Rand Paul needs to stop playing with words. No one gets arrested, period. If people unite, these corrupt politicians and police force can do nothing. They will have to listen to us or kill us. Then they will have their civil war. But it’s not people against people. It’s people against the corrupt fascist establishment on both sides of the house. These people are murdering our friends and family every day and no one lifts a finger. Just a ton of talk. They’ve destroyed our businesses as they make billions. They stole our wealth for their illegal wars and money laundering schemes. Now they wish to imprison us with a digital dollar they control. We don’t comply, they turn it off. They hurt and raped our children, and no one says anything. They’ve damaged our food supply and wish to force people to eat synthetic food created by Bezos and Gates. They use the trains with toxic chemicals to destroy the water supply. They’ve murdered our citizens with experimental shots which go against the geneva convention. It’s genocide. Unless people stand firm, no compliance and no arrest, they’ll be rounded up and loaded onto the boxcars and eradicated. This is where we’re at. But I keep hearing, when it gets bad enough then patriots will stand. It’s way past bad enough.

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Actually...it is people against people.

The cabal totally control at a minimum 50% of the population in the USA...and largely control another 30-40%...would be my estimates. In Canada they control upward of 95% in one sense or another...and totally control probably 80%.

There are way more of them than us...as it were. The cabal are few...but their zombified followers are in the hordes. Their zombies are in fact their secondary line...or reservists...ready to do battle with minimum provocation.

They own all the police forces, military and ABC institutes.

Show me a cop or soldier who will defend the public against tyranny...and I will show you a Ghandi. The % is pretty close.

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Well said! Truth. 😑 the 🐑'll are hosed!

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It's a BAD idea. Tax non-payers, even as conscientious or religious objectors go to jail and lose their assets.

Yet, THEY don't pay taxes by:

- Using special financial vehicles designed by law for THEM for not paying taxes

- Abusing tax loopholes designed by law for THEM for not paying taxes (Government bonds, trusts, NGOs)

- Living abroad tax havens or countries where you get 10 year zero tax for foreigners like Portugal until recently or Uruguay now.

- Living only 6 months per year in the USA or 12 months with an international passport (UN, UN agency, BIS and any international organization they invented).

- Moving their assets abroad, especially tax havens.

Am I forgetting anything?

Even if would join a tax strike, taxes are just the minority of G spending: most is covered in debt. Yet debt is either paid by taxes or by inflation ... and guess how do you pay inflation tax? just by buying or saving. Catch 22

The only way out is the way in: politics

Not the UN, not the WEF, not the CFR, FBI, etc.. BUT the MASONS in them!

For example, it wasn't the whole FBI organizing J6, just a mason division:

J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Another example, the 2020 election wasn't stolen by democrats running them but by masons in such places of power:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



Non-compliance won't help with such level of infiltration and control of control institutions.

Our 1st priority should be this: stop the automatic approval of the modifications of the WHO International Health Regulations: Congress must repeal them before November!!!

Otherwise it's a sovereignty power grab from the WHO:

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:



2. We need an urgent law in Congress to stop CBDCs (Fed cashless digi-dollar). It's the backbone of the future digi-tatorship:

The full PLAN exposed:



3. We need a law requiring every dollar to be backed by real assets: gold, flour, oil, soy, whatever you can turn into an unforgeable warrant.

Masons forge billions of dollars: with that easy money they infiltrate and corrupt everything: puppeticians, judges, DAs, election officers, security agencies, armed forces, police, etc.

Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?



4. We need a mason law severely penalizing anybody in Government or running for government and anybody in non-profits and listed corporations, for not disclosing membership to secret societies that require obedience (even against the nation/patriotism).

It is then that people will open their eyes to the level of conspiracy in all powers of government and all positions of power.

I've got 100 more ideas, but lets prioritize those 4, having in mind the full scenario:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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I couldn't agree with you more. I definitely have identified my enemies already. And there are many. So come and challenge me.

