My dad (The Old Country Vet) has recommended Fenbendazole for a couple of years, now. He does his research…just saying. Love you guys!

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Please share this article with your father.

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Mom, and all of my peeps have already been tagged/shared with. Dad is retired now, but here is one of his old blogs, cheers!


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Thank you.

I have been regenerating my bulldog's enlarged heart with an experimental peptide with tremendous success; thankfully, i have a very open minded vet that never once attempted to dissuade me from my research nor associated compound.

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I have a 15 year old Himalayan cat named Mr. Moe Joe Romeo, who I have been dosing with C60 for constipation and it’s working. I totally agree with trying things outside of the big pharma crappola. Trust your instincts! Cheers!

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Please be very careful with C60. Most of the products are rancid, and unhealthy.

The sole research study used rats that did NOT fare well from this substance, with their lifespans shortened vs control. I personally communicated with the individual that supplied the rats for this study, who showed me the actual results.

I would not encourage use of C60, nor Methylene Blue.

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Very informative article by your dad, Suzirhae! Is his book still available?

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Yes Judy, I just saw it on Amazon, “How to Afford Veterinary Care Without Mortgaging The Kids”. Thank you for asking, I will tell dad and he will get a chuckle! Cheers!


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Just ordered a copy! A comment from one of his articles written in 2007, “There is even a dog vaccine (corona virus) for a disease that doesn’t exist.”

Boy, now THAT’S telling!

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Yeah, it seems that my dad was way ahead of his time! Thanks again!

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I’ve ordered a copy as well. Thank you for the link. I tried to search amazon when I first saw your comment but couldn’t find anything.

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My sister and I became sick at the same time , this was 2018 . I feel like at that point Ivermectin saved me . The thought that the medical community still won’t freely prescribe this medicine is criminal .

They know the bio weapon was in the works for years, they didn’t take into account that there would be people that speak their truth .

The evil ones made different families Hosts over a 12 year period. My family is one of the unfortunate ones.

ECO Health Alliance... EVIL 👿

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Ivermectin [horse paste] dropped my 104 Cv 19 temp. in 3 hr. I was good to go in 2/3 days!

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Also the Joe Tippins protocol is now 7 days a week*

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Wow, one of my comments let to an entire post. So here is an update on Ivermectin and fendbendazole. My wife is at late stage 7 of Alzheimer's. Cannot sit up, cannot feed herself. When she developed a horrid flesh eating infection on her elbow, I broke out the emergency drugs and blended into her Insure milk shake, iververmectin, fendbendazole, vitamins C, D3, and K2, NAC, and beetroot. Results, her elbow is essentially healed, the open wound is closed. It was larger than a silver dollar, I thought she would lose her arm, it was so swollen. A open wound on one foot is closing, now small; a larger open wound on her other foot is closing, generating good levels of puss on bandages as neutrophils are attracted to the infection and attack the invader.

I have been reading a lot. Began massaging her legs as much of the immune system works through the lymph system that is pumped by muscle action. She does not move her legs, so a little massage helps. I have reason to believe immediate use of fenbendazole upon diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's could stop the disease when it is caused by in infection like a fungal infection of the brain.

The damage to my wife brain cannot be undone. She will remain a total invalid. I may have just extended her life and will need to take care of her for a long time. Still this is the first time the monthly decline has stopped and she has improved. She actually picked up a bottle and sucked out the juice through the attached straw by herself.

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I've been doing some reading about Fucoidan, which is sourced from various seaweeds, and its remarkable anticancer effects. Here is one article I would like to share. https://cancerci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12935-020-01233-8

I myself started taking it as a thyroid booster thinking that seaweed is usually a good source of natural iodine but I don't really think it's doing anything in that arena. However, I keep taking it because it has " anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-oxidation, anticoagulant, antithrombotic, anti-angiogenic and anti-Helicobacter pylori" properties (to name a few) and just seems like a good idea. There is a great deal of info out there on it and I would be interested in your taking a look to see if it would add value to these anti-cancer treatments. Regards!

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This sounds promising except my reservations with the whole Fukushima treated nuclear wastewater release. :\

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About the cancer protocol...any evidence that it can be used as-is or modified as a preventative measure for cancer? We all have cancer so it feels prudent to not wait until it becomes a diagnosable case and instead maybe do a yearly tune-up for those of us not taking care of our health as we know we should (speaking of myself obviously!)

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Very good info to have on hand. Thanks! Everyone should also keep in mind that your pets are also subjected to all of this bull crap (shedding, emf’s, and toxic totally unnecessary quacksines etc…) just like we are so my dog is on some of the same supplements as I take.

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SSMitW Smacks it out of the park again! Home Run! Thank you...

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I noticed you linked to FenBens Substack ❤️

You two are doing gods work.

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Thanks. I've been waiting for this. Just saved it in Word and printed a copy (you never know what the next dastardly thing will be!)

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Always good to have a hard copy of anything critical. They’ve already warned about the next “plandemic” they’re preparing for us…a massive cyber attack. They always tell you what they’re planning ahead of time, we just aren’t paying attention!

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Yes, I think that gives them a second reason to gloat over what they are doing! "See, we tell them (us) what we're doing and they still don't believe what their eyes are seeing!"

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Could someone clarify dosage of Petdazole tablets for parasite treatment (and cancer prevention) in a 130lb adult? Most regimens I’ve read say 222mg for daily dose (cycling), eg Panacur-C. Should we use 1 & 1/2 tabs Petdazole (225mg) per day? (3 days on, 4 days off, for 2-3 mos to treat parasites.) Dr Lee Merritt suggests up to 375mg or 750mg. Is that for known cancer?

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What is your recommendation for a prophylactic regimen of ivm + fenben for a fellow whose family has a strong history of cancer?

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Any difference in your Fenben and Amazon’s Fenben? I’ve been loading up on your ‘mectin. I swear that I feel normal and not at all sluggish on days I take ‘mectin and fenben, three days a week. Now my dad wants them, he had turbo cancer. Personally I think the doctors looked at his insurance and decided that they wanted a big payday. 😲😲😲

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PetDazole is superior. And never shop on Amazon!

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That doesn’t tell me anything

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Just a bit of research I’ve done but FLCCC states this in their Cancer Treatment protocol I linked earlier about NAC, VitA,C,E and COQ10

Interesting stuff 2nd Smartest Guy.

“Antioxidant supplements (vitamins A, C, and E; coenzyme Q10, and N-acetyl cysteine) should be avoided in patients with cancer. In an experimental model, Wang et al demonstrated that vitamin C, vitamin E and n-acetylcysteine (NAC) increased tumor angiogenesis by BACH1 mechanism (redox-sensitive transcription factor BTB and CNC homology 1). (381)These antioxidants should specifically be avoided in patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as these interventions act largely by increasing oxidant injury, which is minimized by antioxidant supplements. (382, 383) Paradoxically, while oral vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, (384) high-dose intravenous vitamin C generates reactive oxygen species that potentiates the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (see section on intravenous vitamin C).”

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For Curcumin I switched to a more bioavailable brand. It’s what Rick Simpson (RSO) recommends as well. I use UltraCur - Turmeric Curcumin now. And a few other things

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Look into DMSO, Sodium Dichloroacetate, hell, even RSO.

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