I read your Substack regularly & am deeply appreciative of how you are trying to share the valuable information about lvermectin & Fenbendazole. This has the potential to save many, many lives. Thank-you.
I have replied individually to the commenters below who have inquired about dosage recommendations.
But also want to share with all reading today's comments that there is a wonderful Substack tiled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name) which provides case studies & dosage protocol. They sell nothing....just give information. They also discuss Joe Tippin's successful cure of his cancer diagnosis.
Again, thank-you for all you are doing to spread the word.
Here's a link to Dr Marik's webinar on treating cancer as a metabolic disease vs genetic. What we're doing now isn't working so well on a lot of cancers. Dr Seified also mentions menbendazole as way to hinder fermentation of cancer cells.
Can someone help me figure out how to take the protocol. I’ve bought both and can’t figure out what to do. Plz help. Make with sudden onset of joint and inflammation issues, no. Vaxed but heavily shed on at work
This routine pulls the nano from body, breaks it up so you can pass it and charcoal gives it something to bind to in order to exit body
I have lost 14 pounds due to killing the parasites, I do not have that intense physical cell swelling, can move easier with not much pain in comparison to before and definitely do not have brain fog or low energy anymore.
Because of 2nd Smartest posting what he does and the info regarding the cancers and inflammation, arthritis, I felt awakened and empowered to help myself climb out of the physical pain and confusion downward spiral.
I am so grateful to 2nd Smartest, Karl, Matt, Dr Ana, Dr Nixon, etc, this community and platform where they published their findings.
Thank you 2nd Smartest for opening my eyes and heart to know someone out there in internet land cares about other humans and wants to help.
All of the information combines has given a new chance at life and a new opportunity to fight for life.
@Laurie, would you also provide me with the protocal for both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? I cannot find it, but only the protocol for Fenbendazole + supplements. Thank you.
Though... to me... JMHO... it seems that amount of antibiotics would just destroy your gut biome.
I would substitute Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for the Doxy, empty stomach, no anti-oxidants for an hour before and after.
And personally, I get side effects from berberine. I would substitute Curcumin.
I would also add nicotine, I prefer lozenges to patches or pouches. A daily cigar may suffice, if you are into that. Dr. Bryan Ardis has the poop on nicotine...
Hi, can you please reply to me with dosage? I have the ivermectin and fenbendazole here it arrived a couple days ago. I just ordered that quercetin as well and it will arrive tomorrow. Don't know dosage. Thank you!
Born Again in 1990..allowed to experience all the false doctrines of the churches for 15 years then led out from it all.....April 2017 the fear of God Almighty came upon me revealed all the filth and spoke to me-'stop Sinning!'.....
It currently is a lonely walk, the narrow path..but there is no other way I would have it....!
lol...We left the 501c3 system when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, I am not your cosmic bell hop. Most (not all) local churches were and still are into the health and wealth prosperity gospel or the Jesus is love and nothing more...IOW an adulterated gospel.
A form of godliness but denying the power thereof.
The Holy Spirit will bear inner witness and tell you that you are born again. Wife and I are being lead into spiritual warfare and deliverance. We are babes in this and face daily tests of our faith and just today experienced a miracle during a short 5 minute praise and worship of Father Yahuah Elohim.....
To encourage you, I was led to study John 15. How to Abide in Him. two nights four hours later I'm at verse 9. Ha...it is so awesome....to dig our those nuggets of Godly gold!
may the Most High bless you abundantly with His presence peace and joy, in Jesus name.
Good stuff, but 2 years old... if both gals were correct... would we not have seen far more deaths already? I don't get the expanding "cycles" either, if we are constantly infected with new parasites via shedding, chem-trails, food, water, whatever...
Kingston is a bit hysterical... she claimed that Malone was trying to have her murdered and went into hiding for a while...
I think Ardis; snake venom theory is likely correct, he backs it up well in his new book.
BUT... I am taking both Ivm and Fenben, different days, each 2X/month and taking other stuff too, pretty much daily. I am not jabbed.
Yes, I remember you're not jabbed. Me neither. The path so may of us are following goes through quite a minefield. I tend to think that the cabal/cult's covid op has not been nearly as successful as they had hoped. The concern now is their intention to try again, plus Trump's espousal of AI mRNA cancer jabs.
I agree that Ardis seems to stack up well. I also think that George Webb's anthrax hypothesis stacks up well. Unfortunately nearly all his writing is paywalled now though :(
Ummm, maybe? For instance, Proton pump drugs like Priolsec decrease gastric pH causing leaky gut and failure to "sterilize" what was gastric contents. This allows bacteria, etc to enter the blood system causing generalized inflammation-not a good idea.
Skin cells live about thirty days, and liver cells die after about eighteen months. Brain and heart cells last a lifetime. The LNPs likely do not persist very long. However, depending on which cell type LNPs invaded, that persistence (of new Spikes creation) may differ by much, as per above.
Just listened to an interview with Mike Yeadon yesterday. To paraphrase, he explained the 30+ years experience he has that includes vaccine designs. He said that once you have a deep understanding of the function of each inclusion in a virus design, you can suss out the intent of the designer, by what they chose to include. So one like covid, that has several mechanisms of harm, was designed to be harmful in several ways. Every mechanism we see now was known prior, and selected for inclusion. Reproductive harm, immune attenuation, turbo cancers, etc.; these are features, not bugs. What they wanted us to suffer with. And remember that Gates wanted it in each and every arm on the planet.
