I’ll guess Ivermectin improves gut bacteria like bifido bacteria resulting in gut related improvements aside from clearing up parasites.

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Thank you for planting that seed of Ivermectin and its impact on gut health!

It somehow brought me to Dr Turner's substack:


which coincidentally links to this study:

Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin’s Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity:


Which was subsequently retracted (but I remain skeptical about the reasons attributed thereof):

Retraction: Microbiome-based hypothesis on Ivermectin's mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin feeds bifidobacteria to boost immunity


An aside:

The principal author of the above study, Sabine Hazan, has participated with Heavy Weights like Peter McCullough in another Ivermectin & Covid relational study (of note is the clinical trial incorporating Ivermectin & Doxycycline as a therapy to treat hypoxia):

Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multidrug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients:


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I'll tell you this. I have a 14yo dog with mast cell cancer. She had surgery several years ago and we were told then that it would probably reoccur. And it did. But I wasn't going to let the vet keep hacking on her. I started giving her fenbendazole three days a week. Did this for a month, but it didn't seem to help. During this time she was going downhill and could hardly walk. Going potty, she needed support. Two weeks ago I added Ivermectin on her 4 'off' days. Fenben M-W and Ivermectin Th-Sunday. Within 2 days of starting the Ivermectin she showed a marked improvement. She is now walking around like the old days and even gets frisky when she hears my husband's truck in the driveway. Now I can't swear it was the Ivermectin. Could have been all the prayers. But either way it was definitely a miracle.

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Dr. Mary Tally Bowden in Houston cured severe hives on a young man with Ivermectin. Michael Berry read her email: "This was a 15 year old with intractable hives after taking the Pfizer shot. These hives were all over his body, including his face. They had tried antihistamines, steroids, and XOLAIR®. I put him on Ivermectin. Cleared it up in 2 days." (The first picture looks like his body is on fire.)

You can listen to it here: (about 1 minute)


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There was an article in Prevention magazine years ago about people that were diagnosed with cancer but then got a cold or the flu & when the illness was over, no longer had cancer. Can't find it of course!

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Honestly, as I read all these happy comments, and knowing the origin of ivermectin, I keep thinking of "and out of the ground (!) the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food...(Gen. 2:9)

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Hey 2ndSmartestGuyInTheWorld,

I appreciate your efforts at educating the health restoring and enhancing properties of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and Doxycycline. I have a couple questions about purchasing from you:

1. Do you allow people who reside in non-U.S. counties purchase these PetMectin, PetDazole, and FishCycline products from you / can you sell to people who reside in non-U.S. countries? and,

2. Are you aware of border and customs agencies in other Five Eyes countries stopping and confiscating these when nationals for such countries have tried to purchase these products from you?

I really would like to have a reliable supplier of these products. Thanks.

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Please direct all questions to the company: info@virex.health

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Thanks, I'll do that.

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Good stuff! Great to read success stories... like this.. like you said this protocol could be the answer to stopping the Crime of the Century..

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Any word about when the newly formulated Vir-X will be out? Running low.

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Very soon with new & improved formula!

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Anyone have experience with using ivm to treat cysts? Husband has a reoccurring & painful pilondial cyst that keeps becoming infected. Trying to steer clear of the surgical option.

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Unless his immune system is causing the cysts, it should work well,

but use the protocols at FLCCC.net , I-Recover + Autophagy, is good for everyone, especially the vax injured, but should probably be the "recommended FDA approved immune system optimization standard" world wide, going forward. And SHOULD have been previously!

The reason to use the protocol, is because it addresses all the synergistic parts of your immune system so there are no deficiencies, to optimize your immune system to the best it can be based on evolutionary biology aka the way our bodies evolved over thousands of years

The autophagy (intermittent fasting, easy to do) is when your body "takes out the garbage" at the cellular level.

Everything in the protocols can be done completely naturally via your diet alone, if you so wish. Save it, Learn it, Pass it on to future generations.

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A friend sent me here for help with my almost 20 year old son who had EBV at 17. We are now going from doctor to doctor . He has liver enlargement with periportal edema. He is also breaking out in rashes on his back, chest, and arms. He has chronic fatigue about to make him drop his scholarship at Troy University. Help please.

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Oct 20, 2023
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Thanks for posting this! I hadn't heard of Curaderm before. I started looking into it!

Congratulations! Health Is Wealth!

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