If you go to work and ignore the obvious every day without talking to each other and doing something, I really don't understand how this cannot eat away at your soul. Your patients are husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, veterans, active military, law enfo…
If you go to work and ignore the obvious every day without talking to each other and doing something, I really don't understand how this cannot eat away at your soul. Your patients are husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, veterans, active military, law enforcement, firefighters, neighbors, even your own coworkers.
When I first felt a hint of trouble, I immediately started talking to friends, family, strangers, and publicly for all to hear and see. I went to my high school graduation page and let everyone know. I said if anyone wants to talk to me about this or has any questions that they can message me. When silenced in social media, I came here. When I knew of the possibility of mandates at work because President Biden was signing Executive Orders left and right to mandate the American people to take the experimental shots, I asked to speak privately with both the big boss and HR to share my thoughts. I said even though I may be the minority because others seem to be just going along with this, I want you to hear my views to make sure you know they exist. I said if this is a possibility here, I would appreciate a heads up so I can make plans to work somewhere else.
The emergency room R.N. in the video below gets it. This emergency room nurse deserves the right to sleep through the night knowing she did her best to inform others in whatever way she can, risking it all because she is aware and cares about people -- she cares about you, your family, and friends:
There are always difficult situations that arise, it's called life, but how people can just go along with it and not try to figure out a way to change things is beyond me.
For anyone that has lost a job, a home, a loved one, or just about anything without them wanting to lose it, they know there are ways to bounce back. Those that have never experienced this, feel there is no other choice, but in reality, there are so many different choices, just a matter of whether they wish to consider them and decide to take them.
At some point, people need to come out from behind the curtain to show their face and say I'm a real person, and what I have to say is important enough for me, me as me and all the world to see me say it.
At some point, people will need to decide, what side of history am I on and how can being silent, when I know better, be the right side?
This is so true!!! I agree 100% if you stay silent you are complicit! I had many people ask me if I wanted a “fake” vaccine card so I could travel, or so my kids could play sport, or so they could go to certain colleges, but if you do this you are also complicit!!! Make a stand do something in your life however small to make a difference.
People don't want to listen though. I have remained anonymous with my exemption because I am afraid to create a hostile work environment. I need to keep working at this time. I think there are only about 5-8 people in my entire hospital who has refused the jab. In the beginning I attended anti-lockdown protests. I don't administer Covid injections at work, so do not believe that I have directly harmed anyone. I have not encouraged anyone to take the injection. I have told patients that the injections don't work. I don't think the responsibility is on me to risk loss of my job to provide information that is widely available and even on the package insert for the injections. People must learn for themselves and take responsibility for themselves.
If I was in a position of financial independence and I could be more outspoken, but at this time, I am not and must look out for myself and my family. My husband lost his job for speaking openly about this scam in the beginning. It is not fair to judge people who must work to feed their families who feel they must keep their head down. If more people come forward, I would feel more comfortable. But people where I lived went along with the lockdowns and everything, never took a stand just went along. Maybe we are all cowards, or just looking out for our own family.
I will say that I have spoken to close friends and even family and the information fell on def ears. I have been honest when asked about if I took the jab though and never bought a fake document. If people ask me, I'll tell them what I think of it. No one discusses it. And I have seen lots of weird reactions after the mass injections.
"...If more people come forward, I would feel more comfortable. But people where I lived went along with the lockdowns and everything, never took a stand just went along. Maybe we are all cowards, or just looking out for our own family...."
Remember that it starts with you. But I do agree in being smart about it. Not everyone is a rally-leader or has a platform in which to speak and reach a large audience. You have to help who you can. And you being there with your "head down" actually put you in a position to reach your hand out to a few who wanted another way out.
Edit: it was particularly frustrating because a lot of people who went along with it were usually doing it to participate in society in some way (continue their job, travel, etc). There was no discipline whatsoever from some of these people. Are they proving the elitists correct in being so "useless" in their consumption.
I think many people, including those who I have known just wanted to live their lives. They wanted some semblance of "normal" and wanted to put their head in the sand. I understand why. This was extremely traumatic, especially if you saw it was primarily a scam that people in government were lying and that basic liberty was being attacked.