Perfect timing! I am a breast cancer patient with a recurrence who just started metronomic ("low dose") chemo, along with HBOT, hyperthermia and my supplement cocktail of Ivermectin, Mebendazole, Quercetin, Berberine, Melatonin, etc., etc. I'd encourage everyone to read up on high dose Melatonin as well (google Doris Loh). Another book that I found really interesting is Surviving Terminal Cancer by Ben Williams. The message from all of these authors is that, if you don't direct your own treatment, Big Pharma is likely to kill you. I'm currently living in Mexico so I can obtain the treatment I want - my healthcare team in Canada refused me the opportunity to try for a full cure rather than palliative for life, and apparently even though my tax dollars pay their wages, they have no duty to assist me in pursuing non-toxic, life-saving treatment.
Keep us posted! I admire your strength in advocating for what is best. I wish you well and will pray for you. Many people just don’t have this knowledge or ability. My brother has a rare type of cancer that isn’t necessarily deadly, but I think the meds are killing him. My mom recently passed away from turbo cancer but was a seven year survivor of CLL. Unvaxxed but possibly the result of past chemo? This substack is life giving. Wish I new this a little sooner. I’m hoping to set my brother on a healthier path! Be well!
Thank you, I am always very grateful for prayers. Unfortunately the vast majority of cancer patients believe their doctors when they give them their voodoo prognosis. I'm not sure why I never listen to my Canadian oncologist - probably because I don't like her ... and because she is a multi-jabbed, masked lemming!!! Haha. So sorry for the loss of your mother and hopefully you can help your brother work toward health. I'm a big believer in turkey tail mushrooms, low dose naltrexone and IV vitamin C , along with vitamin D, strength training and meditation, to boost the immune system. And low dose chemo, which is available in Mexico and certain parts of the US. My bloodwork after 3 months of low dose chemo plus Iver/Meb/Fenben/LDN/etc. is better than it has been since I was first diagnosed in 2018. Hoping this means that my immune system if finally onboard with me!!! Good luck to all of us in this crazy battle against evil.
I know someone who is taking Fenben and some vitamins/herbs for colon cancer. He had a colon blockage, they did a biopsy, and some of the cells showed cancer. He has had more tests since then, and they show NO cancer. At all. FYI, the tests happened after he started taken Fenben.
However, he has gone to two oncologists, who have told him that having negative tests don't matter; he HAS to get chemo. Even if it appears he does not have cancer.
Also... he keeps trying to ask them what test they will use to show him he no longer has cancer. For whatever reason, they will not answer that question.
Vasculare endothelial Growth Factor is the test. Lots of literature from many sources. I will attempt to grab the best summary: "VEGF also plays a role in cancer growth. Cancers need an ample blood supply. As a tumor grows larger, its cells need more oxygen from the blood. The cancer encourages new blood vessels to grow to supply it with more blood and oxygen. Most tumors show higher levels of VEGF. Sometimes higher levels mean a lower chance of survival. In addition, VEGF may be important in the spread of cancer to other places within your body. Certain cancer treatments target VEGF. This test may be used to tell how well the treatments are working." Me again, There's a corresponding test that measures inflammation relative to tumors with the idea being that an optimal amount of inflammation is theraputic, necessary for healing.it's called TNF Highly Sensitive. Lab Corp and Quest both will run the tests.
Hello, can you possibly give any insight about how someone living in the states might be able to move to Mexico? Did you move their from US? Is it complicated to make the move? How do I know which areas, towns or cities are safe for single woman? I’m not “dosed” so is that required? Is a passport required? I do not speak Spanish, how to overcome language barriers? Thank you 🙏
Living in Mexico has no problems other than living in your native country , but leave your US ideas about how things has to be done behind , learn a little bit Spanish and you will be fine, i live in Mexico a long time, build a house a while ago, if you own property and have a steady income you can apply for as resident permanente , that give you the same rights as a Mexican but you are excluded from politics and your property will be in a bank trust if your property is 50 Km from the coast or 100 Km from the border, but it is your property fully titled
Ahh, you’re living the dream! 😊 World travel sounds so liberating. I have rarely traveled beyond southeastern USA, so I’m not even sure where to start with a serious look at relocating to Mexico. I assume a passport is on the short list of first things to do. Then perhaps plan a short visit? Hopefully they do not require vaccinations to enter Mexico?
Living outside the US need an understanding that NOBODY will hold your hand, you are on your own and have to figure things out special in Mexico.
So you know how to use a PC /laptop , you can get the information about passport ( YOU need a passport ) and vaccination easy on the internet, that would be a good first step to find your own way and forget that playing by ear thing .
About locations , what do you prefer , at the coast or mountains ? full tourist area or little tourist area, i do not recommend for you living deep into Mexico the first 5 a 10 years
I,am living 1 mile from the Pacific coast 800 miles south of the border.
I have traveled a LOT trough the world in my live , due work and extended vacations.
Money wise, you need at least $2000 a month if you rent for a good live, bit depending where you live and your demands, less is possible but 1500 is the bare minimum ( my opinion )
I can tell you a lot about healthcare and the plus and minus and if you keep you US insurance or not , the regular healthcare is cheap meds are cheap and even operations are in comparing with the US cheap and from top quality if you know the way
Once again, excellent information. Very helpful and appreciated. Keep the info flowing as it comes to you anything more that is important to share. I appreciate your insights more than you might know. Thank you Peter.
best thing to do is go to whatever areas/towns interest you and spend some time there. Understanding there is a difference between living in another country/place and being a visitor. I spent three years in Copan Ruinas, Honduras as an expat, along with about two or three more years total time off and on in Mexico central and south america.
