this is why they had to work so hard to convince the populace that only morons took IVM. think of all the conditions it treats effectively AND, more important, cheaply. we keep a stock of it at home and can self treat. imagine the disruption to the medical industrial complex if IVM was a standard in everyone's medicine chest!
Cancer is an especially huge cash cow for Big pHarma. I have known since the 1980's that many effective cancer treatments exist--suppressed because what works is cheap. I know of 3 anti-parasitics that work well on cancer. I am hoping that fenbendazole and IVM will stay readily available and destroy the cancer industry.
On May 1, 2021, the Ebook, the first edition of Ivermectin for the World, was released as a call to action for the use of Ivermectin to end the humanitarian crisis in India with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cases had surged to 414,000 per day, and deaths exceeded 4,000 per day. There was no end in sight - until the country adopted Ivermectin . As a direct result of the use of Ivermectin, cases and deaths in India dropped immediately, and the crisis in India was averted. The second edition of the book, Ivermectin for the World, documented these results in real time, through articles and reports using data and graphs from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, the JHU CSSE. Among the highlights include the reprinted Desert Review articles, "Ivermectin Obliterates 97 Percent of Delhi Cases," and "Tamil Nadu Leads India in New Infections, Denies Citizens Ivermectin." Following this, it became nearly impossible to deny the effectiveness of Ivermectin. A natural experiment in India developed, where one state, Tamil Nadu, outlawed Ivermectin, while others, including Goa, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh embraced it, and the divergence in cases and deaths left no doubt about Ivermectin's effectiveness, indeed at greater magnitudes than the vaccine. This book provides the history, the science, and the experience of India in quelling their COVID-19 crisis with Ivermectin. We have released this second edition and paperback version of Ivermectin for the World with another call to action, this time for Indonesia to use Ivermectin to help with their humanitarian crisis which mirrors India's recent situation. Ivermectin for the World, and its author, join with the British Ivermectin Development Panel, the Evidenced-Based Medical Consultancy and the FLCCC in calling for the immediate and widespread use of Ivermectin in Indonesia to end their crisis, just as India so successfully did. We call for the world to adopt Ivermectin, not instead of the vaccines, but in addition to them. The hope is that the world and the public can break through the censorship and misinformation about this safe drug, and see the truth contained in this anthology of the Pandemic and learn from its use in India, Slovakia, and Mexico, where those countries conquered COVID-19 within weeks of adopting Ivermectin.
I remember reading that, after the successes of IVM in those three Indian states, President Biden visited - presumably to push the shots and disparage IVM - and cases and deaths again took off. I expect money was involved .... Does anyone else remember this?
This information is one of the reasons I love Substack. In 2024 it’s become so clear that folk knowledge is often times the key to good health. And that’s true for my pets also. Since getting wise to the vaxx debacle, they no longer get their shots and they never get sick.
the information out there on high dose, divided dose, liposomal, regular, IV vitamin c is astounding .......... came across it during the summer of 2020 ....... currently believe that vitamin c will cure so much Dr. Robert Cathcart said... high enough divided doses of vitamin c will eliminate any virus ........ I get confirmation of these things when they are censured so hard .......... Dr. Robert Cathcart's wikipedia page was available when I started learning about the existance and history of this whole world of orthomolecular medicine at , select "Library", select "News Releases" .. but by 2023 ish give or take I realized his page was gone.
These things often pop up on A weird site that has some silly stuff and songs mixed in with valuable information. I do not know if that is deliberate so they do not cancel it. That is where Dr. Levy was listed. Plus vitamin d . Clif High. Fun stuff
Each tick can have several disease s. Lyme often comes with babesiosis which causes a malaria like syndrome. I had this in 1992 and needed tetracycline for 6 months. Still ended up with arthritis in the distal joints of my hands and feet. Recently have used ivermectin 12mg for 2 days every 3 months , because I do not have a big supply . Recently I have been using a CBD salve and have been surprised to see the arthritis pain has disappeared completely and even the deformation is improving.