I didn't know the historical precedent for it, which was helpful for me to learn. It's not the first time they tried to force "vaccinate" people.
I was proud of my husband who spoke out to everyone, even at his job. He was angry about it and didn't keep his mouth shut. Consequently, he lost his job. He did find another job and has had to just not say anything about it at work. I wish we could find other sources of income. We are still quite a way from being able to retire.
I have spoken to a few at work who were against the lockdowns and I think one person might not have taken the jab but I didn't ask him.
Seems disturbing the norm these days. I understand and accept economic fluctuations and world power contention, but outright wrong is wrong. Sadly, it is at so many different levels it is difficult to focus on how to make change. I say make change how you can. We are all in different situations, but I know each of us has a contribution to make.
What ways are there to bounce back? What if a family member is ill? I mean we are about to go through a very severe economic crash because of the money printing during the scamdemic. People don't want to be broke and dependent. Why should someone risk their own food supply and family for people who are ignoring readily available information? You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. I'm not going to risk myself for people who are too stupid to think for a while about what they should put into their body. A "vaccine" mRNA gene therapy injection developed in a year, for a disease that's not much worse than the flu. Come on, people have to have some accountability for themselves.
Everyone's situation is different, I agree. The point in which a person says I've done all I can (for now or maybe ever) will also be different and is a personal decision. If a person needs to focus on their own situation alone, I understand, but hopefully as you explained, not actually part of administering or misleading, like you spoke about. I think in your heart you know where you're at and doing best you can.
I have mentioned to many patients that the injections don't work, and have encouraged people to not take any more. I had a guy with chest pain and extremity numbness since the jab and I told him that it was unusual and that he should not take any more. There are lots of weird reactions to it, tons. Even colleagues with weird symptoms. It's kind of obvious that it doesn't work, right? If you get sick and you had the injection then it doesn't work, stop taking them.
I can't make someone care about their body. They must find that within, to care about their health and well being. They have to want to know about what medicines they take do to them and learn. I'm here if they ask, but I can't force people to care.
There was one patient who I spoke with who said that she developed an autoimmune disorder from the Covid shot. Her body was destroying her own platelets, she needed multiple platelet infusions and had been admitted for this. She said she though it was from the shot. I said yes, it could be, others have reported it. I don't know if she has died since that time. It's really sad, but I am in the emergency room and can't stop people from making bad choices.
I kind of resent the accusation that I and other health care providers that have tried to stop people from taking the jab are somehow complicit in a crime. I don't think so. People decide every day what they do with themselves. I have no obligation to stop them. If I am not giving them this injection, I have no blame in the outcome. They kept quiet and now when there is a problem, blame me? I don't think so. They are responsible for their actions. Or from now on, people must be responsible for their choices.
Just wondering why you are so upset about it if you are ok with what you have done. I for one am done with helping people feel ok about their actions. I am totally about self responsibility. But that is not a reason to nullify your responsibility. Not everyone is in the same position to effect change. But I stand with everyone who tries, and doesn’t make excuses.
Yes, I can sleep at night and look at myself in the mirror. I have done as much as I can. I just don't think that I should be blamed for this, for not screaming "no don't do it!" because there have been others who have. For example Mike Yeadon and others who have urged people not to take the shot.
I just think that people need to take responsibility for their own choices and learn how to make responsible decisions in the coming years. The idea that a doctor or medical person knows more than the person making the decision is faulty. People need to learn about their body and how to keep it healthy and they can't trust CNN.
“If I was in a position of financial independence” this is all I need to know about you…your decisions were based on money… unfortunate that people can be bought…
Everyone needs to eat. People should take their gripe to Moderna, Pfizer and their government who were are the real culprits. Leave the peons like myself out of it, thanks.
Yes, so very interesting to hear what seems like very difficult change ends up being a huge quality of life improvement! While I'm sorry you were treated that way, I'm glad you found a way to make it work out.
I too was, maybe still am (?) the one going against the grain, but can't help being the logical person I am who takes calculated risks and doesn't want to take my health for granted. Why put myself in a situation to potentially harm my health where others would need to help me more? My kids are just becoming independent. No need for me to start becoming dependent on them.
Silenced or silent?
