I agree, I want to see mass arrests. But realistically, it may be a slow process. Personally, I would want the phony fake "pardons" of Fauci and Cheney voided immediately, and those two put on trial NOW, Fauci for crimes against humanity/murder, and Cheney for treason. Then I want them both to face justice - execution.
I agree, I want to see mass arrests. But realistically, it may be a slow process. Personally, I would want the phony fake "pardons" of Fauci and Cheney voided immediately, and those two put on trial NOW, Fauci for crimes against humanity/murder, and Cheney for treason. Then I want them both to face justice - execution.
Yes, but putting them in prison for life means feeding them 3 meals a day, giving them free medical care/dental care, and they just don't deserve to take another breath for the crimes they committed. We mustn't go full-evil ourselves and do things like torture them to death, should we?
inject them with the equivalent of all the jab issued to children, but to 2x their adult body weight.. let them suffer the side effects.. , then in a couple weeks, pull out the rope
Perhaps a lifetime of what they meted out to the J6 prisoners where they were perfectly happy to send them to prison for as long as 22 years of chroinc mistreatment while imprisoned solitary confinement etc
I say keep them alive in prison - preferably in solitary confinement - for as long as possible, otherwise they'll reincarnate too soon and try again. That's the least we can do for the next generation.
Look, i understand, I voted for Trump. I was sure he was different. The new administration was going to help us. It's clear as day I was wrong though. Trump is just an extension of the powers that be. Just another puppet. Is Trump or any of his team talking about anything that's actually important? Are any of them condemning the mRNA covid vaccines? NO, in fact they are now touting these same killer vaccines as cures to cancer! Please people, wake up!!! There's no such thing as a Democrat or Republican! Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in fact good friends. All of them are! The illusion of choice is NOT REAL! Try to have discernment when you see the next couple of months play out. Try to see every issue they got us all hyped up about, like immigration and boys in girls sports was just a distraction. I'm positive most of the "journalists" on substack most likely including 2nd smartest guy in world are paid actors themselves. This "Alt News" crap might as well be CNN or Fox itself. Please try to see that my fellow citizens. Trump is not a real person. NOT ONE OF THEM ARE!
I agree, I want to see mass arrests. But realistically, it may be a slow process. Personally, I would want the phony fake "pardons" of Fauci and Cheney voided immediately, and those two put on trial NOW, Fauci for crimes against humanity/murder, and Cheney for treason. Then I want them both to face justice - execution.
Execution would get them off too light.
Yes, but putting them in prison for life means feeding them 3 meals a day, giving them free medical care/dental care, and they just don't deserve to take another breath for the crimes they committed. We mustn't go full-evil ourselves and do things like torture them to death, should we?
I’d say a rope neck tie party for all the traitors
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Reportedly there's a bunch of so far unused guillotines sitting around a bunch of Walmart detention camps......
inject them with the equivalent of all the jab issued to children, but to 2x their adult body weight.. let them suffer the side effects.. , then in a couple weeks, pull out the rope
Perhaps a lifetime of what they meted out to the J6 prisoners where they were perfectly happy to send them to prison for as long as 22 years of chroinc mistreatment while imprisoned solitary confinement etc
I say keep them alive in prison - preferably in solitary confinement - for as long as possible, otherwise they'll reincarnate too soon and try again. That's the least we can do for the next generation.
Look, i understand, I voted for Trump. I was sure he was different. The new administration was going to help us. It's clear as day I was wrong though. Trump is just an extension of the powers that be. Just another puppet. Is Trump or any of his team talking about anything that's actually important? Are any of them condemning the mRNA covid vaccines? NO, in fact they are now touting these same killer vaccines as cures to cancer! Please people, wake up!!! There's no such thing as a Democrat or Republican! Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in fact good friends. All of them are! The illusion of choice is NOT REAL! Try to have discernment when you see the next couple of months play out. Try to see every issue they got us all hyped up about, like immigration and boys in girls sports was just a distraction. I'm positive most of the "journalists" on substack most likely including 2nd smartest guy in world are paid actors themselves. This "Alt News" crap might as well be CNN or Fox itself. Please try to see that my fellow citizens. Trump is not a real person. NOT ONE OF THEM ARE!
Ever read The Art of War by Sun Tsu?
Yes, justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. Otherwise justice is itself no more than a pretense/phony/fake.