Read the book "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons"" by Kris Newby. It is a book that explains how ticks were genetically modified in the late 1940s to make their bite more dangerous to humans. She interviewed one of the scientists that was involved in the genetic modifications.
Per my previous replies on a different post on Ivermectin, I said I would follow-up on treating my Plaque and Inverse Psoriasis with Ivermectin.
After week 2 of a protocol of 4 days on; 3 days off, I have stopped treatment with Ivermectin. (This is my 2nd time trying this protocol). I stopped treatment because my conditioned has worsened. The inverse psoriasis has spread, as well as the plaque psoriasis. It has become obvious to me that my Psoriasis condition is not the result of a parasite but, an immune response of unknown origin.
I am going to continue to seek treatment beyond a biologic, which will be my last resort as I have little to no faith in the medical community at large, and certainly not big pharma.
Psoriasis, when it goes beyond the 'mild' form / stage is not for sissies. It is a pain in the arse and it is affecting my quality of life.
Perhaps the worsening psoriasis is from a die-off? To date, have only seen improvements with the IVM protocol -- perhaps grind into paste or purchase paste and apply topically as this may help too.
IDK, I'm a bit frustrated at this point. Early this year, when a flu bug was going around I took Ivermectin 12mg daily 5 days in a row. Less than one week later I had a big psoriasis flare up. Up to this point, I only had about 6 small areas of plaque psoriasis that I was treating with VTAMA (expensive cream) that seemed to work.
Anyway, this is my second go with Ivermectin and it does not seem to be the answer.
I do have the horse paste Ivermectin cream too which I may try.
Right now, for the full month of August, I'm staying away from alcohol (I like my beer on these hot summer days) and no sweets (sugar) to see what, if any effect it has.
Doing a lot of research on Psoriasis (this is new for me and I am in my late 60's) I'm finding that it is really a hit or miss auto immune disorder.
There is a very good forum on Inspire dot com where there was more than just a few that benefitted from Ivermectin but others, like myself, did not.
Many years ago I had gotten a bad case of psoriasis. I did not know about GMO much. I finally started eleminating different grins from my diet, then slowly introduced one by one back. Guess what! It was corn chips or any type of corn tortilla....tacos etc. Now after it took me about 6 months, but I do not eat corn tortillas at all and it went bye-bye. Darn sure miss my corn tortillas tho.
Try elemination of certain grains. (flours & wheats too) Hope you get better.
My dermatologist has had me on Tremfya biologic and cosentyx for years for my Plaque Psoriasis. Last week he checked me out and it was gone! I realized the Ivermectin and Fenbendazole routine once a week for the last 6 months cured it. If you were jabbed your immune system is compromised. Try the Mccullough protocal. Good luck
Good to hear however any of us could be victim of shedding or chemtrails or anything really and the McCullough protocall can help with that. You can copy FLCCC protocall and get your own ingredients thats what I do
Try high dose vitaminD3, 10,000 IU per day along with 400 mcg folic acid every day. I had placque psoriasis on 30% of my body, 0% now. Completely gone. That was 20 years ago, still clear skin. The mechanism is immune dysfunction due to chronic vitD starvation. These scumbag big pharma companies know the cause of these autoimmune diseases: chronic vitD starvation. All drugs that end in ib or ab are biologics that manipulate some of the cytokines normally managed by vitD. Just take your vitD, give it a few months...should start seeing results in 2-3 weeks though.
In Dec '23, the last time my Vitamin D levels were checked, I was a 60. Normal range: 30.0 - 100.0 ng/mL. I'm taking more since then, 10,000 IU per day. I am not however, taking folic acid.
