My biggest issue with RFK Jr is his stance on mandating vaccines/medical interventions. He has stated, in so many words, that he is for mandating vaccines/medical interventions if they can be shown to be helpful rather than harmful. This is definitely not medical freedom. From his own mouth, go to minute 24:10:
I suspect it's more likely that he simply hasn't thought it through clearly; and this is how it came out when he expressed what he thought was a viewpoint that would be acceptable to "both sides".
I wasn't able to find a clear explanation of why it's wrong ON PRINCIPLE (even if it's a miracle cure) to mandate it, so I had a go. I think it's vital that EVERYONE can explain it, but most people need help.
Here's my attempt. Please view and promote it if you think it fundamentally important, as I do.
Desmet is very deceptive. Mass formation "groupthink" can happen in many ways-- such as during the Tulip Bubble. But that's a relatively innocent formation. What Desmet wants to argue is that basically all mass formations are of the same character as "the madness of crowds," however totalitarianism differs from these generic formations in that it involves deliberate and massive censorship and propaganda in order to silence all opposition narratives and opposition force. Desmet on the other hand argues strenuously that there is never a conspiracy to silence opposition that induces the mass formation in the first place. His view makes no sense at all and isn't supported by history.
RFK Jr has expressed opinions that tend toward censorship of 'anti-science' climate views. He has in fact advocated for jailing high-powered industry leaders who are opposed to the consensus reality.
I'd like him to come out and state clearly and distinctly what he thinks of climate science. We all know the answer to that already but he skirts around the truth.
It means the health of multi-jabbed children is a lost cause...mostly because of the brainwashed state of their parents, who continue to insist that their kids’ autism and severe allergies have nothing to do with the 72 (and counting) injections inflicted upon their little developing bodies.
I see your point but his overarching argument is that NO vaccines have been tested and shown safe. The methodology of testing is gamed by pharma. So his comment that he’d be willing to mandate them is a challenge. He’ll also include opinions of virologists and epidemiologists in the efficacy of the vaccines.
He would have to lay out how he would prove that a vaccine was not obviously damaging as he could never prove it was totally safe. The only way to do that is to take some children and inject them only with that vaccine and nothing else for their whole life and then follow them through their whole life and compare them with a totally unvaccinated group of children you also followed through their whole life. That means that no vaccine could be shown to be largely benign until 80 or 90 years has passed because those studies have never been done even 200 years after vaccination started. Also just because one vaccine seemed to be safe that doesn't mean it would be safe if combined with another one or another two or another ten so lots of different combination studies would have to be done again covering 80 or 90 years. There is no way that Kennedy would demand that be the safety standard he was willing to accept so he is a fraud.
John - More than one childhood vaccine was safety tested/children followed for a full four days! And mainstreamers (CDC, FDA, pharma) will not allow any comparison of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated young people. The main physician I'm aware of who did this in their own practice (compared vaxx vs. unvaxxed) has been stripped of their license and excoriated likely because of the outcomes shown from this internal review of his patients.
I believe that one of the longest studies was on the Measles shots that lasted a whole 28 days with fewer than 20 children in the trial and with zero follow up thereafter and knowing how Pfizer and the others simply throw people off these studies for having the audacity to show side effects I can only assume we are only hearing about those that had no side effects. It is criminal. My sister was a district nurse for the last decade of her nursing career and she went from being an avid jabber to someone who insisted the parents read the leaflets and all the side effects before accepting these jabs as she saw child after child who was well adjusted and healthy become mentally damaged and unhealthy after the jabs and we are not talking a tiny minority here but a very high percentage. She was eventually pushed out of her job and took early retirement because the doctors she worked for around town, who got big government pay-outs if they got over 90% or thereabouts of children on their lists jabbed, felt that she was informing parents all too well what damage these jabs could do. As I say all she was doing was showing them the manufacturer's own insert leaflets and suggesting they do their own research which is what any good medical person should be doing.
How wonderful to hear of your sister's willingness to operate on her principles! How sad that the medical profession will not put up with individuals who are actually upholding their oaths to their profession. Thank you for sharing. The very fact that the pharmaceutical companies who have everything to gain ($) and nothing to lose (no ability to sue them if their product damages/kills someone) are the very ones producing the safety trials is insane - no conflict of interest at all (sarc).
You can never prove a theory, you can only falsify it.
Just can easily falsify the claim that they are 100% safe and you are good to go.
The problem is that "they" dont care about total 100% safety, they want to MANAGE the risk profile for YOU or the general population, so they are totally OK with killing 2 humans if they can save 3, or with another ratio. The basis for all medical treatments, therapies, vaccines should be the FREEDOM to choose (without ANY negative consequences). What they try to do is saying "what we found in this study is that GENERALLY, ON THE WHOLE more are "saved" than harmed" so they go on to mandate it totally OK with killing individuals because ON THE WHOLE the group is better off. Its insanity and they are criminals.
Also RCTs are partly garbage, please dont tell anyone. They can never show you the local-inidivdual and microlevel. They are basically tools to expand and enforce "GROUP" and collectivist thoughts.
RFK Jr. says he wants safe vaccines. He know there are no safe vaccines. He is also for bodily autonomy. I think you are being devious in selecting your proof.
It sounds like RFK is the one skirting round the issue by trying to be all things to all people not those who say he looks like he is skirting round the issue and trying to be all things to all people. If he thinks ALL vaccines are unsafe, as you and I both think, he should say so once and for all and then shut his trap about the issue.
Sharon Reeve - No "devious" intentions. I have been following RFK Jr. for many years and admire him for what he has accomplished and his willingness to go against the mainstream, so I was shocked when I read this, especially in light of thinking he was for bodily autonomy - I just couldn't find anything definitive from him about his bodily freedom after I heard this clip from him. I'm honestly hoping someone can show me a more recent clip that would persuade me about his bodily freedom stance.
Please post a link to any video of him stating he would never mandate a vaccine. He has obviously NOT mandated vaccines as he has never been in a position to do so. However, the video I've linked leads me to believe he would mandate a medical intervention if it were proven to be safe - so who gets to decide if the intervention is "safe"?. Judging from recent experience, those wielding the power deemed certain medical interventions to be "safe" (and effective:) so I'm not real optimistic we're going on the judgment of any objective third party. I'm not feeling very free if anyone can mandate any medical intervention on me - safe or not!!
