".......the illegitimate Federal government and its unconstitutional agencies are waging a full spectrum war against We the People out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C."

Brilliant and true.

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Been going on for decades. As usual, people only catch on AFTER it becomes blatant, and even then, many are still clueless. ... Like ANYONE that really thinks that these scripted (s)elections matter.

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More details about Nixon mentoring Trump? I agree, private detail needed. The USSS can’t be trusted. Who knows who has infiltrated THEM. KGB? Mossad? Some rogue religious group like the atheists 😎

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How true. It's quite apparent that most of the USG has been infiltraited by foreign agents from the usual suspect countries. None of them can be trusted since JFK. Just ask JFK.

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Your final six words. Precious.

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Jul 31Edited
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The Answer is the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds

Ten Thousand Trillion Dollar Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaires have been ruling this planet for 10,000 years. Their power comes from their minion class - Politicians, Priests, Presstitutes, Professors, Policemen who, bought and paid for, are created consciously in ivy league schools like "Whipping and Fagging" Eton created by the King in 1438 in order to create a, "Band of Thebes" Fierce Pedophile Gay army by getting the boys to rape the boys - such a shock creating evil psychopathic subpersonalities easy to control. These psychopaths are then promoted by great money, blackmailed by Epsteins, and put into positions of great power in every country of the World.

Biden is a sideshow. Why is the wealthy, partisan, minion elite class working so hard to destroy civilisation, destroy America, destroy humanity? Why are the Minion Managers like Soros and Kissinger working to Totalitarianise the West - the USA, the UK and Europe through the United Nations Agenda 2030, through Wuhan disease and the Deathvaxx created deep in the laboratories of Fort Detrick in the USA and Porton Down in the UK, through War with Russia, China and Iran, through Dedolarisation, through Climate change and net zero, through sterilisation deathvaxx defertilization, through starvation and eating bugs, through Transexuality and Pedophilia - The Answer is the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds - This is The Great Reset!

https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/what-they-are-shitting-is-satanic and


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Never been a better time to separate from the feds. What on earth do they provide for all the taxes they collect?

Wars, propaganda and assassination attempts most likely organized by the SS themselves. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/the-djt-assassination-attempt

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Could any agency be that inept? They either have the skills of your average third grader, or it was a failed assassination plot. Or some ridiculous Deep Fake. The SS, FBI, CIA and NSA are totally corrupt, failed and incompetent.

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What do you mean "inept"? The SS got JFK's route changed at the last minute, to get in range of Oswald's new workplace they provide him! That took much planning! Do you think you could do all that? Godless nations get & deserve all the Hell they get!

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I’ve been shooting since I was 19. I’m 70 now and today I went out in the back yard where I stay and shot about 70 rounds of 5.56 testing a load while trying to get some accuracy with a 62 grain FMJ bullet. While there I was thinking to myself…If there was a ear for me to shoot at 140 yards and it was stationary for me so I could hit it, if I moved to my left or right say a foot would I still be able to hit it? Would the angle be enough off that it wouldn’t be easy to hit? Seems to me that would be the case, which means that if I wanted to figure out WHERE the shooter was, all I would have to do is draw a line from Trumps ear straight out in front of him to what would appear to be the location where the shot was fired from. Well if you do that, guess what? The 2nd story window behind the building that they claim Crooks was on lines right up. Gee, I wonder…do you suppose that the reason that this isn’t being talked about is because THAT IS WHERE THE SHOOTER WAS AT? Think about it…ONE FOOT on either side would have hit him in the head not the ear. The only reason it hit him in the ear is he turned his ear into the path of the bullet. If he had not turned the bullet would have hit him in the head. Getting it yet? So the line from the ear straight out in front of him is where the bullet came from. Rocket science? I DON’T THINK SO.

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Although the Secret Service deserves ultimate responsibility, the local and state law enforcement also dropped the ball. Why would not they have placed this guy in physical custody or at the very least kept a person attached to him to see what he was up to? it’s not acceptable to say well we had to wait for the Secret Service to tell us what to do.

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Employ Eric Prince, and his team. He never lost a protectee

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The Secret Service specifically along with the FBI are criminally negligent in the way they have been offering protection to Donald Trump. The people responsible for making these decisions, regardless of what position they have, must be held a criminally accountable and liable for this.

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I’ve been shooting since I was 19. I’m 70 now and today I went out in the back yard where I stay and shot about 70 rounds of 5.56 testing a load while trying to get some accuracy with a 62 grain FMJ bullet. While there I was thinking to myself…If there was a ear for me to shoot at 140 yards and it was stationary for me so I could hit it, if I moved to my left or right say a foot would I still be able to hit it? Would the angle be enough off that it wouldn’t be easy to hit? Seems to me that would be the case, which means that if I wanted to figure out WHERE the shooter was, all I would have to do is draw a line from Trumps ear straight out in front of him to what would appear to be the location where the shot was fired from. Well if you do that, guess what? The 2nd story window behind the building that they claim Crooks was on lines right up. Gee, I wonder…do you suppose that the reason that this isn’t being talked about is because THAT IS WHERE THE SHOOTER WAS AT? Think about it…ONE FOOT on either side would have hit him in the head not the ear. The only reason it hit him in the ear is he turned his ear into the path of the bullet. If he had not turned the bullet would have hit him in the head. Getting it yet? So the line from the ear straight out in front of him is where the bullet came from. Rocket science? I DON’T THINK SO.

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not sure what the answer is but doesn't appear to be coming from DC

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Of course there will be. And if unsuccessful, another and another until they get him. I would not be surprised if regular ways to off those they don’t like fail, they will go as far as shoot down his airplane with a SAM from a naval ship or air to air missile form an AF fighter. If these fail, I would not be surprised if they use a cruise missile to take him and many of us at his inauguration.

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That is not too far fetched for the evil left. Satan is in charge of all of them.

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They have no choice. They all have been so dirty for so long that the best they can rightfully hope for is life plus 100 years in prison for their treason. Many, a great many should face the wall. They will not allow this.

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Ahh, but bringing back Mme Lafarge and the guillotine would be so much more satisfying.

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And Shinzo Abe comes to mind. USA there too, on behalf of Pfizer?

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I doubt very much that Abe’s murder was anything other than as reported. He was not in office nor even running at that the time he was murdered.

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The Hollywood scriptwriters are still working on it.

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Please do not refer to the patsy as "the shooter." There were many with eyes on Crooks (or whoever that was) and no videos of gun recoils. There was a window below the patsy's roof with counter-snipers in it.

I did see a video with gun recoils along with Trump for those first three shots. That was one of the counter-snipers behind the stage, and the gun, a rifle. was pointed up into the air. Third boom and Trump brushed at his ear.

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A immature 20 year old out smarts the SS? He was not guided and under mind control? Firing the top 5 SS directors is just the first step. Second is to identify the Site Director and interrogate him/her? Nothing happens without site director approval. Why is that identity being kept secret. Why were most shots wide of target? Only one spot on except for divine intervention! Still smells of Dark Op but they keep trying to Paint him as a Oswald. Same scenario as what took down RFK. Trump outsider and they need insiders such a Haley and Pompeo! What’s next?

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Why can't Republicans have an assassination grooming division like the FBI DOD & Deep State have, just to make it fair? Just let the snipers decide who wins! Godless Hellbound nations deserve no better!

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Stop paying for Secret Service! Write Trump a check to fund his own protection from the private sector!

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