My 25(OH)D3 level is 110, so it’s a little off the chart…but conventional wisdom is that the chart may be off. I have no adverse health issues, take no meds, everything works as it did in my 20s despite being 65, can build and maintain muscle and so on. I’m thinking high dose vitD3 is a fountain of youth-type treatment
I felt the way you do until about 4 years ago (when I was age 65). Now, I've developed the Psoriasis, I have mild anemia (the hematologist does not know why) some joint issues, and another issue related to urology that I won't go into on a public forum!
so sorry you are going through all this. hope you find the right answer and soon. Something tells me you def didn't take the Vax and glad about that. -Sue
Please read the research articles on the vitamin D compounds and the immune system cited and discussed at: . This includes a tutorial on 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling, which many types of immune cell rely upon in order to change their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances.
This page also has recommendations from Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa on how much vitamin D3 to supplement (according to body weight and obesity status) on order to safely attain, over several months) at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. For average weight adults, this is about 0.125 milligrams = 125 micrograms = 5000 IU a day on average. This is a gram every 22 years. Pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. Ultraviolet-B exposure of white skin can produce good amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not generally available all year round (high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days without intervening glass, clothing or sunscreen) and UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Many types of immune cell need a good level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (produced mainly in the liver from ingested or UV-B-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol) in order to run their 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling systems. These work within a single cell (intracrine) and to nearby cells (paracrine). The conversion is activated by a cell-type specific condition and the resulting calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) changes the cell's behaviour in different ways for each cell type. Since there was no other explanation of these signaling systems anywhere, including in peer-reviewed journals, begins with such a tutorial. The vast majority of doctors and immunologists have never heard of these systems. A more detailed tutorial is:
Please also see the research on high levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to suppress a wide variety of autoimmune inflammatory disorders: These include the Coimbra Protocol, and similar protocols which are effective at suppressing diseases including psoriasis, multiple-sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cluster headaches and migraine.
This page also discusses research on helminths - intestinal parasites - which exude multiple compounds which downmodulate the inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses which target them. Humans - and all other mammals as far as I know - have evolved to cope with ubiquitous helminth infections, by evolving inflammatory responses which, in the absence of helminthic downregulation, are far too strong to be healthy for us.
In the last century or so most humans (and our companion and agricultural animals) have been dewormed. This and the very widespread problem of low 25-hydroxyvitamin D - half or less of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L needed for proper immune system function, including regulation of inflammatory responses - are the primary reasons why there is now so much trouble with autoimmune inflammatory disorders.
The most striking thing, which no researcher or clinician to my knowledge has taken an interest in, is that the auto-immune inflammatory disorders which are suppressed by the Coimbra Protocol (25-hydroxyvitamin D levels 100 ng/mL to several hundred ng/mL under medical supervision and with a low calcium diet, and ideally vitamin K2) are much the same as those suppressed by helminthic therapy: - deliberately introducing a long-lasting, relatively benign, helminth infestation.
The vitamin D people don't think about helminths and the helminth people don't think about the vitamin D.
I'll give you a tip, read " chronic diseases associated with malassezia yeast " Google it. Prior to late 2019 this yeast fungi was not thought to live inside us, since then much research has been conducted and continuing as of now. Dr.Tullio Simoncini used tincture of iodine with great efficacy to control psoriasis.
An elderly neighbor of mine has a dog with a tumor in her bladder. I recommended ivermectin, but wasn’t sure about dosage. Can anyone recommend a dosage per lbs. for a dog to treat this? Thank you.
You might want to check out Dr Jones' Veterinery Secrets on Youtube. I know he has had videos on ivermectin and cancer for dogs. He has wonderful information.
Yes, I think Dr Jones has helped a lot of pet parents. We have 6 cats. We are lucky to have a holistic vet that comes to our house for our cat with kidney disease (we think from toxic pet food - I was feeding high quality canned) . At the ER and at his regular vets office they offered no help and said it was towards the end for him. He is 14. He is now thriving and even though his blood panel numbers aren't that much better, he is doing wonderful. The holistic vet said that she treats the pet, not the numbers. Some holistic vets will do zoom calls to help. Dr Judy Morgan on YouTube is very helpful also.
