Not sure how fast AZT kills, but a few things seem certain.
Actually, AIDS was caused by AZT at places, where AZT was available, but AIDS was invented in poverty-stricken places, where a number of other things caused it.
AIDS is a usual product of the Rockefellerian pseudo-medicine that invents illnesses out of symptoms, never mentioning that the same symptoms can be caused by various factors.
After two and a half years of research, just about everyone interested can know that ALL "vaccines" are poisons, only the latest ones maim/kill faster...
And the response is to push more vaccines onto the public for all these new diseases. They’ve been ramping up the supply of monkeypox vaccines and started giving them out to eager recipients attending gay pride events last weekend in NYC. Doctors are urging people in FL to get the meningitis vaccine. The same people getting endless boosters are now going to be adding more vaccines to their bodies, no questions asked. If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d think this is a good way to cover up all the damage the Covid jabs have done.
The lethal injections contain a unique concoction that varies by the batch. They can contain parasites, toxins, pathogens, and nanotech. Some of the ingredients in one vial activate previous ones, and 5G commands can wreak havoc in the human body containing some of the nanotech.
The contents vary in order to ensure plausible deniability. Even if something bad is found in some of them, the manufacturer can always claim "accidental contamination." They are responsible only if intent to cause harm can be proven. Also, the intentional "side effects" are so many that it's impossible to use them to prove intent...
These injections must have been developed and tested for decades and their implementation only marks the final stage of the enforcement of the NWO. There is nothing experimental about them; they function exactly as planned.
Evil does seem to have a limit: it can operate only within the confines of "Pure Reason." Within its own realm, however, it is limitless.
I have had zero injections of any kind . I’m a 45 year old male . I have a job in security that I love and would not of happened if not for the plandemic. I haven’t had a cold in three years or a sick day from work in six. FU Fauchi and the CDC horror you ride in on! I will not comply eat shit and die !
By the way, AIDS and "Monkey pox" are allegedly gay diseases. Has it occurred to anyone that it is a no-brainer to poison people in gay bars? Areal poisonings are necessary to create the illusion of a "pandemic."
Those were, in retrospect, parts of the test runs, like "mass killers" are probably the prototypes for the remote-controlled zombies that can be activated and turned on each other and everyone else with the flick of a switch... 5G...
I had a dream two nights ago. Someone came up to me and said, "The vaccines ARE the pandemic: - the pandemic IS the vaccines". The dream was that short, and I really had it.
This has been broken down in far more detail by many others, including the German Corona-Ausschuss group, and Dr. David Martin.
The experimental MRNA shots instruct the body to produce the toxic spike protein (there is no evidence of an actual Covid 19 virus, only the S protein), and the more times one is injected with these shots, the more overwhelmed the body becomes in fighting itself. Eventually the immune system cannot deal with "normal" infections.
Anyone who took even one of these shots has changed their DNA, and is at risk for lifelong problems. Those who have taken more than one, are probably goners. All-cause mortality has increased significantly since the roll-out, in every country where this poison was distributed.
The fun is really going to begin when all of vaccinated doctors and all the vaccinated nurses and all the vaccinated staff get sick and die. No need to go to the hospital... no need to go to the clinic... no need to call the ambulance because there is NO one left to treat you. Yes people are going to being dying at home with no medication and one treating them. Welcome to 1862.
First, there are many in healthcare who refused the shots and will still be here to treat patients. Second, the WEF holocaust is focused on white educated English speakers - EU, UK, US and the commonwealth countries. Asia, South America, Africa, Central America are not on board and may survive. Pray God.
Many refused the shot that was mandated by almost every healthcare system? If they are currently working they are vaccinated. The rest left their jobs. Asia? Really? I don't think so. 85% vaccination rate in Taiwan and the health care is unvacciated? So we are going to import an ENTIRE system: doctors, specialists, nurses, and staff from South America, Africa and Central American? I know for a fact that ALL of the health care workers in my two hospitals here are vaccinated. It was mandatory. So soon I will have no health care system.
No doubt your knowledge is wider than my own. I know several nurses and a few docs who quit and opened their own clinics. Certainly they are a minority. But they are still there. It means separating from the healthcare hmo mafia.
That is part of the WEF's Great Reset. When they Build Back Better, you won't have access to proper healthcare, because it will no longer exist. And if you don't take your shots, you won't have access to any healthcare of any kind whatsoever, because you won't get past the scanner at the door, or the login on the website.
No, it is planned. They are dismantling healthcare as we know it and turning it into another service to be accessed only by those who comply. Where I work, I see documents every week on this sort of thing, many of them from WEF-associated organizations.
The model they want is for most diagnosis to take place at home via the computer and over the internet. Patients will then go to an automated warehouse to pick up prescriptions, etc. Access to facilities will be dependent on the status of the various accounts linked to your personal ID.
They are building a digital prison, free of human interaction, and nearly free of any means of recourse.
