Not sure how to send you screen shots but this morning I was texting my best friend about his thanksgiving. He’s got family in the UK and Italy and lost two an uncle suddenly and and aunt unexpectedly. His state side relatives are all vax maxxed but now having regrets after his other aunt was diagnosed with cancer and his fathers heart is a mess.

“Oh also all my aunts and uncles are talking about how they recently did their wills and estates and shit. They all know they’re dying

Imagine being in their heads right now though. Knowing they fucked up monumentally to the point where they’re actively making wills

Even though they’re all only in their 50s. Not like they’re old

What a surreal thanksgiving dinner though. Everyone just casually talking about who they put down as their beneficiary and executors etc

Yeah they were like “haha lol what a depressing conversation, but anyway, yeah if I’m in a coma, then she’s the one who makes medical decisions, but if she dies first, then it goes to him instead”

And they were all talking about having to rewrite their wills to split everything 7 ways instead of 8 since their brother died over the summer

Yeah I was just eating my food like get me the fuck out of here

Good times

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That is an AMAZING story! I’ve tried to figure what demographic (other than all of Africa!!) just said HELL NO to the fake vaxxx. In my little corner of the world in inner city Cleveland most of US are single. And NON college edumacated 😉Puerto Rican, black, white, young middle aged and a few feisty seniors like ME. I don’t go the doctor I NEVER HAVE unless I break something (which I did in May...my ankle in 3 places the Cleveland Clinic orthopedic hospital operated on it and I’m almost back to normal they didn’t ask me about the vaxxx!) I knew this was a ridiculous scam immediately WHY DIDN’T EVERYONE. 🤔😱

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Virtue signaling capital of the world here. Most people are very well educated, virtual signal all the current thing social causes yet are truly unapproachable assholes. We aren’t called Massholes for nothing. It’s mostly white progressives. Even my union is 50-50 with the workers.

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I know so few of those people now. But I see them walking around or driving alone with their MASKS on. Higher education is nothing but brainwashing and white progressives are the absolute worst. I read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that 90% of people will do exactly what they are told. By “doctors” by politicians by “experts”. By “teachers” who teach them groupthink. Half the people I know did NOT get it. I had to “give up” things it turns I don’t care about. Going to Paris once a year, season tickets to the Cleveland Orchestra, eating in restaurants. No one I know that got it ever gave me a hard time. I have no family and I didn’t have to worry about a job I’m too old🤣. So outside my little world where are those 10% of the REAL freethinkers. It turns out we’re all right here commenting on our favorite articles by the leaders WE FOLLOW! Like the 2nd Smartest😉

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I so get it. They are the virtue signaling capital of liberalism...they all have a mental disease. I cannot take much more myself...really looking to move South to where people are more conservative...with more common sense. Did you see the flurry of Ukrainian flags in the spring..right after the signs "In This House we Beleive"??? I cannot get over how sheeple like they are.

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Take a drive thru Concord, Acton, Westford. That’s prime Ukraine flag country.

Take a trip to Lexington for the Stop Asian Hate signs.

I’m not seeing as many signs as I once did though. I’m still seeing maskers here and there in the Whole Foods, not so much in Market Basket.

My buddy who’s family is all regretting their vax decision is in the Stoneham area. Their all within 128

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Ugh. Grew up there. Seems working class Boston largely (?) didn’t fall for it, while the “highly educated” (brain washed) Newtonians Et al did and still are. They cannot admit the working classes got it right and “they” were duped, so they triple down on the insanity.

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O dear Lord, I would probably get so irritated I would have a set of dishes (southern expression)....

I am wondering if they will take the virture signaling down for Christmas...I grew up in Hingham, on South Shore but remember Boston well. Also Concord, Westford, Dorchester, etc.

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My ancestors were founders of Hingham. They have a huge plot at the cemetery, most of my family on one side still gets buried there.

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Then we might have gone to school together!

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We didn't live in Hingham though. I'm not sure when my family moved from there, probably my great grandparents or even earlier. My mother's parents were from Rockland and Quincy. I grew up around Bridgewater and East Taunton.