Come on next thing you'll be telling us is that mandated lobotomies weren't safe and effective back in the 30's, 40's and 50's even though the "experts" back then said they were. ;o) (sarc)
I suggest that it's not enough to have a gut aversion to mandating vaccines (on this occasion). You should be able to explain why it's wrong ON PRINCIPLE, as well as historical precedent. See
Jonathan Reece - oh my goodness - your article is amaaaazing! I hope you share it at least monthly in any space you frequent. Speaking of that, are you familiar with Jeff Childers' "Coffee and Covid" substack? It's a good one
... and I don't do Twitter or Facebook, so I'm only talking to the limited audience on Substack and a couple of Telegram groups. So if you think it's worth reading please do put links anywhere appropriate!
Thanks very much. Yes, I do try and promote it, but I'm not very good at it!
Someone wrote the comment "this is life-changing" on a different article of mine, and I thought "great - that will help". Then I realised they had written it on the thread where they were referred to it, not on the article, and I couldn't find it again!
Yes, I do subscribe to C & C. Funnily enough it was one of the first I subscribed to out of about 30.
Mandating any medical treatment is the very road to hell paved with good intentions. History has demonstrated this.
To put it another way: the evil of a few people-- or even many people-- refusing to do what the medical authorities want is far outweighed by the proved evils of forced medical treatment. There's no contest.
My gut tells me that they have purposefully orchestrated that RFK Jr be pro-vaccine, Anti-2A, pro-Abortion, & anti-Biden/Deep State, for the purposes of waking the woke up slowly, but surely...I see patterns a lot...
Watch the linked YouTube video at noted time. He literally admits in clever wordplay that he would mandate a vaccine. It is in his own words. You just have to dare listen.
I mandate injecting everyone with shit because I have found it to be perfectly safe. Are you ok with that because if you aren't I will send you to a mental institution.
That is where Kennedy's word play ends up for the individual. Only you can decide what is good for you not someone else or a group of someone else's who no more understand disease and immunity than anyone else on this planet does.
Since when is banning assault weapons equivalent to banning the 2nd Amendment?
Regarding the vaccine mandate controversy::
Peggy Hall sounds fanatical in her screed, dissecting and interpreting words erroneously. Implying from one sentence that everything RFK stands for is a sham. He’s now in the political arena, and as such sounds like he’s just trying to get elected. He has a lot to bring to the table. Who is a better candidate. Consider EVERYTHING. Shall we get hysterical and dismiss him over an interpretation that is wrong?
The tone and pitch to her presentation of off-putting. Starting to sound like the Tower of Babel. It’s not even reasonable for her to doubt him, considering this statement:
"I'm against 💉 mandates or any kind of medical mandates. I'm against mask mandates...I would be completely against 💉 mandates as president."
Zpycer - you may have found what I'm looking for to offset his first video. Do you have a video link to him saying this or some other type of link directly to him stating this?! Thanks for including this info!!
They believe what they want to. RFK Jr has started a movement against unregulated vaccination especially those mandated for our kids. God, our kids! The people that say he’s controlled opposition are either CIA shills or just plain stupid.
Anyone running for president is a Trojan Horse or controlled opposition in some manner. Same with Milei in Argentina - I recently wrote a piece on him and pointed out many things that most commentators miss.
They're all compromised to various degrees.
People need to stop looking for a savior, and start focusing locally. Local elections. Those actually matter.
National elections are largely candidates already SELECTED for the masses to then 'elect.' Gives the illusion of choice yet they keep getting screwed year after year.
Hadn't read that but just did. Good read. That's essentially what I outlined. Now we just need the other 99% of people to realize it!
WEF-influence is everywhere it seems. Yet another reason that people need to focus on a more micro-level. I also encourage building parallel systems a lot too, in order to circumvent these types that are taking power.
They're being more open with their various agendas. Makes me wonder why. Are they really that confident they have the pieces in place to come out from the shadows?
I think Hunger Games is what they really want. Selected leaders is an in-between stage to get there.
The reason why they no longer try to hide their true intentions is that the die has been cast. There’s no returning to the past.
Over three billion human beings have been poisoned with the Deathvax™️. The death count over these past four years has exceeded the Nazis’ wildest dreams - 7,000,000+ and counting.
There are hundreds of millions more dying of heart disease, clotting, neurodegenerative brain disease and rare turbo-cancers. The multi-jabbed cannot be saved.
Those who think they escaped the consequences of the jabs they lined up so eagerly to take have developed vaccine-induced A.I.D.S. They will soon find out how debilitated their immune systems have become. Winter is coming.
The satanic globalists regard all of the multi-jabbed as deaths-in-progress. They just wish the “useless eaters” would hurry up and kick the bucket.
The psychopaths who organized this massacre must be vanquished.
What exactly is the point of having a military which conspires to slaughter its OWN PEOPLE?
What is the point of upholding a life-long oath to serve the nation when soldiers - past and present - stand by and allow DEMOCIDAL PSYCHOPATHS to depopulate that nation’s citizens with military-created bioweapons?
Elections are bad for "our democracy" in the same way that comments on social media that exposes the official narrative for the bovine fecal matter it is.
"Our democracy" definition: The powers that shouldn't be.
When you say local do you mean at the city level? 14 cities have agreed to ban certain things by 203 per WEF agenda. Looks like we're scre### unless people vote otherwise and elections are jacked up, to begin with. Perhaps this ALL just needs to end. I'm ready to go when the time arrives.
But yes, city, county, and state levels are more important. People can make a more direct change locally versus nationally.
If someone's in the US, consider the power and influence the local sheriff has. Look at how important one's governor was the past few years. It's a hallmark of the federalist system.
But the locals can more easily march down to their government officials/election office and do something about it. Getting groups from a variety of locations to then march on DC is much more difficult.
Get involved with politics yourself, move to a new area, move to a new country, build systems around the establishment. That's about all one can do. It's either that or give up.
Much harder said then done, especially when people are already getting wiped out. People need to lock in location independent income and/or assets in most cases first.
Milei is the best thing to happen to Argentina in decades. I noticed in your column your apparent frustration that he wasn't calling for genocide of all the Jews. He believes in God. Many Americans do too.
Distance, deny, discredit, delay, deceive, distort, divide and disarray.
Distance yourself - They over there had the responsibility for that decision.
Deny any wrongdoing - It wasn't me or my party.
Discredit any opposition - He is not a credible expert.
Delay important information - We are working tirelessly to get answers but until we have all the facts, it is inconclusive.
Deceive the audience - 95% effective. Super dangerous virus. Saves Grandma. Safe and effective.
