I’ve been watching and waiting for his true colors to show and now they have.

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If you read my articles from last year you didn't have to wait...

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I think she means same thing I do...we knew...just waited for a final nail in the coffin so die hard rfk jr groupies would know! However, my guess it'll be like the clot shot...they'll die before admitting they were wrong. 🤦‍♀️

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Sadly, some of them are excited, thinking that since "she's a mom with an autistic child," that she will be their savior because "she's just like us." They think that "she's changed since 2020." It's people like this that make me think women shouldn't vote.... And I'm a woman.

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I actually thought the same thing! However in the grand scheme of things vaccines are the least of our issues. They are probably vaxxing us all with chemtrails and food already! There's mercury, flouride, aluminum, and lead in so many things! With everything coming from China Lord only knows how bad it really is! If that doesn't get us...all the illegal immigrants will!

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No truer words spoken, Di Chez.

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I definitely try to read most all of yours but I do miss some occasionally. Appreciate your work. Every once in a while you strike a chord with me but I like it. Makes me think.

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It’s all a big club and we’re not in it.

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Spot on, tbh..

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I thought I already knew his true colors because anti 2 A and being a climate change hysteric along with being an east coast legacy wealthy liberal. I liked the anti injection stance and book on fauci. But to chose someone like this for V.P. forever sealed the hard no. Not that there ever really was a question.

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Can't you just imagine the dems knocking RFK off after he got in there, and then her becoming president? It would be dream come true for the left.

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Bing bang, out. POTUS Suicide indeed.

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I don't support any candidate right now. Trump did not drain the swamp in his first term, he embraced it. What makes you think he won't embrace the swamp again. Trump has not denounced the shots.

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Trump had a lot of backstabbing snakes he trusted. He was ill advised on a lot of things from people he thought were on his side. His greatest thing he could do is to outright admit he was wrong about the shots. The bioweapon shots were sitting in waiting until a scary reason was invented to market them. Enter mass murderer Falsie!

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Stop making excuses for him. We are FOUR years out now and he still touts these deadly injections as "miracles" and credits them for "saving millions of lives." Ah yes, poor naive, egotistic Trump. Please don't now tell me he's not 100% in the know and part of the entire scheme.

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I think truthfully that they are all against us and like always we don't vote for someone. We vote against the worst ones. Almost 60 years a researching conspiracy theories here andI saw through the vaccine bullshit decades ago. No way operation warp speed CV would hand me a glass of Kool Aid. All the rich bastards combined don't have the money to pay me to take that shot. Morons did it for a donut. Trump's biggest problem is his ego.

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Agreed! However, do you know any ridiculously smart and rich person who doesn't have a huge ego or isn't a tad weird?! I don't! lol I agree...we vote lesser of 2 evils. God love that don't and are lining up still for the clot shots...because I don't love them! (Sorry God...I'm TRYING though!)

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I always remember the lesson of the resistance training laboratory at SERE school, no matter how ridiculously smart and rich you are, when every thing is stripped away, you remain only what you are. Just a man.

When Alexander the great was alive the world could scarcely contain him. When he died, a coffin was sufficient.

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Forgive me...but there's a list of those we'd appreciate seeing in a coffin. I wonder what the military training consists of now?! Sad what this administration has done to our military. No it's not sad...it's treasonous!

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Yes, there was one - Ron Paul. Met him personally twice in NH when he was running for President. Such a warm, kind-hearted man.

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Oh there's probably alot. I just meant more in general. Ridiculously smart and rich people usually have big egos and are a little odd. Those 2 things aren't always bad either.

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I voted for Ron Paul, not that it worked out!

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Not just a tad weird, I always say batshitcrazy. They think all the poors should die off bc they have superior genes. Good luck to them when that plan works out.

I'll take a person who knows how to do stuff over money any day. Too bad the rich are destroying that, too.

