He met with Macron, the Rothschild puppet in France, prior to this to confirm the Bankster’s army (NATO) response to the administration of Ukraine. The Breakaway Republics go to Russia and the balance gets NATO membership.
The next theatrical response is the FF Cyber Attack they have been planning in prepping with WEF CyberP…
He met with Macron, the Rothschild puppet in France, prior to this to confirm the Bankster’s army (NATO) response to the administration of Ukraine. The Breakaway Republics go to Russia and the balance gets NATO membership.
The next theatrical response is the FF Cyber Attack they have been planning in prepping with WEF CyberPolygon exercise to be blamed on Putin but deployed by the WEF and it’s minions.
The result is greater security to protect from Big Bad Russia in the form of censorship and financial controls (social credit) as the tightening of the digital ID gulag further secures the herd for slaughter.
WEF meets WWE as Trump howls from the outside of the ring saying ‘I told you I could have saved you!’
Putin is WEF
He met with Macron, the Rothschild puppet in France, prior to this to confirm the Bankster’s army (NATO) response to the administration of Ukraine. The Breakaway Republics go to Russia and the balance gets NATO membership.
The next theatrical response is the FF Cyber Attack they have been planning in prepping with WEF CyberPolygon exercise to be blamed on Putin but deployed by the WEF and it’s minions.
The result is greater security to protect from Big Bad Russia in the form of censorship and financial controls (social credit) as the tightening of the digital ID gulag further secures the herd for slaughter.
WEF meets WWE as Trump howls from the outside of the ring saying ‘I told you I could have saved you!’
They are all in this together.