There is one "holistic" vet in town. She is in with other vets in a regular veterinary clinic and she pushes vaxxes. When I asked about being a holistic vet, she hemmed and hawed around, then said, "Yeah, I guess." 🤨🤔 I have an 18 ½ year old dog who has a heart murmur, I don't want someone who "guesses" about what she does.
Seed oils are a big no no for any living creature. My friend got her cats off any food with seed oils and cats are like new. None for my pets or me. They mainly effect the gut
might also have a look at facebook group "Black Salve Animal Research", may find similar cases with the Search window or just asking. G'luck regardless whatever you choose to do. Dogs precious, intend to have one the rest of my days.
Did not get the c injection but have had stomach issues the past 2 years. Driving me crazy. 3 scans how no structural blockage. Just "backed up". Slow mobility.
And now intense feelings of anxiety in stomach/abdomen area.
Crazy, I know
I know this is not a medical forum but I am wondering if anyone has experience with i-mectin in this area.
I love how this information lets us take charge of our own health.
this is why they had to work so hard to convince the populace that only morons took IVM. think of all the conditions it treats effectively AND, more important, cheaply. we keep a stock of it at home and can self treat. imagine the disruption to the medical industrial complex if IVM was a standard in everyone's medicine chest!
Cancer is an especially huge cash cow for Big pHarma. I have known since the 1980's that many effective cancer treatments exist--suppressed because what works is cheap. I know of 3 anti-parasitics that work well on cancer. I am hoping that fenbendazole and IVM will stay readily available and destroy the cancer industry.
from your mouth...
Ivermectin for the World
Justus R Hope
43 ratings10 reviews
On May 1, 2021, the Ebook, the first edition of Ivermectin for the World, was released as a call to action for the use of Ivermectin to end the humanitarian crisis in India with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cases had surged to 414,000 per day, and deaths exceeded 4,000 per day. There was no end in sight - until the country adopted Ivermectin . As a direct result of the use of Ivermectin, cases and deaths in India dropped immediately, and the crisis in India was averted. The second edition of the book, Ivermectin for the World, documented these results in real time, through articles and reports using data and graphs from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, the JHU CSSE. Among the highlights include the reprinted Desert Review articles, "Ivermectin Obliterates 97 Percent of Delhi Cases," and "Tamil Nadu Leads India in New Infections, Denies Citizens Ivermectin." Following this, it became nearly impossible to deny the effectiveness of Ivermectin. A natural experiment in India developed, where one state, Tamil Nadu, outlawed Ivermectin, while others, including Goa, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh embraced it, and the divergence in cases and deaths left no doubt about Ivermectin's effectiveness, indeed at greater magnitudes than the vaccine. This book provides the history, the science, and the experience of India in quelling their COVID-19 crisis with Ivermectin. We have released this second edition and paperback version of Ivermectin for the World with another call to action, this time for Indonesia to use Ivermectin to help with their humanitarian crisis which mirrors India's recent situation. Ivermectin for the World, and its author, join with the British Ivermectin Development Panel, the Evidenced-Based Medical Consultancy and the FLCCC in calling for the immediate and widespread use of Ivermectin in Indonesia to end their crisis, just as India so successfully did. We call for the world to adopt Ivermectin, not instead of the vaccines, but in addition to them. The hope is that the world and the public can break through the censorship and misinformation about this safe drug, and see the truth contained in this anthology of the Pandemic and learn from its use in India, Slovakia, and Mexico, where those countries conquered COVID-19 within weeks of adopting Ivermectin.
Kindle Edition
Published May 1, 2021
I remember reading that, after the successes of IVM in those three Indian states, President Biden visited - presumably to push the shots and disparage IVM - and cases and deaths again took off. I expect money was involved .... Does anyone else remember this?
I thought it was a zoom type call with Modi - not in-person, but yes I do recall
"We call for the world to adopt ivermectin, not instead of the vacines, but in addition to them."
Total fail right there, co-opted deflection from the death shots.