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A nice but rich girl once told me that a man that knows how will always have to work for a man that knows why. I told her that it was a good thing because just knowing why would always remain a dream without the man that knows how.

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He could have just stayed mum about the shots. I was hoping he'd say the whole thing was a mistake, but that would be highly unlikely. But if he hadn't said anything, that would have been a good signal. Most antivaxers I know are conservatives. All Dems I know are still in the dark, true believers in the transfections. He is losing part of his base I think. All part of the confusion/cognitive dissonance? Who knows? Above my pay grade.

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Most of my conservative friends got the shots. I was shocked! Serious health issues now. I think a lot of people trusted Trump’s word. Certain people are mesmerized by him. I can’t figure it out.

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Mar 28Edited

They trusted him--simple. And the way they got everyone vaccinated was to have Trump sell it to his base first. They knew no Dems would take the shot he was responsible for, so Biden had to win. Mission accomplished.

I have no doubt Trump knows everything which makes his lies even more sinister. He can say anything but vaccines are off the table.

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I guess Trump initiated it with his followers before he left office and then Biden sealed the deal with his followers. I had never thought about this before. They were working together to trick both sides. I remember the Democrats screaming they weren’t gonna get the shot and as soon as Biden won they all started pushing them. The Hegelian Dialectic played out! I’m so thankful I e always been a skeptic of anything until I check it out myself. Thank the Lord I’ve always been an antivaxxer.

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Yes! And it could not have worked the other way around. They needed to get the Reds first. The timing was impeccable.

Good for you for seeing things all along. I woke up late, but better late than never.

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If he did, the media would pounce... We only hear mostly what they want is to hear and think... Remember, Google, FBI, FB, all the other social medias train our brains to think how they want us to think.. I hear sosmy times the hatred for President Trump yet their reasons are only what the MSMs told them to believe. We use to have 88 Independent Networks, now there's only 6 MSMs all owned by ZociSlist minded billionaires that control what is reported. These Networks parrot the same lies day in and day out.

I'll take President Trump anyway bcuz, whether you think so or not...he kept every promise he made....every one except being a le to drain the Swamp

A military vet told me that for every swamp rat removed there are 9,000 swamp rats to replace them. That's why they're called the Deep State

Pres. Trump said he'd have to step down for a while, and I and others understand why...He's showing, exposing just how corrupt and ruthless the Deep State is and who they are....We will win in the End game. Whether I survive or not...We will win!!

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So, you prefer Biden?

Or are you holding out for an imaginary prince on a white horse.

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Mar 27Edited

Two shitty choices, as always. If hating Biden is your justification for voting for his partner who is equally a criminal, then you are lost. A perfect participant in the matrix. The overlords would be proud of themselves seeing you.

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So if the results will be the same with anybody you vote for, WHY VOTE that crap in?

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I'm considering not voting for the first time in my life. I'd vote if I thought it would make a difference. They are all on the money side, the grift and harm side.

Maybe I should stay home and enjoy some chocolate. Who knows when it will be made illegal?

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Katie they don't want us to vote to make cheating easier! Look at ALL they uncovered due to the 2020 election turnout. Despite their scamdemic! Don't listen to the ones that bitch yet have no solution other than don't vote! They wear me out! Take the chocolate to the polls! ❤️

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Good point. I don't think any of them will make a difference, but I also can't abide the cheating that has been going on. In the midterms I voted, but also left some of the choices blank. Then I heard that made it easier for them to cheat. So, I decided next time I'll do a write in if I can't abide either choice.

Most of my long life has been voting against rather than for. I realize it was all propaganda, except maybe a few local races. In any case, chocolate helps take the edge off the terrible circumstances we are in.

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Amen! We can't complain NOR fix it if we don't vote! That's their end goal...break us down so we'll give up! Not until my last breath! Make it dark chocolate and I'm in! 🍫

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I don't think voting will fix it. Not at all. I haven't for a long time. They are dismantling the Constitution. Both parties.

