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RFK JR. DAY 2 CONFIRMATION HEARINGS POST MORTEM: Comrade Bernie & The BigPharma Democrats Exposed
Yesterday marked the second day of the extremely partisan Robert Kennedy Jr. confirmation hearings for secretary of Health and Human Services.
This is an update on an article from two days ago…
…both the most amusing and disgusting exchange came courtesy of perhaps the single most embarrassing useful idiot and lifelong grifter par excellence in all of government:
Bernie, you have accepted millions of dollars from the Pharmaceutical industry. In 2020 you were the single largest receiver of Pharmaceutical dollars: $1.5 million.
RFK Jr. correctly pointed out to Sanders that he took in more than anyone else in BigPharma monies, to which the not-so-good senator replied that it was “small contributions” from “workers” pharmaceutical industry proletariats, and only a mere $1.5 million out of the $200 million he raked in from lobbyists in 2020. Also, Sanders claimed to have run for president when he accepted his BigPharma bribes, but that is also a lie given that he ran in 2016, and not 2020.
Senator Sanders not only never worked an honest day in his entire life, but he profited handsomely from his disdain for America by not just raking in BigPharma blood money, but, also, by trashing the system that made him extraordinarily rich:
And just to reiterate, Comrade Sanders is truly bought and paid for indeed:
And speaking of Senator Warren aka Senator Fauxahantis, pure comedy ensued when it was her turn to look like the BigPharma shill that she is:
But in all seriousness, Senator Warren attempted to get RFK Jr. to promise not to sue any of the vaccine manufacturers, because “Safe and Effective:”
The projection of “cashing in,” or what this is really all about:
Thankfully, we have many of the receipts:
And if you really want to know just have badly compromised all of these “public servants” on both sides of the aisle really are:
Which brings us to perhaps the most devastatingly inane and contradictory exchange from yesterday that truly exposes all things “Trust the Science:”
We live in a post-truth world where venal morons like Senator Hassan can rape and murder logic in plain sight for all to witness, and have not a scintilla of self awareness while doing so.
Some historical context on this “settled science:”
Even the wholly captured Mockingbird MSM rags are forced to cover this “settled science:”
The same way these “public servants” claim that vaccines do not cause autism, except they irrefutably do cause autism:
Additional important context yesterday thanks to Senator Mullin:
The pandemic of the vaccinated; to reiterate:
In conclusion:
In other tip-of-the-iceberg examples, pharma companies spent billions to settle charges that they fraudulently downplayed drug risks; hid data showing ineffectiveness; and manipulated findings to promote wider, and harmful, use.
All of these politrix shills are really afraid of being exposed for the infanticide due to the childhood vaccine schedule that they keep aggressively defending and pushing, not to mention the greater democide of the entire vaccine industry, because if RFK Jr. is confirmed, then all roads and kickbacks and backroom deals ultimately lead to the greatest serial killer in human history:
Fauci’s records will expose many of these senators that doth protest far too much, methinks.
Thankfully, it looks like RFK Jr. will get the chance to splinter the Medical Industrial Complex (and their CIA handlers) into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds:
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From Ai: The phrase “settled science” is problematic because it misrepresents the nature of scientific inquiry. Science is inherently provisional, relying on evidence to establish what is most likely true, but it cannot achieve 100% certainty due to the possibility of new discoveries overturning established ideas
Questioning science IS science.
Why are those most terrified about their health, even more terrified by the healthiest-looking human in DC?