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Except that the District of Columbia is a foreign nation where an illegitimate Federal government wages a full spectrum soft war against We the People.
The irony of Washington, D.C. being the most violent hotspot in America is that this district as per the Founding Fathers is not a state of the union.
The foreign nation of Washington, D.C. reports nearly 1,000 cases of violent crime per 100,000 people.
The foreign nation of Washington, D.C. also happens to have the most draconian anti-2A gun laws in America, and yet it has the most guns per capita with the highest police seizures:
Do you really believe that The Powers That Be are unable to secure Washington, D.C. and make it safe for its residents? They can send hundreds of billions of dollars stolen via taxes to Ukraine, but they can't fix the violence problem in Washington, D.C.?
Do you really think that the tent cities that have cropped up all over Washington, D.C. in direct view of the White House are somehow accidental?
No, this is all on purpose, and just like taxation this is all deliberate social engineering.
As a non-resident alien of Washington, D.C. no American residing in the 50 states owes a single cent of taxes to the illegitimate Federal government; to wit:
They are mocking you from the criminal capital of the disunited States of America.
They are laundering the money they stole from you via other foreign nations like Ukraine back into the foreign nation of Washington, D.C.
They are puppets of the One World Government that are slowly demoralizing you as their privately owned central bank and privately owned IRS steal from you via unconstitutional “income” taxes and stealth taxes in the form of inflation and anti-free market centrally planned interest rates all while injecting you with a slow kill bioweapon.
Do NOT comply.
D.C., Baltimore , California, Detroit, Chicongo, Philthydelphia, Portland, Seattle: all models for what they want the rest of the country to become.
Yes, and what happens to people who don't comply by not paying the income tax? How do we get ourselves out of this mess?