Distort the facts - There was a fault with our computer system the data was compromised. Therefore, we cannot tell whether more people died with the vaccines or without them proportional to the population.
Divide the enemy - Ain't no virus, ain't no mistake, ain't a lab leak, ain't part of an agenda, ain't part of this group.
Disarray / muddy the waters - It's not the vaccines it's: Climate change, microplastics, fossil fuels, Fukushima, UV rays, perfume sprays or that old screw in your femur that caused cancer, cardiac disease or any number of other nasty and novel medical conditions. Promise.
But man contributed to the damage, that's for sure.
In emergency management you are supposed to
REDUCE the impact of a disaster by eliminating or minimising the risks, this includes fire breaks, removing obvious hazards, trimming tree tops near powerlines.
Be READY to respond with rehearsed plans and have all the systems in place to evacuate the public and contain the hazard.
RESPOND quickly and most effectively to the emergency.
RECOVERY and plan on how you want to be proceed after the emergency.
From my understanding there were professional emergency management teams and professionals and wild fire, volcano, tsunami, hurricane/cyclone are the first and most obvious disasters they should have plans and preparations for.
Hmmm, I can see this. Question though: What about the good that he’s doing when he exposes the general public to the vaccines? Surely that’s something positive that exposes people that previously wouldn’t have been reached?
RFK Jr might be a setup that works like this: he's already convinced many on the right that he's a savior who will further the work of shattering the deep state. So he has many on the right who wouldn't support Trump or who see Kennedy as a better hope.
The left? He gets the left if the vaccine card turns and it's exposed that just maybe the Covid response was malfeasance at the highest level-- blame it on a dysfunctional federal government that Kennedy will clean up. Blame it on Fauci and a mistaken and overzealous WHO and inept vaccine trials. But Kennedy has the left because he's a climate fanatic who understands, like they do, that CO2 is an existential threat. Hold your nose and vote for him to save the planet.
So let's say the powers that be, using the media, end up pushing Kennedy but not too hard, to make it look like it really is up for debate. Kennedy gets the presidency. Then what?
Then this absolutely nuts climate fanatic-- listen to what he's said!-- will eventually, after "the science" comes out, declare an urgent climate emergency and the left will cheer, we'll all make sacrifices, and we'll do whatever we need to/have to/are forced to do to flatten the curve for three years.
Kennedy may be a very nice guy. But I, for one, see him as extremely dangerous, no matter how nice he is. The global cabal could simply be using him as option B or C to get the reset they're lusting for.
In a way, the global cabal is stupid. But in another way they're very crafty and shouldn't be underestimated.
I think you are dead wrong. Time will tell. I know you are the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, but I cannot agree with you on this. I have followed CHD for years. I see nothing but integrity there. Why were RFK Jr.'s father and uncle assassinated? Because they were trying to bring about real change. No one is allowed to challenge the status quo.
Am I dead wrong in bringing attention to the fact that RFK Jr. claimed to not go after the guns, then a week later said he would sign an "assault weapon" ban? Not only did he lie, but he is going after the most vital 2A itself.
I think your post is a character assassination of him, with lots of your readers/subscribers, chiming in, agreeing with you. That is what I believe you are dead wrong about. I don't know of anyone else who has the knowledge and courage to expose the outrageous lies we've been told for decades, the way he has. He holds nothing back. He has an encyclopedic mind and memory. He's done enormous good for the environment, exposing 5G harms, the vaccine issue and exposing Fauci, the Covid farce, and the corrupt three letter agencies.
What have you done for this country? No offense intended. Honest question.
Do assault weapons apply to all guns? I know the 2A is vital. I know that without guns we have zero defense against our own government, and that in countries where citizens are required to give up their guns, the corrupt and dictatorial governments overpower them ruthlessly. I was born in Cuba.
Why would JFK Jr. put his life in danger the way he is, if he did not have the convictions he has?
A former yoga philosophy teacher of mine, a Harvard PhD, who thought the unvaccinated should die, not be allowed to be a part of society, sent out an email stating that RFK Jr. was crazy, because he (the Harvard man) is indoctrinated/brainwashed that vaccines "save lives." He was the smartest man in the world to me, up until Covid! He's brilliant, a Renaissance man, and a FOOL!
So if this is the hill you'll die on, then you'll be just as duped as the Abortion fanatics who yielded the Bush Dynasty.
His answer was a conditional one. "If both sides of the Isle..." creates a lot of wiggle room, and he could always decide there's particular language in a bill that would prevent him from signing.
Do you really NOT want a legally sophisticated, intelligent president with a track-record of having positive legal effects against Big Business, one who walks the walk, one who sides with you more on every other major issue except this one that triggers you? (Pun intended.)
I've given you a cogent argument. Even a good candidate who will perform exactly as you want them to - in the process of getting elected - will say things that will sound like deception to you when he attempts to garner support. You should look for the conditionality of those statements. And every media outlet that's captured by advertising budgets or intelligence apparatus, especially a hungry one like NewsMax who thinks it can be the next Fox, is going to do everything in its power to make sure you don't like that exact candidate. I'm suggesting you're falling for it, rather than remaining non-attached and agnostic, to see where the chips will fall, and follow the larger themes over the noise of the single-issue details.
I don't wish to participate in the cult of leadership, either, and I'm fully aware of the Hegelian gauntlet. But we will either (3 or 4 options) have the continuation of the Machine, as it flexes into full gear, without any resistance at the executive level, or we'll end up with the power vacuum of no leadership, more Biden, or worse, no functional government to ever recover into the future, because a lot of good folks would rather see where violent revolt leads us, rather than take a chance on a guy who breaks with taboo and actually says honest things.
He included qualifiers -- would sign if BOTH Houses in Congress passed it. Also, the comment was specifically related to assault weapons. Now I know that can be the thin edge, but many who support the 2nd do have oncerns about heavy duty weapons. I credit him with being honest. He could have posed as a 2nd Amendment absolutist.
He included qualifiers -- would sign if BOTH Houses in Congress passed it. Also, the comment was specifically related to assault weapons. Now I know that can be the thin edge, but many who support the 2nd do have oncerns about heavy duty weapons. I credit him with being honest. He could have posed as a 2nd Amendment absolutist.
Aside from the gun issue, the only thing we really need to understand about Kennedy is his climate fanaticism.
How is it possible that a man who can see through all the pseudoscience of Covid and vaccines can't even see the first thing about the massive, ongoing pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe. It makes no sense ...
