Fantastic, really enjoyed that, depressing though it was. Funnily enough, I subscribe to FranceSoir, the only mainstream publication I know that has consistently challenged the fake narrative. I'm in SW France as I write this. It is bright and sunny, with a chilly breeze, and yet I see brainwashed citizens walking around, cycling even, dutifully wearing masks. A youth rugby game I hoped to attend this afternoon, held *outside*, is restricted to those having the 'vaxx pass'. The French president uses fake science as a weapon to literally 'piss off' the unvaccinated. Breathtaking stuff.
An excess of virtue can have very severe consequences for one's own health and, as we've seen above, for the health of the whole community. And this ain't going to go away any time soon.
I fully believed one year ago my own friends and family would be the first to “good German” me for my objection. Things are slowly changing with sobering reality of vax fail but not fast enough..
The same has dawned on me over the last few months– that this surreal reality is exactly how it happened back then. Incrementally tightening restrictions plus random decrees to move the goalposts.
In school we learned so much of what had happened in those days with the implicit assurance that it could never happen again, certain that people would immediately recognize propaganda for what it is this time around.
When I was young teen in the mid 1970s an elderly neighbor, a German American retired engineer, spoke of his path in life that brought him to the USA for college education and adventure in the 1930s. He left his home in Germany during the early 30s and returned to his home town several years later only to hastily beat a path back to USA. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing in the attitudes of his relatives and friends. He felt he could speak freely of his observations. He discovered how wrong he was. But the most mystifying thing was encountering the strenuousness with which people identified with the propaganda. He implored them to open their eyes to reality that seemed so obvious to what he had learned he’d become– an outsider.
So he didn’t merely leave home again– he was virtually driven out with a vengeance. Most of his friends and family never spoke to him again with few exceptions, but only after the war. He could never bring himself to visit Germany again.
I had nearly forgotten that long ago conversation until now. So this is how it happens. The litany after an exceedingly gentle nudge– “There’s nothing I can do so why worry.” “You’re a real downer.” “You’re crazy.” “Oh so they’re all lying, yeah right” “My doctor’s the best and says….“ “Shut up.“
They fall into two general camps. The frightened; and the sanctimonious self congratulators who allow themselves to be rewarded by their betters. The former I guess I can understand. The latter perpetuate all the trouble in the world.
Now I can’t help but observe individuals I know with the uncomfortable sense of what side of history each of them is falling on. And to what they will either acquiesce or turn a blind eye. It haunts me.
the last 2 years has been an eye opening experience and I've often thought of people I've known and strangers I've met as 'oh your a good German'
great insight here, thankyou
the hospitals are a fucking disgrace and i hope we reach a point with more trials and proper laws put in place instead of a code that has been ignored by governments and agencies
Yes, and I have been sitting on a post I wrote interviewing NYC RN working in covid wing bc i was asked not to post for now -- the hospital fraud is godawful.
The crime of refusing medical treatment to the Cyprus boy is disgusting.
We don't desecrate our bodies with vaccines and masks.
Prime Minister Trudeau is a Bolshevik communist, not a Nazi and the confusion there just could be fear of being accused of anti-semitism.
The current pandemic is contrived as there is no real virus or disease and the intention is solely to bring about global tyranny.
The "Good German" like most ordinary folks is a subject of powerful propaganda, is weak and afraid of standing against tyranny but otherwise a kind man. Why call out the Germans when the same occurs in every land ? Are we conditioned to do so?
As a very young teen, I discovered The Diary of Anne Frank. I read Holocaust literature throughout my teen years and wondered how people could sit idly by and allow such abominations to occur to neighbors, friends, co-workers, and even family members. Now I know. The onslaught of propaganda over the last two years has programmed the low information American and has transformed millions into mindless robots who believe all the psy-op narrative. As a professional with four college degrees, it is even more disconcerting to see so many similarly educated colleagues fall for the lies without asking one dissenting question. Most people I know submitted to the jab. A few have died of it and many have been sick from it. It amazes me how I and my spouse were able to find plenty of information to educate us since March 2020 that informed our decision not to submit to being lab rats. I have been amazed at how mindlessly stupid - or willing to believe the lies without question- so many people are. I gave people more credit. Seeing the compliance and robotic repetition is disappointing.
