The Cabal is doing their utmost to induce mass global food and energy insecurity, and then fold all of these schemes into their all-encompassing and perpetual posthuman planetary lockdown in PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE .

All evidence now points to breaks in the Nord Stream pipeline being anything but accidental.

A “disturbance” more at bombing has caused a massive rupture:

The location of the deliberate destruction:
Concurrent with PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION which induced this fraudulent narrative of energy scarcity in order to exacerbate PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION, there have been statistically impossible bombings, fires and other sabotage to American food processing plants (well over 100 facilities this year and growing); to wit:
All of this is the due to the CFR, UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, BIS et al. accelerating their Great Reset dystopia of insect gruel, lab created faux meat, scarcities, rationing, CBDC’s and other control schemes which will all be tethered to their burgeoning social credit score system:
Etc. & etc.
Expect US gas prices at the pump to hit $10 a gallon as the EU collapses into an energy-shortage-induced full on depression this winter.
Expect more sabotage to worldwide food processing plants and associated global PSYOP-FAMINE.
Expect more sabotage to pipelines, oil wells, refineries, nuclear plants and tankers.
Expect all of the above to converge as PSYOP-22 ravages the VAIDS victims.
Do NOT comply.
https://youtu.be/uWUDobJQDYE you might add this to your disclosure
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