You still have problems as an expat, they are just different problems. most of the expats in Copan had a screw or two loose. I suppose we did too. There are many people who say how great Mexico is. I never had a bad experience there, except for some very clear hate for gringos in Northern Mexico. but if they want to sell you something, I'd be careful.
I should add that we came back to el norte during the dog and pony show Nov 2008. There is a whole industry for gullible gringos with stars in their eyes about living in Latin America. So beware.
As far as legal status, we just made the visa run every 90 days. In Mexico the visa run is every 180 days. For the first year or so that meant the Honduran border 12 km away. Honduran immigration would stamp your passport with another 90 days. I would just take a tuk tuk / Moto taxi. After that I had to go to Belize, Mexico or Guatemala and return to Honduras for another 90 days. That was when NAFTA kicked in. Just to give you an idea about how things work in Latin america, after awhile a service sprang up, they would collect your passport and for a few bucks get you stamped in for another 90 days. When I took a vehicle down to get my wife (she caught dengue) crossing the border at Brownsville, a Mexican told me everything is for sale in Mexico.
I don't know about the cartels but probably best to be wary. Understand that as a gringo you are a potential target for scams and the like or worse. I could speak passable Spanish but there were many gringos who couldn't speak a word. The general advice is go there for six months before you burn any bridges.
That's really good to know. I've never been to Mexico, but I've heard good things about living there. I'm mainly interested in being in a smaller town, not a large tourist town.
I like it; however I didn't realize that the Mexicans are having the same problems with the younger generation and their inability to think critically. We had thought we would retire here, but now I'm not so sure since they seem to be in the same situation as Canada. (Winter weather is better, of course - but right now it's oppressively hot in Cancun.)
No, I've spoken to 2 doctors here who both say that the world is getting dumber, and the next generation is clueless. I had thought the same thing, and had hoped it would be harder for the globalists to get to these kids, so it's a bit depressing!!! I think TikTok and Instagram has created a generation of superficial narcissists. Not sure how to fix that!!! On the plus side, my oncologist is not vaccinated - that wouldn't happen in Canada!!!
That's great that your oncologist is not vaxed. I bet he's glad he didn't get it. I've heard that the smaller towns and rural areas in Mexico are not as indoctrinated, but not sure if it's true.
Thank you, I am doing well although still dealing with a few pesky lymph nodes that don't seem to want to cooperate (or maybe they are just doing their job and protecting the rest of my body? Hard to know). I'm sorry about your diagnosis, I hear you on the confusion re treatment protocols although there are some very promising Pubmed studies on triple negative responses involving keto, hyperthermia, hyperbaric and chemo if you are interested in reading them. I'm also really into high dose melatonin right now, but think I need to up my dose and take more frequently in order to have an effect. Good luck - this diagnosis is not for the faint of heart.
Thank you. No it isn't for the faint of heart. Yes, I'm looking into hyperthermia this week. I was all for Keto then read a study that fat (as in from meat) drives triple neg. Then I read from people that juice that it cured them, then more Keto people, then Issiac tea cured them, bought the tea, then a study that the tea caused BC in mice. I'm going crazy! I'm still leaning on the Keto diet because ketosis makes the most sense.
I have yet to start this because I was reading about liver damage and also IVM might be as effective. Plus, I don't seem to have an active tumor since chemo. Not sure what to do. I appreciate your reply with this though.
Fantastic info. I have been using quercetin with turmeric to chelate iron, which is a big cause of cancer and so many other issues with aging. . BUT you need peperine to activate turmeric and the quer/tum/pep supplements all contain bromelain.
You probably know this - the FLCCC doctors have protocols for prevention and treatment of the virus. It includes ivermectin and quercetin, but warns not to take them at the same time. Take IVM in the morning and Quercetin at lunch.
Dr Hulda Clark published a book called "Cure for all Diseases" and the another after that one called "Cure for all Cancers!" I used her material to heal from end stage breast cancer alone with no modern medical torture. She had 30 years of research in her books, and it was on the relationship between parasites and ALL DISEASES! This was in 1998 that I began using her detox methods. She had to flee to Mexico to actually assist people in healing in a clinical setting. She returned to her home in Canada, and they put her in jail where she died shortly after that.
Is the allergy a Lactose related one? I cannot tolerate much milk but wouldn't say I'm allergic. Just sensitive to the lactose. I believe a lot of the problem stems from A-1 vs A-2 protein in cattle (aside from the obvious pasteurization/homogenization).
regularly, I suggest doing as the pioneers and pirates did. Put a silver (actual silver) spoon or coin in it to ward off bacteria setting in as quickly. Or use colloidal silver, 10-30pm. No need for higher ppm— ever. Think silt, not confetti. Silt gets into books & crannies
Excellent! Speaking of whey, I've been trying to source an organic whey-based protein powder. It was almost non-existent years ago on the regular marketplaces (Amazon). Maybe the Amish will have some nowadays.
See the Substack titled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name). They provide case studies & dosage recommendations. They don't sell anything....just provide information.
The liver is a key detoxification organ and not surprised at that discovery. I believe NAC should be added to key protective agents! Why else would there be a FDA pronouncement that NAC should be Rx. It’s all about controlling your health for profit!
This was probably on Pub Med, plus two other medical professionals said it. I can't find the paper on it now. I'll post it when I find it. It was for active cancer, not prevention. I'm not in medicine, so can't tell you anymore than that.