Unless, that is, RFK Jr is plan B, C, or D to get the Great Reset in under the ultimate emergency of worldwide climate collapse. He may not even understand what role he might play but his fanaticism has blinded him already, so why would he?
Never vote for a fanatic. And, no one in the White House is going to save us without we, the people, first having built the momentum to save ourselves, by resisting and thwarting their efforts to build a digital prison for us.
"How is it possible that a man who can see through all the pseudoscience of Covid and vaccines can't even see the first thing about the massive, ongoing pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe. It makes no sense ..."
Exactly!! I agree 100%- how can he see that the science is bought and paid for when it comes to vaccines, but not see it with the global warming/climate change hoax???Boggles the mind.
And how can he not start to question his beliefs about the climate change hoax when he sees it being rolled out as part of the Great Reset, the goal of which is to enslave humanity??
Mark Crispin Miller used to be a global warming believer for many years, but somehow was able to wake up to it being a scam and even questions weather weaponry. But yet, RFK Jr still believes.
Well, he's the only candidate in my lifetime who actually discusses government corruption rationally and sanely, has a track-record of wining cases against big-business, and pledges to address the structural problems in office. Nobody else has EVER not condescended to the citizens by reflex, if they say anything remotely of the sort, and he does not.
So even if Kennedy were a trojan horse or controlled opposition, I would much rather see the results of that attempt superficially pursued, even if imperfect, than I want to see anything else.
If we don't slow down this Machine with some humanity in an attempt to recover just law and the constitution, then all we'll get is the transformative end of the Republic and the Great Reset will most certainly be successful.
Trump remains a Monster Clown - he will not slow the Machine down any more than he did the last time. Ramaswami could be good. Biden, we agree, is the Machine. And so the best possible outcome will be a Ramaswami v. Kennedy in the General Election. That will secure the most likely possibility of getting through this without ending up in our 15 minute Corridor Cities living under the yoke of the Dystopian CBDC.
Do you have a better solution to that scenario that doesn't involve mass violence?
The solution is simply to resist and continue trying to wake up our fellow humans. Don't you love it that surveillance cameras are being broken in London?? It doesn't have to be mass violence. It can simply be taking every opportunity to put sand in their gas tanks. Be creative. I'm not advocating any of this, but that's what some people are sayin' ....
No one is coming to save us. Not Trump, not Kennedy. No one. We will save ourselves from the cabal until enough resistance forms that they'll have to back off and respect individual self-determination and, for a change, honest science. At some tipping point, good people who so far have kept their heads down might see that they won't get them cut off so quickly if they stand up and speak their truth.
As the truth spreads, people will stand up and say, no, you don't. This is the only way. There is no savior in the White House who will ever save us unless we ourselves show some real backbone.
Kennedy in his climate fanaticism is extremely dangerous. How'd you like to flatten that curve for three decades???
The Fall back for the Junta is RFK Jr. Propaganda of the personality created by his media is the perfect post-Biden image for the Archetype "Good Son" Democrat who hugs health for kids.
He is straight from the Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man. No one asks if they are being served fried like Maui or rare like Boston bhackpacks back in the day.. Democratic 2024 presidential candidate and staunch intelligence community critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has paid his daughter-in-law, a former CIA officer, tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash, records show.
My opinion is Trump was weaponized by a faction and threatened a Dynasty built out of the JFK murders and Bush -Clinton-Obama crime family that was squabbling over media spotlight, power, prestige and pay. Not aligning he became the object of our regular hate sessions. Of course his links to the CIA go back to Resorts International.
Any intelligent person with a knowledge of the long sordid, despicable history of the Democratic Party (now the Communist party) and is still a Democrat today will never get my respect and legitimate vote.
RFK Jr is just another Democrat that supports mass murderers having the say on what kind and who can own firearms. The Democrat party has bever purged their human ownership gene
If the pendulum is going to be pushed back in the opposite direction it has to be done from within the Democratic party as any Republican president will simply be lambasted and tied up the way they have done with Trump and that will enable the left to get even stronger.
Of all the Democrats running RFK is the only one that can get this process moving. One can never agree with everything any candidate espouses.
My biggest issue with RFK Jr is his stance on mandating vaccines/medical interventions. He has stated, in so many words, that he is for mandating vaccines/medical interventions if they can be shown to be helpful rather than harmful. This is definitely not medical freedom. From his own mouth, go to minute 24:10:
That is pretty damning! He cleverly with wordplay denounced mandating vaccines only to telegraph that he would.
Thanks for this.
I suspect it's more likely that he simply hasn't thought it through clearly; and this is how it came out when he expressed what he thought was a viewpoint that would be acceptable to "both sides".
I wasn't able to find a clear explanation of why it's wrong ON PRINCIPLE (even if it's a miracle cure) to mandate it, so I had a go. I think it's vital that EVERYONE can explain it, but most people need help.
Here's my attempt. Please view and promote it if you think it fundamentally important, as I do.
Desmet is very deceptive. Mass formation "groupthink" can happen in many ways-- such as during the Tulip Bubble. But that's a relatively innocent formation. What Desmet wants to argue is that basically all mass formations are of the same character as "the madness of crowds," however totalitarianism differs from these generic formations in that it involves deliberate and massive censorship and propaganda in order to silence all opposition narratives and opposition force. Desmet on the other hand argues strenuously that there is never a conspiracy to silence opposition that induces the mass formation in the first place. His view makes no sense at all and isn't supported by history.
RFK Jr has expressed opinions that tend toward censorship of 'anti-science' climate views. He has in fact advocated for jailing high-powered industry leaders who are opposed to the consensus reality.
I'd like him to come out and state clearly and distinctly what he thinks of climate science. We all know the answer to that already but he skirts around the truth.
It means the health of multi-jabbed children is a lost cause...mostly because of the brainwashed state of their parents, who continue to insist that their kids’ autism and severe allergies have nothing to do with the 72 (and counting) injections inflicted upon their little developing bodies.
I see your point but his overarching argument is that NO vaccines have been tested and shown safe. The methodology of testing is gamed by pharma. So his comment that he’d be willing to mandate them is a challenge. He’ll also include opinions of virologists and epidemiologists in the efficacy of the vaccines.
