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Noting once again--as I did when reading this months ago--"I had to" to go to Hawaii for a vacation. No 'had' involved. I chose to. You could have cancelled the trip.

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I actually read the entire document in the first self test kit I bought, and got suspicious when I saw it was NOT for diagnosing. In April of 2020 an "expert" on TV said it would take at least two, maybe two and a half years to develop a vaccine. So when they rolled out the vaxxine eight months later the jig was up as far as I was concerned.

A year or so into the Vaxx fear campaign I had become sick and tired of the social distancing and face diaper wearing to and from work. I was a seafarer so taxi, train and air travel was a must. I did the numbers and handed in my resignation and retired as soon as it was possible. That's two years ago.

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Good for you! I had planned to teach for a few years more. The summer of Floyd love, with my district's punitive response to the private post of a faculty member, made me start to question the desireability of remaining. The push for nose-swabbing 'to make you feel safe", which I evaded, made me think the vaxxes would be required of teachers. Fortunately (oh thank you, God) I had been since '10 packing all possible $$ into an "over-55" catch-up savings program, so I was financially able to leave earlier than expected. The wisdom of saving for a rainy day.....

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For more than a decade my cunsumption has been very low At the age of 62, when I was elligable for a couple of pensions, I stashed them. They mushromed to the point where I could make the decission I made 2+ years ago.

A year ago out of the blue I said to my wife that I will never again be afraid. That is, afraid when the MSM tell us all that we should all be afraid.

All the best to you, and stay strong. DO NOT COMPLY!!! IF YOU DO, YOU DIE!!!

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