But it ends with a nice big happy face—look how fun total technocratic surveillance is!

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Certainly the reeducation camps will be no less enjoyable than a trip to Disneyland.

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Robbing people just got so much easier!

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Coming to a city near you. 😳

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This face could so easily turn its smile upside down if it decides it doesn't like you!!!! So don't get conned, behind such gimmicks is not to be trusted.

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Already in use at the border crossing from Tijuana to San Diego. I've used it twice. The thing about crossing borders legally is, if you're a US citizen, who wants to get all political at a border? Not me.

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FWIW, and already profoundly obvious to many, the two meter’ apart rule must be key key to the success of this switch to facial recognition surveillance. Big signage in nz prompting this compliance. Too easy for them to progress from here.

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I’m not stepping stone Mr Gubermint!

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Are we China yet? Looks like we are headed that way.

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twitter poster/preview is showing black now, clicking it is not opening on my machine.

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