During C0VID, I would go shopping in an area that was very conservative and rural adjacent. I wouldn't wear my mask. Most people did, a few did not. I never got hassled. The few times I got bothered by in (in liberal areas), I simply walked out of the store.
When a country falls into rule of men rather than rule of law, the first thing it does as a matter of lawmaking is to strip the natural rights of people, such as defined in our Bill of Rights, in order that abuses of individual sovereignty can take place under cover of “law.” Thus laws become arbitrary and capricious and the natural checks on power, found primarily in the right to speak freely and the right to informed consent, give way to unabridged power and the subjugation of the people. The sovereignty of the individual should be inviolate and never subject to emergency decrees; this is a point in government we haven’t fully grasped.
If you can, try to find out information from your local law enforcement/ sheriff. We are in a semi- rural area, and our sheriff has already said he's not playing along with gun confiscation.
That being said, we are in as gun friendly area in a red state.
In Dec 2022, Rand Paul and Cory Booker sponsored and passed a law that new pharmaceutical drugs are no longer required to go through animal testing before moving on to human trials. All the cats and ferrets in the mRNA trials DIED, but the proceeded on to humans anyway. They knew what they were doing. I know this is somewhat controversial and I'm a huge animal lover but geez!
He conducted multiple Senate hearings exposing C-19 shot injuries. Fabulous testimonies from both experts and victims. Don’t see how he can be characterized as pharma friendly….
It ought to work well with the AI "doctors" that are coming, too. We saw how well their "modeling" works with how-ever-many-gazillion were supposed to "die from covid" and how well AI works with the black and Chinese 1930s Nazis and 1800s Native Indian congressmen in full headdress. Shouldn't be any problems at all! 🙄🤪😒
Note to self: Avoid EVERYTHING remotely "medical/pharmaceutical"; continue to learn herbal/natural cures and remedies.
From my observations of those I come into contact with on a daily basis, Americans have gotten too fat, too lazy, too complacent and too ignorant to react to much of what is happening unless and.or until, it knocks them upside of the head. Sad but true.
My favorite quote altho this minority is exhausted from beating my head against walls for years. I was born in Cuba and have seen Communism growing here and people just don't take it seriously until they are personally affected by it.
Our globohomo overlords look at the great unwashed masses, billions of people consuming without true productivity (even in the U.S. only 2% of the population farm at this point and a small percent are in manufacturing and tech -- everyone else is in a service or paper shuffling/make work job) and they are asking: what do we do with these people? Sure, they might roll out a UBI and continue slowly poisoning the population (with obesity, fentanyl, propaganda to turn their minds to mush, etc) as they've been doing, but it looks like they finally seized on their idea: use the billions of people in giant medial experiments and find what works so the tiny ultra-elites can have life extension therapy. Humans have become livestock.
This was always the goal for "human subjects". Yet, this subjugation is also the goal for patients, persons, individuals, or citizens... How and why? Tricking us out of free will by allowing us to assume we are one of these words.
Let's break this down: It is, and always was about free will and voluntarily participating through word magic.
Man and woman - aka mankind. The creation of the Creator - seed of consciousness, one level below creation - living soul. All other words above are NOT one of mankind.
All other terms are labels that we voluntarily "subject" ourselves to a lower status. So, if you think you are a "human, human being, patient, person, individual, or citizen", then feel free to let those legal codes, rules, acts, procedures, and statutes apply to you. Your choice.
Now, let's look at definitions shall we?
"Person" only exists in the English language. i have a close friend who speaks 6 languages fluently and a wife who speaks another language. Person does not exist in Creole, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, or Russian. There are attempts to describe the word through phrases. However, it is a non living thing. We actually made it a bit of a game the other day and could not come p with a true direct translated word that meant what we think it means in the other languages.
• 26 USC 7701 (a) (1) Person The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. ["notice how individual is included in this definition?"]
• A person is: “a variety of entities other than human beings.” Church of Scientology v U.S. Department of Justice, 612 F2d 417 (1979) at pg 418.
“…foreigners, not citizens…” United States v Otherson. 480 F Supp. 1369 (1979) at pg 1373.
“ ‘in common usage, the term ‘person’ does not include the sovereign, [and] statutes employing the [word] are normally construed to exclude it.’ Wilson v Omaha Tribe, 442 US653 667, 61 L. Ed 2d 153, 99 S Ct 2529 (1979) (quoting United States v Cooper Corp. 312 US 600, 604, 83 L. Ed 1071, 61 S Ct 742 (1941) See also United States v Mine Workers, 330 US 258, 273, 91 L. Ed 884. 67 S Ct 677 (1947)” Will v Michigan State Police, 491 US 58, 105 L. Ed. 2d 45, 109 S Ct 2304.