My strategy is to see which candidate will buy us the most time. If people wake up, it can be fixed maybe, but the political system and their candidates can't work. That's a feature, not a bug.

It's totally controlled by people who will not show their faces. They are super rich. A few standins like B. Gates but you know the real controllers are invisible.

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Beam me up Scotty! (Aka God!)

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Thets because you have standards! So its painful to choose least worst but there it is. Hope you vote!

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I think this has been going on longer than we think. It’s just that Covid opened all our eyes because of the bold move they made and exposed themselves. Now we see the rest of what they’ve been up to. If you study the history and background of them all, it really is a big club. I won’t vote any of these snakes in. Look up the Hegelian Dialectic. It’s what’s being played on us right now.

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IF we even have a November election...

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With all the illegals flooding in we may end up in a terrorist state! Elections suspended!

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Or WW3/Civil War = martial law or heaven forbid, another plandemic. 🙄 I don't think they'll willingly let Trump win. But who knows, he may get elected, decide the only way to track illegals is that we ALL submit to digital ID and CBDC, to "better cut off cartel money for human/sex trafficking and assist in mass deportations". We submit to that and it's all over but the starving.


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The whole idea of Trump as insincere strikes me as totally off base.

Did it ever occur to anyone that Pharma kills people not just with jabs, but assassination for crossing them?

Could he be leery of picking a fight so many have lost, along with their lives?

He sure pushed alternatives despite huge mockery, including the Uber popular lie claiming he told people to inject bleach.

People need to accept reality, the choice if there is one, is Biden or Trump.

Not some imaginary prince on a white horse.

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We just saw how the FDA lost the anti Ivermectin lie.

As for me I am voting for Trump again, not that the deep state will count it.

I am 77 and used the horse wormer and it sure as hell worked great for me on many things besides the Fauci flu. and many of my rural friends did the same. I did get mild COVID but took the ozone therapy.

Very few of us country bumpkins even considered to take the jab.

The 67 swine flu shot I wouldn't take made my wife sick and put my cousin in the ER.

I truly don't believe that many of our jab pushing globalists took a real COVID shot. Ford took a Swine flu saline injection disclosed years later.

There are a few things I like about Kennedy and some i don't. The only thing I like about Biden is he is old and will likely soon be recycled by nature.

I do hope we really have a choice and not a cheat repeat!

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The whole ivermectin thing was kabuki theater to contain any dissidents. I think it does work for some things, including my arthritis (miracle cure but caused vision problems, hopefully temporary, for me, so not perfect). I do think there are cures like the ones on this site, but many "dissident doctors" also are pushing statins, fluvoxamine, etc. which are harmful as hell. "Just say no". That said, I never hear the dissident doctors talk about stuff like the arthritis curing aspects. They have a script.

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given a fair election, which is questionable at best, I agree. Trump, at least by his rhetoric and promises is light years better than the pretender dementia joey and his globohomopsychopedo residency that is presently destroying traditional and legacy America. And doing a great job so far.

Trump made similar promises in 2016. Mostly not kept. But no worries, that's politics.

Oft repeated but it's a big club and you ain't in it. With almost no exceptions it's all about wealth and power and both sides are in on the grift. And from everything I can gather, they want White people dead.

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Spoken like a true matrix sheep.

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The shots consist of Faucci's 2002 Sars-CoV2 patent that was deemed a dangerous bioweapon at N Carolina U Chapel Hill Lab Nov 2015 and banned in US, shipped to Winnipeg Lab where 2 of 'Gates owned since 2000' Wuhan Lab biologists came to pick it up in December, from Trudeau who also sold the mRNA from the Acuitas Lab (had family investments for over 2 decades in Arbutus Lab where it was 1st created) and was paid $500 million along with a $40 kickback for EVERY dose sold worldwide. This plan was in works since 1880s (and centuries before) starting with Eugenicist Freemason Oil Tycoon J D Rockefeller and Pharma - The Secret Covenant - https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/the-secret-covenant-and-pharmacology?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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He not only did not denounce the shots, he embraced them and is still doing it.

