Another great summary of information thanks. The very idea of someone like Harrari being allowed to present these ideas supportive of genocide is a testament to where we find ourselves. And the FTX scandal - just proof these fools couldn't even manage any due diligence in their affairs. They have failed, and failed spectacularly. Hopefully we can outweigh the current narratives promulgated by mainstream media - the propaganda agencies for these criminals - and overcome their insanity with common sense.

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In previous articles I linked FTX to WEF, UN and all of the other criminal One World Gov entities, so it really is all inextricably intertwined.

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Yes 100% agree. The proof is in their own pudding. This proposed 4th Industrial Revolution has been a remarkable power grab with most governments, institutions and corporations involved. A truly spectacular failure on their part.

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I still think Trump messed up the timing of all these scams.

Just think if HRC had been president how all these things, Covid, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Crimea, Crypto, would have turned out!

Why the Hammer & Sickle would probably already be flying over the White House, in Rainbow Colors.

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Yes, maybe purposefully messed them up. Lots of trojan horses playing both ends against the middle here.

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S2G, I left for my deer hunting cabin on Saturday Nov. 12th and there is zero cell coverage within miles of there. There is nothing like fresh air and moving on foot several miles a day. Tuesday the 15th was opening day, we all bagged a deer. No bugs or fake meat or anything from these overlords. I just bug out and drop a 12 point (I did in the first 4 hours), gut it there and have 2 younger one drag it out (I'm probably too old). We usually bring them home and butcher but it can be done in the middle of nowhere. They can come for us there; good luck. Have a great day and yes, I did miss your columns.

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NF i just purchased my first ever hunting rifle and mrad scope. Am going to teach myself over course of next few days......just downloaded the Hornady Ballistics app to try to figure out how to calculate everything.

Thanks for your comment!

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I would be more than happy to break you in.

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I may take you up on your generous offer after this weekend.

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"The parallels between online poker gambling, crypto and stock trading are obvious. The same kind of addicts that trade at Wall Street firms and hedge funds also sit in their underwear at home playing online poker and/or trading crypto 24/7/365. And the same holds true for the way social media was designed to provide users with continuous dopamine rushes from likes, retweeets, comments, etc. with the same kinds of associated narcissistic brain damage like phantom vibration syndrome, depression and so on and so forth."

And those people essentially get paid to keep the beast fed.

Let's throw in ANYONE that has money in the markets as well. Can't excuse them for assisting in propping up the system.

When people ask me or mention to me that they have money to invest, I strongly recommend that they invest in someone's small business.

The leviathan beast gets fat from all of the greed that exists, generated from the worship of mammon, plain and simple.

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Invest in small businesses, and local communities and substacks heh.

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Investing in substacks would be worthwhile if in fact I found one that actually got to the core issues and named names. To date I have yet to find one. I'm unsubscribing from them now. Almost all of them merely address the symptoms and we're not going to make any headway that way.

Talking about the symptoms only goes so far. Watching people prefer a life of ease over true sacrificial solutions, ... SMH. We simply cannot live within the framework of an evil financial system, partake of its benefits, and expect to have those behind it grant us liberty when they've been working for a couple of centuries on enslaving us for that very reason. Yet, everyone knows differently. LOL No one wants to give up what they've attained in this present system, even if it means their future liberty, a concept that is lost on almost everyone due to grand ignorance. Anyone thinking that economic entropy after whatever comes in the form of a crash of the existing system will for some unbeknownst reason favor liberty, ... LOL, well ...,

We can't have the freebies and amenities provided by evil elements without contributing to the ongoing support for those same evil elements. That's too deep a concept for most, either that or they prefer ease, convenience, and lack of sacrifice, which is more the case IMO.

The ignorance is pervasive, and people have hours upon hours a week to fill their heads full of shit that's put out by their mortal enemies in the form of entertainment, leisure, and pleasure, but they don't have a couple of hours/week to look into who's screwing them and how over the past many many decades and ultimately couple of centuries.

People are only going to wake up to the pieces of it AFTER it's too late. That's the longstanding pattern, ... tragically.

We've become perpetually fat, drunk, and stupid as we've allowed, food, electronics, fame, the basest of pleasures, among many other things become religions and religious idols, that Luke 18:8 is making all the sense in the world on a day-by-day basis now.

Out of curiosity, what is your ultimate goal with your substack? It's the last one that I'm subscribed to.

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Ultra-decentralized local systems is the only way out of this. Limiting the legacy ponzi financial system, and extricating as much as possible from the illegitimate Federal gov.

My concern is providing concrete solutions that will be too much for the average person, while concurrently bringing even more attention to these solutions from undesirables.

The goal is to slowly and carefully disseminate solutions in the writings over time.

Waking up is first and foremost in order to be open to the actual solutions, and that occurs by exposing the crimes perpetrated against us.

