Sam Bankman-Fraud: Game Planet Pavlovian Humans - FTX, Online Poker & Social Media
Zero sum games where both the criminals and their victims all get dopamine fixes.
This substack has previously exposed the crimes of Sam Bankman-Fraud, who was nothing more than the crypto “genius” CEO version of Bernie Madoff meets Elon Musk:
FTX was always inextricably tied to the WEF, UN, Democrat party, Wall Street, and all of the other criminal One World Gov entities.
An interesting take on FTX’s “wunderkind” origin story:
But an incredibly important and grossly underreported fact about FTX and their criminal chief regulatory officer further sheds light on their true origin story:

The crash followed a recent report from CoinDesk that exposed the trading and investment arm of FTX’s sister company Alameda Research which, "had its finances deeply intertwined with those of FTX" and "held a disproportionate amount of its balance sheet in FTX’s exchange token, FTT."

Basically, the FTT token had zero utility. Money from FTX was siphoned off to this token via Alameda Research in order to synthetically pump up its price, which in turn would pump up the asset holdings of both FTX and Alameda Research. And the whole time Alameda Research was front running all of the FTT token trades by having the ability to see how speculators were positioning their trades, thus extracting ever more profits out of their scam FTT token.
FTX and Alameda Research were engaged in nothing more than engineering a viscous ponzi feedback loop.
Why is this so important?
Because FTX chief regulatory officer Daniel Friedburg was involved in the coverups of the online poker sites UltimateBet and AbsolutePoker, which were essentially the identical scams that was FTX and Alameda Research: UltimateBet and AbsolutePoker were counting the cards of their online players and front running their games exactly how Alameda front ran their FTT token and their investors.

Todd Witteles of PokerFraudAltert said the following about Daniel Friedburg :
He was one of several executives there trying to cover up the scandal when they could no longer hide from it.
There was indisputable proof that cheating was taking place over a long period of time on UB, and they were basically trying to figure out what to do and how to get away with paying the least amount of money back to the players.
Sam Bankman-Fraud deliberately hired Daniel Friedburg precisely because he had prodigious experience in fraud. It was really that simple. Daniel Friedburg should have been serving time in prison instead of being on the job market when he was recruited by Sam Bankman-Fraud.
The parallels between online poker gambling, crypto and stock trading are obvious. The same kind of addicts that trade at Wall Street firms and hedge funds also sit in their underwear at home playing online poker and/or trading crypto 24/7/365. And the same holds true for the way social media was designed to provide users with continuous dopamine rushes from likes, retweeets, comments, etc. with the same kinds of associated narcissistic brain damage like phantom vibration syndrome, depression and so on and so forth.
Psychology: Comparison Is the Thief of Joy
A University of Pennsylvania study examined how social media use causes fear of missing out (“FOMO”). In the study, one group of participants limited their time on social media to 30 minutes a day, while a control group continued to use Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram as usual. The researchers tracked the participants’ social media time automatically via iPhone battery usage screen shots, and participants completed surveys about their mood and well-being. After three weeks, the participants who limited social media said that they felt less depressed and lonely than people who had no social media limits.
Psychologist Melissa Hunt led the study. She explained, “‘Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness. These effects are particularly pronounced for folks who were more depressed when they came into the study.'”
The social media addict constantly on the hunt for likes while playing online poker and day trading stocks and crypto is quite literally the perfect victim profile for the likes of a Sam Bankman-Fraud, Klaus Schwab, your illegitimate Federal government, et al.
This convergence of platforms, behaviors and transactions was always intentional, and it leads directly into the upcoming social credit score system which will parlay all of the current Pavlovian rewards and tricks into the CO2 monitoring, groupthink adherence, never-ending “vaccine” compliance ratings, etc. & etc.
We are truly living on a game planet, and the manipulated and unmindful participants are being badly played.
It was no mere coincidence when crypto and stocks soared just after the COVID stimmy checks were issued.
And it will be no coincidence when everyone is offered more at forced to accept UBI. And those “free” CBDC UBI deposits will no doubt be funding various gambling pastimes within the social credit score ecosystem that will also be inextricably linked to mandatory social media participation; in fact, life itself will be reduced to an isolated, neighborless, drugged up VR game-like gambling existence, by design.
Do NOT comply.
Get your 2SG swag for the holiday season here!
Another great summary of information thanks. The very idea of someone like Harrari being allowed to present these ideas supportive of genocide is a testament to where we find ourselves. And the FTX scandal - just proof these fools couldn't even manage any due diligence in their affairs. They have failed, and failed spectacularly. Hopefully we can outweigh the current narratives promulgated by mainstream media - the propaganda agencies for these criminals - and overcome their insanity with common sense.