No jabs please! Suicide shots
This information is one of the reasons I love Substack. In 2024 it’s become so clear that folk knowledge is often times the key to good health. And that’s true for my pets also. Since getting wise to the vaxx debacle, they no longer get their shots and they never get sick.
2nd, cardiologist Thomas E. Levy is the intellectual heir to Linus Pauling on the vitamin C front (e.g., most cardiovascular disease is artial scurvy in origin). Worth checking out his success v. chronic and acute Lyme’s via high dose intravenous (and liposomic?) C:
Could be an adjunct or complement to your protocol, possibly. vC anti-toxin property may also help with Herxmier reaction.
Recommend all his work, including the Hal Huggins “Toxic Tooth” stuff.
Thanks for all that you do.
the information out there on high dose, divided dose, liposomal, regular, IV vitamin c is astounding .......... came across it during the summer of 2020 ....... currently believe that vitamin c will cure so much Dr. Robert Cathcart said... high enough divided doses of vitamin c will eliminate any virus ........ I get confirmation of these things when they are censured so hard .......... Dr. Robert Cathcart's wikipedia page was available when I started learning about the existance and history of this whole world of orthomolecular medicine at , select "Library", select "News Releases" .. but by 2023 ish give or take I realized his page was gone.
These things often pop up on A weird site that has some silly stuff and songs mixed in with valuable information. I do not know if that is deliberate so they do not cancel it. That is where Dr. Levy was listed. Plus vitamin d . Clif High. Fun stuff
Do what you did at News Releases and go to google search on that page. then put in his name. It comes up.
Each tick can have several disease s. Lyme often comes with babesiosis which causes a malaria like syndrome. I had this in 1992 and needed tetracycline for 6 months. Still ended up with arthritis in the distal joints of my hands and feet. Recently have used ivermectin 12mg for 2 days every 3 months , because I do not have a big supply . Recently I have been using a CBD salve and have been surprised to see the arthritis pain has disappeared completely and even the deformation is improving.
Read the book "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons"" by Kris Newby. It is a book that explains how ticks were genetically modified in the late 1940s to make their bite more dangerous to humans. She interviewed one of the scientists that was involved in the genetic modifications.
Per my previous replies on a different post on Ivermectin, I said I would follow-up on treating my Plaque and Inverse Psoriasis with Ivermectin.
After week 2 of a protocol of 4 days on; 3 days off, I have stopped treatment with Ivermectin. (This is my 2nd time trying this protocol). I stopped treatment because my conditioned has worsened. The inverse psoriasis has spread, as well as the plaque psoriasis. It has become obvious to me that my Psoriasis condition is not the result of a parasite but, an immune response of unknown origin.
I am going to continue to seek treatment beyond a biologic, which will be my last resort as I have little to no faith in the medical community at large, and certainly not big pharma.
Psoriasis, when it goes beyond the 'mild' form / stage is not for sissies. It is a pain in the arse and it is affecting my quality of life.
Perhaps the worsening psoriasis is from a die-off? To date, have only seen improvements with the IVM protocol -- perhaps grind into paste or purchase paste and apply topically as this may help too.
IDK, I'm a bit frustrated at this point. Early this year, when a flu bug was going around I took Ivermectin 12mg daily 5 days in a row. Less than one week later I had a big psoriasis flare up. Up to this point, I only had about 6 small areas of plaque psoriasis that I was treating with VTAMA (expensive cream) that seemed to work.
Anyway, this is my second go with Ivermectin and it does not seem to be the answer.
I do have the horse paste Ivermectin cream too which I may try.
Right now, for the full month of August, I'm staying away from alcohol (I like my beer on these hot summer days) and no sweets (sugar) to see what, if any effect it has.
Doing a lot of research on Psoriasis (this is new for me and I am in my late 60's) I'm finding that it is really a hit or miss auto immune disorder.
There is a very good forum on Inspire dot com where there was more than just a few that benefitted from Ivermectin but others, like myself, did not.