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I remember some old Hingham names, but I won't mention them here!

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Hingham? My family is in Scituate and Weymouth. Small world. I actually just had dinner with my parents at Square Cafe in Hingham.

Have you been to Nantasket beach recently? It’s a different world now. Nothing like my childhood.

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I was there about 10 years ago with my high school reiunion. Didn't recognize it! Especially with the park Gone!! I have so many good memories of Nantasket beach!

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It is a very small world, isn't it? Do you parents still live in Hingham, or did you just meet there?

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I'm in MA ... have to deal with this nurse who is a rabid pro-vaxxer, is aggressively NASTY about shutting down any conversation that might even remotely lead to anything that isn't part of her progressive brainwashing. I just clam up when she attacks as its not the place to push the issue, but everywhere else, I no longer even try to warn people, or even mention covid when they get sick for the 15th time or the fact they all have cancer. I tried to warn t hem BEFORE they took the shot, when it might have made a difference. Now, there is no point in taunting people I like who were conned by their doctors and have a ticking time bomb in their genes. But insofar as the nurse, part of what enables me to shut up is the fact she is 5x vaxxed and has a ticking time bomb in her genome. Sad part is that she 5x vaxxed her KIDS, who are good kids.

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Hey Connie - grew up by Kinsman Rd near the old St Cecilia’s- glad to see a friendly Cleveland face 😀 and YES why didn’t everyone know this was complete BS.

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Hey VEVE 🤩I live across from St Barbara’s off Denison. I moved here almost 30 years ago an American escaping the People’s Republic of Toronto. My best friend lives on E 126 off Kinsman she HAD to get the fake vaxxx to keep her job and she is honest about regretting it. And yes it was laughably OBVIOUS an excuse to steal the 2020 election and install Xiden. people I know also got it to travel. And other bullshit reasons idk WAKE UP. The digital ID is coming but not for me

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They STILL don’t know!

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I’m in the mid south US. I think the general stat here is about 20% 1st dose, 15% 2nd, drops off SHARPLY after that and gets higher the closer you get to metropolitan areas. Where I live, the (proudly) vaxxed are the outliers and many of them actively regret it.

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Most real time quote of my life: “Yeah I was just eating my food like get me the fuck out of here”

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And BTW 🤡🌎 I have noticed your other posts in the past and you bring a lot to the substack table. I have relatives in the Boston area and you are right - their minds can’t be changed, too much msm brainwashing + lethal doses of cognitive dissonance. I wish I had never seen the movie The Matrix, cause I feel like we’re living in it real time.

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Thanks. I have no social media, never had a Facebook, hardly ever comment on other sub stacks but the writings here seem to hit home with me.

People here still proudly have Obama bumper stickers. I’m not seeing the “thank you healthcare workers ❤️” signs anymore. Still plenty of the Ukraine flags out though. Few BlM flags too. Every church seems to have a gay flag or trans flag. It’s mostly in the wealthier areas. I’m a Dorchester kid, there isn’t any of those signs where I grew up sans the out of state college kids rental.

I was in Marlboro last week and they have a town sponsored billboard all over that says “I Trust The Facts! I Got The Vax!” with pictures of town officials or citizens. It’s so dystopian

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I trust the scientific method. They mocked scientific method. You don't exile tough questioners if you want scientific truth

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Indeed. "Trust the science"... Trust has nothing to do with science, and never will

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Particularly galling when Birx said "we hoped..."

I was furious, and I didn't get fooled.

I woulda thought the covideans would have come undone.


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Trust the (political) science. What can go wrong?

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Giordano Bruno anyone?

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I’m in Commifornia and it’s the same in my area. I love being by myself, but I have never felt so alone in my life. Not in a bad way, but a weird way, if that makes sense.

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Same, I'm in Chicago and everyone here is brainwashed, max vaxxed, has a blue & yellow flag on car or in front yard, etc. I lost my husband two years ago, and without him this world has become an unbearable place for me.

