I live in Canada and it is truly horrifying what has become of a once Free and Proud nation. Wearing our poppies proudly as young people go to fight for our freedoms, all for not, to import people who hate me as I walk down the street I’ve lived all my life.
To be forced coerced mandated propagandized to take a “vaccine” that didn’t work and is now killing people, then loose your job because you had some morals, then have no money to support your family, then all of Canada tax dollars that go to our so called generous social safety net, but the leftist hypocrisy of our government can’t give money to those who paid into it for year because they need the money for all the radical medieval thinkers who hate me that the government has welcome in with open arms and gives money to them and places to live for free. Then, as I who once was a moral and proud and happy Canadian, but am depressed because I can’t get another job and the government won’t help, they generously offer euthanasia to get rid of me. We’ll lefties hypocrite government and all the other Woke nutcases, screw you! A once proud Canadian
I really don't see much of pushback against this. Young people have been conditioned that any sort of physical pain/ illness is not acceptable. Young women are now terrified to be pregnant and give birth. If people do not realize that pain and suffering are part of the human experience, well then, the simply "humane" solution is a planned death.
The first of Buddhas 4 Noble Truths -"all life is suffering" or from Scott Peck's the 'Road Less Traveled' - "life is difficult". These are basic tenets of life that the 'gimmee' generations, to their detriment, fail to comprehend.
Unfortunately, a good majority of Americans, have been hoodwinked to think-sick, and fear not what they should fear, the iatrogenic medicine, but their natural healing powers. To get healthy means to teach kids from a young age, what healthy means, how it looks and what the responsibilities are to honor it.
Joe Biden and the whole Democrat Party stood up on a stage and said out loud that they wanted to depopulate and be the leader in the New World order..... In all the libtards collapsed like seals!!! Because they're so ignorant they can't connect the dots that Biden and his regime were talking about them to their faces!
'Assisted Dying' fits nicely into the WEF's 'New World Order' Depopulation Plan that's been developed and organised over decades. Pussy Trudeau has been part of the WEF for years!
This is what's really been in the melting pot for decades = a concerted depopulation Plan - supposedly, to save the planet;
With target birth rates required by each Continent. "If people cannot be trusted to reduce population by 'Birth Control' other measures will have to be used = Scamdemics, poisonous injections that cause serious health issues - by force, if necessary!"
Now we know, we can defend ourselves from this evil!
Now, DEADLY mRNA injections seem to have been created for depopulation and to cause humans to become infertile!
Now we have the 'Big Picture' we will be ready for their next false Scamdemic and the deadly INJECTIONS which will Kill, maim, cause serious illnesses, cause a reduced Life Expectancy or make humans INFERTILE!
This is what's really been in the 'melting pot' for decades = a concerted depopulation Plan - supposedly to save the planet;
With targets for reduced birth rates required by each Continent.
"If people cannot be trusted to reduce population by 'Birth Control' other measures will have to be used = Scamdemics, poisonous injections that cause serious health issues - by force, if necessary!"
The DEADLY INJECTIONS come with ZERO LIABILITY for Big Pharma so beware of corrupt medics with syringes!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt Doctors injecting poisonous mRNA vax!
Today’s deep thought; A continuation of my conversation with the Hubster. QR codes will be linked to crypto currencies within the next five years. Gold is a chunk of metal. The playing field is going to level off at some point. Many of the minions will have the rug pulled out from under them. Plan accordingly, Cheers! Love you all!
I see Gov’t sponsored euthanasia as a Pandora’s Box. It’ll begin with euthanizing the terminally ill and evolve to euthanizing the poor & unproductive.
Aside from moral ethical concerns which are real , I immediately have questions about the money being generated for medical research , organ sales, and cadaver remains that are claimed by the institutions involved. It's all suspicious to me.
Soooooooo tired of the false dichotomy being pushed by both side of the population debate. One side says there needn’t be my barriers to human population growth, it can expand forever, any reduction in expansion is horrible thing, sustainable population equals total depopulation, blah, blah. The other side uses overpopulation as an excuse to cover its real intention, which is simply to exercise as much control over fellow humans in as brutal a fashion as possible. They don’t actually give a crap bout animals or the environment. They just use those as cover to hide their bloodlust.
Can we please inject some nuance and reason into this debate?
I challenge the population doomers to show us a system -ANY system, from mice in a cage to an economy to the universe itself - that can simply grow and expand forever, with no constraints. I challenge them to show that eight billion or more medium-sized mammals can all indefinitely sustain the upper middle class American lifestyle on the earth’s viable resources. I challenge them to show that humanity was in any danger of extinction when populations were significantly lower, as they were through most of history. And I challenge them to look at the numerous ancient civilizations (Angkor Wat, the the great Egyptian dynasties, Sumer, Easter Island, etc.) which all fell because, to a large degree, they outstripped the carrying capacities of their local environments. In Angkor Wat, it’s believed that intense water pollution from human waste generated disease outbreaks that decimated the population. In Egypt, temporary climate changes resulting in prolonged droughts culled populations from famine. (Many still survived, but far fewer than when rain was bountiful and the Nile ran heavy with snowmelt). On Easter Island, the people were too busy erecting religious statues and warring on one another to notice that they had cut down all the trees, changed the climate, and stranded themselves with no way to reach the ocean to catch fish and dolphins that they had depleted by over-exploiting ocean life near the shore. A permanent population crash followed.
