Ranking the Top 19 Terminal Cancer Repurposed Drugs
Further corroborating this Substack’s ‘holy grail’ cancer cure which has been well known to its readership for many years now is another incredible article in which “AI Weighs in on the Line-Up” of possible cancer treatments.

Repurposed Drug use for cancer is exploding around the world. And today, New Year’s Day 2025, even Artificial Intelligence is singing the praises of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as evidence-supported treatment for metastatic cancer.
And today - for a fleeting moment - AI is blind to much censorship and industry corruption as it freely proclaims a 3-cent drug potentially superior to a 12-billion-dollar FDA darling. You and I know this will not last, so today I bring you the uncensored and truthful AI rankings of 19 repurposed drugs used to treat cancer.
Keep in mind that AI can change the order of these rankings in the future as it “learns” more, presumably through adding additional knowledge and not by industry programming. However, what it cannot do is take back the reasoning it used to arrive at these rankings today. So please carefully review this reasoning in the following screenshots as to exactly why AI supports the top-ranking repurposed drugs to be superior to the lower ones.
As background, some repurposed drugs are better at prevention and others are better when added to treatment.
Typically, when one adds repurposed drugs to standard cancer treatment, they improve their outcome, meaning that the tumor shrinks faster or their cancer biomarkers, such as PSA, Ca 125, or CEA, drop.
When this occurs in Stage 1, 2, or 3 cancers, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it was the standard treatment, that is the surgery, chemotherapy or radiation that produced the benefit.
However, when the cancer has progressed to Stage 4, and particularly when it involves one of the often-incurable cancers such as the types in the below table under the “Palliation Only (Metastatic)” category where standard chemotherapy is largely ineffective, it becomes obvious that the repurposed drug made the difference.
Take the cases of Joe Tippens or Kevin Hennings - one had Stage 4 NSCLC and the other Stage 4 Colon Cancer. Both were sent home for Hospice Care and told to get their affairs in order. And both began repurposed drug protocols as a last resort. Both achieved NED - the remarkable category of “No Evidence of Disease” where their scans showed no more evidence of cancer. When this occurs in metastatic cancer, it is tantamount to a miracle for those patients and their families.
In this article, I employ AI to rank 19 repurposed drugs and supplements by effectiveness against metastatic cancer. To add perspective, I added a top-ranked immunomodulator drug, the drug Lenalidomide, also known as Revlimid which I previously reviewed through an interview between Dr. John Campbell and Oncology Research Professor Angus Dalgleish.
Revlimid happens to be a number one blockbuster cancer drug used throughout the world at a per patient cost of around $ 160,000 per year, yet at the time of this writing AI ranked it in the bottom half of these repurposed drugs.
Here are the rankings from bottom to top. Let us begin with numbers 16 through 19.
Annatto is part of the Kevin Hennings protocol. It is the richest known source of tocotrienols, a type of vitamin E.
CBD oil was part of the Joe Tippens protocol. It is widely recommended by some Oncologists including Dr. William Makis.
Vitamin D is quite important in cancer prevention, but its effectiveness against metastatic cancer according to AI is less.
Here we see more effective anti-metastatic repurposed drugs; however they all rank below Lenalidomide, which leads these four at #11.
Lenalidomide is actually repurposed from thalidomide, and Professor Dalgleish worked with the company Celgene on this drug for years before it was approved. He was impressed with the sheer number of cancer pathways it blocked, and indeed following its approval it has become the # 1 immune modulating cancer drug against Multiple Myeloma.
In 2015, the FDA approved Revlimid as a first-line treatment for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
Metformin is typically used to treat diabetes but has shown potential in preventing and treating cancer. It was one of the main repurposed drugs discussed in my 2020 book, Surviving Cancer COVID-19 & Disease: The Repurposed Drug Revolution.
Many physicians know about Metformin’s health-promoting properties, including its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects, and many non-diabetic physicians take it for that reason.
Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is abundant in red wine. It has powerful cancer preventive properties but is not as effective in treatment.
Cimetidine on the other hand has powerful anti-metastatic effects through immune modulation, and there have been documented remissions in Renal Cell Cancer. In addition, there have been PubMed reports of benefit in advanced colon cancer.