I don’t know what the future holds but it doesn’t look good. Being close to retirement I think about escaping our very blue state and finding some lesser controlling environment to live out the rest of our years. That may be a fantasy and a delusion. I surely hope not.
Thank you for such an enlightening article. It is a shame none if my adult children would consider reading it. The last two years has destroyed family and friend relationships, most likely permanent. We are truly on our own.
I will NEVER comply. One common thread of my life has been to question authority. At one point, that put me on the Left but I woke up in 2016 and have never looked back with regret over that decision to shift my perspective. We are all now choosing with whom to associate and the shortage of moving trucks on the Left Coast is clear evidence of a national migration to places folks find more copacetic policies and people.
I hope you are right about my kids, but the youngest will be 40 on Monday. She is raising her daughter to think she has two fathers, even though this child was nursed until age four by her mother. The programming of children started before I was born but it became much worse in the 1980’s. My ex fought me for custody in 1985 and won due to having the financial ability to outspend me.
They may now be considered 'good Global citizens' as per title irrespective of nationality, which is the crucial point: the Cult has turned this mass induced hypochondria psychosis global and updated jews to uninjected.
Fantastic, really enjoyed that, depressing though it was. Funnily enough, I subscribe to FranceSoir, the only mainstream publication I know that has consistently challenged the fake narrative. I'm in SW France as I write this. It is bright and sunny, with a chilly breeze, and yet I see brainwashed citizens walking around, cycling even, dutifully wearing masks. A youth rugby game I hoped to attend this afternoon, held *outside*, is restricted to those having the 'vaxx pass'. The French president uses fake science as a weapon to literally 'piss off' the unvaccinated. Breathtaking stuff.
An excess of virtue can have very severe consequences for one's own health and, as we've seen above, for the health of the whole community. And this ain't going to go away any time soon.
Thank you for your comment. SW France is beautiful, and i would love to visit again when the passports are terminated, if ever.
I fully believed one year ago my own friends and family would be the first to “good German” me for my objection. Things are slowly changing with sobering reality of vax fail but not fast enough..
The same has dawned on me over the last few months– that this surreal reality is exactly how it happened back then. Incrementally tightening restrictions plus random decrees to move the goalposts.
In school we learned so much of what had happened in those days with the implicit assurance that it could never happen again, certain that people would immediately recognize propaganda for what it is this time around.
When I was young teen in the mid 1970s an elderly neighbor, a German American retired engineer, spoke of his path in life that brought him to the USA for college education and adventure in the 1930s. He left his home in Germany during the early 30s and returned to his home town several years later only to hastily beat a path back to USA. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing in the attitudes of his relatives and friends. He felt he could speak freely of his observations. He discovered how wrong he was. But the most mystifying thing was encountering the strenuousness with which people identified with the propaganda. He implored them to open their eyes to reality that seemed so obvious to what he had learned he’d become– an outsider.
So he didn’t merely leave home again– he was virtually driven out with a vengeance. Most of his friends and family never spoke to him again with few exceptions, but only after the war. He could never bring himself to visit Germany again.
I had nearly forgotten that long ago conversation until now. So this is how it happens. The litany after an exceedingly gentle nudge– “There’s nothing I can do so why worry.” “You’re a real downer.” “You’re crazy.” “Oh so they’re all lying, yeah right” “My doctor’s the best and says….“ “Shut up.“
They fall into two general camps. The frightened; and the sanctimonious self congratulators who allow themselves to be rewarded by their betters. The former I guess I can understand. The latter perpetuate all the trouble in the world.
Now I can’t help but observe individuals I know with the uncomfortable sense of what side of history each of them is falling on. And to what they will either acquiesce or turn a blind eye. It haunts me.
now more than ever it is vital to find like-minded people......
