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This substack has extensively warned that the PSYOP-19 program always planned to release the grim truths of the slow kill bioweapon injections in order to stoke societal collapse such that legacy governments would falter and possibly collapse. The endgame of this controlled reveal would be that the likes of the WEF could swoop in with their One World Government “solutions” to the very problems that they and their partners in crime had created for the planet.
The critical component of this controlled reveal was always the DEATHVAX™. In their SPARS pandemic scenario these injections were referred to as the “Corovax vaccination.” It is important to understand that the WEF has been closely coordinating with the CFR, WHO, UN, various “non-profits,” CIA, Federal Reserve Bank, FDA, CDC, DoD, Club of Rome, et al. for decades.
SPARS is but one of a plethora of tabletop “pandemic” and bioterror exercises and white papers that we have the receipts for.
We have irrefutable proof of their nefarious Great Reset and UN 2030 Agenda plans in their very own words; to wit:
In contrast to Alyssa Karpowitz’s story, not all changes in opinion were in favor of public health messaging. As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax.
These lawsuits are currently already underway, and as such ahead of schedule. But will the forthcoming planned briberies end up further shielding the One World Government criminals?
The growing plaintiff cohort quickly withdrew their suit upon learning that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund (NVICTF) and an emergency appropriation of funds authorized by Congress under the PREP Act existed to provide financial reimbursement to those who were adversely affected by the Corovax vaccine in order to cover healthcare costs and other related expenses.2,3 Given the positive reaction to the federal government’s response and the fact that the majority of US citizens willing to be vaccinated had already been immunized, the negative publicity surrounding adverse reactions had little effect on nationwide vaccination rates. The focus on adverse side effects, however, resulted in a considerable increase in the number of compensation claims filed, and many grew concerned about the long-term effects that Corovax could have on their health. This concern was particularly high among some African American parents who continued to question the government’s motives regarding the Corovax vaccination campaign.
The African Americans for the most part are acutely aware of the Tuskegee Experiment, the CIA-run crack-cocaine “epidemic” and the Clinton era incarceration schemes.
While the FDA, CDC, and other agencies were busy researching possible connections between Corovax and the reported neurological side effects, their efforts were continually undermined by epidemiological analyses produced by various non-governmental individuals and groups. A populars cience blogger EpiGirl, for example, began posting interactive maps of the incidence of Corovax side effects in April 2027. To create the maps, EpiGirl collected anecdotes of adverse Corovax side effects using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and combined them with data downloaded from the HHS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a national vaccine safety surveillance program maintained by the CDC and FDA. EpiGirl also encouraged those among her subscribers who were Apple product users to share health data with her via Apple’s ResearchKit and HealthKit applications. EpiGirl’s maps were consequently shared widely in social media circles and even included in local and national news reports.
“EpiGirl” may as well represent the various substack authors that you are currently subscribed to that are daily exposing these Crimes Against Humanity.
The federal government became concerned about the validity of EpiGirl’s anecdotal data and the widespread sharing of patient information via the internet. EpiGirl’s data showed a significantly higher incidence rate of nearly every reported side effect; however, federal officials believed that this was largely due to duplicate entries resulting from compiling data from multiple sources. Additionally, EpiGirl’s data did not seek to address the cause of the reported side effects, only the incidence rate. Publication of similar results from organizations such as Patients-Like-Me, a group closely associated with the natural medicine movement, further legitimized these independent reports. The government attempted to respond to these claims through formal press releases, but these were neither as visually appealing nor as interactive as EpiGirl’s maps and were, therefore, largely ignored.
The very same illegitimate Federal government and its criminal agencies like the FBI and CIA that have recently been busted for manipulating social media, rigging elections, and preventing the truth about COVID-19 from coming out prematurely. These days nothing the Federal government does is appropriate, or constitutional.
While the federal government appeared to have appropriately addressed concerns around the acute side effects of Corovax, the long-term, chronic effects of the vaccine were still largely unknown. Nearing the end of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches, and numbness in their extremities. Due to the small number of these cases, the significance of their association with Corovax was never determined. As of this writing in 2030, longitudinal studies initiated by the NIH at the beginning of the vaccination program have not reached the next round of data collection, so formal analysis on these symptoms has not yet been conducted. Furthermore, these cases arose from the initial cohort of vaccine recipients—those in highrisk populations, including those with other underlying health conditions—making it increasingly difficult to determine the extent to which these symptoms are associated with vaccination.
Johns Hopkins University, which has long been infiltrated by the CCP and their CIA-handlers, along with the various other SPARS participants, always planned for adverse events, which is BigPharma speak for deliberate depopulation.
Essentially, the SPARS document incontrovertibly proves that the mRNA “vaccines” along with the entire “pandemic” response was a carefully planned global eugenics scheme; to wit:
Communicating With the Public About Trustworthy Sources of Data and Options for Legal Recourse in a Climate of Mistrust
How might advance development and testing of recovery messages that specifically address the topics of adverse side effects and the NVICTF help improve health authorities’ ability to respond to public distress about medical issues emerging after a MCM campaign? What are some messages that would warrant such testing?
Despite the uncertain science about the link between Coravax and the reported neurological symptoms, why should health officials still communicate with compassion and genuine sympathy toward those in the vaccinated population who experience medical issues subsequent to being vaccinated?
Given growing interest in open data systems and the application of “crowd sourcing” to solve complex problems, how might public health officials take greater advantage of two-way communication with an interested public in the aftermath of the SPARS outbreak? For instance, how might input and analysis from members of the public help improve adverse event monitoring or assess the strengths and weakneesses of a specific MCM campaign?
You may download the entire SPARS pandemic scenario document here:
Do NOT comply.
Interesting timing that Musk gets Twitter and restores most of those suspended permanently a year ago for covid misinformation. Now they are allowed to post about vax damage often without so much as a fact check. But most are still throttled or suspended for challenging other narratives or exposing the WEF, going after Biden etc. A UK dr was just allowed to say the shots should be suspended on TV and Swedish doctors are calling for an end to the shots. All following the plan. Meanwhile ironically way too many are believing Musk is a free speech hero while still whining about being throttled.
Truth is stranger than fiction