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I'm so sorry for your pain. That's a huge loss. <3

I fled to Florida from Chicago years ago, but I do visit family still there and yes, mostly brain-damaged.

Have you tried grief counseling? I don't know your status (or your husband's), but a VA campus near you can help you find a group. And if the first group doesn't feel 'right', try another one.

Saying this in my head helps me - just do the next right thing.

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Thank you! I've had individual grief counseling, but perhaps I should try a group. Or better yet, move to Florida! :) Yes, taking it day by day and if one thing doesn't work try another, is my strategy as well.

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So sorry for your loss.

Please consider joining us down south.

Chicago was once a premier American city: now, like NYC and San Francisco, Chicago has fallen.😑😘

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The Democrats who run those

Cities have ruined them!

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I’m a 3rd generation SF native, and The City is a wrap! It’s SF in name only. I thank God all the time, that my parents and grandparents cannot see our one magnificent city fall. And I’m NOT a Democrat, Progressive, Leftist!

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Hi Caline - just seeing this today and checking in on you! We left Chicago about 2 years ago and lived in a camper for 15 months because supply chain and Covid halted our construction by 7 months. I am terribly sorry for your loss, which I’m sure is indescribable. We lived in Batavia for 20 years. Wishing you a peaceful 2023 and stay in touch with us Midwest FL transplants! 😀🌴🦩

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I hear you--I'm also a left coastie, and it's so thick out here you can cut it with a knife....

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Makes complete sense

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Truly. Keep on posting - very appreciated.

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Well I don’t have a social media to share with so I guess this will do. I am not looking forward to winter.

Does anywhere else in the country still have people walking alone with no one around them still wearing masks? Same goes for cars. I point and laugh at them. Niceties are long over

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Austin, TX calling in.

It's rare, but I see it. Less than 5 percent. I give them dirty looks, because I see them as aiders of the cult.

I also reject anyone's right to get this experimental shot, as there are safe and effective treatments out there.

According to Nuremberg code, it is unlawful

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Good ol’Austin. As weird as Austin is, it’s still more normal than here

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I head north , away , for sanity.

To post up anti communist stuff, I go to UT Austin

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It's very rare to see anyone in a mask here. I'm on the west coast of Florida.

Hospitals still pretend to make you wear a mask. In doctors' offices it's about 50/50, but you can talk your way out of it. ;-)

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Nov 25, 2022
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we will have to pry that state of emergency out of Inslee's cold dead hands

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The Health Council of WA State had told people that 50% of children that got covid were hospitalized, when it was actually less than 1%

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Nov 25, 2022
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I’m at the coast too in Commifornia. I’m a few feet from the beautiful ocean, and idiots are wearing masks. They have truly lost their minds.

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Truly dystopian. In my former blue state run by white progs, you could visit with "friends" or randoms alike (you know, if you met outside, stayed 6' apart, etc) and they would all work the same mantras into the conversation. Original topics didn't matter. The "we have always been at war with EastAsia" would find its way in. The random folks would then look at me to [repeat the line]. Creepy.

It is all NPR-NYT whispery lines for those who identify as "smart". A few even go as so far as to admit that they don't want to be mistaken for a "Republican" or "Trumper". Though that was mostly early on in the vexx roll-out.

In my current rural red state its not the NPR-NYT talking points but the "we trust the system / my doctor told me" types who are largely automatons of the consumer drone variety. Its a shame, but nowhere is going to get out of this unscathed.

In practical terms, the great divide of the covid has really just winnowed down my reliable force from a full platoon to a squad. The truth being it was always a squad; the minds of the covidians having been long converged into the borg of Progress. It helps to keep in mind this was always mutual too. They were always gonna put me in a rail car if that was what was needed to preserve their identity or status in the hive. Such are the conditions precedent of a relationship with a progressive, or addict, or mentally ill person.

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Well you are so welcome here. Keep posting.