Propranolol has the interesting effect of helping prevent post-surgical metastases. Dr. Marik advises using propranolol in conjunction with celecoxib and cimetidine before scheduled surgery or biopsy to reduce the risk of cancer spread.
The following repurposed drugs ranked #5 through #10:
Here we see at #10 one of my favorites, the drug Doxycycline. The late Dr. Jackie Stone employed this against COVID-19 along with Ivermectin to great benefit in saving many of her patients.
Doxycycline is typically used as a tetracycline antibiotic against various common infections like respiratory, bladder, and eye. However, it has even more impressive activity against bioweapon or gain-of-function infections like Anthrax, Plague, Sars, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lymes Disease, etc.
However, as AI astutely observed, Doxycycline is versatile as a cancer drug, especially in the treatment of advanced disease. AI rates it higher than Revlimid which is ranked at #11, yet its price tag is much lower than $ 160,000 per year. One can purchase 14 tablets of 100mg Doxycycline tablets for $ 7.95 with a discount card.
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine [HCQ] are ranked #8 and #9. HCQ is routinely used to treat Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis. It is effective in many cancers including gastric, prostate, breast, brain, melanoma and liver.
Green Tea is rich in EGCG, and it has effect against various cancers such as breast, prostate, colon, gastric and esophageal. It can be useful for both prevention and treatment. It is also can be used in treating advanced cancers, especially in combination with standard chemotherapy because it enhances its effect.
As Dr. Marik reports in Cancer Care, Green Tea acts on multiple cancer mechanisms including the tumor microenvironment, angiogenesis, immune modulation, and CSCs via Hedgehog and WNT. It also blocks metabolic pathways in the mitochondria including those involving glutamate. It suppresses metastases by inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases and it opposes EGFR.
As Dr. Marik wrote in his reference guide, Cancer Care:
Green tea catechins may be effective against a range of tumors including cancers of the prostate, breast, uterus, ovary, colorectal, lung, liver and gallbladder as well as glioblastoma and melanoma. (242) GTCs appear to be particularly beneficial for prostate cancer as well as breast cancer. (309, 313, 767-770, 783, 788)
AI ranks Melatonin at #6 for advanced cancer, and this drug is often advised by Dr. Makis as part of his protocol. Dr. Marik ranks it #3 in Cancer Care due to the sheer number of pathways it blocks, even more mechanisms than Green Tea.
At # 5 we see Albendazole which is chemically related to Mebendazole and Fenbendazole. This is an antiparasitic medication that inhibits a cancer cell’s ability to divide by impairing microtubule formation. It also impairs the cancer cell’s ability to utilize glucose. This makes it highly effective in suppressing cancer growth and spread.
Now we arrive at AI’s top four repurposed drugs at combating the worst Stage 4 cancers:
The #2 spot is held by spicy Curcumin a derivative of Turmeric. However, the compound, despite its anti-cancer activity is difficult to use as it is poorly absorbed, and often special formulations are required to improve its bioavailability. Moreover, it can have some side effects, and in particular can interfere with anticoagulant drugs. With that said, it can improve the effectiveness of existing chemotherapeutic agents.
Dr. Marik writes in his Cancer Care book:
“In dose escalation studies, up to 10 g of curcumin taken daily has been shown to be well tolerated. Patients with breast cancer taking 6 g/day of curcumin for 7 weeks, and patients with prostate cancer who took 3 g/day of curcumin for 9 weeks exhibited no adverse effects. [301,353,389]
Curcumin (turmeric) may be beneficial for the following types of cancer: colorectal, lung, pancreatic, breast, prostate, chronic myeloid leukemia, liver, gastric, brain tumors, ovarian, skin, head and neck, lymphoma, esophageal and myeloma. (680, 698)”
Fenbendazole is no surprise at #3 and is at the heart of Kevin Hennings and Joe Tippens protocols. Tippens famously did not change his diet significantly yet survived a cancer that some 1000 others in his MD Anderson study group did not.
Hennings is alive and well after being sent home to die. However, he improved on the Tippens Protocol by adding Ivermectin and diet and lifestyle changes.