Many years ago I had gotten a bad case of psoriasis. I did not know about GMO much. I finally started eleminating different grins from my diet, then slowly introduced one by one back. Guess what! It was corn chips or any type of corn tortilla....tacos etc. Now after it took me about 6 months, but I do not eat corn tortillas at all and it went bye-bye. Darn sure miss my corn tortillas tho.
Try elemination of certain grains. (flours & wheats too) Hope you get better.
My dermatologist has had me on Tremfya biologic and cosentyx for years for my Plaque Psoriasis. Last week he checked me out and it was gone! I realized the Ivermectin and Fenbendazole routine once a week for the last 6 months cured it. If you were jabbed your immune system is compromised. Try the Mccullough protocal. Good luck
Not jabbed, and won't be jabbed.
Good to hear however any of us could be victim of shedding or chemtrails or anything really and the McCullough protocall can help with that. You can copy FLCCC protocall and get your own ingredients thats what I do
Try high dose vitaminD3, 10,000 IU per day along with 400 mcg folic acid every day. I had placque psoriasis on 30% of my body, 0% now. Completely gone. That was 20 years ago, still clear skin. The mechanism is immune dysfunction due to chronic vitD starvation. These scumbag big pharma companies know the cause of these autoimmune diseases: chronic vitD starvation. All drugs that end in ib or ab are biologics that manipulate some of the cytokines normally managed by vitD. Just take your vitD, give it a few months...should start seeing results in 2-3 weeks though.
In Dec '23, the last time my Vitamin D levels were checked, I was a 60. Normal range: 30.0 - 100.0 ng/mL. I'm taking more since then, 10,000 IU per day. I am not however, taking folic acid.
My 25(OH)D3 level is 110, so it’s a little off the chart…but conventional wisdom is that the chart may be off. I have no adverse health issues, take no meds, everything works as it did in my 20s despite being 65, can build and maintain muscle and so on. I’m thinking high dose vitD3 is a fountain of youth-type treatment
Interesting. You are a lucky man, my man.
I felt the way you do until about 4 years ago (when I was age 65). Now, I've developed the Psoriasis, I have mild anemia (the hematologist does not know why) some joint issues, and another issue related to urology that I won't go into on a public forum!
so sorry you are going through all this. hope you find the right answer and soon. Something tells me you def didn't take the Vax and glad about that. -Sue
The wife and I definitely did NOT! But, with chem trails, crap in our foods, and other things, who knows where some of this is all coming from?
Please read the research articles on the vitamin D compounds and the immune system cited and discussed at: . This includes a tutorial on 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling, which many types of immune cell rely upon in order to change their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances.
This page also has recommendations from Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa on how much vitamin D3 to supplement (according to body weight and obesity status) on order to safely attain, over several months) at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. For average weight adults, this is about 0.125 milligrams = 125 micrograms = 5000 IU a day on average. This is a gram every 22 years. Pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. Ultraviolet-B exposure of white skin can produce good amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not generally available all year round (high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days without intervening glass, clothing or sunscreen) and UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Many types of immune cell need a good level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (produced mainly in the liver from ingested or UV-B-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol) in order to run their 25-hydroxyvitamin D to calcitriol intracrine and paracrine signaling systems. These work within a single cell (intracrine) and to nearby cells (paracrine). The conversion is activated by a cell-type specific condition and the resulting calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) changes the cell's behaviour in different ways for each cell type. Since there was no other explanation of these signaling systems anywhere, including in peer-reviewed journals, begins with such a tutorial. The vast majority of doctors and immunologists have never heard of these systems. A more detailed tutorial is:
Please also see the research on high levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D to suppress a wide variety of autoimmune inflammatory disorders: These include the Coimbra Protocol, and similar protocols which are effective at suppressing diseases including psoriasis, multiple-sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cluster headaches and migraine.
