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They create the crisis, climate change and create sick care not health care and now they need to fix it?????? The richest entity on the face of the earth is the Vatican! They are running this show! The Pope is the man behind the curtain waiting to become the One World leader, yet everyone is looking at China. The Vatican runs the Rothchilds and Rockefellers. Another Dark Ages is coming. The reason this is happening is because people have forgotten the past! We can’t stop this! Normal isn’t coming back, Jesus is!

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The past is not taught. None of the past was passed down.

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Agree! I think over the past 40+ years (probably the last 100) the powers that be were imperceptibly changing our country behind the scenes while everyone was enjoying the pleasures of life. Nobody’s been paying attention. They were dumbing people down through entertainment and the eases of life. Mom’s started letting strangers raise their kids and our whole family unit changed. God was left out and our morals degraded. Now with Covid we realize that while we slept they were wide awake and working out towards our demise. Covid has awakened a sleeping giant but the weapons they’re using are something we can’t even see! God has seen and I believe He is handling this. At some point if you’re a Christian you have to believe this is all coming to an end and we’ve been warned by God. It’s time to wake up and stand on this spiritual battlefield between good and evil. Jesus has already won! We need to fight the good fight of faith.

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Well put ,Friend .

We need to be balancing critical thinking and faith .

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Fight the good fight of faith and, as Jesus encouraged his disciples, don’t tire of petitioning the judge to “avenge us of our adversaries”.

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Meanwhile, new revelations from the lunatic fringe.....

Focus on Falsely: Dedicated Public Servant or the J Edgar Hoover of Public Health? You make the call!

(2 minute read)


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