Now I challenge the crisis exploitation crowd to show how their method of creating balance between human population and the earth’s capacity to sustain life, is better than the many life-enhancing strategies that could be employed, such as regenerative farming, elevating the status of women, promoting natural health over dependency on pharmaceuticals that taint the water supply, and returning every country to a sound money base.
Until either side can make their case, I will reject both in favor of supporting efforts to protect and restore a vibrant earth with humans as simply one integral thread of the living fabric. Not as master, and neither as slave, but as one note of a beautiful new harmony that resonates with its own spiritual beauty in perpetuity.
Healthcare has become Wealthcare... yes that’s welfare for big pharma. How can we restore trust when honest doctors continue to be delicensed and fined for speaking the truth. The whole Wealthcare Industry is corrupt and has been since it was taken over by big oil in the early 1900s. Covid was the red pill that woke us up and now there’s no going back. The good news is that we are now ready to rebuild our whole society from the ground up and in doing so find the true liberty, dignity and respect that was taken from us a century ago.
LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist, we can pool resources and organize alternatives.
Use this website to locate neighbours who are willing to organize local resistance and boycott any business, organization or institution that tries to enforce mask, vaccine or any other mandates in your town or city. The more of us that get involved, the safer each one of us becomes. There is strength in numbers, that is why it is so important to spread the word and organize locally. If a neighbour is hassled or treated unfairly then the local team can mobilize resources to help the victim. Check it out. Spread the word. https://localresistance.org
I live in Canada and it is truly horrifying what has become of a once Free and Proud nation. Wearing our poppies proudly as young people go to fight for our freedoms, all for not, to import people who hate me as I walk down the street I’ve lived all my life.
To be forced coerced mandated propagandized to take a “vaccine” that didn’t work and is now killing people, then loose your job because you had some morals, then have no money to support your family, then all of Canada tax dollars that go to our so called generous social safety net, but the leftist hypocrisy of our government can’t give money to those who paid into it for year because they need the money for all the radical medieval thinkers who hate me that the government has welcome in with open arms and gives money to them and places to live for free. Then, as I who once was a moral and proud and happy Canadian, but am depressed because I can’t get another job and the government won’t help, they generously offer euthanasia to get rid of me. We’ll lefties hypocrite government and all the other Woke nutcases, screw you! A once proud Canadian
Wow, unbelievable hubris in these people. I suppose they never look at themselves as disposable because they may be a drain on society.
Yeah I bet Shaub never considers that he isn’t productive to society. He should sign up post haste.
Well, no! They're rich, therefore they deserve to live, to kill off others.
I really don't see much of pushback against this. Young people have been conditioned that any sort of physical pain/ illness is not acceptable. Young women are now terrified to be pregnant and give birth. If people do not realize that pain and suffering are part of the human experience, well then, the simply "humane" solution is a planned death.
The first of Buddhas 4 Noble Truths -"all life is suffering" or from Scott Peck's the 'Road Less Traveled' - "life is difficult". These are basic tenets of life that the 'gimmee' generations, to their detriment, fail to comprehend.
It's a special snowflake thing as well I think.
"Everyone wins, no one loses" means that individuals don't learn to deal with the pain of loss.
Absolutely, get as healthy as you possibly can!
Unfortunately, a good majority of Americans, have been hoodwinked to think-sick, and fear not what they should fear, the iatrogenic medicine, but their natural healing powers. To get healthy means to teach kids from a young age, what healthy means, how it looks and what the responsibilities are to honor it.
Sunshine, exercise, physical activity and a good diet and exercising a highly active mind, are the solutions to enjoying life.
And obviously, avoiding Pfizer, modern, J&J's DEADLY mRNA injections at all costs!
Unjabbed Mick (79 and from the UK).
Excellent post , thorough and thought provoking.
Joe Biden and the whole Democrat Party stood up on a stage and said out loud that they wanted to depopulate and be the leader in the New World order..... In all the libtards collapsed like seals!!! Because they're so ignorant they can't connect the dots that Biden and his regime were talking about them to their faces!
I know someone who is really liberal. They don't plan on dying.
They plan on YOU dying. They are going to live forever.
'Assisted Dying' fits nicely into the WEF's 'New World Order' Depopulation Plan that's been developed and organised over decades. Pussy Trudeau has been part of the WEF for years!
This is what's really been in the melting pot for decades = a concerted depopulation Plan - supposedly, to save the planet;
With target birth rates required by each Continent. "If people cannot be trusted to reduce population by 'Birth Control' other measures will have to be used = Scamdemics, poisonous injections that cause serious health issues - by force, if necessary!"
