Resistere usque ad Ultimum Gutta Sanguinis
Deus Vult Semper fidelis voluntati dei
If you really want to skull-fuck her, best we use the DeLorean and get her stock tip sheet while we are at it.
Church! as my hommies in la county jail used to say...
yeah gimme the deloarean, which was in 1983s beverly.hills.cop before it was in b2tfuture, and her stock sheets and her son, and her 'husband' and the dildo-hammer....
Roma Victor!
Resistere usque ad Ultimum Gutta Sanguinis
Deus Vult Semper fidelis voluntati dei
If you really want to skull-fuck her, best we use the DeLorean and get her stock tip sheet while we are at it.
Church! as my hommies in la county jail used to say...
yeah gimme the deloarean, which was in 1983s beverly.hills.cop before it was in b2tfuture, and her stock sheets and her son, and her 'husband' and the dildo-hammer....
Roma Victor!