He would have to lay out how he would prove that a vaccine was not obviously damaging as he could never prove it was totally safe. The only way to do that is to take some children and inject them only with that vaccine and nothing else for their whole life and then follow them through their whole life and compare them with a totally unvaccinated group of children you also followed through their whole life. That means that no vaccine could be shown to be largely benign until 80 or 90 years has passed because those studies have never been done even 200 years after vaccination started. Also just because one vaccine seemed to be safe that doesn't mean it would be safe if combined with another one or another two or another ten so lots of different combination studies would have to be done again covering 80 or 90 years. There is no way that Kennedy would demand that be the safety standard he was willing to accept so he is a fraud.
John - More than one childhood vaccine was safety tested/children followed for a full four days! And mainstreamers (CDC, FDA, pharma) will not allow any comparison of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated young people. The main physician I'm aware of who did this in their own practice (compared vaxx vs. unvaxxed) has been stripped of their license and excoriated likely because of the outcomes shown from this internal review of his patients.
I believe that one of the longest studies was on the Measles shots that lasted a whole 28 days with fewer than 20 children in the trial and with zero follow up thereafter and knowing how Pfizer and the others simply throw people off these studies for having the audacity to show side effects I can only assume we are only hearing about those that had no side effects. It is criminal. My sister was a district nurse for the last decade of her nursing career and she went from being an avid jabber to someone who insisted the parents read the leaflets and all the side effects before accepting these jabs as she saw child after child who was well adjusted and healthy become mentally damaged and unhealthy after the jabs and we are not talking a tiny minority here but a very high percentage. She was eventually pushed out of her job and took early retirement because the doctors she worked for around town, who got big government pay-outs if they got over 90% or thereabouts of children on their lists jabbed, felt that she was informing parents all too well what damage these jabs could do. As I say all she was doing was showing them the manufacturer's own insert leaflets and suggesting they do their own research which is what any good medical person should be doing.
How wonderful to hear of your sister's willingness to operate on her principles! How sad that the medical profession will not put up with individuals who are actually upholding their oaths to their profession. Thank you for sharing. The very fact that the pharmaceutical companies who have everything to gain ($) and nothing to lose (no ability to sue them if their product damages/kills someone) are the very ones producing the safety trials is insane - no conflict of interest at all (sarc).
You can never prove a theory, you can only falsify it.
Just can easily falsify the claim that they are 100% safe and you are good to go.
The problem is that "they" dont care about total 100% safety, they want to MANAGE the risk profile for YOU or the general population, so they are totally OK with killing 2 humans if they can save 3, or with another ratio. The basis for all medical treatments, therapies, vaccines should be the FREEDOM to choose (without ANY negative consequences). What they try to do is saying "what we found in this study is that GENERALLY, ON THE WHOLE more are "saved" than harmed" so they go on to mandate it totally OK with killing individuals because ON THE WHOLE the group is better off. Its insanity and they are criminals.
Also RCTs are partly garbage, please dont tell anyone. They can never show you the local-inidivdual and microlevel. They are basically tools to expand and enforce "GROUP" and collectivist thoughts.
RFK Jr. says he wants safe vaccines. He know there are no safe vaccines. He is also for bodily autonomy. I think you are being devious in selecting your proof.
It sounds like RFK is the one skirting round the issue by trying to be all things to all people not those who say he looks like he is skirting round the issue and trying to be all things to all people. If he thinks ALL vaccines are unsafe, as you and I both think, he should say so once and for all and then shut his trap about the issue.
Sharon Reeve - No "devious" intentions. I have been following RFK Jr. for many years and admire him for what he has accomplished and his willingness to go against the mainstream, so I was shocked when I read this, especially in light of thinking he was for bodily autonomy - I just couldn't find anything definitive from him about his bodily freedom after I heard this clip from him. I'm honestly hoping someone can show me a more recent clip that would persuade me about his bodily freedom stance.
Oh my goodness, peggy hall is a fake really taking news from her - she is a money making queen 10K to show to freedom rally
Great find. Welp I knew he was too good to be true.
Please post a link to any video of him stating he would never mandate a vaccine. He has obviously NOT mandated vaccines as he has never been in a position to do so. However, the video I've linked leads me to believe he would mandate a medical intervention if it were proven to be safe - so who gets to decide if the intervention is "safe"?. Judging from recent experience, those wielding the power deemed certain medical interventions to be "safe" (and effective:) so I'm not real optimistic we're going on the judgment of any objective third party. I'm not feeling very free if anyone can mandate any medical intervention on me - safe or not!!
Come on next thing you'll be telling us is that mandated lobotomies weren't safe and effective back in the 30's, 40's and 50's even though the "experts" back then said they were. ;o) (sarc)
Good one! Let's just leave all our decisions to the "experts" - think of all the time and brainpower we'd save:)
He is still up to mandate a vaccine even if its "safe". That's a very slippery slope. Then there is the 2A stuff. Im off the RFK good island.
I suggest that it's not enough to have a gut aversion to mandating vaccines (on this occasion). You should be able to explain why it's wrong ON PRINCIPLE, as well as historical precedent. See
Jonathan Reece - oh my goodness - your article is amaaaazing! I hope you share it at least monthly in any space you frequent. Speaking of that, are you familiar with Jeff Childers' "Coffee and Covid" substack? It's a good one
... and I don't do Twitter or Facebook, so I'm only talking to the limited audience on Substack and a couple of Telegram groups. So if you think it's worth reading please do put links anywhere appropriate!
Thanks very much. Yes, I do try and promote it, but I'm not very good at it!
Someone wrote the comment "this is life-changing" on a different article of mine, and I thought "great - that will help". Then I realised they had written it on the thread where they were referred to it, not on the article, and I couldn't find it again!
Yes, I do subscribe to C & C. Funnily enough it was one of the first I subscribed to out of about 30.
Good call!
Mandating any medical treatment is the very road to hell paved with good intentions. History has demonstrated this.
To put it another way: the evil of a few people-- or even many people-- refusing to do what the medical authorities want is far outweighed by the proved evils of forced medical treatment. There's no contest.
My gut tells me that they have purposefully orchestrated that RFK Jr be pro-vaccine, Anti-2A, pro-Abortion, & anti-Biden/Deep State, for the purposes of waking the woke up slowly, but surely...I see patterns a lot...
Watch the linked YouTube video at noted time. He literally admits in clever wordplay that he would mandate a vaccine. It is in his own words. You just have to dare listen.
He would mandate if found safe- however he knows that they will never be found safe. There are no safe vaccines.
I mandate injecting everyone with shit because I have found it to be perfectly safe. Are you ok with that because if you aren't I will send you to a mental institution.
That is where Kennedy's word play ends up for the individual. Only you can decide what is good for you not someone else or a group of someone else's who no more understand disease and immunity than anyone else on this planet does.
