how about moving as many decisions as possible from the legislative branch to referendum of the people? with a strong central constitution that limits sociopathic power grabs, shouldn't individual communities determine nuts-and-bolts issues, whether we want the baseball stadium or the new road?

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That is actually implicit in States Rights.

The key is to strip Federal gov to its most basic and essential limited function.

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Sounds all good, but it gets complicated.

#2: Income tax can be fully replaced with Sales Tax, and states that manage to survive on that only show the appropriate percentage.

#3: Inheritance tax is not necessarily bad, assuming it's after assets that are worth, say, a thousand times more than anyone would need in life. The question is, how was all that wealth accumulated. Most of such wealth comes from ripping the taxpayer off and enjoying lucrative government contracts that generate multiple times of honest profit.

#4 is spurious at best, it needs a more detailed explanation. When would one become an "emigrant" and by what standards? Who is a "rebel" and who is going to decide on such matters?

#5: The Fed is the largest criminal scheme in the history of the world, so terminating it would be essential. This country (the world, too) can be saved only if people have their own currency.

#6: "Free market" only allows the biggest bully to rule over the schoolyard and once that happens, the country will be back exactly where it is now: owned by cartels and monopolies.

#7: Depends on the "government." Allowing private enterprises to rob people from their natural resources is not exactly nice. Consider how spring water is exploited all over the country, while people would need better potable water.

#8: Corporate armies must also be outlawed. As long as corporate campaign contributions are legally considered "free speech," corporations are legal entities possessing the right to bear arms, too.

#9: So, how can all the previous restrictions/rules can be implemented, if the government has no power? How can it be stopped, if it has THAT MUCH power? Obviously, no government must be allowed to muzzle, "test," and inject citizens. The one that attempt to do it, is illegitimate...

#10: It is, indeed, unfair to use property taxes for public schools. The problem is that parents need a babysitting place for their children. How else can the adults make money? Even daycare is prohibitively expensive for poor people, especially single parents. Woke ideologies that are against common sense must be definitely expelled from any form of education.

As for over-sexing and over-stimulation, popular culture and the drug trade (mostly controlled by existing agencies) would be nice to harness.

$1: I am all for allodial titles, I would probably limit land/asset ownership to the point that nobody could get above upper middle class. Anything above that only accumulates to cartels and generates monopolies that kill off everything mid-sized or smaller.

How can the country to be competitive in that case? It doesn't have to, if a Mercantilist approach is assumed.

1. Would you like to have over-privileged morons to own 99% of land, especially arable land, only because they can outbid everyone else?

2. Would you like foreigners to take over America?


And it goes on and on and on...




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Parents wouldn't need school to be a babysitter if their income wasn't stolen by income tax! There wouldn't be a need to have to two person income household.

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Yesssss this is how people need to start seeing this tax scam and make the correct connections.

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But do you think this is really going to happen?

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Get some sunshine, take a walk without your phone, don't be a blackpill doomer lol

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Inheritance tax is nothing but pure theft! If money was made illegally this should have been stopped as it was happening.

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Most money made illegally is due to unconstitutional "laws".

All tax is pure theft.

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The fact that we have lawmakers is absurd. We have more than enough laws already and we have idiots constantly making up new ones.

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They are a side show, disputing if a man can get pregnant.

Making fun of the American people.

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Not if the property was stolen itself... Think about the farmers destroyed by geoengineering or the 10k heads of cattle in KS killed with DEWs. The lands have been bought up by Kill Gates and the like for pennies on the dollar. Wouldn't it be even better to prevent such transactions?

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Inheritance tax is the wrong means to reclaim stolen property. Civil lawsuits are the right means.

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I couldn't agree more, but the big guys will never be prosecuted. I personally believe that full and fair justice can never be done in this world, so even aiming at it is a futile attempt.

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No foreign ownership of land or entire industries.

Yes...good points above all of them.

Where is the gold we need for an asset backed currency? Can it be distributed to the states? Or should it be? should it be audited?

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The country has been hijacked for a long time:


How would it be possible to find a balance between the people's power and the necessary evil (according to Tom Payne), "government"? If it's too large, the people are crewed. If it's too small, who is going to defend the country against foreign invasion or even against a large criminal organization? (Not that it's being protected now, but it's a good question.)

Stability is worth more than gold. Someone has to protect the gold reserves, wouldn't you say?

The current setup is criminal and it only breeds more crime. If people want to survive, they might as well prepare for going back the to beginning of the 19th century. That's not going to work well for 19 out of 20 (and I'm being optimistic here), but otherwise, even more will perish.



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I have been advocating for DECENTRALIZATION of many things for ages; education, agriculture, finance, governance, monetary system, energy, MSM... etc. Diversity means diversity of thought, options and solutions. This is how we gain strength through unity, through DIFFERENCES, not through centralized/monopolized control (decreased solutions via consolidated controllers)

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5. End the Fed and decentralize credit in the hands of willy nilly private banks with no exclusive monopoly on capital. They can variously issue nonfractional certificates redeemable in precious metal bullion, commodities and securities defined and regulated by the several States.

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Be careful about nullifying all of the 14 th Amendment. Some of 14A strengthens individual rights protection and those clauses should be selectively retained.

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