I describe his story in the Desert Review after Kevin decided to follow his religious sister’s advice and take Fenbendazole. He suffered from Stage 4 Colon cancer and following all the standard surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, he was discharged from the Moffett Cancer Center and sent home for hospice care.
During the long drive home, he had a gut-wrenching three-way telephone call with his two sisters about what he should do. One sister, a nurse, broke down crying in despair. The other, deeply religious, offered him hope and told him the story of a man from her church who took Fenbendazole.
After ridiculing his religious sister for suggesting he take a veterinary medication and hanging up the phone, he did some soul searching and called her back. And he decided to take a leap of faith and try it. Within 6 weeks of beginning the protocol, a scan recorded a 50% tumor shrinkage. Eight weeks later the cancer had disappeared. He was declared NED - no evidence of disease. Over the past three years Hennings has run a Facebook page and shared his results with the world.
Kevin Hennings’ updated full protocol is discussed here.
There is a reason Kevin Hennings decided to add Ivermectin to his protocol, and there are many reasons that AI ranked it #1. If one set out to design a drug that could defeat metastatic cancer, one would have likely come up with Ivermectin.
Let us compare Revlimid with Ivermectin. Consider that Revlimid was the second highest earning cancer drug in 2021 at 12.8 billion dollars in sales.
Ivermectin can be manufactured for about 3 cents a pill. No drug company wants a drug they cannot patent and for which they cannot charge a fortune.
As Big Pharma well knows, patients fighting for their lives against terminal cancer will pay anything. While the truth may be that Ivermectin will offer substantially greater cancer benefits, Big Pharma will demonize it so that they can convince most to buy their drug and ignore the cheaper one.
AI is soon to surpass the smartest human in intellect. AI as it is currently designed can pass Physician’s Medical Board exams, and it can pass an Attorney’s Bar Exam. Big Pharma cannot credibly attack AI’s rankings and underlying reasoning of the above repurposed cancer drugs as of January 1, 2025. And for this reason, please share this potentially life-saving article far and wide.
Thanks for reading Repurposed Drugs: Powers & Possibilities! This post is public so feel free to share it.
Epilogue: January 2, 2025.
Since this article’s publication the AI program was once again asked to rank the same 19 repurposed drugs based on the number of metastatic cancer pathways blocked. Keep in mind that AI can modify its answer to a question if new information becomes available. This is one day later. And this is the new answer.
The question is now this. Was this modification due to AI learning new information or was it the result of censorship? I asked it another revealing question, and this was the response:
Based on this, it appears AI was censored today making the earlier ranking even more credible.
Thankfully, readers of this Substack do not require AI to know that the following “holy grail” cancer cure may very well the the most effective means of treating this disease, amongst many other ailments:
New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol
Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.
Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.
Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).
CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.
Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram
Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day
VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)
Removing sugars and carbohydrates (cancer food) from your diet and replacing table sugar with a zero glycemic index, zero calorie, keto friendly rare sugar like FLAV-X
Please take full advantage of the LIFESAVING NEW YEAR’S SALE by using code NEWYEAR20 to receive 20% OFF lifesaving products like the Nobel Prize winning miracle drug Ivermectin, the no less miraculous Fenbendazole, Doxycycline, the full spectrum organic CBD oil containing 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG, the powerful immune support nutraceutical and spike support formula VIR-X, and the healthy sugar alternative FLAV-X.
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Sale ends Sunday, January 5th (midnight eastern time), 2024.
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They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
There are hundreds of cancer interventions that no one knows about thanks to the medical cartel. I have had a list, a short list, I would provide patients and I would tell them I could provide the names and contact info of those that did the list. I could not for those who did not as they no longer had phones or anything else. So, here we are 20 years after I started telling people about mebendazoe, Ivermection, CBDs etc and the information is slowly getting out there. When the medical cartel collapses after the coming economic crash, these suppressed cancer treatment will come to the fore.
Cancer is not a genetic disease it is a metabolic disease of the mitochondria. See Thomas Seyfried.
We will not stop losing lives unnecessarily until we change the standard of care to recognize this true paradigm.
Fix the cancer SOC. It is wrong. It is broken.