He chose the wrong words- but he knows vaccines will never be found to be safe
A disappointing post from 2nd smartest guy.
Since when is banning assault weapons equivalent to banning the 2nd Amendment?
Regarding the vaccine mandate controversy::
Peggy Hall sounds fanatical in her screed, dissecting and interpreting words erroneously. Implying from one sentence that everything RFK stands for is a sham. He’s now in the political arena, and as such sounds like he’s just trying to get elected. He has a lot to bring to the table. Who is a better candidate. Consider EVERYTHING. Shall we get hysterical and dismiss him over an interpretation that is wrong?
The tone and pitch to her presentation of off-putting. Starting to sound like the Tower of Babel. It’s not even reasonable for her to doubt him, considering this statement:
"I'm against 💉 mandates or any kind of medical mandates. I'm against mask mandates...I would be completely against 💉 mandates as president."
~ RFK Jr on 6/27/2023
I did read he accepted money from Hilary for his foundation & he voted for her in 2016, & they are friends. Thats a big red flag.
Zpycer - you may have found what I'm looking for to offset his first video. Do you have a video link to him saying this or some other type of link directly to him stating this?! Thanks for including this info!!
They believe what they want to. RFK Jr has started a movement against unregulated vaccination especially those mandated for our kids. God, our kids! The people that say he’s controlled opposition are either CIA shills or just plain stupid.
Anyone running for president is a Trojan Horse or controlled opposition in some manner. Same with Milei in Argentina - I recently wrote a piece on him and pointed out many things that most commentators miss.
They're all compromised to various degrees.
People need to stop looking for a savior, and start focusing locally. Local elections. Those actually matter.
National elections are largely candidates already SELECTED for the masses to then 'elect.' Gives the illusion of choice yet they keep getting screwed year after year.
Did you notice Igor Chudov's recent article on how the WEF is calling for SELECTIONS to replace ELECTIONS, "to save democracy"?
Hadn't read that but just did. Good read. That's essentially what I outlined. Now we just need the other 99% of people to realize it!
WEF-influence is everywhere it seems. Yet another reason that people need to focus on a more micro-level. I also encourage building parallel systems a lot too, in order to circumvent these types that are taking power.
The 1995 movie "Harrison Bergeron" featured SELECTED "leaders", in a future dystopia.
Seems they are ever-more-openly rolling out that Kurt Vonnegut script now.
They're being more open with their various agendas. Makes me wonder why. Are they really that confident they have the pieces in place to come out from the shadows?
I think Hunger Games is what they really want. Selected leaders is an in-between stage to get there.
The reason why they no longer try to hide their true intentions is that the die has been cast. There’s no returning to the past.
Over three billion human beings have been poisoned with the Deathvax™️. The death count over these past four years has exceeded the Nazis’ wildest dreams - 7,000,000+ and counting.
There are hundreds of millions more dying of heart disease, clotting, neurodegenerative brain disease and rare turbo-cancers. The multi-jabbed cannot be saved.
Those who think they escaped the consequences of the jabs they lined up so eagerly to take have developed vaccine-induced A.I.D.S. They will soon find out how debilitated their immune systems have become. Winter is coming.
The satanic globalists regard all of the multi-jabbed as deaths-in-progress. They just wish the “useless eaters” would hurry up and kick the bucket.
The psychopaths who organized this massacre must be vanquished.
What exactly is the point of having a military which conspires to slaughter its OWN PEOPLE?
What is the point of upholding a life-long oath to serve the nation when soldiers - past and present - stand by and allow DEMOCIDAL PSYCHOPATHS to depopulate that nation’s citizens with military-created bioweapons?
BETRAYAL...from EVERY quarter ‼️😡🤬
Well said my friend. Your first sentence/paragraph there is what I also fear - the damage is done. Now it's a waiting game.
I fear they'll be mixing in a variety of crises to expedite things - famine, war, etc.
Extremely well stated!
Elections are bad for "our democracy" in the same way that comments on social media that exposes the official narrative for the bovine fecal matter it is.
"Our democracy" definition: The powers that shouldn't be.
Don't they already " select"? Trump being an exception -- I think.
When you say local do you mean at the city level? 14 cities have agreed to ban certain things by 203 per WEF agenda. Looks like we're scre### unless people vote otherwise and elections are jacked up, to begin with. Perhaps this ALL just needs to end. I'm ready to go when the time arrives.
Building parallel systems is critical as well.
But yes, city, county, and state levels are more important. People can make a more direct change locally versus nationally.
If someone's in the US, consider the power and influence the local sheriff has. Look at how important one's governor was the past few years. It's a hallmark of the federalist system.
And take as many of bastards with you when you do.
There never was and never will be Fair Elections. Local Elections have worse voter fraud.
But the locals can more easily march down to their government officials/election office and do something about it. Getting groups from a variety of locations to then march on DC is much more difficult.
I grew up near Pittsburgh, PA. Allegheny County is noted throughout the United States for
voter fraud. China was even counting their votes. Lurch Fetterman got in by voter fraud.
Marching down to election offices won't do a thing. Because, they are all in on it.
Tell me about what you did? You know a lot :-)
Get involved with politics yourself, move to a new area, move to a new country, build systems around the establishment. That's about all one can do. It's either that or give up.
How are you involved and where? You don't understand we live in a nice small city, but
we are under a Leftist County. It's just not that easy to pick up and move today. There are
Rhinos, too, in Conservative Counties.
This is exactly what Dr Shiva Ayyadurai has been recommending for several years now.
And he's been exposing RFK since before substack became a thing.
So much controlled oppositions and interference theatre to passively nudge people into WEF initiatives.
"...People need to stop looking for a savior, and start focusing locally. Local elections. Those actually matter."
Dr Shiva is great. Glad to see his name spoken of more.
Just go somewhere else where no one is running for president, live of the land and grid
Much harder said then done, especially when people are already getting wiped out. People need to lock in location independent income and/or assets in most cases first.
Milei is the best thing to happen to Argentina in decades. I noticed in your column your apparent frustration that he wasn't calling for genocide of all the Jews. He believes in God. Many Americans do too.
Distance, deny, discredit, delay, deceive, distort, divide and disarray.
Distance yourself - They over there had the responsibility for that decision.
Deny any wrongdoing - It wasn't me or my party.
Discredit any opposition - He is not a credible expert.
Delay important information - We are working tirelessly to get answers but until we have all the facts, it is inconclusive.