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I thought Trump had backed off bragging about the "big beautiful shot" ? If he is still bragging about warp speed etc that isn't very intelligent. Meaning he is a guy who can't read the tea leaves or something worse.

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The media suppresses everything...and unbeknownst to us, there's probably good reason. Dec 2012 Obuma Repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Anti-Propaganda Act within his NDAA Act ( his Marshall Law Act). After he did this, I began seeing the media suppress facts. Guess who owns the 6 major Networks and subsidiary companies like Disney since? The same billionaires who invested in that poisonous vaccine. Fauci, Birx, Pence were all on it with Milley, NIH, FDA, CDC. Everyone at the CDC, FDA and even the AP Press had worked at one of the other of these agencies. Under Obama, I believe it was then, the FDA, CDC became "for profit" meaning they put profit over lives. It was Fauxci or his wife Christine Grady at NIH as well, who had the FDA, CDC NAN Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin. This was because both these drugs were proven to kill the COVID/SARS viruses. The Vaccine, that was actually already Available about 2 yrs before the COVID Virus hit the US, had killed the lab rats and it had to been improved...In order to get this vaccine approved to be injected into unsuspecting victims, they had to ban the 2 drugs that were an alternate and effective therapeutic drug. This is why, and the only reason why these 2 drugs were banned. Once banned, the CDC, FDA were able to declare that deadly vaccine as an Emergency Vaccine and they rushed it. President Trump wasn't aware bcuz Fauxci, Birx lied and Birx even admitted to it in her book. Send. Rand Paul exposed Fauxci as a liar...and when this all really comes out...Gen Milley will be exposed as withholding this from President Trump as well as he did the Spy Balloons and other treasonous acts he committed while President Trump's Chief of Staff.

Milley and Pence kept this from him...

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Yeah, you are real sophisticated with your non stop negativity and no solution.

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Well said Komra. No longer voting in Presidential elections. Also, Trump was behind the Jan 6th insurrection. He could've pardoned them before he left office. Then said if elected in 2024, will pardon them. Too late and what if you don't get elected OR maybe there won't be an election this year from what I've been hearing. When Trump was elected in 2016, he was surrounded by DS swamp. He's part of the swamp. He's a puppet and is being told what to do, just like fake Biden, Obama and others. Trump is a narcissist, selfish liar with low IQ and a big fat ego.

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an insurrection? by unarmed protestors? Where the only people killed were two protestors. What would the correct term for the blm and pantifa riots be?

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Not only has RFK been way out front on the site, he's also way more sophisticated regarding our constitutional freedoms, and corporate capture of government, not to mention a better peace candidate than Trump. Though i agree with your Shanahan negatives, there is also the positive that she wants to win in big pharma, and use ai to look at chronic disease in this country. Also, her money is helpful to a campaign that will not attract any corporate money.

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Trump has gone beyond not denouncing them, he embraces them! Also I would like to see more evidence other than previously supported something 10 years ago.

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Refreshing to hear another person with common sense! I won’t vote for one poison over another poison.

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Sadly Lisa, one poison is the only hope anyone has. It's the bull in a china shop, except they can easily neuter him, but at least it buys some time in other frontiers, not to be the bearer of bad news, but the moment Elon Musk builds those satellites will emerge the last time any freedom remains. To understand why and what specifically it does, look at the history of the nazis and the 1400 other nazis that came into the US after WW2. Understand that the US is run by those types of entities, the surveillance their military platforms will bring allows precision attacks on anyone and groups run by their many AI systems.

