EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH BOMBSHELL: Possible Treatment Approach for Management of Post-COVID Vaccination Myocarditis


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Does anyone have the numbers from Israel? They only used the “fize her” jab and I seem to recall that over 85% of their population got the shot.

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All working exactly as planned!! The elites in the WEF, at The WHO, The Bilderburger Group, etc. and at all of The Man-Made Climate Change Summits have been telling us for years that something is needed to prevent a global catastrophe from occurring in the future on the planet because we are... anybody??? Anybody??? Overpopulated!!! Right???

And what did they say needed to happen??? We need to start reducing the world’s population because a world with 8/9 Billion people is unsustainable!!!

So, this is not some sort of mystery; is it???

They always tell us what the problem is; what needs to be done about it; and then go out and implement it!!!

So... everything, in The Elites’ eyes, is going exactly as planned and they are proud of their efforts and happy about it...

What else is there???

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Depopulation continues.

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With our consent. If we all lived in accordance with immutable and objective Natural Law( Moral Law/Karmic Law/Golden Rule/Universal Law,/Cause & Effect), this illusory slave construct would cease to exist. It is not happenstance that most are clueless of the intrinsic fundamental immutable laws and principles that determine our human experience and that we , since the "fall from grace" self-sabotagingly hold a false belief that morakity is subjective and we, as gods, decide what is right and wrong. Those relatively few parasitic psychopaths of the satanic, luciferian death cult that usurped humanity via coercion of our immoral free will choices of behavior, using fear-mongering and deception, must have us emulatiing them in order to perpetuate this slave construct of suffering, while subsequentially harvesting the dense unnatural frequency (loosh) of fear and, violence as their sustainance (war, carnism, circumcision, abortion, vaxxes, for example, are all mass blood rituals, to which we are complicit and, to our detriment, karmically, via Natural Law. reap what we sow, proportionately. Natural Law is intrinsically objective and immutable. Thus, living in ignorance of it is not a free pass for wrong action. Profoundly, simply do right, and we as infinitely powerful divine co-creators, blessed with free will choice, resonate, once again, with Nature/Reality/Truth/Source/Prime Creator/Heaven on Earth. Separateness and fear are illusions. ALL is frequency. Heaven on Earth (Eden) still exists, but the frequency of our thoughts, words and deeds must resonate with who we truly are, in accordance with Natural Law, to experience actual freedom/heaven on Earth, proportionately. Instead, we/ve been manipulated to manifest our hell on Earth which is a house of cards. Our consent to immoral action, including relinquishing our power to another man or woman, is the glue holding it together.

I strongly urge anyone that is unknowledeable of the core principles of Hermetic philosophy, the seven universal laws that govern reality, to read the Kybalion, a potentially powerful easy read that offers an introduction to practical wisdom for understanding and mastering the mental and spiritual aspects of life. We possess the limitless co-creative power, not those parasitic few solely dependent on our immoral consent for their survival, here.

Narration of The Kybalion (1908) by Three Initiates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL43l2SFVWQ

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Excellent response, do you write anywhere, cause you should, and I will definitely check this out!

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I am grateful for your response (no, I don't write anywhere) and encouraged, by the fact, that my comment resonated with you, prompting you to explore this critical information, as I hope others will, as well. If (The Kybalion/Hermetic principles/our unwitting perpetuation of a slave construct) rings true for you, as I trust it iwill, please share it with others, as change always come from within, never from without, contrary to what we've cunningly been led to believe. As within, so/sow without. Peace to you, Edwin. ♥

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Please feel free to comment on any other articles I may publish. I would consider it an honor to respond to you.'

Peace be with you, Debrajmac.

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Will do. I look forward to catching up on your articles.

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Please feel free to comment on any of them, I don’t usually post my own stuff, but occasionally anything is possible. Thank you.

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"I mean, there are always people dying at home, but two on the same day?"

I've tried to have this conversation with a vaxxed friend. This is always her response:

"People have always [died suddenly, died young, fill in the blank.] Now we just hear about it, that's all. It's totally normal and not the vaxx. And... I'm fine. I don't have any side effects from the vaxx."

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Off topic, but does anyone have any links or information about developing Vascular Dementia after taking Covid shots/boosters? I know of a women who got this and my son sent a text mentioning one of his clients has this diagnosis as well. Thank you to anyone who has this info and will share. Thanks!

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Prion-based diseases are very common AE's, and I've written much about this.

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They really do want us dead. And they not only won’t stop, they want to crank it up.

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singapore. is it still a “fine” city?

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Good morning. It took me my entire reading time to pin down what you meant by “natural increase”, toward the end you give us …

“… natural increase(Deaths minus Live Births) …”

but I think you should bump this up to your first para

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Aug 9
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81% to be exact.

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I am part of my favorite minority…the precious 19%!

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Maybe that number is correct, maybe it's propaganda.

Even if it is correct, how many of those got saline? How many got shots there were inert?

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The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created and Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Facist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschid Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals. This is all exposed in my 11 Free Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Aug 9
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Aug 9
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I think it depends on the age, race, education and gender of the people you know.

I know a lot of people over 50. Of everyone who has had an mRNA vaxx, I only know ONE who will not get them again. The rest... "I'm fine. They're good products. I'm a good citizen and will do what the government tells me to do."

Also.... my husband works with a lot of PhD types. They're compliant as well. As are almost everyone in the medical field. So yeah, LOTS will willingly comply.

The rest? They'd better learn self defense.

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Aug 9
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Let me rephrase: all of the PhD's my husband works with have had at least 2 vaxxes. Maybe his workplace is the exception. IDK. Most of these are in their late 20s and 30s.

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Aug 9Edited
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We live in a semi rural area outside of a large-ish city.

Every single day we see an ambulance. Sometimes more than one a day.


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Aug 9
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I have read this also and it is chilling to say the very least- as well as wildly disappointing as I had entertained hopes (only hopes mind you) that this current lot would not be so intent on killing us and taking full control over us...BUT I also cling to the faint hope - almost invisible by now admittedly- that as the report states "interim" that this horror just might not eventuate. On the other hand I have looked for sometime to see that the former tyrant's 'emergency' decrees had been rescinded and to date I have not seen this.... hold on tight to your convictions and faith in God.

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