Here's an excerpt. I'll link the study after. That's Interesting about Europe vs. US. I know about our Big Pharma and it's disgusting.
The study I'm linking has many scenarios because there are too many variables... Genetics, stage, type, etc. I think it's similar to why Ex smokers and smokers can get cancer from Beta Carotine. Like I said, I'm no doctor.
[86]. The role of ROS in cancer was suggested to be context dependent, as ROS, NRF2, and antioxidants promote or prevent tumor formation or progression [87].
Antioxidants may decrease oxidative damage in metastatic cancer cells, leading to their proliferation [[88], [89], [90]]. Due to its antioxidant mechanism, NAC may also accelerate the progression of some cancer growth.
That’s what I’m using right now for prostate cancer. The doctor laughed at me, but my PSA came down from 44 to 10 and now is at 2.7 All my other numbers look very good…
Now all we need is some FENBENDAZOLE to maximise our IVERMECTIN doses, as this seems to be the best 'combo' to maximise ivermectin effectiveness before they release the next virus they've modified with 'Gain of Function' Bio-Weapon technology!
Why do Big Pharma dictate NO LIABILITY for their medicines? This should have been the first question to ask before accepting new, experimental injections. Then find an honest Pharmacist and ask how safe & effective Covid injections really are! It's depopulation medicine in my opinion!
Too late now, you've all been Genetically Modified! At best you'll just have a shortened Life Expectancy with more likelihood of frequent and more serious debilitating illnesses!
I've got my ivermectin and am proud to identify as a horse!
Good question. This article speaks of combining ivermectin with fenbendazole but provides no protocol, it gives no clue whatsoever to what you should do or not do. Also it says 'wrote Sid Belzberg' without proving any link or other helpful information.
See the Substack titled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name). It provides case studies & dosage recommendations. They do not sell anything....just provide information.
Dear 2nd,
I read your Substack regularly & am deeply appreciative of how you are trying to share the valuable information about lvermectin & Fenbendazole. This has the potential to save many, many lives. Thank-you.
I have replied individually to the commenters below who have inquired about dosage recommendations.
But also want to share with all reading today's comments that there is a wonderful Substack tiled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name) which provides case studies & dosage protocol. They sell nothing....just give information. They also discuss Joe Tippin's successful cure of his cancer diagnosis.
Again, thank-you for all you are doing to spread the word.
I’ve just put my husband on his protocol. Praying for good results. The big Pharma treatment scares me to death. Also, rereading Chris Beat Cancer.
Here's a link to Dr Marik's webinar on treating cancer as a metabolic disease vs genetic. What we're doing now isn't working so well on a lot of cancers. Dr Seified also mentions menbendazole as way to hinder fermentation of cancer cells.
The main website is FLCCC.net
Other approaches may be of interest too-Methylene Blue, aspirin, baking soda. Dr Sircus for the latter. Mark Sloan, End all Disease for MB. Blessings!
& apricot seeds, Laetrile...
Bitter apricot seeds, but yes!
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) too!
Wishing all the best for your husband!
Hi Laurie, I tried to find the article you referenced on IVM and FBZ. I cannot find it. Would you please put a link to the article?
You mean this?
Consider adding Artemisinin!
Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer:
Can someone help me figure out how to take the protocol. I’ve bought both and can’t figure out what to do. Plz help. Make with sudden onset of joint and inflammation issues, no. Vaxed but heavily shed on at work
did you ever find out dosage? I need to know as well. Thank you!
Here’s what I decided to do:
FenBen 222mg a day - During day with an oil or meal
Iver - At night
Some people do everyday and some rotate 4 days FenBen - 3 days Iver
I Also added:
Citrus Juice blend: 4 oranges, 4 Grapefruits, 4 Lemons - recipe from Danny’s Dirt Road Discussions
Next: From Karl’s research: Hydrogen Peroxide (couple drops) wait 30 minutes
Then: Sodium Citrate
Then: Charcoal
This routine pulls the nano from body, breaks it up so you can pass it and charcoal gives it something to bind to in order to exit body
I have lost 14 pounds due to killing the parasites, I do not have that intense physical cell swelling, can move easier with not much pain in comparison to before and definitely do not have brain fog or low energy anymore.
Because of 2nd Smartest posting what he does and the info regarding the cancers and inflammation, arthritis, I felt awakened and empowered to help myself climb out of the physical pain and confusion downward spiral.
I am so grateful to 2nd Smartest, Karl, Matt, Dr Ana, Dr Nixon, etc, this community and platform where they published their findings.
Thank you 2nd Smartest for opening my eyes and heart to know someone out there in internet land cares about other humans and wants to help.
All of the information combines has given a new chance at life and a new opportunity to fight for life.
Please keep us updated on your progress.
I found this helpful for inflammation/arthritis, especially avoiding dairy products:
@Laurie, would you also provide me with the protocal for both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? I cannot find it, but only the protocol for Fenbendazole + supplements. Thank you.
Though... to me... JMHO... it seems that amount of antibiotics would just destroy your gut biome.
I would substitute Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for the Doxy, empty stomach, no anti-oxidants for an hour before and after.
And personally, I get side effects from berberine. I would substitute Curcumin.
I would also add nicotine, I prefer lozenges to patches or pouches. A daily cigar may suffice, if you are into that. Dr. Bryan Ardis has the poop on nicotine...
Hi, can you please reply to me with dosage? I have the ivermectin and fenbendazole here it arrived a couple days ago. I just ordered that quercetin as well and it will arrive tomorrow. Don't know dosage. Thank you!
