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It was indeed not just older folks. Left my teaching position Jan 26, '21. Speaking, in early January, to the two colleagues of my discipline (at other district schools) who were 42 and mid-late 30's, to announce my decision to leave, they told me that they had already taken the jab. One of the reasons I chose to cut short my career was fear of pressure to take the jab.

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There is a trope that Latinists are smart.....my colleagues and I were....Latinists.

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Apr 5Edited

im slightly...but not really worried about all these jabbed spike producing factories "shedding" all around me...im not worried about shedding, unless youre locked into an elevator for 4 hours your base load will/should not breach your defenses...

i never had collegues..but

sic semper tyrannis

de oppresso liber

semper fi

res ipsa loquitor

thas my latin!

also, skull-fuck nancy pelosi (but in latinese).

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I think you could go with "irrumata calvariam" f'd as to the skull (using acc. because it's a body part, [relying on Vergil's use of same, in desrcibing Venus appearing to Aeneas in short-skirt hunting dress: nuda genu)

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Apr 5Edited

you said vergil anneas.and venus all.at.the same.time...bruh..

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Apr 5Edited

way.out of.my.depth iplay smart.on tv and the intertubez

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haha! or hellena in tekken or soul blade...hommie

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Resistere usque ad Ultimum Gutta Sanguinis

Deus Vult Semper fidelis voluntati dei

If you really want to skull-fuck her, best we use the DeLorean and get her stock tip sheet while we are at it.

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Apr 5Edited

Church! as my hommies in la county jail used to say...

yeah gimme the deloarean, which was in 1983s beverly.hills.cop before it was in b2tfuture, and her stock sheets and her son, and her 'husband' and the dildo-hammer....

Roma Victor!


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I will try to work on that for you, tomorrow, The poet Catullus will give me a lot of help.

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They were usually Roman.

тАЬPerfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last, without frenzy, without apathy, without pretence.тАЭ

тАХ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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