Yes this is a very concerning subject. Our knowledge of epigenetics and mutagenic changes to cellular organelles and DNA is primitive at best. We have no ability to study cells behavior in the cells natural environment and thus no way of observing these changes as they occur, nor of ever reversing them.
These changes likely present in a host of ways depending on what tissue or cell types are exposed to this concoction. Some might experience AIDS like immune deficiency as your inate immune system is hijacked. Others crippling systemic fatigue and brain fog if the nervous system is involved. Others might experience carcinogenic type changes leading to cancer growth.
Those unlucky and develop cancer growth and immune suppression concurrently... sorry but this is a recipe for disaster.
AIDS was caused by AZT, which was strangely enough, linked to Fuxxi, too:
I think AZT just kills you outright. Arthur Ashe might have lived a lot longer if he had not taken it.
Not sure how fast AZT kills, but a few things seem certain.
Actually, AIDS was caused by AZT at places, where AZT was available, but AIDS was invented in poverty-stricken places, where a number of other things caused it.
AIDS is a usual product of the Rockefellerian pseudo-medicine that invents illnesses out of symptoms, never mentioning that the same symptoms can be caused by various factors.
"murder by injection" of eustace mullins a good read ...
After two and a half years of research, just about everyone interested can know that ALL "vaccines" are poisons, only the latest ones maim/kill faster...
I read that Remdisiver was basically AZT with a bit of tweaking. Can’t remember where, as it was quite awhile ago. Both are Fraudci’s drugs!
And the response is to push more vaccines onto the public for all these new diseases. They’ve been ramping up the supply of monkeypox vaccines and started giving them out to eager recipients attending gay pride events last weekend in NYC. Doctors are urging people in FL to get the meningitis vaccine. The same people getting endless boosters are now going to be adding more vaccines to their bodies, no questions asked. If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d think this is a good way to cover up all the damage the Covid jabs have done.
I believe you're right. And, being mindfully perpetrated on willing subjects. Unfathomable
The lethal injections contain a unique concoction that varies by the batch. They can contain parasites, toxins, pathogens, and nanotech. Some of the ingredients in one vial activate previous ones, and 5G commands can wreak havoc in the human body containing some of the nanotech.
They did this to find out which were the most lethal, so the jabs could be perfected!
I believe Dr. Jane Ruby has spoken of this. In Europe, Dr. Reiner Feullmich et al ar working on bringing these sick evil monsters to justice.
One size does not fit all it seems. And they know. Real time eugenics experimentation for too many. Their evil is limitless.
The contents vary in order to ensure plausible deniability. Even if something bad is found in some of them, the manufacturer can always claim "accidental contamination." They are responsible only if intent to cause harm can be proven. Also, the intentional "side effects" are so many that it's impossible to use them to prove intent...
These injections must have been developed and tested for decades and their implementation only marks the final stage of the enforcement of the NWO. There is nothing experimental about them; they function exactly as planned.
Evil does seem to have a limit: it can operate only within the confines of "Pure Reason." Within its own realm, however, it is limitless.
Meningitis in Florida....the list goes on and on.
2nd Greatedt, I'm gonna flame out on Facebook. Can I post yourself there on Gates, Harrari, WEF etc sites til I'm kicked off...
Anyone other writers want me to, post here...
Of course, if it's something I strongly disagree, won't do...
Share away.
Will do. JOSEPH RAYMOND over in fb I tjink
Can you imagine having VAIDS in a hospital setting where treatment resistant strains of bacteria: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Clostridium difficile (C.Diff)
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP)
Necrotizing fasciitis, the flesh-eating bacterial disease
and fungus: [Candida auris] lurk around each hospital mystery curtain corner? 👀👀👀
I have had zero injections of any kind . I’m a 45 year old male . I have a job in security that I love and would not of happened if not for the plandemic. I haven’t had a cold in three years or a sick day from work in six. FU Fauchi and the CDC horror you ride in on! I will not comply eat shit and die !
By the way, AIDS and "Monkey pox" are allegedly gay diseases. Has it occurred to anyone that it is a no-brainer to poison people in gay bars? Areal poisonings are necessary to create the illusion of a "pandemic."
Like the mid 80’s all over again.
Except without a cool Bruce Springsteen and a cool Neil Young....
Still have Van Morrison & Eric Clapton!
Eric's the man... Van Morrison is with us?
Lotta great stuff out there , covid satire
Jimmy Dore was a comedian & got jab injury. I’d never heard of him before& he hasn’t been censored yet.
Van Morrison has been writing songs, look on YouTube. He’s with us.
God bless him... I'm posting on fb, UN, WEF, harrari etv..etc...
Glorious fun
Why did you stop publishing here? It seems like you had something going!
But 8 am going to put some stuff together, pointing to grest heroes in this fight...
I can see that you are reading Eugippius. In my experience, he is a shill, a bully, and a brute:
Actually, it was a similar name from sedevacantist writer.