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Pres. Trump was surrounded by the Swamp but they were so embedded and he was not exposed to subversive who were well trained in deception. It took 2 yrs of this before these subversives were seeded out, but even through all this deception President Trump did fulfil campaign promises he made to us. That's a fact!! The swamp is still being drained , it's just a slower process...haven't you noticed really bad people are being exposed?? All these lawfare cases that would never make it past a unbiased jury are exposing the corruption not just at the Federal DOJ, DOD, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS Level but exposing the corruption at the State level. Pres. Trump is taking the arrows for us to see just how corrupt they are and if, if they succeed, other businesses these rats want to take will be up for grab, as well as our livelihood.

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Mar 27Edited

HAHA, dream on. That's a desperate fantasy if I've ever heard one. You have to dig deep and hard to come up with all of that to justify his promotion of the death jabs STILL.

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Bullsh*t. Trump didn't "embrace the swamp". Only a Fool or a Leftist would even suggest such nonsense. Back to the crack you crawled out of.

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You are wrong. Trump brought into his cabinet some of the absolute worst swamp creatures ever. How can you be so blind?

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Still, I appreciate the Trump side-effect of TDS. It tends to bring out the incompetence in its sufferers.

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Trump was very naive and trusting then, let's hope that he's learned his lesson.

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LOL, sounds like desperation. It's pretty clear he HASN'T learned his lesson. He takes full credit for the "miracle" vaccine as of this very moment. Please wake up. You'll survive without a false hero, I promise.

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I'm referring to his picks from the swamp, not the vaccine

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Who cares?

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Yeah, any excuse will do for an airhead like yourself to issue forth with condescending BS...

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Sorry you feel condescended to. This happens when you learn how little you really know. It's not condescension on my part--it's shame and embarrassment on yours. But if calling me names makes you feel better, good for you I guess.

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If " waking up" is you, Mr Negativity and no solution even attempted, no thanks,

If pretending pulling us out of WHO and the Climate Change accords, ending Murder Bombers financing, finally coming through with moving the Israeli Embassy after twenty years, starting zero wars and many other needful changes is nothing is your idea of waking up, you and I have a fundamental disagreement as to who is in need of a factual clue.

It is not me...

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Oh, truth is now negativity is it? You should read this same substacks author's post from a few days ago where he lists just a few things that Trump has quietly done that YOU and of course the media, have ignored. You parrot mainstream media and have done nothing to investigate any level of this beyond Fox News sound bytes:

Failed to order a thorough investigation of multiple shooters at and Deep State involvement in the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas shooting and, instead, acted to curtail Second Amendment rights by banning bump stocks.

Failed to dismiss certain federal officials who (a) committed criminal acts and/or

Failed or refused to fulfill their oaths of office, including, but not limited to Jeff Sessions, Mark Milley, Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, William Barr, and Christopher Wray.

Failed to build a wall along the U.S. southern border to protect against unlawful entry/invasion by foreign persons even though the Supreme Court, in Irump v. Sierra Club, 19A60 July 26, 2019), specifically authorized the Accused to use $6 billion of Defense funds to construct such a wall.

Failed or refused to release records disclosing criminal involvement by the U.S. government in certain events, including, but not limited to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 attacks (together involving the mass murder of 3,164 persons).

Fhe Accused failed to protect persons, property, and civil liberties by refusing to invoke the Insurrection and/or RICO Acts against BLM and Antifa rioters who caused S2 billion in damages and at least 25 deaths across the nation in the summer of 2020.

Locked-down the U.S. economy in 2020, causing immeasurable and long-term financial and societal damage, solely on account of an alleged cold virus with a Case Fatality Rate of 0.1%.

Advocated for and implemented "Operation Warp Speed", the deadliest bioweapon attack in human history.

Failed to act, as head of the executive branch, to protect the integrity of the 2020 federal general election, resulting in stolen elections for Congress and the Presidency and, consequently, in the loss of our republican form of government.

Failed to remove U.S. troops and vast quantities of military equipment from Afghanistan before leaving office and before transferring command authority to a known usurper, resulting in the prompt and foreseeable loss in that country of American lives and treasure.