Deceive the audience - 95% effective. Super dangerous virus. Saves Grandma. Safe and effective.
Distort the facts - There was a fault with our computer system the data was compromised. Therefore, we cannot tell whether more people died with the vaccines or without them proportional to the population.
Divide the enemy - Ain't no virus, ain't no mistake, ain't a lab leak, ain't part of an agenda, ain't part of this group.
Disarray / muddy the waters - It's not the vaccines it's: Climate change, microplastics, fossil fuels, Fukushima, UV rays, perfume sprays or that old screw in your femur that caused cancer, cardiac disease or any number of other nasty and novel medical conditions. Promise.
What do you think happened in Maui? Man-made?
I can't say with certainty.
But man contributed to the damage, that's for sure.
In emergency management you are supposed to
REDUCE the impact of a disaster by eliminating or minimising the risks, this includes fire breaks, removing obvious hazards, trimming tree tops near powerlines.
Be READY to respond with rehearsed plans and have all the systems in place to evacuate the public and contain the hazard.
RESPOND quickly and most effectively to the emergency.
RECOVERY and plan on how you want to be proceed after the emergency.
From my understanding there were professional emergency management teams and professionals and wild fire, volcano, tsunami, hurricane/cyclone are the first and most obvious disasters they should have plans and preparations for.
So whether man made or not. Colossal failure.
Where to?
Hmmm, I can see this. Question though: What about the good that he’s doing when he exposes the general public to the vaccines? Surely that’s something positive that exposes people that previously wouldn’t have been reached?
He does do good, but further subverting 2A would far eclipse anything he has ever done by magnitudes.
Oh I didn’t know he was targeting the second amendment. I read this article and thought of them as good ( but I see your point about the Trojan horse piece
That's correct.
And bring on the X Everything App AI CBDC dystopia that much faster too.
Fair, fair. No you’re right here. Appreciate that.
RFK Jr might be a setup that works like this: he's already convinced many on the right that he's a savior who will further the work of shattering the deep state. So he has many on the right who wouldn't support Trump or who see Kennedy as a better hope.
The left? He gets the left if the vaccine card turns and it's exposed that just maybe the Covid response was malfeasance at the highest level-- blame it on a dysfunctional federal government that Kennedy will clean up. Blame it on Fauci and a mistaken and overzealous WHO and inept vaccine trials. But Kennedy has the left because he's a climate fanatic who understands, like they do, that CO2 is an existential threat. Hold your nose and vote for him to save the planet.
So let's say the powers that be, using the media, end up pushing Kennedy but not too hard, to make it look like it really is up for debate. Kennedy gets the presidency. Then what?
Then this absolutely nuts climate fanatic-- listen to what he's said!-- will eventually, after "the science" comes out, declare an urgent climate emergency and the left will cheer, we'll all make sacrifices, and we'll do whatever we need to/have to/are forced to do to flatten the curve for three years.
Kennedy may be a very nice guy. But I, for one, see him as extremely dangerous, no matter how nice he is. The global cabal could simply be using him as option B or C to get the reset they're lusting for.
In a way, the global cabal is stupid. But in another way they're very crafty and shouldn't be underestimated.
Very plausible scenario!
So he can usher out the “ old damaging vaccines” for the new” safe and effective “
I think you are dead wrong. Time will tell. I know you are the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, but I cannot agree with you on this. I have followed CHD for years. I see nothing but integrity there. Why were RFK Jr.'s father and uncle assassinated? Because they were trying to bring about real change. No one is allowed to challenge the status quo.
Am I dead wrong in bringing attention to the fact that RFK Jr. claimed to not go after the guns, then a week later said he would sign an "assault weapon" ban? Not only did he lie, but he is going after the most vital 2A itself.
Please explain who exactly how I am "wrong?"
I think your post is a character assassination of him, with lots of your readers/subscribers, chiming in, agreeing with you. That is what I believe you are dead wrong about. I don't know of anyone else who has the knowledge and courage to expose the outrageous lies we've been told for decades, the way he has. He holds nothing back. He has an encyclopedic mind and memory. He's done enormous good for the environment, exposing 5G harms, the vaccine issue and exposing Fauci, the Covid farce, and the corrupt three letter agencies.
What have you done for this country? No offense intended. Honest question.
Do assault weapons apply to all guns? I know the 2A is vital. I know that without guns we have zero defense against our own government, and that in countries where citizens are required to give up their guns, the corrupt and dictatorial governments overpower them ruthlessly. I was born in Cuba.
Why would JFK Jr. put his life in danger the way he is, if he did not have the convictions he has?
A former yoga philosophy teacher of mine, a Harvard PhD, who thought the unvaccinated should die, not be allowed to be a part of society, sent out an email stating that RFK Jr. was crazy, because he (the Harvard man) is indoctrinated/brainwashed that vaccines "save lives." He was the smartest man in the world to me, up until Covid! He's brilliant, a Renaissance man, and a FOOL!
Zero character assassination, unless facts qualify as character assassination.
The mere definition of "assault weapon" is fraud and color of law.
You should delve into these subjects far more.
So if this is the hill you'll die on, then you'll be just as duped as the Abortion fanatics who yielded the Bush Dynasty.
His answer was a conditional one. "If both sides of the Isle..." creates a lot of wiggle room, and he could always decide there's particular language in a bill that would prevent him from signing.
Do you really NOT want a legally sophisticated, intelligent president with a track-record of having positive legal effects against Big Business, one who walks the walk, one who sides with you more on every other major issue except this one that triggers you? (Pun intended.)
There is no hill. There is no dying. I don't require any leaders actually.
Again, I presented troubling facts, and no one has a cogent argument for me. I really don't care how you rationalize the lesser of two evils.
I've given you a cogent argument. Even a good candidate who will perform exactly as you want them to - in the process of getting elected - will say things that will sound like deception to you when he attempts to garner support. You should look for the conditionality of those statements. And every media outlet that's captured by advertising budgets or intelligence apparatus, especially a hungry one like NewsMax who thinks it can be the next Fox, is going to do everything in its power to make sure you don't like that exact candidate. I'm suggesting you're falling for it, rather than remaining non-attached and agnostic, to see where the chips will fall, and follow the larger themes over the noise of the single-issue details.
I don't wish to participate in the cult of leadership, either, and I'm fully aware of the Hegelian gauntlet. But we will either (3 or 4 options) have the continuation of the Machine, as it flexes into full gear, without any resistance at the executive level, or we'll end up with the power vacuum of no leadership, more Biden, or worse, no functional government to ever recover into the future, because a lot of good folks would rather see where violent revolt leads us, rather than take a chance on a guy who breaks with taboo and actually says honest things.