“a sovereign is not a person in a legal sense” In re Fox, 52 N.Y. 535, II Am. Rep. 751. U.S. v Fox, 94 U.S. 315, 241, Ed, 192
There is also the definition in Black's Law Dictionary that clearly has a "person" defined as anything BUT a man or woman.
As noted above - individual is included in the person definition. This word "individual" in other languages relates to inanimate objects or things. Yet, in English we assume it has something to so with us. But if we look at Maxim of Law Ejusdem Generis, we see that "individual" is of the same kind as the rest of the list in 26 USC and makes it a thing, aka a person.
• MAXIM OF LAW - Ejusdem Generis (eh-youse-dem generous) v adj. Latin for “of the same kind,” used to interpret loosely written statutes. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same kind of persons or things specifically listed. Example: if a law refers to automobiles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and other motor-powered vehicles, “vehicles” would not include airplanes, since the list was of land-based transportation.
• Based on ejusdem generis Person and individual is a fictitious entity as in the rest of the list in 26 USC 7701.
How about "citizen"?
• "The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship." Jones v Temmer. 89 F. Supp 1226
• "A citizen of the United States is a citizen (14th amendment citizen) of the federal government ..." Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
The word "citizen" presumes duties and responsibilities to a government. And, if it has "ship" at the end, it is presumed to be sea jurisdiction.
How about "human" or "human being"?
Hu(e)-man - a shade of man or color-of man. Color-of-law applies to the color of man.
Human being - “sea monster” - Ballentine’s Law Dictionary [“sea jurisdiction”]
Monster - a human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal
Human - belonging or relative to man [“notice, not actually a man”] as distinguished from the Creator or superhuman beings - color of man
Starting to see the picture? All the words used above and in the government legal codes, rules, acts, statutes, and procedures ALL relate to things that are less than man or woman.
It is all voluntary. If you do not meet the definition, it does not apply to you. However, if you believe you are one of those THINGS, then by all means, by very scared. You have just volunteered to be a subject in their great experiment.
A few more words to think about:
Live - “evil” backwards
Children - chill [“cold”] + dren [“a strong healthy individual”] = an individual who must be made cold
Childhood - a “hood” is used to cloak and hide - cold and hidden
Parents - pair who rents
Born - Bare a child = Barren = unfaithful, bleak, and lifeless
Spelling - spell casting
This may all seem silly at first - but what is more silly? Believing you are something that you are actually not, and then subjecting yourself to the lies and evil games based on that misplaced belief, or starting over with your understanding of the words that enslave you?
After all, it is harder to believe what is true than to continue to believe a lie you have been told your entire life.
If listening to podcasts is of interest, Jennifer Goodwin does a decent job of summarizing, including a testimony from the Director of the IRS stating three times in the recorded hearing that we live in a system of taxation that is voluntary. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OgmGqQccRKsdn1zqaua6b
Another good reference - besides the actual forms, codes, and definitions, is the book "Fruit From a Poisonous Tree" by Melvin Stamper. He covers the general history of the IRS in its various forms ["available at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0595524966?psc=1&language=en_US"]. He includes the statute and code references as well that you can look up that confirm precisely what "2nd Smartest Guy..." clearly summarizes and articulates.
There is also a volume of case law ["largely Statutes at Large"] that clearly show the differences between the federal "citizen of the United States" ["body politic"] and a "Citizen" of one of the several states ["geographically defined"].
State-of-State and STATE-OF-STATE governments are one of the 50 body politic States referenced in this article as they are corporate entities established after the civil war and do not follow the Republican form of government delegate model defined in the letters, congressional notes, and actual 1787 Constitution ["ratified in 1789"]. Qualified voting ["qualified elector through a 14th amendment citizen of the United States"] is a whole additional captured "resident" trickery that is facilitated at the State ["STATE-of"] and County ["COUNTY-of"] corporate level.
There is another rabbit hole regarding property taxes as well. Again, it is volunteering to be a "resident" and hence a "tenant" or to be subjected to "tenancy". All mortgage and title paperwork, when transferring, has an affidavit signing location that has the signature being signed under penalty of perjury attesting to being a "resident". As such the local government, and thus the "resident" definition opens the volunteering of your property to the "State/STATE". This is well managed through color of title trickery by facilitation of false mortgages and banks who loan false money and become a third party joint title holder. But, if it is understood you are a man or woman and not a slave, you can ask who is the other man or woman who claims higher vested interest in your property.
