During C0VID, I would go shopping in an area that was very conservative and rural adjacent. I wouldn't wear my mask. Most people did, a few did not. I never got hassled. The few times I got bothered by in (in liberal areas), I simply walked out of the store.
If you call living under Satan's rule, "living." God told us how to live good, forever!
Non-compliance doesn't have to be violent.
During C0VID, I would go shopping in an area that was very conservative and rural adjacent. I wouldn't wear my mask. Most people did, a few did not. I never got hassled. The few times I got bothered by in (in liberal areas), I simply walked out of the store.
Non-violent non-compliance.
I didn’t suggest violence! So why did you bring that up? Did you just walk out of hospitals or your bank in forcing face dippers?
You sound angry.
I guess to the "Evil" truth sounds angry! BUT if you could just know the truth, you could be free from that Evil, that you idintify as!