Check out Florida Sharkman on Truth Social or X he has a very comprehensive treatment protocol.
I need a good one for PREVENTION only...
Doesn't his protocol involve taking doxycycline every day. An antibiotic? For months?
Not for me...
That sounds like bad advice... as you know... antibiotics will KILL your gut biome...
CDS (see Dr. Kalcker) works better and has a broad range of benefits and will not destroy the gut biome.
I'd add nicotine to the mix too.
Hi Laurie, can you direct me to the protocol? Thank you.
And thank You Laurie!
dosage recommendations for us too Laurie? thank you much!
Thank you
Typed in title and substack and came up with this: https://fenbendazole.substack.com/
My pleasure!!!
In Agape...
YES!!!!! dear sister....YES....
Born Again in 1990..allowed to experience all the false doctrines of the churches for 15 years then led out from it all.....April 2017 the fear of God Almighty came upon me revealed all the filth and spoke to me-'stop Sinning!'.....
It currently is a lonely walk, the narrow path..but there is no other way I would have it....!
Much Agape....
lol...We left the 501c3 system when the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, I am not your cosmic bell hop. Most (not all) local churches were and still are into the health and wealth prosperity gospel or the Jesus is love and nothing more...IOW an adulterated gospel.
A form of godliness but denying the power thereof.
The Holy Spirit will bear inner witness and tell you that you are born again. Wife and I are being lead into spiritual warfare and deliverance. We are babes in this and face daily tests of our faith and just today experienced a miracle during a short 5 minute praise and worship of Father Yahuah Elohim.....
To encourage you, I was led to study John 15. How to Abide in Him. two nights four hours later I'm at verse 9. Ha...it is so awesome....to dig our those nuggets of Godly gold!
may the Most High bless you abundantly with His presence peace and joy, in Jesus name.
Much Agape.....
Nothing louder and more pompous that a new "convert".
Live your "faith" for a few years... quietly... then speak (if you must)
Amen dear sister...Amen...!
look up John of New. https://www.youtube.com/@johnofnew
It looks like banning comments, may come back to bite you, I.E. promoting
unapproved remedys & thinking!
Its All Parasites Cancer Vaxxines Remedies Dr Lee Merritt Karen Kingston:
"The Cure for All Diseases: With Many Case Histories," by Hulda Regehr Clark:
I remember reading decades ago of an old doctor who thought all cancers were caused by parasites; and you can imagine how he was derided in the press
Good stuff, but 2 years old... if both gals were correct... would we not have seen far more deaths already? I don't get the expanding "cycles" either, if we are constantly infected with new parasites via shedding, chem-trails, food, water, whatever...
Kingston is a bit hysterical... she claimed that Malone was trying to have her murdered and went into hiding for a while...
I think Ardis; snake venom theory is likely correct, he backs it up well in his new book.
BUT... I am taking both Ivm and Fenben, different days, each 2X/month and taking other stuff too, pretty much daily. I am not jabbed.
Yes, I remember you're not jabbed. Me neither. The path so may of us are following goes through quite a minefield. I tend to think that the cabal/cult's covid op has not been nearly as successful as they had hoped. The concern now is their intention to try again, plus Trump's espousal of AI mRNA cancer jabs.
I agree that Ardis seems to stack up well. I also think that George Webb's anthrax hypothesis stacks up well. Unfortunately nearly all his writing is paywalled now though :(
I wish I could find Hulda Clark's book in paperback. Only one I found was on amazon for $88. Is it no longer being published?
Amazon USD23.99: https://www.amazon.com/Cure-All-Diseases-Many-Histories/dp/1890035017/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
It's also available on Kindle. Online PDFs are also available at Scribd and elsewhere.
Thank you for this. I do have the ebook. I found a paperback copy at half-priced book sellers. It was only $12 shipped.LOL
If you do not stop spamming me I will have your website taken down!
The effects of ingesting MRNA is controversal, I don't think there's been a conclusion. Apparently it does not live past stomach acid.
I wouldn't want to chance it; what of people with ulcers, that leave an opening to tissues and blood supply?
Ummm, maybe? For instance, Proton pump drugs like Priolsec decrease gastric pH causing leaky gut and failure to "sterilize" what was gastric contents. This allows bacteria, etc to enter the blood system causing generalized inflammation-not a good idea.
Will mRNA survive this passage?
The MRNA in the shots is actually modifiedRNA. Normally MRNA is fragile but these modified
Modified RNA encased in LNPs persist in the body for months, potentially years.
Skin cells live about thirty days, and liver cells die after about eighteen months. Brain and heart cells last a lifetime. The LNPs likely do not persist very long. However, depending on which cell type LNPs invaded, that persistence (of new Spikes creation) may differ by much, as per above.
Just listened to an interview with Mike Yeadon yesterday. To paraphrase, he explained the 30+ years experience he has that includes vaccine designs. He said that once you have a deep understanding of the function of each inclusion in a virus design, you can suss out the intent of the designer, by what they chose to include. So one like covid, that has several mechanisms of harm, was designed to be harmful in several ways. Every mechanism we see now was known prior, and selected for inclusion. Reproductive harm, immune attenuation, turbo cancers, etc.; these are features, not bugs. What they wanted us to suffer with. And remember that Gates wanted it in each and every arm on the planet.
Yes indeed the mRNA spike protein was designed to induce every possible disease. The design was absolutely diabolical.
Indeed. pray without ceasing; our enemy prowls as a lion looking for someone to devour. And we are stalked by his minions in this material world.
One should be able to conclude, as in the days of Noah.
