COVID and “climate change” are the twin pillars of the technocommunist Great Reset power grab. They work off of each other as deliberately programmed by the behavioral psychologists in ramping up societal mass induced fear.
There was never any pandemic as per actual data (global death rate 2020 was identical to 2018 and 2019 at 0.76%), and CO2 is a vital gas for life on earth that is currently far too low at 421ppm nor does it impact weather in any scientifically provable way.
I briefly went on Twitter just now and did five retweets:

These five retweets may seem unrelated, but they are inextricably linked; to wit:
They represent completely manufactured psyops with zero scientific basis
They depict the threat of State violence
They represent illegitimate taxation
They all by design end in inflation and economic collapse
They all infringe on both natural rights and constitutional law in their respective nations
They all express the UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, CFR, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofit” foundations, et al. antihuman agendas
They are all profound reminders that the One World Government and their wholly captured “sovereign” governments waging full spectrum soft wars against their populations, like the illegitimate Federal government operating out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C., must be offered total nonviolent noncompliance
They all prove that governments and their apparatchiks want you dead.
These five retweets are the exact same agenda with varying flavors of State violence. They are overt admissions of the cabal’s endgame which is the ubiquitous social credit score system, and never-ending slow kill bioweapon injections that genetically modify the posthuman slaves while herding them into ever more dystopian smart cities to be depopulated at the whims of the technocrats lording over the remnants of society.
Do NOT comply.
when will the insanity be over? Every day I hear someone noddingly say "because climate change" with regard to essentially anything happening in the world. I feel that their minds are entirely taken over and can never be recovered. I'm thinking they never paid attention in elementary school to the lessons about the weather.
I know we were propagandized back then, but at least (I think) we were taught more accurate science than what is taught today.
As long as they can pretend that nobody "important" disagrees with them, regular people will pretend to support this insanity. This creates a vicious cycle of manufactured consensus and preference falsification.