Lured nearly a million American patriots to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, for a Reichstag fire- style setup/criminal entrapment that resulted in (1) imprisonment of many "]6" protesters (who the Accused refused to pardon) and (2) a nationwide suppression of political opposition.

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The problem is John, you have zero concept of the deep state, the history of the country, the architecture of the military industrial complex, the influence the nazis had and have, the anti men campaign and why this guy hasn't even bothered to try to do anything about it.. I don't know where to begin to open your eyes to the dark future ahead. I honestly believe Vivek is the only real person who can save the country and I doubt he will make VP.

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No. Tte problem is you imagining that you do have a clue.

Ram A Swami is as Deep State as it gets! He IS Pharma.

How long has mRNA been around, do you know?

70 years.

How long has China Joe worked for China?

Since 1979! He got them into the World Trade Organization, and it has been all downhill from there.

You people really need to quit confusing negativity with sophistication, the two could not be more different.

Anyone who imagines " no difference " has either been asleep since 2016,or has a problem with hallucinations.

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Or an intelligent, discerning person....stop making excuses for him and stop worshipping false saviors. It's not helping.

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Mar 27
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Trump was very close to JFK Jr and had a pact that they would find those who murdered him and right the wrongs. He has to be operating in those circles to understand them. Can you put yourself in his shoes? He is the ONLY President who didn't drop bombs, create wars, made peace ... all you hear in the MSM (Media) is a pack of lies since 1986 when Pharma bought up ALL media to create this current war to annihilate 90% of the population. Read my article on JFK Assassination which I witnessed live on TV in grade 6 history class. I vowed to find the whole truth - and I have ... JFK to 911 - Everything is a Rich Man's Trick https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/the-secret-covenant-and-pharmacology?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Except, that's a lie, he wanted to invade Venezuela. He is on the record uttering nonsense. Do you have any concept what mineral and elements are found in Venezuela? Good luck guessing because 99.9999% of people don't know.

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Because they will probably hang him and put his family at risk. Seems pretty sincere since he’s risking his life.

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It's a "hold your nose and vote" democracy. Hard to remember a time when holding ones nose while voting wasn't necessary

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Totally think this is the reality actually. There's a lot he did say about certain things that made it interesting as we hadn't heard it before, things like the stratcom and space issues. However he has no threat from anyone, it's doubtful he will go with Vivek and be serious, he's going to do morecof the same, the Rex Tillersons, Goldman Sachs CEOs and other oil executives who will run his administration while his policies seem more like verbal masturbation than anything tangible for the good of the people and world. Oh well, live your lives folks, to hell with the planet, I think we need to have a serious constant discussion on the future trajectories, architecture and leadership.

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2SG! I remember your first post on RFK Jr. You basically introduced him and his anti-plandemic stance. It was a nonjudgmental post. Your readers promptly began commenting on all of his leftist “warts.” You proved to me that day that you initially approach an issue with an open mind, then work your way through the evidence to reach a reasoned conclusion. So since the 2nd day of your introduction of RFK Jr… you’ve quickly worked your way to the conclusions in this piece. Great work 2SG.

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Playing politics as usual! I was done with him when he crapped on The Moms for Liberty and just left them out in the cold and then had the audacity to call them basically racists. Defamed them during a CNN town hall to a gay man. They are not! It broke all their hearts…he hurt them and it was cruel. I support this group and I have a gay kid so it’s not political! I knew he was a fraud!

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I didn't know this. thx for sharing.

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Who are you referring to? Trump or RFK jr?

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Yep, never trusted him just because of his vaccine stance, this nailed his coffin shut! When he defended the climate hoax that was a real red flag to me, now this!!! RUN!!!!

