I would like to know why the governments of the world even bothered creating the Nuremberg code after WW2 if they can just throw it out the window with the EUA and say it’s null and void. What a worthless piece of crap treaty that was ehh!
I would like to know why the governments of the world even bothered creating the Nuremberg code after WW2 if they can just throw it out the window with the EUA and say it’s null and void. What a worthless piece of crap treaty that was ehh!
I would like to know why the governments of the world even bothered creating the Nuremberg code after WW2 if they can just throw it out the window with the EUA and say it’s null and void. What a worthless piece of crap treaty that was ehh!
nuremberg was a kangaroo court it was,nt about justice it was about revenge, just
another instance of the people being lied to, read the transcripts if you have,nt