shootings coming right after NY Gov Hochul decried guns, and hours before Biden gave a well-crafted, well-rehearsed and well-delivered condolence speech, already had loads of earmarks of false flag written all over them, as you have detailed. But then when I heard these were right before the NRA Convention, now those two events stink to the skies of false flag crimes against humanity.

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Agree. Totally appalled. It's the same damn psychopath stage managers 24/7 now and they don't even worry about the glitches anymore. Control, disarm populace, destroy economy and pensions, minds, immune systems all to build back in their bizarre AI, soma-drugged, profit extorting image, while gaslighting the non-Davos plebes.

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where are the pictures of the crime scene you know the pools of blood, blood splatted walls etc

in the land of the fee and the home of the slave there must be some proof this happened, or we

just take the word of the known liars at the F I B

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The crime scene photos, released over a year later, don't show bodies.

The photos show blood on the ground and body bags in a hallway.

Again - no bodies. A scene like this is easy to stage for maximum emotional impact.


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I lived in the Middle East and know a lot of Arabs that speak fluent Arabic and English.

It's well known over there that you might get a call from some "glowies" who ask you to become an informant/spy/"asset" and that if they do call you, you tell them to pound sand because the odds are you will become a patsy for their next false flag.

Arabs are pretty smart people. :)

I generally regard most of these events as false flag LIHOP/MIHOP. Zero Hedge has done a great job of cataloguing all the times the FBI has been caught over the last few years trying to orchestrate things like this.

An example: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbis-mafia-style-justice-fight-crime-fbi-sponsors-15-crimes-day

The only time I ever went to the US, I decided I would wear my favorite top at the time, a deep red zipper hoody type top without the hoody. It had the Soviet flag and had CCCP written on the front. I deliberately wore it to annoy any Feds I met.

As luck would have it, in San Francisco some Feds came up to me and said "Pssst Comrade....that shit's dead, right?" to which I said "Yeah, it's just a joke" to which they replied "Damned straight!". As usual, my American girlfriend was having a fit!

Strangely though, these guys looked just like this:


Now you mention it, kind of like this as well:


Probably a coincidence. :)

Anyway, I am going somewhere with this.

One of the most interesting things I have ever seen was my mate who has lived in Christchurch, NZ his entire life. He despises conspiracy theories but after the Christchurch shootings, he called me because he didn't really know who else to talk to about it.

He basically said it was impossible for Tarrant to have travelled the distance he was supposed to have travelled in the timescales. He drove the same route himself every day and he was suffering from cognitive dissonance - unable to resolve what he knew to be a blatant lie with his hatred of conspiracies. Really fascinating.

As usual, there were initial eye witness reports of multiple gunmen, that were all memory-holed afterwards.

I also found a news story about how Tarrant had travelled extensively around Europe and Turkey, was an intelligence asset and had a strange history of things blowing up soon after he entered the country. What was really interesting about this was, the story could NOT be found on Google under any circumstances, but would show up on every other search engine. It didn't matter if you searched by the link, text or anything. Google had clearly decided to hide it (this was back in the day when things like this were at least slightly shocking).

This isn't the link (not sure I will ever find it again) but it does include some of the information: https://cairnsnews.org/2019/03/20/tarrant-trained-by-israel-to-assassinate-syrian-president-bashar-al-assad/

as does this https://cairnsnews.org/2019/03/20/tarrant-trained-by-israel-to-assassinate-syrian-president-bashar-al-assad/

(the first article is Gordon Duff, who is either completely full of shit or Cointel Pro, some of it will be true, the rest deliberate disinformation).

The Las Vegas shooting also needs to be explained. Again, there were eye witness reports (and even video) of other shooters in nearby hotels, also memory-holed (I see a pattern forming here).

Not saying this meme is right, but it echoes the hilarious James Corbett summary of 9/11:



But apart from that, everything seems legit.

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Using 40Billion to provide physical security for the schools may prevent the next power grab which is why the problem will not be fixed.

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OK, forget the news, listen to what Michael Berry has to say. start at about 9:40. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-the-michael-berry-show-27764850/episode/mb-friday-show-hr-1-97563324/

I know Michael personally. Nobody tells him what to say. He does know a lot of people personally and has a lot of connections.

Having said that, I am not saying the killer was not programmed, or that some nefarious group was not behind this. I'm just saying listen to what Michael knows regarding the police.

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can you please write brief synopsis?


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Everyone in the classroom was killed in about 4 minutes. The police went into the school and surrounded the classroom. There were no sounds in the classroom, except for an occassional shot through the sheetrock. Everyone except the shooter was already dead.

There were also the outside police who formed a perimeter around the site. They would not let parents go into the school, where the shooter was still in there and armed.

The inside police didn't storm the classroom, because there was nobody alive in there. There was no upside to them storming the room and getting more people (the police) killed.

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They made the determination that there was nobody alive. Now we are learning that there was someone alive. The police did follow protocol and were waiting for armor before they went in. I guess the point is this: the police followed protocol. They had the 2 classrooms surrounded. Maybe in hindsight with more details, you could say they should have done something else. But why are we blaming the police? Remember that the news outlets are anti-police.

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UPDATE: there was a stand down order as murderer was in mid-execution of innocents. That is a very important breaking development.

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Inexcusable when children may have been bleeding to death, were actively calling 911 meaning the Police KNEW they were not all dead.



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Maybe. Just do not believe ANYTHING on the news.

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Great points. Thank you.

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I'm not blaming the Police.

I'm am blaming their 'leadership' which is clearly purely political.

Let's say a Cop disobeyed orders, rushed the classroom, killed the shooter and saved children's lives. He is risking being accused of causing children to be killed, serving life in jail, losing everything he has worked for for his family, all because of politics.

Only we the people can correct such tragedies, if necessary by busting his ass out of jail, performing citizen arrest interventions of this corrupt 'leadership,' the media, and so forth.

But this means revolution.

If we won't do it for our children, will we do it for our heroes?

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You will be happy that Michael Berry corrected himself today. He was getting the same wrong info that we now know was wrong. What a mess.

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They determined that there was nobody alive. They may have been wrong, as it turned out. But there is protocol for a reason. The shooting took about 4 minutes, it was already done when the police were able to get there. What good would it do for a cop to storm into the room without proper battle armor and get killed him/herself? The shooting was not going on when they got in there, just an occassional shot through the wall directed at the police surrounding the classroom.

The police were not, are not cowards. There are carefully thought out protocols and they are doing the right thing by following them. Remember, the police were not there when they shooting took place.

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The police did not do nothing. The news got this all wrong. They did form a perimeter and keep parents from going in. They also formed a perimeter inside the school, around the classroom. There was nobody alive in the classroom at that point, except the gunman. The police did exactly what they should have done.

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There were multiple 911 calls to the Police from the students after the 4 minutes.

How could they "determine that there was nobody alive?"


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We're they the same kind of cell phones that worked at 30k feet on 9-11?

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Is that supposed to be funny?

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Use more question marks. Also critical thinking.

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Maybe, just maybe, you should shut the fuck up!

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Having a bad day? Thoughts and prayers.

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How would they know no one was alive before they went in?

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There were cops inside surrounding the classroom. Listen to what Michael Berry found out at about 9:40 here. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-the-michael-berry-show-27764850/episode/mb-friday-show-hr-1-97563324/

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"Young Texas school shooting victim ‘bled out’ waiting for help"


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