Now we know, we can defend ourselves from this evil!
Now, DEADLY mRNA injections seem to have been created for depopulation and to cause humans to become infertile!
Now we have the 'Big Picture' we will be ready for their next false Scamdemic and the deadly INJECTIONS which will Kill, maim, cause serious illnesses, cause a reduced Life Expectancy or make humans INFERTILE!
This is what's really been in the 'melting pot' for decades = a concerted depopulation Plan - supposedly to save the planet;
With targets for reduced birth rates required by each Continent.
"If people cannot be trusted to reduce population by 'Birth Control' other measures will have to be used = Scamdemics, poisonous injections that cause serious health issues - by force, if necessary!"
The DEADLY INJECTIONS come with ZERO LIABILITY for Big Pharma so beware of corrupt medics with syringes!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt Doctors injecting poisonous mRNA vax!
Same type of enforcement going on in Uk !!
Today’s deep thought; A continuation of my conversation with the Hubster. QR codes will be linked to crypto currencies within the next five years. Gold is a chunk of metal. The playing field is going to level off at some point. Many of the minions will have the rug pulled out from under them. Plan accordingly, Cheers! Love you all!
I hate to say it, but talk about maximizing your income opportunities.
It gives a whole new perspective to
Shark Tank.
I see Gov’t sponsored euthanasia as a Pandora’s Box. It’ll begin with euthanizing the terminally ill and evolve to euthanizing the poor & unproductive.
and those will a "too low" social credit score.
They are Murderers, there is nothing more to say than they need to be done the same way, that they want to do to others.
Solent Green.
Aside from moral ethical concerns which are real , I immediately have questions about the money being generated for medical research , organ sales, and cadaver remains that are claimed by the institutions involved. It's all suspicious to me.
Soooooooo tired of the false dichotomy being pushed by both side of the population debate. One side says there needn’t be my barriers to human population growth, it can expand forever, any reduction in expansion is horrible thing, sustainable population equals total depopulation, blah, blah. The other side uses overpopulation as an excuse to cover its real intention, which is simply to exercise as much control over fellow humans in as brutal a fashion as possible. They don’t actually give a crap bout animals or the environment. They just use those as cover to hide their bloodlust.
Can we please inject some nuance and reason into this debate?
I challenge the population doomers to show us a system -ANY system, from mice in a cage to an economy to the universe itself - that can simply grow and expand forever, with no constraints. I challenge them to show that eight billion or more medium-sized mammals can all indefinitely sustain the upper middle class American lifestyle on the earth’s viable resources. I challenge them to show that humanity was in any danger of extinction when populations were significantly lower, as they were through most of history. And I challenge them to look at the numerous ancient civilizations (Angkor Wat, the the great Egyptian dynasties, Sumer, Easter Island, etc.) which all fell because, to a large degree, they outstripped the carrying capacities of their local environments. In Angkor Wat, it’s believed that intense water pollution from human waste generated disease outbreaks that decimated the population. In Egypt, temporary climate changes resulting in prolonged droughts culled populations from famine. (Many still survived, but far fewer than when rain was bountiful and the Nile ran heavy with snowmelt). On Easter Island, the people were too busy erecting religious statues and warring on one another to notice that they had cut down all the trees, changed the climate, and stranded themselves with no way to reach the ocean to catch fish and dolphins that they had depleted by over-exploiting ocean life near the shore. A permanent population crash followed.
Now I challenge the crisis exploitation crowd to show how their method of creating balance between human population and the earth’s capacity to sustain life, is better than the many life-enhancing strategies that could be employed, such as regenerative farming, elevating the status of women, promoting natural health over dependency on pharmaceuticals that taint the water supply, and returning every country to a sound money base.
Until either side can make their case, I will reject both in favor of supporting efforts to protect and restore a vibrant earth with humans as simply one integral thread of the living fabric. Not as master, and neither as slave, but as one note of a beautiful new harmony that resonates with its own spiritual beauty in perpetuity.
Healthcare has become Wealthcare... yes that’s welfare for big pharma. How can we restore trust when honest doctors continue to be delicensed and fined for speaking the truth. The whole Wealthcare Industry is corrupt and has been since it was taken over by big oil in the early 1900s. Covid was the red pill that woke us up and now there’s no going back. The good news is that we are now ready to rebuild our whole society from the ground up and in doing so find the true liberty, dignity and respect that was taken from us a century ago.
LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist, we can pool resources and organize alternatives.
Use this website to locate neighbours who are willing to organize local resistance and boycott any business, organization or institution that tries to enforce mask, vaccine or any other mandates in your town or city. The more of us that get involved, the safer each one of us becomes. There is strength in numbers, that is why it is so important to spread the word and organize locally. If a neighbour is hassled or treated unfairly then the local team can mobilize resources to help the victim. Check it out. Spread the word. https://localresistance.org