Thanks for your support.

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I hear ya, and for a while I would have been aligned with that. But for the reasons stated in the response before this one, that's simply not going to happen. No need to reiterate.

I would like to comment on a couple of the things that you said however.

"Ultra-decentralized local systems is the only way out of this." ...

... understandably. That's the way it used to be, in modern history, in the '50s, '60s, and even '70s. Without writing 20 pages, the next two things in your response, which I'll get to in a moment, have driven us away from that with no end in sight, AND YET with the support of a majority. And again, also driven by electronical conveniences (as indirectly mentioned prior by me) that people that you're trying to convince otherwise, gobble down in no small manner.

That's called fighting an uphill battle my friend.

"Limiting the legacy ponzi financial system, ..."

... People have been actively fighting this battle since the advent of this country, and that was even before the corporatization of everything U.S., ... referring to the government itself that is.

Andrew Jackson had four attempts on his life. The irony at the hands of the perps' sick sense of humor has Jackson on the 20. JFK, well, ... LOL et al. JFK was the last person that tried, the rest have aided and abetted those that you refer to, assuming that you've got the right core parties.

People don't want to hear it. You can't convince them that the Civil War wasn't about slavery, when Lincoln's own quotes specify in the clearest terms possible that it was not. The last opportunity for that was in 2008 but we, generally speaking, bought into the whole "Too Big to Fail" thing, foolishly. As mentioned, "we" don't like inconvenience and discomfort, even if it means health afterwards.

"and extricating as much as possible from the illegitimate Federal gov." ...

... Please don't take this personally, but this is simply dreamworks territory. The systems controlled and overseen by the government(s) have become tyrannical. Presumably that needs no explanation here. They serve themselves in an incestuous satanic manner, nothing more.

The denouement that we've reached will only become more cemented. To understand the people behind this, and no, it's not our politicians who are merely VERY low-level tools as such, would quite happily destroy the world before yielding a shred of significant territory in their ill-gotten gain of control over this world.

There isn't enough courage on "this side" of that fence to wrest it from them otherwise. We like to talk about being tough guys, like the people with Gadsen Flag decals or tags on their cars yet with masks hanging from their mirrors, but at the end of the day we won't risk our income/wealth/pensions/investments/etc., not to mention creature comforts etc., for any advancement in liberty. Sure, we'll attend a "freedom rally" for a day/weekend, but then it's back to the mines compliantly.

You can easily see this in the number of people enamored with jobs in huge corporations. The establishment could very easily be turned on its head if a certain critical mass of people decided to start and work their own businesses. As a former small business owner (pre-lockdowns) this was most easy to see in simple conversations with friends and acquaintances. It is WEALTH in the very system that needs dismantling, as you cited, that lures them in.

In short, they trade "security" albeit it in the form of wealth, or at least perceived wealth, for liberty. John Adams made it quite clear how that ends up as if it isn't common sense.

"My concern is providing concrete solutions that will be too much for the average person, while concurrently bringing even more attention to these solutions from undesirables."

Small businesses as solutions, the way it used to be nearly a century ago, generally speaking, is no controversial solution. Again, your battle is not as you seem to see it, in that way, it's against human greed. Good luck with that. Even greed has been "christianized" in our marvelous "christian" nation/society, as we also obliterate huge portions of the world, ... in the name of Christ, holyness, and goodness of course.

The other big part is separating people from controlling technologies. Again, good luck with that. The shiny new electronic developments have even so-called "christians" enamored with them.

"The goal is to slowly and carefully disseminate solutions in the writings over time." ...

... There is no time. "Time" existed before the lockdowns and this whole thing, and specifically during the 2008 "Too Big to Fail." The Elites are now in their end-game. Fully! I'll segway this into the next section ...

... "Waking up is first and foremost in order to be open to the actual solutions, and that occurs by exposing the crimes perpetrated against us." ...

I've discovered that people only want to awaken to a certain extent, only to the extent that their existing worldview won't be completely rocked, but rocking it is what absolutely needs to happen for the goals that you've set to come to fruition, goals that I wouldn't disagree with BTW.

Instead of attempting to grasp the entire situation, how it works, who the real players are at the core (HINT: Not the WEF, Gates, & Schwab), they grab at only what's obvious.

To me it was obvious the day that this all started that it was the Global Elites endgame. Most people haven't even come to that conclusion, AFTER three years of what should be incontrovertible evidence and proof. They continue to FULLY and WILLFULLY participate in the core institutions of those Elites, while grasping at the same ill-gotten gain as their first and foremost concern is what happens to their wealth, investments, pensions, etc., without realizing that they're only going to get what the Elites want them to get as they continue to be obedient for the completely opposite purposes that their captors have them being obedient.

It's mindboggling.