If you go to work and ignore the obvious every day without talking to each other and doing something, I really don't understand how this cannot eat away at your soul. Your patients are husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, veterans, active military, law enforcement, firefighters, neighbors, even your own coworkers.
When I first felt a hint of trouble, I immediately started talking to friends, family, strangers, and publicly for all to hear and see. I went to my high school graduation page and let everyone know. I said if anyone wants to talk to me about this or has any questions that they can message me. When silenced in social media, I came here. When I knew of the possibility of mandates at work because President Biden was signing Executive Orders left and right to mandate the American people to take the experimental shots, I asked to speak privately with both the big boss and HR to share my thoughts. I said even though I may be the minority because others seem to be just going along with this, I want you to hear my views to make sure you know they exist. I said if this is a possibility here, I would appreciate a heads up so I can make plans to work somewhere else.
The emergency room R.N. in the video below gets it. This emergency room nurse deserves the right to sleep through the night knowing she did her best to inform others in whatever way she can, risking it all because she is aware and cares about people -- she cares about you, your family, and friends:
There are always difficult situations that arise, it's called life, but how people can just go along with it and not try to figure out a way to change things is beyond me.
For anyone that has lost a job, a home, a loved one, or just about anything without them wanting to lose it, they know there are ways to bounce back. Those that have never experienced this, feel there is no other choice, but in reality, there are so many different choices, just a matter of whether they wish to consider them and decide to take them.
At some point, people need to come out from behind the curtain to show their face and say I'm a real person, and what I have to say is important enough for me, me as me and all the world to see me say it.
At some point, people will need to decide, what side of history am I on and how can being silent, when I know better, be the right side?
Talk to each other. Power in groups.
This is so true!!! I agree 100% if you stay silent you are complicit! I had many people ask me if I wanted a “fake” vaccine card so I could travel, or so my kids could play sport, or so they could go to certain colleges, but if you do this you are also complicit!!! Make a stand do something in your life however small to make a difference.
People don't want to listen though. I have remained anonymous with my exemption because I am afraid to create a hostile work environment. I need to keep working at this time. I think there are only about 5-8 people in my entire hospital who has refused the jab. In the beginning I attended anti-lockdown protests. I don't administer Covid injections at work, so do not believe that I have directly harmed anyone. I have not encouraged anyone to take the injection. I have told patients that the injections don't work. I don't think the responsibility is on me to risk loss of my job to provide information that is widely available and even on the package insert for the injections. People must learn for themselves and take responsibility for themselves.
If I was in a position of financial independence and I could be more outspoken, but at this time, I am not and must look out for myself and my family. My husband lost his job for speaking openly about this scam in the beginning. It is not fair to judge people who must work to feed their families who feel they must keep their head down. If more people come forward, I would feel more comfortable. But people where I lived went along with the lockdowns and everything, never took a stand just went along. Maybe we are all cowards, or just looking out for our own family.
I will say that I have spoken to close friends and even family and the information fell on def ears. I have been honest when asked about if I took the jab though and never bought a fake document. If people ask me, I'll tell them what I think of it. No one discusses it. And I have seen lots of weird reactions after the mass injections.
"...If more people come forward, I would feel more comfortable. But people where I lived went along with the lockdowns and everything, never took a stand just went along. Maybe we are all cowards, or just looking out for our own family...."
Remember that it starts with you. But I do agree in being smart about it. Not everyone is a rally-leader or has a platform in which to speak and reach a large audience. You have to help who you can. And you being there with your "head down" actually put you in a position to reach your hand out to a few who wanted another way out.
Edit: it was particularly frustrating because a lot of people who went along with it were usually doing it to participate in society in some way (continue their job, travel, etc). There was no discipline whatsoever from some of these people. Are they proving the elitists correct in being so "useless" in their consumption.
I think many people, including those who I have known just wanted to live their lives. They wanted some semblance of "normal" and wanted to put their head in the sand. I understand why. This was extremely traumatic, especially if you saw it was primarily a scam that people in government were lying and that basic liberty was being attacked.
I didn't know the historical precedent for it, which was helpful for me to learn. It's not the first time they tried to force "vaccinate" people.