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The worst part about all of this mess is that the criminals have a system that is self supporting. The fact that we are even to this point proves this. The courts are a distraction at this point, because congress has already circumvented their own authority through bureaucratic institutions. Nobody is suing about that are they? 🤔

They have also worked tirelessly to make holding them accountable, a criminal offense.

However, their system only works so long as it's hidden. Now that people are starting to realize what's really going on, things might just start to change for the better.

This won't happen overnight though. It's going to take a lot more people, who can remain comfortable during the down times -- to become uncomfortable. We [US] have enough wealth as a country to absorb a large amount of economic damage, before it starts to work its way down. Once that happens, things will get nasty. Then perhaps, they will start to turn around.

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Fuck the system. Do not comply. Period

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Don't comply with everything that doesn't make sense. Period.

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I hear people regularly talking about non compliance, but I rarely see it. Tax day is right around the corner, and everybody is racing around to get their taxes in. How is this helping?

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Many people that are not complying are not exactly announcing it, so you obviously won't see it.

I suggest you meditate on how you can also not comply and then execute on that = that is how it will help.

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It's a BAD idea. Tax non-payers, even as conscientious or religious objectors go to jail and lose their assets.

Yet, THEY don't pay taxes by:

- Using special financial vehicles designed by law for THEM for not paying taxes

- Abusing tax loopholes designed by law for THEM for not paying taxes (Government bonds, trusts, NGOs)

- Living abroad tax havens or countries where you get 10 year zero tax for foreigners like Portugal until recently or Uruguay now.

- Living only 6 months per year in the USA or 12 months with an international passport (UN, UN agency, BIS and any international organization they invented).

- Moving their assets abroad, especially tax havens.

Am I forgetting anything?

Even if everyone would join a tax strike, taxes are just the minority of G spending: most is covered in debt. Yet debt is either paid by taxes or by inflation ... and guess how do you pay inflation tax? just by buying or saving. Catch 22

The only way out is the way in: politics

Not the UN, not the WEF, not the CFR, FBI, etc.. BUT the MASONS in them!

For example, it wasn't the whole FBI organizing J6, just a mason division:

J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Another example, the 2020 election wasn't stolen by democrats running them but by masons in such places of power:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



Non-compliance won't help with such level of infiltration and control of control institutions.

Our 1st priority should be this: stop the automatic approval of the modifications of the WHO International Health Regulations: Congress must repeal them before November!!!

Otherwise it's a sovereignty power grab from the WHO:

The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:



2. We need an urgent law in Congress to stop CBDCs (Fed cashless digi-dollar). It's the backbone of the future digi-tatorship:

The full PLAN exposed:



3. We need a law requiring every dollar to be backed by real assets: gold, flour, oil, soy, whatever you can turn into an unforgeable warrant.

Masons forge billions of dollars: with that easy money they infiltrate and corrupt everything: puppeticians, judges, DAs, election officers, security agencies, armed forces, police, etc.

Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?



4. We need a mason law severely penalizing anybody in Government or running for government and anybody in non-profits and listed corporations, for not disclosing membership to secret societies that require obedience (even against the nation/patriotism).

It is then that people will open their eyes to the level of conspiracy in all powers of government and all positions of power.

I've got 100 more ideas, but lets prioritize those 4, having in mind the full scenario:

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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Well for me it really isn’t an issue because I barter for goods and services, so i have no income. And your point about people not talking about it makes sense. Thanks for the reply!!

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Wow! how do you pay for internet access?

In many countries the value of what you barter is considered taxable. Is the USA an exception? (still, they'll have a hard time proving that you did barter)

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Taxes are simply a way for you to pay to NOT go to jail. Period!

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it is the same ...

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Exactly - pay up or you're going to suffer, it's exactly like the mafia. And the IRS just hired 87,000 new agents, many of whom are armed. I think the advice not to pay taxes is a foolish one.

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If the country is to survive, it must change. Eliminating the 16th Amendment would go very, very far! The Federal Reserve and the 16th Amendment sealed the deal for us slaves.