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I went to midnight Mass at Christ Church Cathedral, Anglican, at Christmas, in Canada. I learned stuff. The Priest, who wears her hair just like a lesbian, said Jesus was born in occupied territories and had to leave his home and go via Gaza (which I didn’t know existed then! Shows you what I know.) to Egypt. I also was told ‘where there is money you can’t find God’. I am a RE Developer and I was thinking I couldn’t rebuild that church for $5,000 a square foot. And…when I left I found out the organ is well known around the world. It cost $3m in 2005 and would likely cost $10m today. So, I guess she had a point. Meanwhile I have sat in Church in Wales and heard 200 people sing in tune in four part harmony Welsh hymns while a $500 piano provided accompaniment. The hair was standing on end all over my body it was so beautiful. But I am not a theologian, so what do I know?

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These are the new 'front lines.' You're right about the diminishing returns when it comes to trying to Orange-Pill the condemned. I'm worried about the Northeast, after reading that the ISO is worried about the grid. I'm from MA (too) & my elderly parents just moved up from Florida. Yeah, DeSantis = anti-science BAD MAN... #SMH

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Me too, grew us in Taxachusetts.

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So sorry to hear. I have not much family left so I don’t suffer as much of this but my brother drank the koolaid and came down with Afib. Nothing I could do.

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OMG...i'm not far from you....I am not seeing anything like this where I work, but I saw it a LOT in the Spring....OMG what a surreal Thanksgiving you had....

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The people I know who keep getting more and more poison shots to “be safe” and are ALWAYS sick are mentally incapable of admitting they have been PLAYED. They would rather die....literally

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My colleague has been sick going on three weeks, lost her voice, keeps coming in becuase of course it coudln't be Covid..she is vaxxed and boosted.

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...and they will.

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I love these testimonials. Well, I love that they're real and honest, not necessarily the message.

The writer is dead-on with all his points. The 'vaccinated' live in a make-believe world, members of a secret follow-the-white-light club.

I have not taken the experimental vaccine -- not after seeing my daughter's mother-in-law go into a coma within three hours after her second shot. Two weeks later, she was pulled off life support. At her funeral, there was NO mention of the experimental injection. Nothing to see here, folks; move along.

I've since seen FOUR other friends die unexpectedly -- all after taking a booster shot. None of my 'unvaccinated' friends have checked out, strange enough.

I live in a Canadian province where the leading cause of death is now the COVID injection. Officially of course the cause of death is "unknown."

What a fucked-up world we live in.

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Fellow Canadian here - I’ve seen the same level of denial and it’s been shocking. The craziest being a (now former) friends wife having a massive stroke in front of her kid a week after her first shot. They kept her in the hospital for 9 months - which you know, never happens here in Canada with the horrible health care system - so you know she was bad. Apparently she will never be the same. Best part - her husband got a booster shot after that happened!!!

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Castreau lied under oath today which is a SHOCK said no one at all. Where’s Sophie??

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two cops for Bayonne, New Jersey died suddenly within ten days of each other.

It’s truly mass psychosis that people are unable to connect the dots.

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Means it’s working

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Could have been worse. 🙄

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I live in the Boston area and I applaud this subscriber - he, like most of us unvaxxed (and in the eyes of the sheep, the unwashed), are kind and empathetic to the plight of many. God bless this man and give him strength to continue being kind. God give us all strength, because he is right to be worried, I think we are going to see many loved ones suffer.

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Same to you.

Do you also have the feeling of watching a fatal car crash in slow motion and there’s nothing you can do about it? I hardly watch tv but if I turn it on, I’m sure to see a commercial from the State pushing the clot shot. They recommend it for children now too.

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You are not alone. We all feel like that...like we are in a bad movie that never ends..esp here in liberal land...people in other parts just don't understand how totally progressive and brainwashed everyone is...wearing masks again...waiting for the next thing so they can virtue signal again....and they are all sick...sometimes for weeks at a time...