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Add career politician and KENNEDY to that! You'd think that'd been enough! People don't stop and realize no one can push us to get the vaccines period! ESPECIALLY if we have guns! Does anyone not believe after his uncle and dad were assassinated he wouldn't be FOR removing our 2A rights?! I'll add...vaccines are litterally the LEAST of Americans worries right now! I'm FAR more worried about the amount of illegal immigrants WHO HATE OUR GUTS that are now in our country, chemtrails, giving money to other countries, paying other countries ridiculous amounts of money for oil and gas while we could be self sustained, and inflation is down right scary right now! All these government created fires, etc car and home insurance is worse than I've ever experienced! Middle income families are having a hard time! So in all that it's a hell no to RFK Jr and was from day one! And I got news...you can't completely drain the swamp when libtards keep voting the idiots in! And YES in some areas they do! They don't even have to cheat! It's been said by MANY analysts...our country will NOT survive another 4 years of a demon-rat ran administration and let's be real honest...he's a demon-rat!

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No one could have said it better! I completely agree with you!!

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Remember in the beginning when everyone was saying...hey go change to democrat to get him as the democratic candidate then switch back to Republican?! I thought oh my wow...a whole other level of retard going on in the RIDICULOUS idea!!! Then they'd been screwed because he wasn't even on the democratic ticket! 🤦‍♀️

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Yeah the climate hoax *and* reparations (all in one stupid press conference/ interview if I recall) was the absolute stinker for me. I actually was excited about his entrance into the race at first. I was quickly disabused. Goes to show that there’s a reason so many boomers out there still think they are supporting the “old” democrat party. Their heads are buried straight up their arses. I’ve made several of these sorts of remarks to The Kennedy Beacon substack which I’ve yet to dump from my free stack just to keep an eye. You should see the comments about his vp pick on the vigilant fox substack. Brutal! I contributed there as well. Haha.

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I’ll have to check out those comments!!! Yes, the reparations really makes my head spin!!! Generations on welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free housing, decline from their crime in all cities where the crime is rampant, destruction of the government homes they live in, etc., etc. They owe every other American reparations for how much they’ve stolen from everyone!!!! Really sick of it!!!

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It was the face-hanging out, unquestioning support for that joint on the Mediterranean. Add to that RFK, Jr.'s apparent difficulty in identifying its outright en masse murder of civilians there for what it is? That did it for me -- not that I really had any hard inclination to vote for him anyway -- but that did it.

Now, let's ask ourselves, which politician doesn't suck up to and drain U.S. funds for that "joint" on the Mediterranean? There is only one that I know of -- Ron Paul. The other one was RFK, Jr.'s uncle -- and most of us know what happened to him.

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I like this pick. It will hopefully help split the lefts vote further.

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All China wants is a green agenda candidate as it benefits them. China is currently making EV factories in Mexico. Tik Tok, social media is promoting Bobby for a reason.

Sadly I think there is a plan to make Bobby president with Congress help.

A vote for Bobby is a vote for China. A vote for Bobby is a vote for the same economy that we have now.

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You have all been lied to about China as well ... the good Dragon family of China loaned the USA $3 trillion in the early 1900s to save their ass-ets, with a clause that if they didn't have to make payments during wartime... Thus all the wars. Obama who was groomed by George Bush has dropped more munitions and killed more people in more wars than the entire history of Earth... This is why they set up the FTZs- Free Trade Zones. Much of this information has since been wiped off the net.

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Once a Politician, DemonRat or RepubTurd RINO, always a Backstabber of We the People!! That is why they hate President Trump (in my personal opinion, there are some things he could have done a little bit better, but no one is perfect): At least he runs on an America First Platform and loves the United States of America! I may add a few months ago Kennedy made a statement about; we need to move on about the vaccine bio-weapon and vaccine injury! I believe he is nothing more than paid opposition.

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That's it. I'm out.

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The action of picking Shanahan as his running mate is the most powerful demonstration of RFK Jr’s true colors, and his true positions on a vast array of issues that are essential in this era. He is a totally unacceptable candidate.