Sung to the tune of: IT'S MY PARTY AND I'LL CRY IF I WANT TO
It's my Party, and I'll believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
You'd believe too, if it was your Party too
Nobody knows where my critical thinking has gone
Common sense left the same time
They both left hand in hand
Who cares this Party is mine
It's my Party, and I'll believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
You'd believe too, if it was your Party too
Read the newspapers, listened to CNN all night
It gave me a reason to smile
Cause my Party's the Party for me
We're gonna win in awhile
It's my Party, and I'll believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
You'd believe too, if it was your Party too
Leaders of the Party poster on my door
They look like a queen and a king
I have no problem believing their lies
It's my Party I'll believe anything
It's my Party, and I'll believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
Believe lies if I want to
You'd believe too, if it was your Party too.
We need to update your monicker to the Mad Professor ;)
Thank you. Your best.
Thank you very much. And since my posts are all done in great haste, i cleaned up the typos (i think) and edited it a touch.
the last 2 years has been an eye opening experience and I've often thought of people I've known and strangers I've met as 'oh your a good German'
great insight here, thankyou
the hospitals are a fucking disgrace and i hope we reach a point with more trials and proper laws put in place instead of a code that has been ignored by governments and agencies
Yes, and I have been sitting on a post I wrote interviewing NYC RN working in covid wing bc i was asked not to post for now -- the hospital fraud is godawful.
Top 10 lunatics to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity:
Bill Gates - Very sad about his jabs
Wonderful article.
The crime of refusing medical treatment to the Cyprus boy is disgusting.
We don't desecrate our bodies with vaccines and masks.
Prime Minister Trudeau is a Bolshevik communist, not a Nazi and the confusion there just could be fear of being accused of anti-semitism.
The current pandemic is contrived as there is no real virus or disease and the intention is solely to bring about global tyranny.
The "Good German" like most ordinary folks is a subject of powerful propaganda, is weak and afraid of standing against tyranny but otherwise a kind man. Why call out the Germans when the same occurs in every land ? Are we conditioned to do so?
As a very young teen, I discovered The Diary of Anne Frank. I read Holocaust literature throughout my teen years and wondered how people could sit idly by and allow such abominations to occur to neighbors, friends, co-workers, and even family members. Now I know. The onslaught of propaganda over the last two years has programmed the low information American and has transformed millions into mindless robots who believe all the psy-op narrative. As a professional with four college degrees, it is even more disconcerting to see so many similarly educated colleagues fall for the lies without asking one dissenting question. Most people I know submitted to the jab. A few have died of it and many have been sick from it. It amazes me how I and my spouse were able to find plenty of information to educate us since March 2020 that informed our decision not to submit to being lab rats. I have been amazed at how mindlessly stupid - or willing to believe the lies without question- so many people are. I gave people more credit. Seeing the compliance and robotic repetition is disappointing.
I don’t know what the future holds but it doesn’t look good. Being close to retirement I think about escaping our very blue state and finding some lesser controlling environment to live out the rest of our years. That may be a fantasy and a delusion. I surely hope not.
Thank you for such an enlightening article. It is a shame none if my adult children would consider reading it. The last two years has destroyed family and friend relationships, most likely permanent. We are truly on our own.
I suspect at some stage later in life your children may just come around. in meantime, do NOT comply and build with like-minded free thinkers.
I will NEVER comply. One common thread of my life has been to question authority. At one point, that put me on the Left but I woke up in 2016 and have never looked back with regret over that decision to shift my perspective. We are all now choosing with whom to associate and the shortage of moving trucks on the Left Coast is clear evidence of a national migration to places folks find more copacetic policies and people.
Great article!
I hope you are right about my kids, but the youngest will be 40 on Monday. She is raising her daughter to think she has two fathers, even though this child was nursed until age four by her mother. The programming of children started before I was born but it became much worse in the 1980’s. My ex fought me for custody in 1985 and won due to having the financial ability to outspend me.
They may now be considered 'good Global citizens' as per title irrespective of nationality, which is the crucial point: the Cult has turned this mass induced hypochondria psychosis global and updated jews to uninjected.
I simply wrote the intro for Filipe Rafaeli's brilliant column. He deserves all the kudos.