As in the Godless Sodom Gomorra, [Hell on earth] times and Roam's Caligula [playing god] times, one can easily see, historically, what Godless, immoral corruption can do to a nation and world! BUT with God Jesus's help you won’t have to spend you next eternal life in that corruption and Satan's Hell! This short life is only a test, it’s the next one that counts! As once big time atheist Lee Strobel’s, “The Case for Christ” You-Tube tells us! Check it out!
Is that why you can't post a lucid counter argument, because all you learned in Godless Lib's dumb-down school is spelling & grammar? Come on, try taking apart my point!
Greater surveillance, slow removal of rights, dehumanization, destroying once great civilization through death by a thousand cuts.... this is what you do if your goal is to enslave and exterminate.
"It is inconceivable that just 77 years after Nuremberg, the door has once again opened for state-sanctioned medical experimentation on potentially uninformed and unwilling citizens."
Given that it's actually happening, perhaps "inconceivable" is not the best word choice.
Mass resistance / non-compliance or you will live on your knees in perpetuity.
Don't compromise . Organize !
If you call living under Satan's rule, "living." God told us how to live good, forever!
Non-compliance doesn't have to be violent.
During C0VID, I would go shopping in an area that was very conservative and rural adjacent. I wouldn't wear my mask. Most people did, a few did not. I never got hassled. The few times I got bothered by in (in liberal areas), I simply walked out of the store.
Non-violent non-compliance.
I didn’t suggest violence! So why did you bring that up? Did you just walk out of hospitals or your bank in forcing face dippers?
You sound angry.
I guess to the "Evil" truth sounds angry! BUT if you could just know the truth, you could be free from that Evil, that you idintify as!
When a country falls into rule of men rather than rule of law, the first thing it does as a matter of lawmaking is to strip the natural rights of people, such as defined in our Bill of Rights, in order that abuses of individual sovereignty can take place under cover of “law.” Thus laws become arbitrary and capricious and the natural checks on power, found primarily in the right to speak freely and the right to informed consent, give way to unabridged power and the subjugation of the people. The sovereignty of the individual should be inviolate and never subject to emergency decrees; this is a point in government we haven’t fully grasped.
If you can, try to find out information from your local law enforcement/ sheriff. We are in a semi- rural area, and our sheriff has already said he's not playing along with gun confiscation.
That being said, we are in as gun friendly area in a red state.
Yes, we also live in a gun-friendly red state. Woe to he who tries to remove personal guns from Texans.
Nothing will.ever convince me that the state is not my enemy.
wow. time to learn how to set a bone & stitch up a wound.
Maybe start be not taking immune system destroying, disease promoting, toxic heavy metal laced jabs!
hah! that goes without saying!
In Dec 2022, Rand Paul and Cory Booker sponsored and passed a law that new pharmaceutical drugs are no longer required to go through animal testing before moving on to human trials. All the cats and ferrets in the mRNA trials DIED, but the proceeded on to humans anyway. They knew what they were doing. I know this is somewhat controversial and I'm a huge animal lover but geez!
Could you please tell how to find this? I thought R. Paul was against Big P.! Thanks.
I read that Rand Paul’s wife invested in remdesivir in early 2020. Notice he never says anything bad about the vax, just Fauci.
Rand Paul and his father are Free Masons . No sense to vote .
Great point on Fauci! And “run-for-the-door” oh no! Horrible med.
He conducted multiple Senate hearings exposing C-19 shot injuries. Fabulous testimonies from both experts and victims. Don’t see how he can be characterized as pharma friendly….
It's easy to understand Why, the rats & ferrets refused new drugs, till they were first tested on humans! Don't you know, animals have Rights!
Yes, that was the study (ferrets that all died) that sealed my decision I would NOT get the jab!!
They are also talking about using "AI" to create modeled faux clinical trial patients, so they don't have to use real people.
I wish that surprised me but it doesn't.
It ought to work well with the AI "doctors" that are coming, too. We saw how well their "modeling" works with how-ever-many-gazillion were supposed to "die from covid" and how well AI works with the black and Chinese 1930s Nazis and 1800s Native Indian congressmen in full headdress. Shouldn't be any problems at all! 🙄🤪😒
Note to self: Avoid EVERYTHING remotely "medical/pharmaceutical"; continue to learn herbal/natural cures and remedies.
He has risen!!!
He has risen indeed, alleluia, alleluia!