This page also discusses research on helminths - intestinal parasites - which exude multiple compounds which downmodulate the inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses which target them. Humans - and all other mammals as far as I know - have evolved to cope with ubiquitous helminth infections, by evolving inflammatory responses which, in the absence of helminthic downregulation, are far too strong to be healthy for us.
In the last century or so most humans (and our companion and agricultural animals) have been dewormed. This and the very widespread problem of low 25-hydroxyvitamin D - half or less of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L needed for proper immune system function, including regulation of inflammatory responses - are the primary reasons why there is now so much trouble with autoimmune inflammatory disorders.
The most striking thing, which no researcher or clinician to my knowledge has taken an interest in, is that the auto-immune inflammatory disorders which are suppressed by the Coimbra Protocol (25-hydroxyvitamin D levels 100 ng/mL to several hundred ng/mL under medical supervision and with a low calcium diet, and ideally vitamin K2) are much the same as those suppressed by helminthic therapy: - deliberately introducing a long-lasting, relatively benign, helminth infestation.
The vitamin D people don't think about helminths and the helminth people don't think about the vitamin D.
Although we don't know why ivermectin is apparently so effective against cancer ( and, or against at least some of the conditions broadly referred to as Lyme disease, this is a relatively safe, inexpensive, medication which can easily be combined with proper 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, or elevated levels according to the Coimbra Protocol. It can't be used with helminthic therapy because it kills the helminths.
Hey Robin, great work! We seem to be on the same page. Please email me at
I'll give you a tip, read " chronic diseases associated with malassezia yeast " Google it. Prior to late 2019 this yeast fungi was not thought to live inside us, since then much research has been conducted and continuing as of now. Dr.Tullio Simoncini used tincture of iodine with great efficacy to control psoriasis.
I really hope that Just Henry's suggestions help your situation! Keep us posted
An elderly neighbor of mine has a dog with a tumor in her bladder. I recommended ivermectin, but wasn’t sure about dosage. Can anyone recommend a dosage per lbs. for a dog to treat this? Thank you.
You might want to check out Dr Jones' Veterinery Secrets on Youtube. I know he has had videos on ivermectin and cancer for dogs. He has wonderful information.
🤗 I'm happy to know, I'm not the only one here that watches his videos. I wish there were holistic vets in my area.
I also love Tula Tuesdays! She's a cutie!
Yes, I think Dr Jones has helped a lot of pet parents. We have 6 cats. We are lucky to have a holistic vet that comes to our house for our cat with kidney disease (we think from toxic pet food - I was feeding high quality canned) . At the ER and at his regular vets office they offered no help and said it was towards the end for him. He is 14. He is now thriving and even though his blood panel numbers aren't that much better, he is doing wonderful. The holistic vet said that she treats the pet, not the numbers. Some holistic vets will do zoom calls to help. Dr Judy Morgan on YouTube is very helpful also.
There is one "holistic" vet in town. She is in with other vets in a regular veterinary clinic and she pushes vaxxes. When I asked about being a holistic vet, she hemmed and hawed around, then said, "Yeah, I guess." 🤨🤔 I have an 18 ½ year old dog who has a heart murmur, I don't want someone who "guesses" about what she does.
Seed oils are a big no no for any living creature. My friend got her cats off any food with seed oils and cats are like new. None for my pets or me. They mainly effect the gut
What do you feed them?
Thank you!
might also have a look at facebook group "Black Salve Animal Research", may find similar cases with the Search window or just asking. G'luck regardless whatever you choose to do. Dogs precious, intend to have one the rest of my days.
Follow the link between morgellons and Lyme disease
OK, I am interested in ordering petmectin.
Did not get the c injection but have had stomach issues the past 2 years. Driving me crazy. 3 scans how no structural blockage. Just "backed up". Slow mobility.
And now intense feelings of anxiety in stomach/abdomen area.
Crazy, I know
I know this is not a medical forum but I am wondering if anyone has experience with i-mectin in this area.
Thank you.
That should read "3 scans "show" no structural blockage.