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I was completely fooled by him at first, he seemed to be a viable and superiour alternative to Trump and was telling me everything I wanted to hear: reform of gov. agencies CDC, FDA, FBI, CIA, transparency in gov., release of Kennedy assassination papers and exposure of the UFO coverup retrieval programs.

But my misgivings had slowly been growing and now this VP choice tells all.

As someone with no political experience of his own, RFK Jr. would have been expected to choose some member of congress to legitimize his candidacy and create ties with the Democrat party.

Instad, this astonishing choice for VP reveals all.

I suspect that RFK Jr. is NOT running for President ! What this move indicates is that his intention is to recapture control of the Demo party from the progressive "aborigines" who hijacked it. And then later run for President.

Well it's back to Trump for me. I hope he quits shooting his mouth off without thinking .

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Trump is always thinking. He shoots his mouth off and says what 90% of Americans are thinking. Maybe not YOU, but he speaks for virtually ALL Americans.

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I'm talking about henever an¥ Tom, Dick or Harry attacks him, he starts acting like a child, thinking up childish nicknames and going into attack mode to the exclusion of and distraction from important stuff that he was talking about.

His enemies know this an duse it frequently to distract him from making important points.

That's just one of the several HUNDRED criticisms one could make about him but yes, what he stands for is what mainstream America, INCLUDING ME, want.

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yeah, that childish nickname stuff is stupid and childish, hardly fitting the office. One would think he could coolly and calmly dismantle the globohomopsychopedo attacks without that.

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agree with you. After reading The Real Anthony Fauci he got my attention.

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He just committed political suicide with this pick. It was clearly a monetary decision. No way would I vote for him now with her as next in line to the Presidency. I am glad that he has finally showed his cards to those that were considering voting for him. There is only one choice people.

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She matches very well with RFK, both the same agenda the same aims . Perilous time ahead.

she matches very well RFK

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So apparently little ol’ white bread me is simultaneously both extreme far right and extreme far left ?

I believe in the constitution and I want clean air and water and a non toxic food supply and I’m sick of being called radical for that.

I’m also sick of knee-jerk blackpill responses and expecting politicians to be perfect paragons of virtue. How about we recognize that politics is the art of compromise and not let the perfect be the enemy of the good ?

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I agree. Trump’s recent defense of the vaccine and bragging about all of the great things it did for the health of those who took it is a redline for me. How could anyone vote for THAT? We don’t have any good choices, but Trump either doesn’t see what a mistake he made or is unwilling to admit it. Biden is not even worth considering, so where does that leave us?

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2SG for prez!

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Everybody gangsta, till they get nominated for president and have to make the victory tour 😜

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Trump has an EGO standing in his way to admit he was wrong but we have little choice otherwise. I did notice fewer Chemtrails in my area when Trump was in charge, but now Joe is really fogging his "insects".

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Mar 27
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I don't think they are complicated. I know they aren't good! I'm in my 50's and NEVER IN MY LIFE has there been CONSTANT DAY IN DAY OUT X's in the skies! We can't even have a sunny day anymore! When did they get this bad...THIS FRAUDULENT PRESIDENTS TERM AND DOUBLED IN DECEMBER AND HASN'T STOPPED!



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Trump will never admit to any of his mistakes with his big fat ego. He was so PROUD of his Operation Warp Speed. He said no one would die! Just terrible.

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There are politically sensible compromises needed to be made to further more important agendas. This pick is not one of them. This is yet another intentional poop in the punchbowl for what could have been his base. Not effing drinking it.

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I agree, but let’s keep our focus on defeating the leftists in November. We must slow down their American killing agenda until we can defeat it. Don’t forget Trump slowed it way down with his surprising win in ‘16. It looks like he’s what we have in ‘24. We’ll go from there.

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She made her money the old-fashioned way.

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Now he’ll finally get secret service protection.

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