I was proud of my husband who spoke out to everyone, even at his job. He was angry about it and didn't keep his mouth shut. Consequently, he lost his job. He did find another job and has had to just not say anything about it at work. I wish we could find other sources of income. We are still quite a way from being able to retire.
I have spoken to a few at work who were against the lockdowns and I think one person might not have taken the jab but I didn't ask him.
That was a great (but of course anything "great" is also quite disturbing)
link, thanks.
Seems disturbing the norm these days. I understand and accept economic fluctuations and world power contention, but outright wrong is wrong. Sadly, it is at so many different levels it is difficult to focus on how to make change. I say make change how you can. We are all in different situations, but I know each of us has a contribution to make.
Silent! Words matter!!!
What ways are there to bounce back? What if a family member is ill? I mean we are about to go through a very severe economic crash because of the money printing during the scamdemic. People don't want to be broke and dependent. Why should someone risk their own food supply and family for people who are ignoring readily available information? You can lead a horse to water but can't make them drink. I'm not going to risk myself for people who are too stupid to think for a while about what they should put into their body. A "vaccine" mRNA gene therapy injection developed in a year, for a disease that's not much worse than the flu. Come on, people have to have some accountability for themselves.
Everyone's situation is different, I agree. The point in which a person says I've done all I can (for now or maybe ever) will also be different and is a personal decision. If a person needs to focus on their own situation alone, I understand, but hopefully as you explained, not actually part of administering or misleading, like you spoke about. I think in your heart you know where you're at and doing best you can.
I have mentioned to many patients that the injections don't work, and have encouraged people to not take any more. I had a guy with chest pain and extremity numbness since the jab and I told him that it was unusual and that he should not take any more. There are lots of weird reactions to it, tons. Even colleagues with weird symptoms. It's kind of obvious that it doesn't work, right? If you get sick and you had the injection then it doesn't work, stop taking them.
I can't make someone care about their body. They must find that within, to care about their health and well being. They have to want to know about what medicines they take do to them and learn. I'm here if they ask, but I can't force people to care.
There was one patient who I spoke with who said that she developed an autoimmune disorder from the Covid shot. Her body was destroying her own platelets, she needed multiple platelet infusions and had been admitted for this. She said she though it was from the shot. I said yes, it could be, others have reported it. I don't know if she has died since that time. It's really sad, but I am in the emergency room and can't stop people from making bad choices.
I tell people to report adverse reactions to VARES. That's the best I can do for now.
I think you do protest too much
I kind of resent the accusation that I and other health care providers that have tried to stop people from taking the jab are somehow complicit in a crime. I don't think so. People decide every day what they do with themselves. I have no obligation to stop them. If I am not giving them this injection, I have no blame in the outcome. They kept quiet and now when there is a problem, blame me? I don't think so. They are responsible for their actions. Or from now on, people must be responsible for their choices.
Just wondering why you are so upset about it if you are ok with what you have done. I for one am done with helping people feel ok about their actions. I am totally about self responsibility. But that is not a reason to nullify your responsibility. Not everyone is in the same position to effect change. But I stand with everyone who tries, and doesn’t make excuses.
Yes, I can sleep at night and look at myself in the mirror. I have done as much as I can. I just don't think that I should be blamed for this, for not screaming "no don't do it!" because there have been others who have. For example Mike Yeadon and others who have urged people not to take the shot.
I just think that people need to take responsibility for their own choices and learn how to make responsible decisions in the coming years. The idea that a doctor or medical person knows more than the person making the decision is faulty. People need to learn about their body and how to keep it healthy and they can't trust CNN.
Happy your family is cared for
“If I was in a position of financial independence” this is all I need to know about you…your decisions were based on money… unfortunate that people can be bought…
Everyone needs to eat. People should take their gripe to Moderna, Pfizer and their government who were are the real culprits. Leave the peons like myself out of it, thanks.
Yes, so very interesting to hear what seems like very difficult change ends up being a huge quality of life improvement! While I'm sorry you were treated that way, I'm glad you found a way to make it work out.
I too was, maybe still am (?) the one going against the grain, but can't help being the logical person I am who takes calculated risks and doesn't want to take my health for granted. Why put myself in a situation to potentially harm my health where others would need to help me more? My kids are just becoming independent. No need for me to start becoming dependent on them.