There has to be a reason for the backtracking. I’d love to think that it’s due to some awareness that the entire fraud is imploding but the past 2.5 years make me VERY skeptical.

Something’s up. I don’t know what it is and I pray I’m wrong, but between this little dweeb and the scarf lady alone, the shift is too crazy to be coincidental.

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It’s also the case he must have known the hydroxychloroquine would be useful because his buddy Dr Ralph Baric wrote a paper about zinc killing viruses in the presence of ionosphore which is what HCL is.

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Lara Logan was right.

Our modern day Dr. Mengele.

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I'll save my sympathy for those who took the dangerous injections and are now living with the consequences. He needs to go.

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🤔🧐 Faulty PCR that Kary Mullis said not to use to detect disease, liars upon liars that we're forced to listen to day after day!!




Just about everything we were taught was a lie!


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Anyone know what, if anything yet, Dr. Reiner Feullmich et al are doing with Fraudci and the Crimes Against Humanity trials in Europe? Very hard for me to find up to date info. Will this criminal run to his South American home as many of the WWII Nazis did? He and scarf lady must pay!

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Fauci says "much, much more stringent restrictions" should have been imposed in response to asymptomatic COVID transmission...... https://gettr.com/post/p1jtz0caf77

Time$ up, $ir......

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Everyone following the statements of Fauci will note that he contradicts himself, and

supported experimental immunizations, masks, and lockdowns. His dictates and demands

have created ripples harming people directly and indirectly, all over the world. He and his

partners in crime (ideally) should be stripped of their assets, then shunned and banned.

The assets can be used to compensate victims of this scam. Maybe strip the assets of the

Pharmas and others that participated and profited from the deaths and injuries of their

fellow man. Remember, the man's history with AIDS and funding sadistic experiments

(of no value) all of which prove he is a no value-person.

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He said that we were making an assumption that natural immunity would work for a moving target, but the opposite can also be said that he made an assumption that natural immunity would NOT work and that the hybrid immunity was best! What!? These reporters really should be quicker thinking.

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Unless he knew something that we all don't, which is very much the case.

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Had to laugh at that masterful metaphor ... ''In a second bit of furious tap-dancing ...''

Can just imagine the little twerp — in suit, tie, and baggy pants ... furiously tap-dancing for a shower of pennies on the msm stage. Yuck.

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Fauci’s brain is riding a carousel.

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Fauci Oct 2020: "I recommended to the president that we shut the country down."

Fauci Jul 2022: "I didn't recommend locking anything down."

Fauci Jul 25 2022: Brain dead to consequences Fauci asserted had he known at the beginning of COVID what he knows (“knows” ?) now that “ ... there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy encouragement of people to wear masks, physical distancing, what have you ...” Truly, this man is totally ignorant or does not give a damn about the economic and financial chaos his draconian mandates have already created.

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