Thank you and shared. I want to make one thing clear ... very clear.

I do not recall where I got the link here, and have no written records allowing me to know where I found it.

In fact, I was never here.

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The "I don't recall" game is usually employed ( on the advice of competent legal counsel) to obfuscate and to delay the glacial speed of an honest legal system.

Repeating " I don't recall' in a deposition is one thing; repeating that pathetic phrase in the presence of a jury is another (especially since so much of Fauci's statements and career legacy have been scrutinized) and is as near to admitting "I'm guilty as F". The "I don't recall crowd" is hoping the prosecution makes a blunder and they walk on a technicality.- Its a risky strat and the peril of perjury is very close-am curious how this turns out but feel Fauci will be surprised when his 'backers' determine he's a liability. All those many years lording his position will likely come to a rapid end.

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Dec 6, 2022
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Remember H1N1 (swine flu) Fauci's, Bird Flu-Fauci's again. He stole HIV=AIDS from a colleague who he had jailed. Then he put it out into the world. Next day, he told about it, but not his involvement.

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This can happen in a wayward and morally vacuous society, and here we are.

Try not to let it drive you mad.

Eternal Father

We beg you to cast down the devils in high places

And replace them with your mighty Archangels

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Justice will not be served upon him by man. Our government is too morally bankrupt for that.

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Excellent article and definitely a keeper to re-read in 2 years when the trusting (and insane) public elects Fauci for President.

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That would never happen, he’ll be too old and have dementia by th...wait...

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His legs aren't soft and hairy.

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Ye knows tooo muuuch!

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Dec 6, 2022
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I have kept up on Fauci and I can’t put into words how much I despise him. The fact he is still a free man is a statement of how far this country has fallen. I seriously don’t know how anyone has hope for turning it all around.

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What I find interesting is that people don’t address Trump’s involvement and that Social Media post were being censored even in 2020. so why does everyone seem to Forget Trump’s involvement and his role in this scandal. Like I have stated many time the powers that be set Biden up to take the fall for OWS when it is Trump stating “I guess you could say I am the Father of the Vaccine” and “I pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed before.” Not to mention this is all directly tied to EO13887 and the shot is the gain of function research, but oh let’s not actually address the truth. It is all a bait and switch.

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This substack coined the term Mister Operation Warp Speed for good reason.

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Trump absolutely knew that DARPA and Moderna had been working on the mRNA jab for years before Operation Warp Speed. He is as bad as the rest of the jab ghouls.

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https://www.amazon.com/Presidential-Takedown-Conspired-Overthrow-President/dp/1510776222 Presidential Takedown: How Anthony Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the WHO Conspired to Overthrow President Trump.

You might be interested in reading this book by Trump's former HHS Advisor, Paul E. Alexander. He has been interviewed on Brownstone Institute and X22 Report as well. He has a substack and is vocal about Fauci and rest.

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x22 is a Qanon idiot channel.

Dr. Alexander has reposted my articles in the past. Too bad he went on x22.

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Trump was played. He couldn't deny or deflect the issue. All politicians are the same on these emergency matters. It was Trumps landing on the moon moment. Trump didn't know Fauci existed before this.

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billy gates got away with the big lies of "I can't recall" and "I don't remember" back in 1998 when on trial for microsoft's unfair business practices against software company competitors. And since billy-boy and frauscum are bff's, it is simply 'do what worked well for me' - this should surprise no one. gates got away with lying - no penalty at all for the crimes that he committed. frauscum expects the same.

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Today is the Georgia Senate Runoff.

Please share with all Georgia voters. Make the most of what we can.

Three take-aways for the Georgia Senate Runoff: Herschel Walker's stand for health freedom contrasts Raphael Warnock's recent "not voting"


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What is a "distortion of the facts? " "A misleading of the facts" according to Websters. So the supposition is not entirely true, but some of it is.

The interrogator had an opportunity to nail the SOB on this. So some of what was said on social media was untrue. What exactly was untrue? What was true?

Fauci is a slippery little devil.

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Why waste precious time and not so precious fiat(fake) money to prove that taxpayer funds went many places illegally to fund and patent a disease that is most likely just as much a lie as anything else coming out a Faustus's or any other official's mouth... He spent our cash to build the poison that's been putin people's arms for 3 years now and him and his partners in crime split up the rest just like every other government (taxpayer) funded wealth harvesting operation including all alphabets. The disease is just as much a fraud as is the cure.

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New. 36 Yr old Vaxxed Pilot Dies Suddenly 60 seconds into takeoff. Dragged from seat and civilian pilot saves plane & passengers. Unrevivable despite two doctors on plane - characteristic of pervasive vax amyloid clotting.

(Good luck finding this in the MSM)

[THE MCCULLOUGH REPORT] New Normal of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the COVID-19 Vaccine Era #theMcculloughReport

https://podcastaddict.com/episode/149557096 via @PodcastAddict

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New. 36 Yr old Vaxxed Pilot Dies Suddenly 60 seconds into takeoff. Dragged from seat and civilian pilot saves plane & passengers. Unrevivable despite two doctors on plane - characteristic of pervasive vax amyloid clotting.

(Good luck finding this in the MSM)

[THE MCCULLOUGH REPORT] New Normal of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the COVID-19 Vaccine Era #theMcculloughReport

https://podcastaddict.com/episode/149557096 via @PodcastAddict

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Reminiscent of Hillary the Benghazi Bitch?

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They lied and fought tooth and nail to keep a proven, lifesaving, incredibly safe therapeutic out of our reach so millions of our loved ones would die and advance their for-profit agenda. That's murder and they should all hang. Damn them all to hell.


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Baby Will ripped from Parents arms!

Ward of the State…

Coming to your home soon no medical rights!


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