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We’re in such a bubble up here. Boston’s a complete mess near Mass Ave and Melnea Cass Blvd. It’s the methadone mile and just homeless camps. I want to move but the wife wants to stay. And now if I sell my house, since the election, I’ll be paying the millionaire tax. They’re destroying the place

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Yes. No argument here. I think I am going to at least start looking in person down South...maybe NC, maybe Savannah or Charlestown...I can't stand Florida too hot in summer and I hate 24/7 Air conditioning...but Naomi Wolf wrote a piece the other day about how different Florida is because they are not traumatized by the lockdowns and everything we see.

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I read that Wolf piece. I have friends that went to South Carolina and Florida. I just don’t know if I can do it. I don’t want to surrender. I love the ocean, can go skiing up in VT or ME, I loved Portland ME but it’s being wrecked, grew up vacationing in the Cape. It’s charming here and the weather isn’t bad. I like the winters too.

Traumatized is correct. It’s like Stockholm syndrome on institutional steroids here.

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I know exactly how you feel. That is why I have been since 2020 kinda stuck ..do I go..do I stay...ugh. It is so hard to leave the ocean and the seasons...and yes, I thought of Maine but it is being ruined now...I vacationed some on the cape but mostly on Nantucket and the Vinyard...couldn't afford to do it now ..but oh it was lovely.

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NC is pretty blue. When we are in NMB you can tell who

are from NC (or other blue states) because they are wearing masks. One day Betty and I play golf in SC no masks no hand sanitizer no Covid. The next day we drive 10 miles to golf course in NC, masks plexiglass! everything contactless! Absurd! Actually hilarious.

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Thanks for the info. It is so difficult to decide...I am just gonna have to go and look for a relatively normal place to relocate to.

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Apart from stepping up to do good deeds and coming here, what are some of the other things you are doing to cope with this slow-motion car wreck?

This is a serious question. Coping is challenging.

Thank you for putting into words what you are seeing in your neck of the woods.

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Just the little things to help folks. Staying fit, reading, few hobbies. I try not to think about it all. Early on, most of the pure bloods I know came to terms with the fact that we will potentially losing most of our friends and relatives. We’ve all become much closer and very supportive in any way possible. I also read endlessly. Knowledge is power and I’ve found it helps to defuse most of these peoples arguments. Going against the collective narrative is difficult but becomes much easier when you can actually present an informed reply and do it while maintaining friendliness. Since everyone here thinks we’re all the same, you just ask them questions related to their stance. Make them defend it, then start asking them more questions that show them that their thought process is flawed.

Most of the people are victims of demoralization via cultural Marxism. They’re well versed in Alinsky tactics without ever hearing the name Saul Alinsky. They’ve been subverted. The American Pravda has done a fantastic job along with the schools and pop culture. Most are clueless to the world and the general evils within it. If anything, I’ve learned that people are gullible, easily manipulated and prone to propaganda.

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Yes, "Staying fit, reading, few hobbies." And, I add to my list praying and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I find myself re-reading books I read long ago that I am sure helped me conclude pretty much immediately what was happening. Midway through "Crime and Punishment" and am finding a lot of treasures about the psyche of the type of people who would perpetrate this horrific crime against humanity.

I no longer attempt to engaged the vaxxed about their stance. I keep it superficial and boring, tapping my toes looking for an exit; they have no bread to share and do not seem hungry for mine.

My son (non-vaxxed), 26, and his wife (vaxxed x2) 23 were here. He had a little cold, he informed me although I wouldn't have known otherwise. Before they were leaving, heading out to her vaxxed-to-the-hilt family, I heard her quietly say, "I just told my mom and they said you still come." How kind of them after nearly 3 years of bullshit they put them through. Ugh.

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It's awful. I just try and keep my head down, fight the good fight, trying to plan for 2024, and overcome the Dem advantage of electing these psychopaths.

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I’m from the Boston area, too, and worry the hospitals and state government present a potential danger to those of us who refuse the clot shots. Massachusetts has been my home for 50+ years and I’m heartbroken and rudderless about the prospect of moving. I wonder if there’s any place that’s actually “safe”, or just one election away from medical tyranny. Thank you, everyone on this thread - Duchess and 🤡🌎- for posting. Living in “liberal land” can make one feel all alone.

