Eating insects for a large portion of your diet will create auto-immune disease. Chitin is more allergenic than gluten. Insects are dirty little things, full of pathogens. It won't catch on.

Anyway, there is an out of control economic disaster heading our way, people wont have the choice of meat, or insects, it will be whatever they can get, mostly tinned crap and boiled rice, and then deciding which government building to trash before raiding a supermarket.

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I read a few years ago already that fried roaches are for sale in CA. But I don't see it catch on either. Everyone here is aaargh when we see one !

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Plus, vegans won't touch them.

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Next they are going to tell us that we just need to drink one cup of diarrhea a day to be healthy.

Also, I just saw that Novak Djokovic won’t be allowed to play in the US Open because we don’t allow the unvaccinated to enter this country. We are the stupidest country and we deserve to go down in flames. There is no stopping the decline!

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And it’s gonna be manufactured roach milk and not the roach milk we all grew up on!

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As long as it's organic and non GMO we'll be good

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probably gates is already drinking it. He looks terrible, almost like a roach

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I will not eat crickets or worms or cockroach anything.

These people are having a great laugh at our expense.

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Pretty sure they (WEF and their stooges) won't be eating that insect crap.

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Billy made sure breast milk would be toxic too! Lucky for BioMILQ

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I can’t wait to see the remaining maskers walking around with their cockroach milk and cricket burgers. Soy came into the American diet in 1999 and look at all the carnage that it has caused. The same characters that benefit financially have made sure it has invaded every aspect of the food supply. Most young men today have a fraction of the testosterone they should. But they still go to Starbucks and pay additional for their soy milk. I’ve never used baby formula but w/the shortage I saw the ingredients are all soy, corn oil, gmo junk you would never want to feed a baby. It has been decades of sick twisted behavior for financial gain and to further control the population.

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Well let's let Klaus and Gates to do the milking. That should tie them up for a while. Time to grow a flock on all those insect grubs. We will be bartering in olives and piano lessons. Hone your skills. "Will lawyer for steak."

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How does one milk a cockroach? I had no idea they were mammals. It must be really hard to get at the udders.

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Apparently other research shows that insect based 'food' is actually toxic and also insects carry parasites that degrade health. Disgusting stuff.

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Gaslighting: telling lies to confuse and demoralize

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Even if it was truly nutritious and not harmful/poisonous to humans in any way, it must be such a miniscule amount. To farm insects does not seem to be any better than farming cattle, no matter from what angle I try to look at it.

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Ant eaters have no teeth, we don't have the biology required to eat bugs. Cattle, like their non domesticated ancestors (bison) are ruminants that work the land effectively to prevent soil erosion. They are not ruining the planet with their hooves or farts as Gates would have us believe.

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I think you are probably correct as it all consumes energy and feed.

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They're definitely going to come up with a better name. Nobody's going to knowingly drink cockroach milk.

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Why oh why don't these psychos just cut to the chase and try to kill us all without trying to make us healthy with nutritious bug food first?

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milk is for babies, to fatten them up, not for adults unless you want to be a moob gates soy boy

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We can avoid this WHOLE BS WORLD AND FUTURE.

We need to change our timeline PRONTO by getting aligned back with our Natural Coordinates for a future that evolves Humanity and the Planet together as it is supposed to be--consciously and spiritually...otherwise we continue on in this disgusting dystopian future where they kill and destroy us all and our Planet. Spread the Vision: http://pppway.net/#Vision

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