From my observations of those I come into contact with on a daily basis, Americans have gotten too fat, too lazy, too complacent and too ignorant to react to much of what is happening unless and.or until, it knocks them upside of the head. Sad but true.
“It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
― Samuel Adams
BTW, Your efforts are priceless and I want to thank you. I share pretty much everything you post and hope some people are learning from it.
My favorite quote altho this minority is exhausted from beating my head against walls for years. I was born in Cuba and have seen Communism growing here and people just don't take it seriously until they are personally affected by it.
Our globohomo overlords look at the great unwashed masses, billions of people consuming without true productivity (even in the U.S. only 2% of the population farm at this point and a small percent are in manufacturing and tech -- everyone else is in a service or paper shuffling/make work job) and they are asking: what do we do with these people? Sure, they might roll out a UBI and continue slowly poisoning the population (with obesity, fentanyl, propaganda to turn their minds to mush, etc) as they've been doing, but it looks like they finally seized on their idea: use the billions of people in giant medial experiments and find what works so the tiny ultra-elites can have life extension therapy. Humans have become livestock.
Only offering total nonviolent noncompliance to the illegitimate Federal government and its unconstitutional agencies….
Nice thought, we may be moving past that.
Excellent post. Wow!
This was always the goal for "human subjects". Yet, this subjugation is also the goal for patients, persons, individuals, or citizens... How and why? Tricking us out of free will by allowing us to assume we are one of these words.
Let's break this down: It is, and always was about free will and voluntarily participating through word magic.
Man and woman - aka mankind. The creation of the Creator - seed of consciousness, one level below creation - living soul. All other words above are NOT one of mankind.
All other terms are labels that we voluntarily "subject" ourselves to a lower status. So, if you think you are a "human, human being, patient, person, individual, or citizen", then feel free to let those legal codes, rules, acts, procedures, and statutes apply to you. Your choice.
Now, let's look at definitions shall we?
"Person" only exists in the English language. i have a close friend who speaks 6 languages fluently and a wife who speaks another language. Person does not exist in Creole, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, or Russian. There are attempts to describe the word through phrases. However, it is a non living thing. We actually made it a bit of a game the other day and could not come p with a true direct translated word that meant what we think it means in the other languages.
• 26 USC 7701 (a) (1) Person The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. ["notice how individual is included in this definition?"]
• A person is: “a variety of entities other than human beings.” Church of Scientology v U.S. Department of Justice, 612 F2d 417 (1979) at pg 418.
“…foreigners, not citizens…” United States v Otherson. 480 F Supp. 1369 (1979) at pg 1373.
“ ‘in common usage, the term ‘person’ does not include the sovereign, [and] statutes employing the [word] are normally construed to exclude it.’ Wilson v Omaha Tribe, 442 US653 667, 61 L. Ed 2d 153, 99 S Ct 2529 (1979) (quoting United States v Cooper Corp. 312 US 600, 604, 83 L. Ed 1071, 61 S Ct 742 (1941) See also United States v Mine Workers, 330 US 258, 273, 91 L. Ed 884. 67 S Ct 677 (1947)” Will v Michigan State Police, 491 US 58, 105 L. Ed. 2d 45, 109 S Ct 2304.
“a sovereign is not a person in a legal sense” In re Fox, 52 N.Y. 535, II Am. Rep. 751. U.S. v Fox, 94 U.S. 315, 241, Ed, 192
There is also the definition in Black's Law Dictionary that clearly has a "person" defined as anything BUT a man or woman.
As noted above - individual is included in the person definition. This word "individual" in other languages relates to inanimate objects or things. Yet, in English we assume it has something to so with us. But if we look at Maxim of Law Ejusdem Generis, we see that "individual" is of the same kind as the rest of the list in 26 USC and makes it a thing, aka a person.
• MAXIM OF LAW - Ejusdem Generis (eh-youse-dem generous) v adj. Latin for “of the same kind,” used to interpret loosely written statutes. Where a law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general statements only apply to the same kind of persons or things specifically listed. Example: if a law refers to automobiles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and other motor-powered vehicles, “vehicles” would not include airplanes, since the list was of land-based transportation.
• Based on ejusdem generis Person and individual is a fictitious entity as in the rest of the list in 26 USC 7701.
How about "citizen"?
• "The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship." Jones v Temmer. 89 F. Supp 1226
• "A citizen of the United States is a citizen (14th amendment citizen) of the federal government ..." Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
The word "citizen" presumes duties and responsibilities to a government. And, if it has "ship" at the end, it is presumed to be sea jurisdiction.