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You are NOT alone! Find your nearest Republican Town Committee and join - while it is true that our elected Republicans at the higher levels s - u - c - k, we boots on the ground are hardworking and committed patriots. Send me an email to ann.ragosta@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining with likeminded (and FUN) people on our little islands of sanity in the Massachusetts sea of insanity. I apologize to those on this thread that this comment is not related to the article, but we need to keep pulling together every way we can!!!!!

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Will do. Thank you, AnnR!

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All I can say is wow. The behavior is like that of the family I know who lost a member. I knew a middle-aged man who passed a week after his first and only mRNA injection in 2021. His family, to this day, is in total denial because the corporatocracy informed them that the poor person had “waited too long to take the shot.” The nifty trick is to proclaim “death by COVID” because he was “unvaccinated at the time of death as it takes 14 days for the mRNA to be effective.” No autopsy! “Safe and Effective” is a massive mound of manure. Later that year, the same family demanded that Christmas party attendees present a vaccine card showing a booster date. And only those with negative PCR test results got to attend. Members of this same family went to the local casino and gambled the weeks before and after that “party.” In a word, brainwashed. https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/mysterious-mrna-mind-meld-195

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It's funny and sad at the same time. The brainwashing has been so bad. But when some of them wake up, and realize they were lied to and manipulated, they get ANGRY. Had a conversation last night with a triple jabbed friend who admitted I was right about everything, including not being able to trust his doctor.

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They don’t wake up. Thats the scary part.

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Some do. I know a few but very few

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Strangely enough, trying to get people in from the building trades is nearly impossible in SE England. Everyone is booked up until end of January and even February.

I don’t get what’s going on.

Is it everyone wants to get their place in order before money is worth nothing?

Is it that so many can no longer think of plans for the future as no longer depend that it will be what we imagine it to be? So get the building work done asap in case they close the world down again?

Because who Would have imagined that our governments purposefully went out of their way to ‘embezzle’ the taxpayers to benefit the officials friends to such an extent that in the UK we have more national debt now than WW2. Like WEF, jungle adventurer, king of Midazalam Hancock who have million £ PPE contracts to his publican and next door neighbour.

And like how come track and trace app cost -$23 million in Canada but £32 BILLION IN UK? Stealing from taxpayers for generations to come.

I spoke to my adult daughter about future planning today. She’s about to have another baby and said how it’s so different this time. With the first she imagined what type of school, pony club, kiddy parties, buying their own family home. And now —- ??? No point planning as no guarantee anything will be as imagined.

They’ve stolen our children and grandchildren’s future. I hate the evil GloboCap WEF, philanthrocapitalists NGOs that did this to us.

(Yeah I know not Christian) . So what! Are you supposed to love Satan and those who follow him with Death, Destruction and Depravity ?

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It seems the greater TDS, the likelier to be vaxed; which seemed odd, since DJT claimed credit for vaxes.

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It is odd/correct. For the record DJT is dead to me. I am amazed people still cheer

for the man and his push for "my beautiful vaccine".

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It is amazing that DJT isn't held accountable by his 'supporters' for his push of these abomination shots. Seems like the same type of mind fog that impacts the dutiful repeated shot recipients. Hive mind, just different methods to reach the same goal - control.

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It isn't true that all Trump supporters don't hold him accountable. I belong to a large group of like-minded (conservative) folks. While some support Trump regardless, many of us are waiting for an apology. A BIG apology.

Trump didn't lock us down and didn't mandate the shots. The governors and local petty tyrants did that. He did, however, back 'Warp Speed' which was always going to be a disaster.

The primaries will be fun.

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I should be more clear, too many of his supporters don't hold him accountable for his support, encouragement, praise, etc of these disgusting shots.