Where all the Nephilim and their genetic manipulation finally brought Elohim's judgment.
We are not far off.
Which is why I share with as many as possible to get into the ARC of the NT.
Abide in Christ (Jn15)
Repent as led by the Holy Spirit
Confess our sins as led by the Holy Spirit.
Our eternity is at stake.
The Blood of Jesus is alive and will by faith wash our food, water and sins away, IF we abide in Him the true Vine.
For those fooled into taking the jab: Psalms 51 the story of the Prophet Nathan telling King David what he did with Bathsheba and Uriah, her husband.
It is the Repentance that brought him back and became the apple of God's eye.
An example we all can follow.
Grace and Peace to all...
Can you possibly send a link to that Dr Yeadon interview? Or who it was with, what channel, etc? Is it a new one? Thank you!
I don't remember that one, it is too long ago, but was coincidentally just watching this one: https://rumble.com/v39wgwb-rofim-international-mega-event-have-you-stopped-trusting-yet.html
Dr Yeadon starts at 1:18:00 with his bio, 1:46:00 begins explaining spike, the design bit is in that section; by 2:14:00 he is on to the climate hoax
Referring to Gates. Did the people who believe in depopulation actually get the real jab?
we have heard many reports of the staff at pharma and gov't being given waivers and/or saline injections
Including his own?
Perfect timing! I am a breast cancer patient with a recurrence who just started metronomic ("low dose") chemo, along with HBOT, hyperthermia and my supplement cocktail of Ivermectin, Mebendazole, Quercetin, Berberine, Melatonin, etc., etc. I'd encourage everyone to read up on high dose Melatonin as well (google Doris Loh). Another book that I found really interesting is Surviving Terminal Cancer by Ben Williams. The message from all of these authors is that, if you don't direct your own treatment, Big Pharma is likely to kill you. I'm currently living in Mexico so I can obtain the treatment I want - my healthcare team in Canada refused me the opportunity to try for a full cure rather than palliative for life, and apparently even though my tax dollars pay their wages, they have no duty to assist me in pursuing non-toxic, life-saving treatment.
Yes here in Canada Trudope is pulling Natural Health products from shelves!
Keep us posted! I admire your strength in advocating for what is best. I wish you well and will pray for you. Many people just don’t have this knowledge or ability. My brother has a rare type of cancer that isn’t necessarily deadly, but I think the meds are killing him. My mom recently passed away from turbo cancer but was a seven year survivor of CLL. Unvaxxed but possibly the result of past chemo? This substack is life giving. Wish I new this a little sooner. I’m hoping to set my brother on a healthier path! Be well!
Thank you, I am always very grateful for prayers. Unfortunately the vast majority of cancer patients believe their doctors when they give them their voodoo prognosis. I'm not sure why I never listen to my Canadian oncologist - probably because I don't like her ... and because she is a multi-jabbed, masked lemming!!! Haha. So sorry for the loss of your mother and hopefully you can help your brother work toward health. I'm a big believer in turkey tail mushrooms, low dose naltrexone and IV vitamin C , along with vitamin D, strength training and meditation, to boost the immune system. And low dose chemo, which is available in Mexico and certain parts of the US. My bloodwork after 3 months of low dose chemo plus Iver/Meb/Fenben/LDN/etc. is better than it has been since I was first diagnosed in 2018. Hoping this means that my immune system if finally onboard with me!!! Good luck to all of us in this crazy battle against evil.
I know someone who is taking Fenben and some vitamins/herbs for colon cancer. He had a colon blockage, they did a biopsy, and some of the cells showed cancer. He has had more tests since then, and they show NO cancer. At all. FYI, the tests happened after he started taken Fenben.
However, he has gone to two oncologists, who have told him that having negative tests don't matter; he HAS to get chemo. Even if it appears he does not have cancer.
Also... he keeps trying to ask them what test they will use to show him he no longer has cancer. For whatever reason, they will not answer that question.
Vasculare endothelial Growth Factor is the test. Lots of literature from many sources. I will attempt to grab the best summary: "VEGF also plays a role in cancer growth. Cancers need an ample blood supply. As a tumor grows larger, its cells need more oxygen from the blood. The cancer encourages new blood vessels to grow to supply it with more blood and oxygen. Most tumors show higher levels of VEGF. Sometimes higher levels mean a lower chance of survival. In addition, VEGF may be important in the spread of cancer to other places within your body. Certain cancer treatments target VEGF. This test may be used to tell how well the treatments are working." Me again, There's a corresponding test that measures inflammation relative to tumors with the idea being that an optimal amount of inflammation is theraputic, necessary for healing.it's called TNF Highly Sensitive. Lab Corp and Quest both will run the tests.
Hello, can you possibly give any insight about how someone living in the states might be able to move to Mexico? Did you move their from US? Is it complicated to make the move? How do I know which areas, towns or cities are safe for single woman? I’m not “dosed” so is that required? Is a passport required? I do not speak Spanish, how to overcome language barriers? Thank you 🙏
Living in Mexico has no problems other than living in your native country , but leave your US ideas about how things has to be done behind , learn a little bit Spanish and you will be fine, i live in Mexico a long time, build a house a while ago, if you own property and have a steady income you can apply for as resident permanente , that give you the same rights as a Mexican but you are excluded from politics and your property will be in a bank trust if your property is 50 Km from the coast or 100 Km from the border, but it is your property fully titled
Great information. Thank you Peter.