How about "human" or "human being"?
Hu(e)-man - a shade of man or color-of man. Color-of-law applies to the color of man.
Human being - “sea monster” - Ballentine’s Law Dictionary [“sea jurisdiction”]
Monster - a human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal
Human - belonging or relative to man [“notice, not actually a man”] as distinguished from the Creator or superhuman beings - color of man
Starting to see the picture? All the words used above and in the government legal codes, rules, acts, statutes, and procedures ALL relate to things that are less than man or woman.
It is all voluntary. If you do not meet the definition, it does not apply to you. However, if you believe you are one of those THINGS, then by all means, by very scared. You have just volunteered to be a subject in their great experiment.
A few more words to think about:
Live - “evil” backwards
Children - chill [“cold”] + dren [“a strong healthy individual”] = an individual who must be made cold
Childhood - a “hood” is used to cloak and hide - cold and hidden
Parents - pair who rents
Born - Bare a child = Barren = unfaithful, bleak, and lifeless
Spelling - spell casting
This may all seem silly at first - but what is more silly? Believing you are something that you are actually not, and then subjecting yourself to the lies and evil games based on that misplaced belief, or starting over with your understanding of the words that enslave you?
After all, it is harder to believe what is true than to continue to believe a lie you have been told your entire life.
Which means paying income tax is voluntary...
On the tax forms it explicitly states compliance is "voluntary."
Correct - all forms clearly state "voluntary".
If listening to podcasts is of interest, Jennifer Goodwin does a decent job of summarizing, including a testimony from the Director of the IRS stating three times in the recorded hearing that we live in a system of taxation that is voluntary. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OgmGqQccRKsdn1zqaua6b
Another good reference - besides the actual forms, codes, and definitions, is the book "Fruit From a Poisonous Tree" by Melvin Stamper. He covers the general history of the IRS in its various forms ["available at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0595524966?psc=1&language=en_US"]. He includes the statute and code references as well that you can look up that confirm precisely what "2nd Smartest Guy..." clearly summarizes and articulates.
There is also a volume of case law ["largely Statutes at Large"] that clearly show the differences between the federal "citizen of the United States" ["body politic"] and a "Citizen" of one of the several states ["geographically defined"].
State-of-State and STATE-OF-STATE governments are one of the 50 body politic States referenced in this article as they are corporate entities established after the civil war and do not follow the Republican form of government delegate model defined in the letters, congressional notes, and actual 1787 Constitution ["ratified in 1789"]. Qualified voting ["qualified elector through a 14th amendment citizen of the United States"] is a whole additional captured "resident" trickery that is facilitated at the State ["STATE-of"] and County ["COUNTY-of"] corporate level.
There is another rabbit hole regarding property taxes as well. Again, it is volunteering to be a "resident" and hence a "tenant" or to be subjected to "tenancy". All mortgage and title paperwork, when transferring, has an affidavit signing location that has the signature being signed under penalty of perjury attesting to being a "resident". As such the local government, and thus the "resident" definition opens the volunteering of your property to the "State/STATE". This is well managed through color of title trickery by facilitation of false mortgages and banks who loan false money and become a third party joint title holder. But, if it is understood you are a man or woman and not a slave, you can ask who is the other man or woman who claims higher vested interest in your property.
As in the Godless Sodom Gomorra, [Hell on earth] times and Roam's Caligula [playing god] times, one can easily see, historically, what Godless, immoral corruption can do to a nation and world! BUT with God Jesus's help you won’t have to spend you next eternal life in that corruption and Satan's Hell! This short life is only a test, it’s the next one that counts! As once big time atheist Lee Strobel’s, “The Case for Christ” You-Tube tells us! Check it out!
I’d say you’re a bot, Steve, but they make far fewer spelling and grammar errors.
Is that why you can't post a lucid counter argument, because all you learned in Godless Lib's dumb-down school is spelling & grammar? Come on, try taking apart my point!
Now this was an excellent point and I deserved it! Carry on, Mr. Mitzner.
Greater surveillance, slow removal of rights, dehumanization, destroying once great civilization through death by a thousand cuts.... this is what you do if your goal is to enslave and exterminate.
The article states:
"It is inconceivable that just 77 years after Nuremberg, the door has once again opened for state-sanctioned medical experimentation on potentially uninformed and unwilling citizens."
Given that it's actually happening, perhaps "inconceivable" is not the best word choice.
I wonder what vaxx Robert Malone MD is working on with DARPA or BARDA?