Another great summary of information thanks. The very idea of someone like Harrari being allowed to present these ideas supportive of genocide is a testament to where we find ourselves. And the FTX scandal - just proof these fools couldn't even manage any due diligence in their affairs. They have failed, and failed spectacularly. Hopefu…
Another great summary of information thanks. The very idea of someone like Harrari being allowed to present these ideas supportive of genocide is a testament to where we find ourselves. And the FTX scandal - just proof these fools couldn't even manage any due diligence in their affairs. They have failed, and failed spectacularly. Hopefully we can outweigh the current narratives promulgated by mainstream media - the propaganda agencies for these criminals - and overcome their insanity with common sense.
Yes 100% agree. The proof is in their own pudding. This proposed 4th Industrial Revolution has been a remarkable power grab with most governments, institutions and corporations involved. A truly spectacular failure on their part.
Another great summary of information thanks. The very idea of someone like Harrari being allowed to present these ideas supportive of genocide is a testament to where we find ourselves. And the FTX scandal - just proof these fools couldn't even manage any due diligence in their affairs. They have failed, and failed spectacularly. Hopefully we can outweigh the current narratives promulgated by mainstream media - the propaganda agencies for these criminals - and overcome their insanity with common sense.
In previous articles I linked FTX to WEF, UN and all of the other criminal One World Gov entities, so it really is all inextricably intertwined.
Yes 100% agree. The proof is in their own pudding. This proposed 4th Industrial Revolution has been a remarkable power grab with most governments, institutions and corporations involved. A truly spectacular failure on their part.
I still think Trump messed up the timing of all these scams.
Just think if HRC had been president how all these things, Covid, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Crimea, Crypto, would have turned out!
Why the Hammer & Sickle would probably already be flying over the White House, in Rainbow Colors.
Yes, maybe purposefully messed them up. Lots of trojan horses playing both ends against the middle here.