One logical reason why Fenben, HCQ & Ivermection is good for you is beacuse the 5 billion in fruad fines & leader in cause of iatrijenic death's [cough] paid for "science" says it'e no good!

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Recommended reads:

- Dr. Paul Marik / FLCCCs "Cancer Care" PDF on repurposed drugs

- Tess Lawrie substack, several articles, e.g. "How to starve cancer", "Why Are They So Desperate To Keep Little Old Ivermectin From You?"

Paul Marik explains why Fenben, IVM & Co. (amongst many other repurposed drugs) may work for cancer patients. "May work". Cancer is a complex systemic illness and silver bullet one-size-fits-all solutions simply don't exist. Stage IV is beyond the recovery point in almost all cases. Palliative treatment, that's it. Regrettably.

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Thank you. Do you know how long one must remain on the protocol?

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I don't. Typically,, assuming your tumor load was reduced or tumors or metastases have disappeared, as per regular CT or MRT scans - consider yourself v e r y lucky -, people seem to apply a reduced "maintenance" dose for say several months. As repurposed drugs (or things like homeopathy) usually no not have side effects this is a low risk strategy. Cancer survivors will have their stories to tell.

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Great Book!! I read every word and recommend it every chance!

Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer Paperback – August 14, 2023 by Paul E Marik (Author)

This is a review of the published literature showing options for repurposed drugs that can be used in cancer treatment. It is not intended as a stand-alone guide to treating cancer. The goal is to provide a well-researched clearinghouse of information that picks up where traditional cancer therapies leave off. Providers caring for cancer patients can use this information to think creatively about readily available interventions, with science to back up their efficacy, that could improve their patients' outcomes.

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I had to look it up so figured I'd share:

FLCCC is Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance https://covid19criticalcare.com/about-the-flccc/

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Let me add another anecdotal story. At my annual physical exam last year (prior to my 64th birthday), my GP recommended I see a dermatologist as I had some scaly patches of skin on my right ear. The dermatologist burned (actually froze) them and said those are pre-cancerous lesions. A few months later, I detected the same scaly patches on my left ear. Between this detection and seeing the dermatologist (the appointment was scheduled months out and then re-scheduled), I began taking Petmectin, 1 tablet a week as a general prophylactic. I realized a week or two before the 2nd dermatologist appointment that the scaly patches on my left ear had disappeared to my touch. The dermatologist said he could still faintly feel (but not see) a bit of roughness on the top of the ear and froze it. But, the other spot was missing. I am continuing to take the single dose, once a week prophylactic IVM and plan to continue to do so as with all the supplements I take. I suggest others do so as well, especially as you are aging and those time-triggered diseases become more probabilistic.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Wonderful report 2nd! Thank you for all you share and your time! Do you know if a person can take NAC while taking fenbendazole?

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If I am remembering right, NAC should not be taken if a person has active cancer. Maybe someone can provide more input.

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Thank you! I think you are thinking of the same thing I saw. Something I was reading regarding fenben and cancer and NAC.

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Encouraging. I hope someone who understands how to do it will get the ball rolling toward getting these cheap, tested treatments verified and put to use. Then prosecute the Vaxx hoaxters.

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".....1.6mg as per my weight." Might someone explain this? Also, I watched a Joe Tippens you tube where Joe seemed rather dismissive or very unconcerned to bother about discussing IVM which I found rather odd since he had been such a study of off label drugs, vitamins and supplements earlier in his quest for results. He was saying that he hadn't studied it, couldn't comment on it, not his wheelhouse. IVM had been referenced PubMed 02/2018, NIH 3/2020, Journal of Antibiotics 02/2017, etc, etc, yada yada. He didn't choose it, but why so dismissive about it? Now we are told "Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer." Perhaps he's reconsidered it? Please post link. Watch first 45 seconds from 2023.


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So we've moved from 12 mg. to 24 mg. of IVM? Please confirm and I will change the protocol on my end.

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Go with 36mg of IVM depending on body weight. PLUS add olive oil (1 TBS) and Quercetin to the morning fenbendazole dosage and take the ivermectin at night. Just my .02 from all of my research. Good luck!

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Thank you. I’ve just begun a Keytruda regime along with this protocol. Third round for me.

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This is the FLCCC protocol - check it out for guidance. You can download all the information you need, Also join the forums and you can ask questions and get excellent advice.


This is the link to the forums.

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Any anecdotal experiences out there on the Tippins protocol reversing or having a positive affect on Alzheimer's?

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Yes. Check my archive.

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How do we search for that? Thank you.

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When the on the protocol as mentioned has anyone had side affects with chemo at the same time, will be starting chemotherapy in about 6 weeks but I don’t want to stop the meds. TNBC thank you

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You need to read up on what chemo actually does to your immune system. Please. For your health.

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There is a very good Facebook group with discussion and questions answered:


Curing Cancer Naturally - True Stories from Real People

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Congrats to anyone who feels anything is healing them. I'm open to anything but skeptical of everything. Especially "supplements" since they are often made by the same wonderful people that produce "pharmaceuticals."

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That is a very good statement. I concur! Please don’t fall into the “PIT OF DESPAIR”. It does nothing for you physiologically except create more free radicals, a lot more. This exercise robs your immune of the energy that it needs to devour your cancer. Let’s talk more, it helps to vent to a table top in the beginning as to give you at least a beginning plan of action. Plans change, they always do so be prepared to move in all direction; your cancer is.

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Fantastic story!

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Well, you see. The messenger ribonucleic acid injections are safe and effective. They give you long life even if you have been given the Big C diagnosis. Just ask ex Health Minister Handcock from the UK who made it compulsory for the UK herd.

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Parasites cause cancer, Fen Ben kills parasites & oncologist’s profits! so just don't think of yourself, oncologist’s need money too!

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hi 2sg...we met a guy who has pulmonary fibrosis, his wife has heard about ivermectin as a treatment, got any guidance where to search for this and help too with fenbendazole as a treatment? We see a good number about cancers and have a friend on your fenben and other ivm for bladder cancer. thank you for any advice. Ken and Sue

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Thank you for your continuing success in telling everyone about these successes! And giving access to how to obtain them! I tell everyone at every opportunity to check your writings and also give sincere thanks!!

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