These self-hating psychos have been ramping up the genocide talk since the seventies. It's like some Jim Jones millenarian cult with these loonies, based on totally fake Neo-Mathusian 'science' which has conveniently morphed into 'Zero Carbon'. Yep, that's us: carbon.

Every-single-human is vital and needed on this planet. Every single one. And we're going to find the truth of that very soon if these psychos succeed.

What I always say is this: be the change you want to see in this world, so go ahead psychos, put yourselves out of our misery.

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The New Norman Bates

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Unfortunately, this viral quote is partly fiction. I went line by line through the original French and could find no mention of a virus. I did, however, find plenty of damning legitimate quotes and cited them in my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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An absolutely amazing article you've written!

The depraved irony of this quote in particular, "In a socialist logic, to begin with, the problem is as follows: socialist logic is freedom and fundamental freedom is suicide." Of course that fundamental freedom of suicide in a socialist state is enforced at the target age, or socialist reality inversion "logic". Unreal how inane these people are.

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Thanks so much, and it is astonishing how brazen these psychopathic Orwellian “futurists” are! Notice how Attali hasn’t volunteered to enter the Thanatorium himself even though he’s well past the 65-year mark.

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Thank you for your efforts.

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The New Norman bates wants us to Build Back Battered.

But in the end, they will have a Great Regret.

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