If you need more info do not hesitate to ask, by the way i,am a native Dutchman but traveled the USA extensively many years ago
Ahh, you’re living the dream! 😊 World travel sounds so liberating. I have rarely traveled beyond southeastern USA, so I’m not even sure where to start with a serious look at relocating to Mexico. I assume a passport is on the short list of first things to do. Then perhaps plan a short visit? Hopefully they do not require vaccinations to enter Mexico?
I write this in full respect .
Living outside the US need an understanding that NOBODY will hold your hand, you are on your own and have to figure things out special in Mexico.
So you know how to use a PC /laptop , you can get the information about passport ( YOU need a passport ) and vaccination easy on the internet, that would be a good first step to find your own way and forget that playing by ear thing .
About locations , what do you prefer , at the coast or mountains ? full tourist area or little tourist area, i do not recommend for you living deep into Mexico the first 5 a 10 years
I,am living 1 mile from the Pacific coast 800 miles south of the border.
I have traveled a LOT trough the world in my live , due work and extended vacations.
Money wise, you need at least $2000 a month if you rent for a good live, bit depending where you live and your demands, less is possible but 1500 is the bare minimum ( my opinion )
I can tell you a lot about healthcare and the plus and minus and if you keep you US insurance or not , the regular healthcare is cheap meds are cheap and even operations are in comparing with the US cheap and from top quality if you know the way
Once again, excellent information. Very helpful and appreciated. Keep the info flowing as it comes to you anything more that is important to share. I appreciate your insights more than you might know. Thank you Peter.
I have exactly the same questions, would love to hear back how it is to live in Mexico
best thing to do is go to whatever areas/towns interest you and spend some time there. Understanding there is a difference between living in another country/place and being a visitor. I spent three years in Copan Ruinas, Honduras as an expat, along with about two or three more years total time off and on in Mexico central and south america.
You still have problems as an expat, they are just different problems. most of the expats in Copan had a screw or two loose. I suppose we did too. There are many people who say how great Mexico is. I never had a bad experience there, except for some very clear hate for gringos in Northern Mexico. but if they want to sell you something, I'd be careful.
Thank you. Great information!
I should add that we came back to el norte during the dog and pony show Nov 2008. There is a whole industry for gullible gringos with stars in their eyes about living in Latin America. So beware.
As far as legal status, we just made the visa run every 90 days. In Mexico the visa run is every 180 days. For the first year or so that meant the Honduran border 12 km away. Honduran immigration would stamp your passport with another 90 days. I would just take a tuk tuk / Moto taxi. After that I had to go to Belize, Mexico or Guatemala and return to Honduras for another 90 days. That was when NAFTA kicked in. Just to give you an idea about how things work in Latin america, after awhile a service sprang up, they would collect your passport and for a few bucks get you stamped in for another 90 days. When I took a vehicle down to get my wife (she caught dengue) crossing the border at Brownsville, a Mexican told me everything is for sale in Mexico.
I don't know about the cartels but probably best to be wary. Understand that as a gringo you are a potential target for scams and the like or worse. I could speak passable Spanish but there were many gringos who couldn't speak a word. The general advice is go there for six months before you burn any bridges.
That's really good to know. I've never been to Mexico, but I've heard good things about living there. I'm mainly interested in being in a smaller town, not a large tourist town.
Wonderfull, but stop being to much an American
How do you like living in Mexico?
I like it; however I didn't realize that the Mexicans are having the same problems with the younger generation and their inability to think critically. We had thought we would retire here, but now I'm not so sure since they seem to be in the same situation as Canada. (Winter weather is better, of course - but right now it's oppressively hot in Cancun.)
Thanks, that's good to know. I had thought that the young people in Mexico were more aware of the situation.
No, I've spoken to 2 doctors here who both say that the world is getting dumber, and the next generation is clueless. I had thought the same thing, and had hoped it would be harder for the globalists to get to these kids, so it's a bit depressing!!! I think TikTok and Instagram has created a generation of superficial narcissists. Not sure how to fix that!!! On the plus side, my oncologist is not vaccinated - that wouldn't happen in Canada!!!
That's great that your oncologist is not vaxed. I bet he's glad he didn't get it. I've heard that the smaller towns and rural areas in Mexico are not as indoctrinated, but not sure if it's true.
Danjee, how are you doing on the protocol? I hope by now you're healed and doing very well. 🙏
I have breast cancer too, triple negative, but read too many opposing views on treatments because of the type. So confused. Be well.
Thank you, I am doing well although still dealing with a few pesky lymph nodes that don't seem to want to cooperate (or maybe they are just doing their job and protecting the rest of my body? Hard to know). I'm sorry about your diagnosis, I hear you on the confusion re treatment protocols although there are some very promising Pubmed studies on triple negative responses involving keto, hyperthermia, hyperbaric and chemo if you are interested in reading them. I'm also really into high dose melatonin right now, but think I need to up my dose and take more frequently in order to have an effect. Good luck - this diagnosis is not for the faint of heart.
Thank you. No it isn't for the faint of heart. Yes, I'm looking into hyperthermia this week. I was all for Keto then read a study that fat (as in from meat) drives triple neg. Then I read from people that juice that it cured them, then more Keto people, then Issiac tea cured them, bought the tea, then a study that the tea caused BC in mice. I'm going crazy! I'm still leaning on the Keto diet because ketosis makes the most sense.
Anyway, all the best to you! 🙏
A case study
Thank you, Paulie.
I have yet to start this because I was reading about liver damage and also IVM might be as effective. Plus, I don't seem to have an active tumor since chemo. Not sure what to do. I appreciate your reply with this though.
