In addition to those great stories, I have good news on the approval of ivermectin in Arkansas, where I live. https://www.ualrpublicradio.org/local-regional-news/2025-03-13/bill-to-allow-over-the-counter-ivermectin-sales-passes-committee

Now the full House has to vote on it, but there are 81 Republicans and only 19 Demo(c)rats, so it's a slam dunk to be approved!

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Good analogy in likening Chemotherapy with Agent Orange. I also passed on the offer!

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Almost everyone around us has been sick at some point since December… almost like there’s some kind of toxin in the air…

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Yes, and after I spent two evenings walking my dog for 4 miles each night and noticing the sky full of chemtrails, two weeks ago, I have had Covid. I’m just finally feeling slightly better. I did not get jabbed and got Covid in November of 2021. Almost died until I went to America’s Frontline Doctors and got a prescription for ivermectin. I was better within 5 days. I don’t know what they changed in it, but this time even the ivermectin and doxycycline didn’t help. I added large doses of Vitamin D3, C, NAC, L-lycine, elderberry and zinc and hydroxychloroquine before it turned for the better. Ohhh, I also had nicotine patches on in the beginning. I do get extremely ill from it because I have COPD, bronchiectesis, mycobacterium avium complex and asthma. I am also IGg immunodeficient. I refuse to go to the hospital for this because they’d try to kill me. I’ve been sick most of my life, so I’m used to getting pretty sick. However, whatever it is they’re poisoning us with is definitely a bioweapon. I feel like I’m going to die when I get it. It’s the only two times I’ve actually been truly worried about my survival. After the first time, I had great immunity and was able to be around people who had it and help them get better with ivermectin and an antibiotic. I guess I either ran out of my immunity or they changed the recipe.

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🤔 Huh. Imagine that. (Chemtrails)

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This is all amazing. Have you ever tried these meds on anyone with ALS? It's genetic in my husband's family. Two brothers died, and two nieces have been diagnosed. One is in a very advanced stage (46yo), and her sister was just newly diagnosed (43 yo). For those who have not been tested for this gene, it is a worry if they will end up with this devastating diagnosis. I'm just wondering if you have any information in advances in the treatment of ALS. Thank you so much.

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Check out Dr. Yoho's stubstack. He is doing a lot of research on therapies. Incredible information.

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Is there a prophylactic protocol?

I had been taking IVM prophylactically for three years- prescribed by a brave MD and filled by a compounding pharmacy - with zero issues and no regrets. Then and some "wellness" companies joined the fray and jacked the price up 400%.

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Woah!!! Order from India

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The Influenza VAX is AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses like the SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapons.

Influenza Vaccine 2024-2025 Darkfield Microscopy - Self Assembled Microelectronics With Integrated Circuits: https://terral.substack.com/cp/159093404

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Think I have Ascites, is this possible from the Fenbendazole? Thanks

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Could be lots of things... maybe die off from parasites? Maybe stop taking? Try fasting? I'm not a medical doctor.

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Trying a 3 day dry fast Dr. Berg recommends for the liver.

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Good luck! You got this!

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