Correct, Trump did not lock us down nor did he mandate shots, but I found Trump to be too passive at times he was needed to not be. Fauci being allowed to be the dictator in chief during the start of this fiasco and knowing now what Fauci knew, what an evil little weasel creep. But, back to Trump, he had moments when he tried to bring up HCQ for example, and of was denigrated by the corrupt media, playing their part as always. I'm sure it was very stressful for Trump, but I find he folds like a cheap suit when the opposite is needed of him. Plus narcissists can be annoying after awhile. I voted for him 2x.

Until the cheating machine of Soros, NGOs, Dems, passivity of Repubs, stopping dead people and illegals elections won't be won, but installed by those running the scam no fun primaries for me to see. Everything at this time is a complete and utter mess.

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This past week I went to my first 'died suddenly' funeral. Of course, because he was 65 they politely said, 'he passed peacefully in his sleep.' No autopsy; no questions asked. I decided to look at our local newspaper's obits— Several actually said, 'died suddenly;' one said, 'after a brief illness;' his said, 'died peacefully in his sleep.' My friend told me that the funeral home told her they only had this one afternoon/evening to have his showing and service and the cemetery service the next morning.

Business must be booming.

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He is correct that the 💉 became so disgustingly politicized that they virtue signal with vax status and endless boosting. A few cracks in the foundation are happening when they personally experience horrible illness out of the blue. But most are clueless or are in denial.

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I’d like to add that they’ve created a whole new religion out of this earnest attempt to “follow the science”. Science is the vengeful new atheist god.

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I love the “in this house we trust science, blah blah blah blah”

It’s peak virtue signaling. The folks here are so comfortable and have nothing to overcome that they find grievances around every corner. They take up quasi struggles that aren’t their own and ride it’s coat tails.

Its wild

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The BLM signs I thought my white progressive neighbors put up were disgusting, since they don't know any blacks and don't even work with them. They drove up the housing prices in my neighborhood so badly that the blacks who had been here for generations fled. The "in this house" signs made me want to vandalize them by putting stickers on them...and the Ukrainian flags damn near drove me off my rocker...I just wanted to rip them down in the middle of the night.

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The white progressive, all inclusive types are the most closed minded people around. They’re really hot and heavy on trans right now. They want more diversity in their towns but aren’t driving through mattapan. They’re not going to Blue Hill Ave. And once they vote to destroy their town, they flee to NH and destroy there. Californians get a lot of ire but Progressive Massholes are worse

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Oh and let's throw in Vermont...totally ruined.

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Lot of New Yorkers moving there too.

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I agree 100%. Nothing worse. They come in to town, because its so nice and quaint, and then they proceed to demand change...and they wreck it. God save me from the progressive brainwashed leftists...

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Just want to thank 2nd Smartest Guy! I've signed up as a Paid Subscriber as a token of my sincerest appreciation of all your amazing efforts!

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The Great Cull is underway!

A good mate who was a Pro Vaxxer early but I was able to turn him (my only success) messaged me last week saying he believes the immune systems of the vaxxed are damaged. He is seeing epic illness where he is in BC.

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I've been told that a 4-8-hour wait in the ER waiting room is currently normal, here in a close-in DC suburb. Our county has one of the highest vaxx compliance rates in the country.

I recently accompanied a family member to the ER and I can confirm the long wait and the staff being overwhelmed (emotionally, psychologically. as well as over capacity). I thought I had a "story to tell" about the long wait, but everyone I mention it to says, "oh yeah, that is just the way it is now. COVID." etc.

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Yes, "sorry, we're dead." They were sorry - if they knew they were dying. As for us, watching, we're sorry for them and us. We're also asking ourselves: what best to do. 2nd smartest, I'm sending you an email to your Substack email address.

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Thanks for the email. I do not do interviews. Good luck with your new show.

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Thanks for letting me know, and the good wishes.

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Just the other day a relative fell and got a fairly serious concussion & was in the hospital for a few days.

Didn't call us, them or their spouse! We are the only family that live in the same town!

I thought they were against the tax, but now I'm not so sure.

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