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Hi Renee, the owners of the Federal Reserve are the same people that own the rest of the central banks worldwide. Justly hoping for something to change does not mean that it will. With respect to the decline of the U.S., these central bank owners deliberately planned and are implementing it. See this Instagram post from Alex Soros from a couple years ago where he asks "which of these flags will fall first?" and includes the U.S. flag in it: https://www.instagram.com/p/BEwgmuxKccI/

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I’m on the same page as you! Before I was forced to retire, the city I worked for (SF) HAD an evil, Soros “appointed” District Attorney (his daddy is a terrorist).

See San Fransicko lately????

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Don't comply if it doesn't have any sense to you. Period.

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First of all this is old, last year's speech. But still true.

The reality that you have hinted at, defunding our government through the withholding of our so called "voluntary" income taxes, is the way. But this Boston Tea Party plan will only work when and if, millions of Americans do the same. If a handful of righteous patriots does it, the Biden gestapo will have them incarcerated before they can post it to their favorite social media outlet. This needs coordination, this needs leadership, this needs, dare I say, conspirators to be pulled off. This would work, if and only if, tens of millions of fed-up serfs throw down the gauntlet in unison, and tell these spineless, brainless, bullies in DC to shove the BS back up where their heads are, at the same time.

I wish there was this kind of passion to revolt in the hearts of enough Americans, but I seriously doubt that when it came time to do so, enough would.

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seen what's happening in france? https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/04/11/the-acorn-82/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog the french aren't afraid.

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The State of Idaho is attempting to make the jabs illegal there. That is a start.

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On the Bright Side, China just handed over a few million dollars worth of Biden payoffs records...

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Agreed, nation wide rejection of this illegitimate and criminal “government” is necessary to stop the hell that coming. I don’t know how this is accomplished non violently though. Unless we protect ourselves and fight back using whatever means are necessary, the goons for these criminals will simply slaughter us where we stand.

There were more than enough Jews around in Europe to have stopped the slaughter the Nazis perpetrated, but they didn’t. It wasn’t until the US entered the war using extreme violence that the Holocaust was stopped.

I truly wish it weren’t so, but there is no legal or political solution to tyranny.

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The concept of the sovereignty of the individual is well established. Sovereign Pete is correct that people don’t understand the language of laws, sovereignty and Rights, yet he continually conflated the “right” of government to undertake an action for the authority to do that thing. No government has any “right” over the sovereign individual, but they do, in limited cases, have an authority over the individual. An authority that we grant them.

Thomas Jefferson’s “deriving it’s just authority from the consent of the governed”.

He is correct in that we need to tell all governments that claim authority over us, that we withdraw our consent.

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Yes, well established, but not widely known and even less well understood

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I appreciate Sen Paul but this struck me as personally ironic. In mar 20 when narcissist passive aggressive newsom ordered our state shut down I shouted in a vacuum to every business owner “stay open, if everyone says NO it will be over!” I vainly hoped everyone would respond like the Korean business owners had to the ‘92 LA riots

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No point saying Rand Paul doesn't go far enough and then saying violence isn't the way. History shows that violence is always the way. There is a reason illigitimate governments take people's weapons away whilst making sure their goons have plenty of them and it has nothing to do with them fearing people singing Kimbayu my lord. The fact is that the US is doomed because people clean their guns by day and cuddle them by night but will never use them because they are all me, me, me so will never come together as one and the goons with the F16s know that. You don't have to tell Americans not to use violence because they won't until it is far too late and then only as individuals who will be mown down by "gold star" family members who are "only following orders" as they did whilst murdering their way across the planet this last 200 years. It is over for the most evil country this planet has ever seen and they can stick their exceptionalism where the sun don't shine.

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Fear of being erased causes politicians to tread lightly! They will not prosecute Fauci and gang for pushing the monetized deadly Covid treatment protocol! There will be no punishment because they all knew their role and followed orders! We need someone to find the Covid playbook and expose the motivation!

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The time for half-measures and talk is over, Senator.


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Could someone please look at this?


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Thanks 2nd. New plague infecting this precious world. 5 minutes of fame wonderstars all spouting the same bs. Lots of hot air. Zero action plan.

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Do you know how to become a nationalist?

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It's been a steady downhill spiral since they killed JFK

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