2SG--why do you think it will be impossible to steal another election? Whats been done to secure these elections? I havent heard of any changes. They still have mail in ballots and the ability to harvest votes.
2SG--why do you think it will be impossible to steal another election? Whats been done to secure these elections? I havent heard of any changes. They still have mail in ballots and the ability to harvest votes.
Some states have made changes to inhibit fraud. Other states, like the one I live in, have passed legislation to enshrine voter fraud. The Constitution grants the power to the appointment of presidential electors solely to each state legislature. In the 2020 presidential election state government officials usurped power from their legislature and changed the method of selection of electors. When, as in my state, one political party has become entrenched and subsequently enshrined election fraud, it becomes an insurmountable obstacle to affect change.
Jack, you must be in California like me. You are correct about them enshrining one party rule.
The Voters Choice Act was the second worse decision ever voted into law. (If it truly was voted in and not cheated in). The first worse decision was allowing only top two candidates to be on the ballot.
Now we have illegals auto enrollment to vote, incarcerated vote drives and homeless able to register at cross streets. We have no push back from any opposing party. It’s infuriating.
The best hope for the future of California is a total economic collapse that could finally open the eyes of Dem voters as they lose everything. I'm a California native and still here and I'm actually hoping for the collapse.
Massachusetts ... it’s at the point where the corruption makes it’s near impossible to run against a democrat. Back in 2000 I had a chance meeting with the Constitutional Party candidate for President. I asked him if I would be able to vote for him in MA. He said to me his name will be on the ballot in 49 states, but not MA. He went on to say he had gathered way over the number of required signatures to be on the ballot but the Secretary of State, William Galvin, kept giving lame excuses why he wouldn’t allow the name on the ballot. Galvin is still the Secretary of State and is still using the same tactics. Rayla Campbell attempted to run for Congress in 2020. Galvin using the same lame excuses kept her off the ballot.
I'd state, it would be more difficult. Numerous states, despite failing to hear cases and discarding evidence of voter machine tampering, got rid of their machines.
Many States have changed harvesting laws. Measures that took place during the 'pandemic' would be harder without a major worldwide distraction.
More people are aware or the issues surrounding election integrity, and will be less inclined to leave an area or allow it to transpire (at least undocumented).
Despite changes made, be assured they’ll try to find some way to “win” this election! They can always “postpone” the election due to some event they orchestrate, but the more likely scenario is to make all voting by mail due to the horrible deadly outbreak of Disease X (just look at what they’ve been planning at Davos! They always tell you their plans ahead of time, we just don’t listen). Oh, they’ll cheat, even if it’s just taking Trump out and installing a UniParty neocon like Niki in his place! We need to be prepared for anything because they are NOT going to give up their power easily and will do ANYTHING to keep it!
I recently attempted to answer the question of when would they attempt a 'Disease X' 'pandemic.' I examined 12 past scenarios, a more recent pandemic simulation (tabletop exercise), as well as looking at WHO IHR voting timeline, Rand reports, global initiatives, and other lines of evidence.
Although 2024 is a possibility, I'd wager it wouldn't take place until late 2025.
For more, these two posts cover the above in depth:
2SG--why do you think it will be impossible to steal another election? Whats been done to secure these elections? I havent heard of any changes. They still have mail in ballots and the ability to harvest votes.
Some states have made changes to inhibit fraud. Other states, like the one I live in, have passed legislation to enshrine voter fraud. The Constitution grants the power to the appointment of presidential electors solely to each state legislature. In the 2020 presidential election state government officials usurped power from their legislature and changed the method of selection of electors. When, as in my state, one political party has become entrenched and subsequently enshrined election fraud, it becomes an insurmountable obstacle to affect change.
Jack, you must be in California like me. You are correct about them enshrining one party rule.
The Voters Choice Act was the second worse decision ever voted into law. (If it truly was voted in and not cheated in). The first worse decision was allowing only top two candidates to be on the ballot.
Now we have illegals auto enrollment to vote, incarcerated vote drives and homeless able to register at cross streets. We have no push back from any opposing party. It’s infuriating.
The best hope for the future of California is a total economic collapse that could finally open the eyes of Dem voters as they lose everything. I'm a California native and still here and I'm actually hoping for the collapse.
Massachusetts ... it’s at the point where the corruption makes it’s near impossible to run against a democrat. Back in 2000 I had a chance meeting with the Constitutional Party candidate for President. I asked him if I would be able to vote for him in MA. He said to me his name will be on the ballot in 49 states, but not MA. He went on to say he had gathered way over the number of required signatures to be on the ballot but the Secretary of State, William Galvin, kept giving lame excuses why he wouldn’t allow the name on the ballot. Galvin is still the Secretary of State and is still using the same tactics. Rayla Campbell attempted to run for Congress in 2020. Galvin using the same lame excuses kept her off the ballot.
I'd state, it would be more difficult. Numerous states, despite failing to hear cases and discarding evidence of voter machine tampering, got rid of their machines.
Many States have changed harvesting laws. Measures that took place during the 'pandemic' would be harder without a major worldwide distraction.
More people are aware or the issues surrounding election integrity, and will be less inclined to leave an area or allow it to transpire (at least undocumented).
Good to know. I hope youre right.
Despite changes made, be assured they’ll try to find some way to “win” this election! They can always “postpone” the election due to some event they orchestrate, but the more likely scenario is to make all voting by mail due to the horrible deadly outbreak of Disease X (just look at what they’ve been planning at Davos! They always tell you their plans ahead of time, we just don’t listen). Oh, they’ll cheat, even if it’s just taking Trump out and installing a UniParty neocon like Niki in his place! We need to be prepared for anything because they are NOT going to give up their power easily and will do ANYTHING to keep it!
I recently attempted to answer the question of when would they attempt a 'Disease X' 'pandemic.' I examined 12 past scenarios, a more recent pandemic simulation (tabletop exercise), as well as looking at WHO IHR voting timeline, Rand reports, global initiatives, and other lines of evidence.
Although 2024 is a possibility, I'd wager it wouldn't take place until late 2025.
For more, these two posts cover the above in depth:
Isn't that what you Cousins acquired your enviable Second amendment for, to prevent events like the 2020 election fraud from happening?
the 2020 election fraud is a pre cursor not a cause at this time.