I don't think it is, buy need to look carefully.
Just scanned to see if he was...
I probably read 30% of folks I picked...
But will look carefully. Not for a but, very busy
Me? My substack?.
I am getting my opus magnus ready
Just need Togo off my mods during my vacation...
These are little articles and they don't need to be perfect. :) Nothing really is.
Those were, in retrospect, parts of the test runs, like "mass killers" are probably the prototypes for the remote-controlled zombies that can be activated and turned on each other and everyone else with the flick of a switch... 5G...
What I saw in upstate New York. , there’s lots of potential for sleepers. In every town.
Even some of the injected report that they have lost all feelings and empathy...
Seems to be obvious at times, blank states , especially in Walmart.( Hate admitting I shop there when I have to) and driving- zombies everywhere!
I had a dream two nights ago. Someone came up to me and said, "The vaccines ARE the pandemic: - the pandemic IS the vaccines". The dream was that short, and I really had it.
And it is true.
And succinct.
this is what's going on
"Diphtheria cases have been reported in Australia for the first time this century."
The bar graph showing the ‘Percentage of Adverse Reactions…’ looks like a fusion of the Ukrainian and TransPride Flag.
When I t should really be the Jolly Roger.
TB IS gonna be thing again how exciting?
This has been broken down in far more detail by many others, including the German Corona-Ausschuss group, and Dr. David Martin.
The experimental MRNA shots instruct the body to produce the toxic spike protein (there is no evidence of an actual Covid 19 virus, only the S protein), and the more times one is injected with these shots, the more overwhelmed the body becomes in fighting itself. Eventually the immune system cannot deal with "normal" infections.
Anyone who took even one of these shots has changed their DNA, and is at risk for lifelong problems. Those who have taken more than one, are probably goners. All-cause mortality has increased significantly since the roll-out, in every country where this poison was distributed.
The fun is really going to begin when all of vaccinated doctors and all the vaccinated nurses and all the vaccinated staff get sick and die. No need to go to the hospital... no need to go to the clinic... no need to call the ambulance because there is NO one left to treat you. Yes people are going to being dying at home with no medication and one treating them. Welcome to 1862.
First, there are many in healthcare who refused the shots and will still be here to treat patients. Second, the WEF holocaust is focused on white educated English speakers - EU, UK, US and the commonwealth countries. Asia, South America, Africa, Central America are not on board and may survive. Pray God.
Many refused the shot that was mandated by almost every healthcare system? If they are currently working they are vaccinated. The rest left their jobs. Asia? Really? I don't think so. 85% vaccination rate in Taiwan and the health care is unvacciated? So we are going to import an ENTIRE system: doctors, specialists, nurses, and staff from South America, Africa and Central American? I know for a fact that ALL of the health care workers in my two hospitals here are vaccinated. It was mandatory. So soon I will have no health care system.
Here is really what is going on from a post I did last December: The Totalitarians’ Vaccine Miscalculation
No doubt your knowledge is wider than my own. I know several nurses and a few docs who quit and opened their own clinics. Certainly they are a minority. But they are still there. It means separating from the healthcare hmo mafia.
The vast majority chose money and career over critical decision making based choice. Here are my thoughts from a post on what has gone wrong and how to fix it.
The good news is a smaller healthcare system can be built to replace the current system because only Pure Bloods will be left alive.
That is part of the WEF's Great Reset. When they Build Back Better, you won't have access to proper healthcare, because it will no longer exist. And if you don't take your shots, you won't have access to any healthcare of any kind whatsoever, because you won't get past the scanner at the door, or the login on the website.
It is part of the coming catastrophe of millions of vaccinated health care workers leaving the workplace. I don't think any reset plans included the total destruction of the healthcare system. But who knows? I wrote a short story about what it will be like when the healthcare system collapses. Mercy Killing my Neighbors
No, it is planned. They are dismantling healthcare as we know it and turning it into another service to be accessed only by those who comply. Where I work, I see documents every week on this sort of thing, many of them from WEF-associated organizations.
The model they want is for most diagnosis to take place at home via the computer and over the internet. Patients will then go to an automated warehouse to pick up prescriptions, etc. Access to facilities will be dependent on the status of the various accounts linked to your personal ID.
They are building a digital prison, free of human interaction, and nearly free of any means of recourse.
Yes this is a very concerning subject. Our knowledge of epigenetics and mutagenic changes to cellular organelles and DNA is primitive at best. We have no ability to study cells behavior in the cells natural environment and thus no way of observing these changes as they occur, nor of ever reversing them.
These changes likely present in a host of ways depending on what tissue or cell types are exposed to this concoction. Some might experience AIDS like immune deficiency as your inate immune system is hijacked. Others crippling systemic fatigue and brain fog if the nervous system is involved. Others might experience carcinogenic type changes leading to cancer growth.
Those unlucky and develop cancer growth and immune suppression concurrently... sorry but this is a recipe for disaster.