Have you written to RFK Jr. or his campaign with your 2A concerns?
What have you done for this country? You haven't responded to that question.
So you can't form a cogent argument, and turn it on me? Yeah, I'm not biting. Move along.
Sounds like your scripted reply to anyone that challenges you.
He included qualifiers -- would sign if BOTH Houses in Congress passed it. Also, the comment was specifically related to assault weapons. Now I know that can be the thin edge, but many who support the 2nd do have oncerns about heavy duty weapons. I credit him with being honest. He could have posed as a 2nd Amendment absolutist.
HONEST. What is the definition of that word today?
He included qualifiers -- would sign if BOTH Houses in Congress passed it. Also, the comment was specifically related to assault weapons. Now I know that can be the thin edge, but many who support the 2nd do have oncerns about heavy duty weapons. I credit him with being honest. He could have posed as a 2nd Amendment absolutist.
Aside from the gun issue, the only thing we really need to understand about Kennedy is his climate fanaticism.
How is it possible that a man who can see through all the pseudoscience of Covid and vaccines can't even see the first thing about the massive, ongoing pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe. It makes no sense ...
Unless, that is, RFK Jr is plan B, C, or D to get the Great Reset in under the ultimate emergency of worldwide climate collapse. He may not even understand what role he might play but his fanaticism has blinded him already, so why would he?
Never vote for a fanatic. And, no one in the White House is going to save us without we, the people, first having built the momentum to save ourselves, by resisting and thwarting their efforts to build a digital prison for us.
"How is it possible that a man who can see through all the pseudoscience of Covid and vaccines can't even see the first thing about the massive, ongoing pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe. It makes no sense ..."
Exactly!! I agree 100%- how can he see that the science is bought and paid for when it comes to vaccines, but not see it with the global warming/climate change hoax???Boggles the mind.
Agree- never vote for a fanatic.
forgot to add:
And how can he not start to question his beliefs about the climate change hoax when he sees it being rolled out as part of the Great Reset, the goal of which is to enslave humanity??
Mark Crispin Miller used to be a global warming believer for many years, but somehow was able to wake up to it being a scam and even questions weather weaponry. But yet, RFK Jr still believes.
Your last paragraph speaks volumes. We need to have a plan and be ready.
Excellent question and very astute comment!
Everyone repeat after me:
They even brag about it, often and repeatedly.
At the end of the day, RFK Jr is just another leftist... don’t let him fool you.
That's what I say, too.
Well, he's the only candidate in my lifetime who actually discusses government corruption rationally and sanely, has a track-record of wining cases against big-business, and pledges to address the structural problems in office. Nobody else has EVER not condescended to the citizens by reflex, if they say anything remotely of the sort, and he does not.
So even if Kennedy were a trojan horse or controlled opposition, I would much rather see the results of that attempt superficially pursued, even if imperfect, than I want to see anything else.
If we don't slow down this Machine with some humanity in an attempt to recover just law and the constitution, then all we'll get is the transformative end of the Republic and the Great Reset will most certainly be successful.
Trump remains a Monster Clown - he will not slow the Machine down any more than he did the last time. Ramaswami could be good. Biden, we agree, is the Machine. And so the best possible outcome will be a Ramaswami v. Kennedy in the General Election. That will secure the most likely possibility of getting through this without ending up in our 15 minute Corridor Cities living under the yoke of the Dystopian CBDC.
Do you have a better solution to that scenario that doesn't involve mass violence?
The solution is simply to resist and continue trying to wake up our fellow humans. Don't you love it that surveillance cameras are being broken in London?? It doesn't have to be mass violence. It can simply be taking every opportunity to put sand in their gas tanks. Be creative. I'm not advocating any of this, but that's what some people are sayin' ....
No one is coming to save us. Not Trump, not Kennedy. No one. We will save ourselves from the cabal until enough resistance forms that they'll have to back off and respect individual self-determination and, for a change, honest science. At some tipping point, good people who so far have kept their heads down might see that they won't get them cut off so quickly if they stand up and speak their truth.
As the truth spreads, people will stand up and say, no, you don't. This is the only way. There is no savior in the White House who will ever save us unless we ourselves show some real backbone.
Kennedy in his climate fanaticism is extremely dangerous. How'd you like to flatten that curve for three decades???
Well said, Jim!
Anyone who has read his book on the climate crisis would know this guy is another dangerous ideologue.
Absolutely! Those who're going gaga over him should look harder.
Always said it from the start. Why is Bobby still a Democrat. That Party has become Democrat
Did you live in the US? My Husband is Hungarian from Budapest, Hungary. I am, too. But, the watered down one from PA ;=)
Exactly right!
The Fall back for the Junta is RFK Jr. Propaganda of the personality created by his media is the perfect post-Biden image for the Archetype "Good Son" Democrat who hugs health for kids.
He is straight from the Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man. No one asks if they are being served fried like Maui or rare like Boston bhackpacks back in the day.. Democratic 2024 presidential candidate and staunch intelligence community critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has paid his daughter-in-law, a former CIA officer, tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash, records show.
My opinion is Trump was weaponized by a faction and threatened a Dynasty built out of the JFK murders and Bush -Clinton-Obama crime family that was squabbling over media spotlight, power, prestige and pay. Not aligning he became the object of our regular hate sessions. Of course his links to the CIA go back to Resorts International.
Any intelligent person with a knowledge of the long sordid, despicable history of the Democratic Party (now the Communist party) and is still a Democrat today will never get my respect and legitimate vote.
RFK Jr is just another Democrat that supports mass murderers having the say on what kind and who can own firearms. The Democrat party has bever purged their human ownership gene
RFK Jr views need to be heard and not silenced by talking heads! Let the citizens decide as created by the founders!
I don't think anyone is trying to silence him. On the contrary, they're trying to point out what he really says and what he really thinks.
Like this:
“Full spectrum soft war…”
“Soft” how? I’ve seen a lot of kinetic action of government thugs against citizens. Arrest is nothing more than “legitimatized” assault and battery.
Softish. :)
If the pendulum is going to be pushed back in the opposite direction it has to be done from within the Democratic party as any Republican president will simply be lambasted and tied up the way they have done with Trump and that will enable the left to get even stronger.
Of all the Democrats running RFK is the only one that can get this process moving. One can never agree with everything any candidate espouses.