Fantastic info. I have been using quercetin with turmeric to chelate iron, which is a big cause of cancer and so many other issues with aging. . BUT you need peperine to activate turmeric and the quer/tum/pep supplements all contain bromelain.
You probably know this - the FLCCC doctors have protocols for prevention and treatment of the virus. It includes ivermectin and quercetin, but warns not to take them at the same time. Take IVM in the morning and Quercetin at lunch.
Dr Hulda Clark published a book called "Cure for all Diseases" and the another after that one called "Cure for all Cancers!" I used her material to heal from end stage breast cancer alone with no modern medical torture. She had 30 years of research in her books, and it was on the relationship between parasites and ALL DISEASES! This was in 1998 that I began using her detox methods. She had to flee to Mexico to actually assist people in healing in a clinical setting. She returned to her home in Canada, and they put her in jail where she died shortly after that.
How about Raw Goat Milk?
Is the allergy a Lactose related one? I cannot tolerate much milk but wouldn't say I'm allergic. Just sensitive to the lactose. I believe a lot of the problem stems from A-1 vs A-2 protein in cattle (aside from the obvious pasteurization/homogenization).
I haven't tried raw milk (either cow or goat) yet. Hope to go to an Amish farm one day soon to try it out. Good luck!
If you
start getting raw
regularly, I suggest doing as the pioneers and pirates did. Put a silver (actual silver) spoon or coin in it to ward off bacteria setting in as quickly. Or use colloidal silver, 10-30pm. No need for higher ppm— ever. Think silt, not confetti. Silt gets into books & crannies
Excellent! Speaking of whey, I've been trying to source an organic whey-based protein powder. It was almost non-existent years ago on the regular marketplaces (Amazon). Maybe the Amish will have some nowadays.
Is there any recommended/established doses for IVM w FenBen?
See the Substack titled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name). They provide case studies & dosage recommendations. They don't sell anything....just provide information.
You can also check fenbendozole.org.
Tippen protocol recommends 222mg per day.
The liver is a key detoxification organ and not surprised at that discovery. I believe NAC should be added to key protective agents! Why else would there be a FDA pronouncement that NAC should be Rx. It’s all about controlling your health for profit!
NAC drives cancer. I first learned that from a Naturopath, then read studies.
Who wrote the studies? NAC is a presursor to glutathione that is an essential amino acid for ALL living cells. You bought the kool aid in my opinion!
This was probably on Pub Med, plus two other medical professionals said it. I can't find the paper on it now. I'll post it when I find it. It was for active cancer, not prevention. I'm not in medicine, so can't tell you anymore than that.
They spin the cancer protocols to push the chemo! US uses about 6 x the chemo versus Europe with similar outcomes!
Here's an excerpt. I'll link the study after. That's Interesting about Europe vs. US. I know about our Big Pharma and it's disgusting.
The study I'm linking has many scenarios because there are too many variables... Genetics, stage, type, etc. I think it's similar to why Ex smokers and smokers can get cancer from Beta Carotine. Like I said, I'm no doctor.
[86]. The role of ROS in cancer was suggested to be context dependent, as ROS, NRF2, and antioxidants promote or prevent tumor formation or progression [87].
Antioxidants may decrease oxidative damage in metastatic cancer cells, leading to their proliferation [[88], [89], [90]]. Due to its antioxidant mechanism, NAC may also accelerate the progression of some cancer growth.
Menben=Fenben, different brand names, target groups and pricing strategies
Thank you. 👍
Sorry.. not my expertise! The oncologist have a chemo cookbook and use a treatment of their decision making based on what’s in the chemo cookbook!
Absolve them self from liability!
That’s all I know.
Just like most doctors. 😁 My Oncologist will have nothing to do with a conversation not in that book.
That’s what I’m using right now for prostate cancer. The doctor laughed at me, but my PSA came down from 44 to 10 and now is at 2.7 All my other numbers look very good…
Now all we need is some FENBENDAZOLE to maximise our IVERMECTIN doses, as this seems to be the best 'combo' to maximise ivermectin effectiveness before they release the next virus they've modified with 'Gain of Function' Bio-Weapon technology!
Why do Big Pharma dictate NO LIABILITY for their medicines? This should have been the first question to ask before accepting new, experimental injections. Then find an honest Pharmacist and ask how safe & effective Covid injections really are! It's depopulation medicine in my opinion!
Too late now, you've all been Genetically Modified! At best you'll just have a shortened Life Expectancy with more likelihood of frequent and more serious debilitating illnesses!
I've got my ivermectin and am proud to identify as a horse!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
What is the Ivermectin and Fenbendaz protocol to combat and prevent cancer? What’s is the recommended dosage and frequency? Thanks!
Good question. This article speaks of combining ivermectin with fenbendazole but provides no protocol, it gives no clue whatsoever to what you should do or not do. Also it says 'wrote Sid Belzberg' without proving any link or other helpful information.
I’ve been using panacurC for eight months. Four days on three days off. No side effects.
Of course there are no side effects. PetDazole is a far better value.
According to FLCCC protocol Ivm and quercetin should not be taken together. Take one in the morning and the other at lunch.
Thanks 2nd. Sshh too! You must never ever say that these medications cure anything. Think of our bottom line. We must keep on making Ob$cene Profit$.
Where can more information be found on how much and how often one should consume? ( Trying to avoid certain words)😑
See the Substack titled "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer " (l believe that's the correct name). It provides case studies & dosage recommendations. They do not sell anything....just provide information.
You can also check fenbendozole.org.