It takes a significant amount of time to learn what's really going on in this world, which has been incredibly facilitated by the advent and particularly development of the internet over the past 20 years or so. But they wont' take that time, haven't you noticed?

They don't have time to watch a 2-hour video explaining how the central banking system has and continues to exploit them to the visions of what we see today, but then they'll talk about how just a week later they binge-watched some nonsense on TV for 6, 10, or 20 hours over a weekend.

Priorities! Ours are FUBAR. We've been indoctrinated and programmed to think that work is bad, and that we should live for leisure, pleasure, fun, etc.

As I see it, if enough people finally stand up and point out that the emperor has no clothes, we might have a chance. Otherwise, the only chance we have is a complete collapse, which is the 99%+ odds-on prop wager right now, with what comes out of the ass-end of it all being favorable to the things that we seek. The odds of that occurring are slim to none since we don't do the easily accomplished things in our own favor, I dont' see humanity working even harder after something like that to ensure it.

Our forefathers that originated this country understood what sacrifice was all about. Even then the wheels of tyranny were already in motion here. They were willing to fight to their deaths for liberty, we're not even willing to give up a few hours of leisure per week to do it.

Sometimes things simply need to be completely reset. (not in the WEF way that is) The warning signs are always there along the way, yet they are ignored in favor of ease and convenience.

The worse it gets and the longer it develops, the greater the fall and damage when it collapses. It is typically cataclysmic at that point, which what's forthcoming will be also. Sadly, apparently that's what it's going to take to get humanity to realize that the real joys in life aren't fraught and laden with the mindless imbibement of the most self-centered electronic consumption that man has ever known.


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Don't think for a moment that the likes of Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc. weren't spawned by the CIA and the rest. These cute little stories about a man "just like the rest of us" working out of their garage etc. are fables meant for simpletons and the easily duped. Works like a charm however, even among "the awake."

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Truth for sure. I don't think you can be fully awake until you understand that these people are just pawns/actors playing their parts. I sure wish people would understand that Trump is all part of it as well. Once you figure it all out you can sit back and enjoy the show and don't lend your energy to being a part of it. Like me, I never voted ever in my life. I started questioning things shortly after the BS I experienced in the military (e.g. finding the non-existent weapons of mass destruction in the Gulf war etc.) Don't let them control you through the use of Hegelian Dialectic etc. Don't give into their fear porn BS. Definitely don't fall for their deceptions as oftentimes your life will depend on it (e.g. the jabs.) Question everything and trust nobody. Fact check everything.

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The financial system is the core of it, and we're not willing to relinquish it in exchange for our liberty.

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Precisely. Let’s not forget DARPA babies, Brin & Page.

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Bank man fried... all a play on words

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The Sequoia VC who lost $200M staking her reputation on SBF still has a job thanks to DEI: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lose-214-million-in-one-year

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When the criminals and psychopaths are protected by the systems that they fund.

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It is worth contemplating how the crypto/gambling ponzi laundo schemes have emerged on the second wave of the "something for/from nothing" culture that was launched in the internet "technology" boom where real value creation, actual utility, is irrelevant to the network effect of a fantastic idea strategially branded by capital. Even better if its draped in high-totem identity politik.

The kids trade on their phones with an open, even celebrated nihilistic cynicism of the entire system, full knowing it is all rigged - and so defect-defect it is! Its whales all the way down.

Hard to blame them for noticing. But the problem of cultural decay remains. Because the smart and motivated, even though they know its rigged, are still plowing their generative energies into the black hole. Just as the young girls dream of becoming an instagram influencer when they grow up.

The greatest ponzi in the world is not cap stacks in space, but rather the harvesting of children's potential into these black boxes of "wealth creation" that rob them of not just their savings played into the wrong end of a trade, but their faith and goodwill in each other, themselves, and their elders. A symptom of a broken people. Just as their unstated question, "why build anything real?", will echo through time, the real cost of which eclipsing the "losses" of infinitely refracted fiat.

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Wow, the Devil is always in the details!

Fantastic work!

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Excellent article Mr. Smarty. Much admired...This SBF is another textbook person similar to Elon, Harrari and his ilk. The idiots as smart as they THINK they are, are running the Asylum into the ground. More likely that many probably on the Spectrum of high functioning Autism...

Assessment of these persons are easily identifiable, if one has been trained( back in the day) to be an Educator for those with these issues. It is commendable that you do NOT use the term Autistic and identify these poor empty souls including terms such as Sociopath, Psychopath etc. Autistic persons are NOT heartless...they are humans trapped in the vessel. The others as you identify, do not see themselves as harmful to others although they are very destructive and prey on others..These persons have a superior view of themselves...which is plain to most of your readers...but the masses will view them as Saviors...

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Nov 18, 2022
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the system is captured. badly so.

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